Any big momma's out there?

destiny :D nice to hear back :)

i have my midwife comin 11.30 tomorrow morning so i can tell you what it was like if you want?

i have done 18 (count them lol) 18 tests, i have 2 superdrug and 1 digi left, im keeping my digi till the weekend because i want to get the 3+ on it!!

hubby think im going mad, i am turning into that episode of gavin and stacey where she had a shoebox full of tests lol!!

this is all so exciting and i wann get excited but i too am petrified after the last miscarriage i dnt want to get overly excited till i have a scan.

me and hubby are goin to pay for a private one to put my mind at ease :)

actually while typing this i have back ache....... xxxxx
My midwife dident say anything about my weight. iv got to go see the consultant and have a GTT but that was it. She dident say anything about weight gain or loosing weight.
destiny :D nice to hear back :)

i have my midwife comin 11.30 tomorrow morning so i can tell you what it was like if you want?

i have done 18 (count them lol) 18 tests, i have 2 superdrug and 1 digi left, im keeping my digi till the weekend because i want to get the 3+ on it!!

hubby think im going mad, i am turning into that episode of gavin and stacey where she had a shoebox full of tests lol!!

this is all so exciting and i wann get excited but i too am petrified after the last miscarriage i dnt want to get overly excited till i have a scan.

me and hubby are goin to pay for a private one to put my mind at ease :)

actually while typing this i have back ache....... xxxxx

thanks terrri id really like if you could fill me in! i really shouldnt test i drive myselfup the wall stilll have that heavy feeling like af is gona come ugh im scared stiff!! back is eased up woo .. i think its cos im acually out of bed lol .. i REALLY hope little bubs is ok in there as you have i losted my other pregnancy :( and it would kill me to lose this 1 too .. i really would like a scan but i think i will get a early 1 as im acordding to my lmp 10 weeks yest but i think im 6 weeks lol ovulated late and doc said he cant take my word for that .. so i think i maybe get a scan in a couple weeks i really hope so im so scared at min somthing is gona happen :( x
My midwife dident say anything about my weight. iv got to go see the consultant and have a GTT but that was it. She dident say anything about weight gain or loosing weight.

hoep my midwife is like yours lozzy! i really do nothign worse then people saying about it again again when you already know x
destiny :D nice to hear back :)

i have my midwife comin 11.30 tomorrow morning so i can tell you what it was like if you want?

i have done 18 (count them lol) 18 tests, i have 2 superdrug and 1 digi left, im keeping my digi till the weekend because i want to get the 3+ on it!!

hubby think im going mad, i am turning into that episode of gavin and stacey where she had a shoebox full of tests lol!!

this is all so exciting and i wann get excited but i too am petrified after the last miscarriage i dnt want to get overly excited till i have a scan.

me and hubby are goin to pay for a private one to put my mind at ease :)

actually while typing this i have back ache....... xxxxx

thanks terrri id really like if you could fill me in! i really shouldnt test i drive myselfup the wall stilll have that heavy like af is gona come ugh im scared stiff!! back is eased up woo .. i think its cos im acually out of bed lol .. i REALLY hope little bubs is ok in there as you have i losted my other pregnancy :( and it would kill me to lose this 1 too .. i really would like a scan but i think i will get a early 1 as im acordding to my lmp 10 weeks yest but i think im 6 weeks lol ovulated late and doc said he cant take my word for that .. so i think i maybe get a scan in a couple weeks i really hope so im so scared at min somthing is gona happen :( x

I had what turned out to be an early scan cos by LMP im 12 weeks. Im sure you will get one soon
destiny :D nice to hear back :)

i have my midwife comin 11.30 tomorrow morning so i can tell you what it was like if you want?

i have done 18 (count them lol) 18 tests, i have 2 superdrug and 1 digi left, im keeping my digi till the weekend because i want to get the 3+ on it!!

hubby think im going mad, i am turning into that episode of gavin and stacey where she had a shoebox full of tests lol!!

this is all so exciting and i wann get excited but i too am petrified after the last miscarriage i dnt want to get overly excited till i have a scan.

me and hubby are goin to pay for a private one to put my mind at ease :)

actually while typing this i have back ache....... xxxxx

thanks terrri id really like if you could fill me in! i really shouldnt test i drive myselfup the wall stilll have that heavy like af is gona come ugh im scared stiff!! back is eased up woo .. i think its cos im acually out of bed lol .. i REALLY hope little bubs is ok in there as you have i losted my other pregnancy :( and it would kill me to lose this 1 too .. i really would like a scan but i think i will get a early 1 as im acordding to my lmp 10 weeks yest but i think im 6 weeks lol ovulated late and doc said he cant take my word for that .. so i think i maybe get a scan in a couple weeks i really hope so im so scared at min somthing is gona happen :( x

I had what turned out to be an early scan cos by LMP im 12 weeks. Im sure you will get one soon

i hope so i think it would help a great deal! i have midwife next monday which will make me 11 weeks to them and 7 by me .. so hopefully ill get a scan the week after or something making me 8 weeks .. could you see alot on your scan? x
My midwife dident say anything about my weight. iv got to go see the consultant and have a GTT but that was it. She dident say anything about weight gain or loosing weight.

hoep my midwife is like yours lozzy! i really do nothign worse then people saying about it again again when you already know x

I dont know if it would make any differance but my midwife was plus size herself. She was still lovely though
destiny :D nice to hear back :)

i have my midwife comin 11.30 tomorrow morning so i can tell you what it was like if you want?

i have done 18 (count them lol) 18 tests, i have 2 superdrug and 1 digi left, im keeping my digi till the weekend because i want to get the 3+ on it!!

hubby think im going mad, i am turning into that episode of gavin and stacey where she had a shoebox full of tests lol!!

this is all so exciting and i wann get excited but i too am petrified after the last miscarriage i dnt want to get overly excited till i have a scan.

me and hubby are goin to pay for a private one to put my mind at ease :)

actually while typing this i have back ache....... xxxxx

thanks terrri id really like if you could fill me in! i really shouldnt test i drive myselfup the wall stilll have that heavy like af is gona come ugh im scared stiff!! back is eased up woo .. i think its cos im acually out of bed lol .. i REALLY hope little bubs is ok in there as you have i losted my other pregnancy :( and it would kill me to lose this 1 too .. i really would like a scan but i think i will get a early 1 as im acordding to my lmp 10 weeks yest but i think im 6 weeks lol ovulated late and doc said he cant take my word for that .. so i think i maybe get a scan in a couple weeks i really hope so im so scared at min somthing is gona happen :( x

I had what turned out to be an early scan cos by LMP im 12 weeks. Im sure you will get one soon

i hope so i think it would help a great deal! i have midwife next monday which will make me 11 weeks to them and 7 by me .. so hopefully ill get a scan the week after or something making me 8 weeks .. could you see alot on your scan? x

You can just make it out but it still looks like a bean. The main thing i wanted to see was the heartbeat and we could see that so anything else was a bonus.
destiny i know exactly how u feel, i am petrified and if this bub isnt a sticky one i think it would destroy me!!

my sister who i dnt get on with is also pregnat bu shes 14 weeks and for the last 6 weeks shes been teling evryone i hate her because shes pregnant and im jealous because i cant have children!! the reality is i hate her because she stole from me, took my bank details stole my jewellery etc etc. lots of reasons i hate her!!

im hopin i get an early scan aswell because i have a pituitary adenoma (the reason why she think i couldnt have children) which means my prolactin is very high etc and my ovulation was never regular because of this!

in reality i wish my sister would jus bugger off back to where she lives (she moved away when we all found out about her stealing from us etc) shes 19, has no job, no home, no money and doesnt know who the father is!! she jus dosses about and is involved with some dodgy gang in london, she is playin the guilt trip on my mother, sayin that she will never see her grandchild if she doesnt buy her everythin!!

i am just glad that i have a little bean, who will be born to parents who love them, and im glad in this recent climate that we have jobs and a home :)

i know that migh sound awful when i say that about my sister but you really have no idea how bad she is xx
lozzy- your totally right! i just wanna see that little heart .. could you hear it tho? i really love a scan now! but you wouldnt even see anything only the sac im guessing which will be a round bubble?so its best to wait but the waiting is the hardest thig ever!

terrri- im so sorry your sister is like that !! bt your preg and happy with a saftey and loving partner :) it makes me mad how ppl who drink do drugs and dont take care of themselves have a perfectly healthy baby and yet the 1s who worrie and do al they can to be healthy loss or have trouble with their babies .. its stupid! im sure our bubs are afine!! and yours also i bet it was a mssive shock and excitment when you fell pregnant after being told you couldnt concieve? where you told that? just with you saying you could have children .. out dates a very close too :D i really hope the little 1s are ok specially with our previous m/cs xxxx
lozzy- your totally right! i just wanna see that little heart .. could you hear it tho? i really love a scan now! but you wouldnt even see anything only the sac im guessing which will be a round bubble?so its best to wait but the waiting is the hardest thig ever!

terrri- im so sorry your sister is like that !! bt your preg and happy with a saftey and loving partner :) it makes me mad how ppl who drink do drugs and dont take care of themselves have a perfectly healthy baby and yet the 1s who worrie and do al they can to be healthy loss or have trouble with their babies .. its stupid! im sure our bubs are afine!! and yours also i bet it was a mssive shock and excitment when you fell pregnant after being told you couldnt concieve? where you told that? just with you saying you could have children .. out dates a very close too :D i really hope the little 1s are ok specially with our previous m/cs xxxx

Couldent hear it, might have been able to if she had turned the sound on. I wasent in there long because it was so early on. She measured baby, showed us the heartbeat, measured a cyst i had and said i would have to come back in 4 weeks.
Only downside is i thought i was futher on than that. lol

Means i got my bfp at 3+3
thankyou destiny :) i am under an endocrinologist formy prolactin n tumour etc, he told me that with prolactin levels as high as mine it was very unlkely that i wold concieve, i did a 24 hour urine sample for him 8 weeks ago n am awaitin my follow up appointment to discuss my options, but thru the grace of god we have fallen pregnant naturally :)

and i completely agree, my sister is on god knows what, doesnt care, and actually last year wen i was in hospital having my miscarriage she told everyone the same day that she was pregnant (it was a lie, she just wanted attention).

she jus has no compassion so i dnt speak to her.

when are you due destiny? if ive worked it right im due about the 6th january, but it is difficult for me because my cycles are messed up xx
i think not to sure 5th of jan :) as i have said im supose to be 10+2 by LMP but i think im 6 weeks today lol but that is my opinion, doc said he has to go by LMP and gave me a due date of 3/4 dec .. but i think 5th jan just how i felt with ovulation .. so we only a day apart!!! :D

your sister has no compasion .. she doesnt really sound like a sister... i had a m/c and my sister got pregnant 2 months later and she was terrified to tell me incase i got upset at her bless i was alittle jealous! but she hasnt long had a little girl whos gorgeous!! she has 3 now and i only want 1 :( i feel jealous of her that way x with your prolactin n tumour you SHOULD ger a scan soon? i woud of thought with medical history m/c etc you should x
Only downside is i thought i was futher on than that. lol

Means i got my bfp at 3+3

but yet isnt it a good sign that you implanted early?? i got my bfp at what i think is 3+4 lol they say a early implantation is a good 1 later implantation have a high risk of mc? idk how much that is true i implanted late on my last preg and i lost it so idk if its correct x
i jsut noticed my little ticker hasnt changed to 6 weeks! i thinks its broke .. i said 5+6 yest lol x
Hi my name is clare im a big momma Im 5'4 my bmi is 35...
But at the moment i feel so good i have a baby growing inside me couldnt be happier...
Ive always been big boned but from the age of age of 16 i went on the depo i gained so much weight then i came off it and couldnt shift it i then got diagonosed with Fibromyalgia which caused me to put on more weight.
I went to see a doc at my surgery few years back cos me and OH were trying for a baby for about 2 half years with no success the doc told me " your too fat to concieve" with that it knocked my confidence.
Altogether me and my OH been trying for 8 years we fell dec 08 but we sadly lost it jan 09. Then we went another year trying and here we are now 14 + 5 gone.
My midwife doesnt seem worried as im healthy and well why should we be judged cos we aint a size 0.
I hate it when people look at me when i eat a chip so what i like chips im happy im not starving myself or have a eating disorder i am who i am if they dont like it im not asking them to look at me.
I have a man i love a baby on the way..
Sorry for rant xx

Some Doctors do sprout a load of old codswollop sometimes! How can he say something like that to you?

I am 5'7, weigh 19.5 stone and have a bmi of 43 - it only took me 6 months to get pregnant and we weren't really very actively trying!!!!

Mother Nature is a very funny lady but everything in life happens for a reason, and now it is your time to bloom. I hope you enjoy every moment and that your bundle of joy is happy and healthy.

Big Momma's Rule!!!!!

Thanks and i would like to say i am big and beautiful lol x
Only downside is i thought i was futher on than that. lol

Means i got my bfp at 3+3

but yet isnt it a good sign that you implanted early?? i got my bfp at what i think is 3+4 lol they say a early implantation is a good 1 later implantation have a high risk of mc? idk how much that is true i implanted late on my last preg and i lost it so idk if its correct x

Iv heard that too. Baby has more time to nestle in before AF is due.
hey hope im not too late to join this post lol
im a little on the large size... im a size 16 but know ill be a size 20 by the time ive had this bubba ive been eating like a horse nd cant seem to mke myself stop! its mostly healthy stuff but i have to eat until im full...not only is it a bad habit but its annoying too lols

im a mum to one 2 year old who gets a good deal of excercise but obviously not enoug lol im worried about what docs is gonna say to me soon :S
ive had my dating scan and already spoken to my ob and midwife about weight issues but she didnt seem worried...

nice to read what everyone has written its making me feel normal again :)

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