welcome fruitee!
what CD are you on?
if it's still early in your cycle, starting tomorrow shouldn't be a problem![]()
Thanks jumpingo

I totally feel your pain with the up down chart jumping o. Stupid temping!! I prefer the TWW when u can just relax!
Welcome fruitee. How long have you been on the TTC train?!
Hi citrus, ive been ttc for 2 months, how about you?
Hi Fruitee. I'm the same as you. I wake up to pee at least once a night. If your at the beginning of your cycle it doesn't matter when you start temping. Some take AF off temping, others don't. So don't worry to much, just start again tomorrow. I always get OH to put the bins out before he goes to bed as they come so early around here. I swear we're the first stop on their list!
What CD are you on now jumpingo? Remember it doesn't register ovulation until 3 day afterwards so you might already have again and it's waiting for your 3dpo. Also you might have tried to ovulate and failed, this is pretty common so your body is gearing up for it again.
Citrusfruit, I prefer waiting for the TWW. I find during the TWW I'm terrible at symptom spotting, impatient to test and get frustrated at all the BFN. Thankfully I'll be busy first half of TWW, but there will still be a week left of me worrying about it all.
Ha i always try that but we forget, and they come quite early and i was off work so trying to lie in