any bad sleepers who temp?


mama to two
Jul 1, 2014
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i have just started temping and have read as much as i possibly can on Fertility Friend's website, but was wondering what (if anything) people who are poor sleepers do...:huh:

i wake up in the middle of the night, usually several times. my husband gets up anywhere between 4:45-6:00am for work and it's almost impossible not to wake up when he gets up. sometimes i get up with him and start my day, sometimes i just go to the bathroom and then back to bed. either way, i figured 5am would be a good "middle ground" for taking my temp and have set my alarm for that, but i usually wake up a couple times before that, regardless.

so last night i couldn't get to sleep until about 11:45pm and i woke up at 3:30am. i figured i'd take my temp just to see since it had been 3 hours and since 5:00 wasn't 3 hours away. it was 97.0. i got back to sleep at 4:00 and when my alarm went off at 5:00, i took my temp again and also got 97.0.

i checked "sleep deprived" since i was up at night, but the fact that my temp didn't change makes me wonder if my temps aren't that affected by either time and/or the 3 hour rule? or maybe it was just a fluke? should i just temp a few times a night for a while and see if i keep getting similar numbers and then not check "sleep deprived" and take them as good readings? or just keep checking "interrupted" and go with the 5am reading and the open circles?

what do other poor sleepers do?:help:

do you tend to take your temp earlier (or later) so that it's after 3 hours of solid sleep? or do you take it at the exact same time every day even if it's not been 3 hours? which one do you give priority to?

if i am a bad sleeper and check "sleep deprived" every night, i'll always have circles instead of dots...which would then just be the norm for me, but seems like there should be a way to avoid an entire chart of open circles...?:shrug:

bad sleepers unite!:wacko:


updated 5.19.2015

citrus :baby: Jackson born April 2015
eline :bfp:
mintastic :baby: boy born April (May?) 2015
6footnoodle :baby: due June 24th
Jenny Bean :bfp:
jumpingo :baby: due December 2015
mummy2o :angel:

fruitee :coffee:
itsautumn :coffee:

o0oCharlieo0o :bfp:
rainbow2103 :bfp: (from her signature)
mrs.ginger :bfp: (from her signature)

<3 :angel: we will love you always :angel: <3
o0oCharlieo0o 18 Oct 2014 (4 weeks) (from her signature)
jumpingo's babyjump on 8 Dec 2014 (9 weeks)
mummy2o's Daniel Scott Anderson on 24 Dec 2014 (19 weeks)
mummy2o July 2015 (15 weeks)

did i miss anyone?
i know it probably doesn't matter at this point in my cycle (maybe?) but i imagine it's going to be like this every day:dohh:

went to sleep around 12:15am
woke up at 4:00am, temp of 96.8
went back to sleep at 4:20am
woke up to "temp alarm" at 5:00am, 97.0

which one should i use?:shrug:




buehler? :haha:
I would use the first one as you slept the longest time before that.

I also get up a couple of time a night to go to the bathroom and I temp just after I get up in the morning. I've only been temping for one month, but I found that before o my temps are all over the place, but after o I got a very clear temperature raise.

I'm not sure it's a good idea to put an alarm to wake you up at 5am. It sounds like you could really use all the sleep you can get without disturbing yourself deliberately?

I'd try to temp in the morning, see what that gives, or just take your temp the first time you wake up after some hours of sleep.
I would use the first one as you slept the longest time before that.

I also get up a couple of time a night to go to the bathroom and I temp just after I get up in the morning. I've only been temping for one month, but I found that before o my temps are all over the place, but after o I got a very clear temperature raise.

I'm not sure it's a good idea to put an alarm to wake you up at 5am. It sounds like you could really use all the sleep you can get without disturbing yourself deliberately?

I'd try to temp in the morning, see what that gives, or just take your temp the first time you wake up after some hours of sleep.

thanks for replying!!

yeah, i feel like setting a 5am alarm is just hurting already lousy sleep but everything i read says to take it at the same time every day *and* after 3 hours. 5am is my best chance for that, but no where says which one is more important if you can only get one or the other:huh::wacko:

this week, i have been going back to sleep until 8 or 9, so i'm still managing to get sleep overall, but i probably need to make myself go to bed earlier and get my body on my husband's schedule!:roll:

i guess this cycle i'm going to temp if i wake up before 5, but also temp at 5 and see if the numbers end up being completely different or wacky. FF warns that my chart may be hard to analyze and look like the rocky mountains, but it sounds like if the spike is still detectable like yours, it's not such a problem and maybe i can just temp whenever i wake up and get rid of the 5am alarm...? that would be awesome:thumbup:
Jumping o, I agree with eline. Waking yourself up probably isn't going to be healthy for you. I would have thought that even if your waking time varies by a few hours either way, you should still be able to see a pattern. In the week I temp at 6.30 but I never wake up at 6.30 on the weekend. I don't see an alarm. Occasionally I wake up early, temp, then roll back to sleep, but if I don't wake up till 8 I just temp then. It hasn't seemed to make much of a difference to my charts.

On a separate note, I live in the UK and its been really hot here. I am finding the heat is messing with my temp, but oddly, it seems really low! I think it might be because I am not sleeping under the duvet and perhaps because I am not sleeping well. Very annoying though, I do find temping quite frustrating now!
Jumping o, I agree with eline. Waking yourself up probably isn't going to be healthy for you. I would have thought that even if your waking time varies by a few hours either way, you should still be able to see a pattern. In the week I temp at 6.30 but I never wake up at 6.30 on the weekend. I don't see an alarm. Occasionally I wake up early, temp, then roll back to sleep, but if I don't wake up till 8 I just temp then. It hasn't seemed to make much of a difference to my charts.

On a separate note, I live in the UK and its been really hot here. I am finding the heat is messing with my temp, but oddly, it seems really low! I think it might be because I am not sleeping under the duvet and perhaps because I am not sleeping well. Very annoying though, I do find temping quite frustrating now!



i woke up again last night at 4:15 and was still awake at 4:40 so i turned the 5am alarm off:thumbup: i also managed to be asleep by 10:30pm, so hopefully it's the beginning of a better sleep schedule...?

it's gotten hot here in tokyo too. summer in japan is hot and humid. my hair hates it:growlmad: but i get so cold in the winter, so if i had to choose, i think i'd pick summer. actually, all the stores and restaurants on base are kept FREEZING and i actually take a light sweater when we go out to eat, like an old lady or something!:haha: we keep our house at about 24C (75F) which i feel is pretty comfortable and we just have a sheet and a light blanket on our bed. is there something in between a duvet and nothing in england? or just all or nothing?
Over here (central Europe) it's pretty hot too. We have a warm winter duvet, a light summer duvet and at the moment we just sleep under sheets. The warm weather doesn't seem to be messing with my temps though, they are as erratic as I'd expect ;)
I've never had temps this low in 4 months of temping! Grr! They seem to be going down each day! Yeh, we should really just get a sheet or something. Oh well, knowing British weather, the heat wave won't last for long, then I can see what's what. When are you due to o, Jumpingo?
I've never had temps this low in 4 months of temping! Grr! They seem to be going down each day! Yeh, we should really just get a sheet or something. Oh well, knowing British weather, the heat wave won't last for long, then I can see what's what. When are you due to o, Jumpingo?

well, i'm not exactly sure...

this is my first cycle actually paying ANY kind of attention to dates, symptoms, temps, etc. but, my last cycle was 30 days so by default FF tells me my predicted O day is CD17 (7/26). then i added some CM data, and now it's telling me that i'm "probably fertile" and that i "may have ovulated between CD9 and CD11" (today is CD10). my temps are still consistent and low, so am just sorta waiting for them to spike and stay high to know for sure

:sex::coffee::sex: :coffee: and repeat. :rofl:

how about you??
My sleep patterns are strange. I use to wake up around 4 and now they are moving to the 5-5.30 time. I just do it closest to those time and then either get up or go back to bed. I have allergies which wake me up or one of my kids do but hey that's life. FF generally will pick out and ovulation day. Although not sure how as my temps are always spiky and never smooth like examples :S
I'm on CD 14, but don't usually ovulate until CD 19 ish. Also bd-in gas much as possible just incase though! Had a more 'normal' pre-o temp today, so hoping I'll be able to see ovulation when it happens.

How many cycles have you been trying? I'm only on cycle 2, but temped for a few months before that.
My sleep patterns are strange. I use to wake up around 4 and now they are moving to the 5-5.30 time. I just do it closest to those time and then either get up or go back to bed. I have allergies which wake me up or one of my kids do but hey that's life. FF generally will pick out and ovulation day. Although not sure how as my temps are always spiky and never smooth like examples :S

yeah, i have just started taking my temp whenever i wake up, which has been 4 or so for the last couple days. it seems like FF manages even with a couple irregular numbers, which is reassuring:thumbup:

I'm on CD 14, but don't usually ovulate until CD 19 ish. Also bd-ing as much as possible just in case though! Had a more 'normal' pre-o temp today, so hoping I'll be able to see ovulation when it happens.

How many cycles have you been trying? I'm only on cycle 2, but temped for a few months before that.

we just got married in june and stopped using any kind of protection, so last month was just NTNP but i guess it counts as 1? in that month i did a ton of reading, got a thermometer and started charting, so this is our 2nd cycle but first cycle of actively trying.:bodyb: i am anticipating O soon, for some reason, so am just trying to have fun:haha:
Ah so jumping o we are at the same sort of stage. I'll be testing at some point in August, probably be testing early this cycle as got a few events I want to drink at so I want to know either way as early as possible!!! I have a FRER, might buy a few more but it could get expensive :-/

Did you test last month or just wait it out for AF? Hello and good luck to everyone else on this thread too.
Citrusfruit: you could buy some IC I got 30 for £3 so about 10p per test. They are generally pretty good and are the same as the doctor uses. They are pretty sensitive and as they are pink dye they are very unlikely to give a false positive all you might get crazy eye line staring at tests to long!
Thanks mummy to be. I actually just saw some today that are pretty cheap and are as sensitive (apparently) as the FRER I have so may invest! Are you TTC #2?
Not quite. Try 3rd. DS is 7 and DD is 4 months. So I'm going from a big age gap to a close age gap. It took 2 years to conceive DD though hence trying so soon. DS was more of a surprise as I was on the pill at the time. Different days though as DS dad was meant to be just a bit of fun (I was young at the time and wasn't ready to settle) but we had a go and it didn't work.
Ah so jumping o we are at the same sort of stage. I'll be testing at some point in August, probably be testing early this cycle as got a few events I want to drink at so I want to know either way as early as possible!!! I have a FRER, might buy a few more but it could get expensive :-/

Did you test last month or just wait it out for AF? Hello and good luck to everyone else on this thread too.

i totally caved and tested. 4 times actually:blush::haha:
the first 2 were way too early, but i couldn't resist.
the 3rd was a legit "could be...?"
and the 4th was 2 hours before stupid AF showed up.
i was annoyed i wasted the money on that one!:growlmad:

i got a spike in my temp this morning, so if they stay up for a couple days, i'll be in the TWW, but AF isn't due until august 9th. yikes, it's gonna be a long "two" weeks.:wacko:

i'd almost say wait until after the events to test...? "drink til it's pink" as they say:winkwink:
I was good last month and only took 2 tests lol but this month I plan to test early. I'm going away over o time and thinking of not taking my thermeter with me. Less stress/pressure for my hols but won't know exactly when I ovulated. May = less stressing in the TWW, but may be more stressful not knowing??? What do you think ladies?!
I was good last month and only took 2 tests lol but this month I plan to test early. I'm going away over o time and thinking of not taking my thermeter with me. Less stress/pressure for my hols but won't know exactly when I ovulated. May = less stressing in the TWW, but may be more stressful not knowing??? What do you think ladies?!

last month i didn't know anything about TTC/temping/ovulation/CM (yeah, health class in middle school severely under prepared me for any of this!:haha:) so i could only guess when i ovulated, which was likely the reason i tested so many times. i just had no idea and was only counting backwards from when i expected AF to come. this time, if i have a better idea of when i ovulated, i think it will be easier to hold out until around 10DPO before testing? or maybe i'm just being really optimistic?:shrug::blush:

i think there are some people who do better just not knowing and it makes them less stressed, but i don't think i'm one of them.:shy:
Agh I really don't know! I am with you jumping o, I think it will be more torturous not knowing, not more relaxing! But I don't want to ruin my hol thinking about numbers or calculated bd! I just want to bd everyday because I'm on hol! Yep, I think I won't take it. Will be good for me to take a step back for a few days!

I'll prob be on here going out of my mind during the TWW. Look out for me ladies!! Jumping o I wonder if you've ovulated. That will be a long wait if you have!!!

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