FF can change the date you ovulate to later, so that might not be when you ovulated. Mine changed it to late last month for whatever reason so I just went with the flow. The longest LP I have ever got 16 days. But prior to having my baby I had a really short one of 10-12 LP so glad its gotten longer and no more irregular cycles.
Jumping o, I am getting a little disillusioned with temping. Because my temps were low I've been checking during the day to make sure they aren't staying too low. Once, my temp went from 35.4 to 35.9 in the space of a few minutes. This has happened to me in the morning too. So I kind of think that u shouldn't regard it as the be all and end all in regards to bd-ing. I think you could easily miss the crucial day that way. LP isn't supposed to be more than 16 days so maybe FF has ur o date wrong.
i hope you're both right!
lately i've been temping at 4am. half the time i just wake up around then, half the time it's to an alarm.
but this morning i woke up at 2:40, temp was 97.3
and i turned my 4am alarm off because i figured it was good enough.
then i woke up at 5:50, temp was 96.6
i got so mad at myself for turning my alarm off

with the first one, my O stayed at CD10, all 4 numbers after O were about the same, above the base line but when i changed my data to the second temp, FF told me it needed to completely readjust and now i just have an up down chart with no O.
but thanks citrus and mommy2o. after it completely changed my chart, i read your posts and am trying to stay positive. i also am trying to remember that i had some serious EWCM on CD12, so it's very possible that O was not at CD10. we didn't have sex yesterday, but if we do tonight, it's still every other day since AF left, so i think we've still got a chance
i assume that since temping BBT is trying to find your lowest body temp in a given day, i should keep the lower one, right?