Yes jump!!!!!!!! I came on here to post to find out about your whereabouts as u hadn't posted in a while! Ahhhh I am so happy for you!
This pretty much IS the bad sleepers who are now pregnant thread. Just one left to go! How's it going fruitee? Still here with u!
So jump, how far gone, when did u take a test, did u KNOW, etc?? Details please!
AFM: had midwife appt this week, lovely to hear LOs heartbeat like a runaway train. Just starting to think of nursery ideas but waiting for 20 week scan before buying anything much.
Massive congrats jump!!!
finally at a computer! i've been up since 12:4am (it's 4:15 now) but my husband also woke up and couldn't sleep, so we just decided to get up. we watched our wedding video, which we just got - it's really good. obviously some things i would have not put in, or wondered why some things didn't make it, but we have all the raw footage, so if i ever get really ambitious...a someday project.
anyway, we just got back from vacation the states last night and i purposely didn't take any tests with me. then i tested with a couple hour hold before getting in bed at 7:30pm.

a very obvious line at 14dpo.
i was hopeful, but not being able to temp the day before AF was due and being on the plane and everything was annoying because i didn't know if my temp dropped. moving hotels and different sleeping conditions, etc etc.
as for if i "knew," i sometimes sleep with my hands over my head (not on purpose, my husband tries to put them back down because i end up with sore shoulders!

) and on wednesday morning, my husband said i was sleeping with my hands on my stomach, "like there was a baby in there or something!

" and i was exhausted on tuesday, and super emotional/hormonal at the airport on wednesday. though really, all of those things could be due to impending AF. the time change meant that wednesday's (13dpo) temp was actually closer to 14dpo, and when i realized that, along with the fact that AF hadn't shown, i got super hopeful on the train from the airport to our house.
i had little baby converse to "announce" to my husband, but since we were both in an out of the bathroom getting ready for bed it was more of a team effort on the "is it positive?" wondering.

but by 4 minutes it was faint and at 5 minutes it was a definite positive.
sorry to be writing a whole novel...i have so many things to get out of my head!
1. there is one hospital on base. my husband works there. all his friends also work there. word travels fast, despite all the privacy laws and blahblahblah.

so, am trying to figure out my options without everyone finding out so early. i love our primary care doc but my husband's good friend is her assistant, and he would ORDER the tests

so no getting around that if i go to her directly. i COULD try to contact the OB clinic directly and hope they will see me? but i have this feeling the military healthcare system goes strictly on referrals, which i would need from my primary care doc.

if they don't see you until 8 weeks *anyway* is there any harm in waiting a bit? obviously stop drinking, take my prenatals, etc. now, but wait before making any calls or appointments?
2. my mom is a blabber mouth. even things i SPECIFICALLY ask her not to tell people about, she does.

after this vacation, i am feeling more and more alienated from my family in certain ways, and as excited as we are, i also don't want to tell her yet. i don't talk to her about ttc and she's not my "go to" confidant when things come up in life like boys, work, friends, etc. BUT, it'll be the first grandchild for my parents. first great grandchild for my grandma. (her sisters have about 20, so she has practically been begging for SOMEthing for about 5 years now. haha.) my grandma will be absolutely over the moon for us, and while my mom will be too, she'll ALSO tell the whole town/world/facebook (ugh, shoot me.

) i like the idea of waiting until it's "safer" but i also remember my mom being appalled and going on and on about how she couldn't believe that her friend's son and daughter-in-law didn't tell family until they were 14 weeks. (also see point 5)
3. my husband's mom is crazy (his words, not mine) but would keep it a secret until we said it was okay to say anything. he wants to tell his family sooner than i want to tell mine, which i'm okay with, but i worry if the mothers don't find out together that it causes hurt (and by that i mean, my mom

but she's a blabbermouth!!!)
4. i am hating facebook more and more, so doubt we'll do any kind of "official facebook announcement" but do think we have to announce to family and friends at some point.

christmas cards? seems cliche?
5. we are likely getting together with family at new years, and i'd be 13 weeks (ish?) so we could tell my family in person

but it'd be risking my mom being "mad"

my grandma won't be there, and i'd love to see her reaction in person...might have to arrange a skype or something for that one. but telling most of my immediate family in person would be doable if we can wait that long.
6. my tentative due date is my dad's birthday (total daddy's girl) and i would love to get him a t-shirt that says "world's best grandpa" or something and give it as a christmas present, but say it's really an early *birthday* present.
wow, i think WAY too much. i always assumed other people over-analyzed life too, but maybe i'm just completely

thanks for reading. any advice or experience/stories of how any of you did things would be MOST appreciated.