Hi ladies,
Please can I join too? In a nutshell:- I'm 25, been with fiance for 6.5years, on BCP for 6yrs, came off 15th Oct 2012, had a withdrawl bleed, no AF whatsoever since

before researching, I was silly + did loads of HPTs, all BFNs.
I don't know if I've even ovulated. Its been 14 weeks + 2 days of TTC, I know its not as long as most of you, but I'm finding it hard without a single hint of AF :'( had blood tests yesterday, gotta wait a week for results. I'm waiting for an ultrasound appointment to rule out pregnancy, and to see if there are cysts or anything.
My doctor seems to think I'm completely fine, which I could be, but I'm so hoping there is at least something wrong, so that I can start some meds or something. I don't know. I'm just clinging on.
I hope you don't mind me joining in, as I haven't been TTC 'that' long. I did a HPT this morning, only a cheapie, just in case. BFN again. I've never had a hint of a second line.
So many of my friends have 1-3 kids. All 'oops' babies. Only 3 ppl I know have actually planned their babies - just 3! One took 2 weeks (lucky!) One took 18mths, and the other one too 8yrs + 3 rounds of IVF - how different can they be!! And I have SO many friends that have 'oops' babies
My gorgeous niece is 2 in March, and I cried when my sister in law announced she was pregnant (with her boyfriend of like a year!!) We weren't TTC back then, but I cried my eyes out, really thought I would be first.
We have 2 other couples in our close circle. One couple have been together 5 years, and have 2 kids (even broke up in between) the other couple got pregnant within weeks of getting together, got married + had their baby all within 1 year of being together. When the baby was 4 months old, they got pregnant again - WITH TWINS!!! So they've been together 3 years now with 3 kids. Me and my fiance haven't long got engaged, have done everything so slowly, wanted to enjoy ourselves, get to know each other, live a little, and finally decided after over 6 years together that we would TTC, and now its not happened so far - not even AF :'(
Oh god I'm so sorry I've ranted so much :'( I'm in a bit of a state.
Sorry xx