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Any big momma's out there?

Hiya ladies, just bobbing over from 3rd tri. Think it's fab that you've made this thread coz it can feel very isolative being pg when youre a larger lady.

Firstly Princess i'm so so very sorry for your loss (((hugs))) xxxx

Im 5ft 8 and varied between size 16 and 20 before getting pg, my bmi was 37 and so far ive gained about 19lbs. There hasnt been a signle mention about my weight atall during the pregnancy, had my GTT last week and still awaiting results for that but all my urine samples have been negative and i have no symptoms of GTT. Also started feeling kicks at around 17 weeks. Scans never showed any problems even though theres a lot of excess fat on my tummy, best bit is i havent developed any stretch marks yet either!

Did take people a little longer to notice i was pregnant but now everyone can tell and strangers open doors for me and ask if i want their seat which is lovely. Also midwife is fully able to tell how bubs is lying from feeling my tum and all measurements of fundal height have been bang on so far coz that was a concern of mine with me having all the extra flesh over tum but apparently it kind of moves to the side when you lie down. I have developed SPD the last few weeks which has resulted in me being signed off work now but that's not necessarily weight related and there's no reason why i wont have a normal delivery.

Oh and those of you worried that your OH or family won't be able to feel outside kicks well my very slim friend couldnt see/feel them til she was over 32 weeks but for past 3 weeks we've been able to see movement and for last 2 other people have been able to feel it so again that's not necessarily weight related.

Oh as for maternity clothes although theyre not necessarily cheap i'm loving the range the Red Herring do in Debenhams and some of Mothercare's stuff is lovely. Don't reckon much to George coz it all seems a bit bland. Blooming marvellous website are very generous on their clothes sizes and their size 16 is still big on me. Funny since being pg all my maternity clothes are size 16 and my knickers are actually too big coz my tum has changed shape lol!!! MY friend swears by H&M for maternity stuff too!!!

Wishing all you ladies a very happy and healthy pregnancy and dont let people bog you down about your weight hugs xxxx
thanks nineena!! what a lovely post answered a few of my question iv wondered specially bout being preg and feeling movemnet scans did you have normal scans or internal? x im 16/18 too and did worrie alot it would effect my preg :) but i feel a bit happier now .. hope my weight or sizr is not a issue either with midwifes etc and glad your pregnancy is goin great! xxx
oh Princess I'm so sorry..... take it easy won't you, and be kind to yourself x
Hi my name is clare im a big momma Im 5'4 my bmi is 35...
But at the moment i feel so good i have a baby growing inside me couldnt be happier...
Ive always been big boned but from the age of age of 16 i went on the depo i gained so much weight then i came off it and couldnt shift it i then got diagonosed with Fibromyalgia which caused me to put on more weight.
I went to see a doc at my surgery few years back cos me and OH were trying for a baby for about 2 half years with no success the doc told me " your too fat to concieve" with that it knocked my confidence.
Altogether me and my OH been trying for 8 years we fell dec 08 but we sadly lost it jan 09. Then we went another year trying and here we are now 14 + 5 gone.
My midwife doesnt seem worried as im healthy and well why should we be judged cos we aint a size 0.
I hate it when people look at me when i eat a chip so what i like chips im happy im not starving myself or have a eating disorder i am who i am if they dont like it im not asking them to look at me.
I have a man i love a baby on the way..
Sorry for rant xx

Some Doctors do sprout a load of old codswollop sometimes! How can he say something like that to you?

I am 5'7, weigh 19.5 stone and have a bmi of 43 - it only took me 6 months to get pregnant and we weren't really very actively trying!!!!

Mother Nature is a very funny lady but everything in life happens for a reason, and now it is your time to bloom. I hope you enjoy every moment and that your bundle of joy is happy and healthy.

Big Momma's Rule!!!!!
I know people who are slightly 'overweight' and by this I mean slightly over their ideal weight; not even over the top limit and they have been told their fertility problems are due to this! Unless you have PCOS or another imbalance where weight really does matter in some cases (and not even all); it really shouldn't make a difference. When I was the ideal weight for my height (although according to the BMI system I would have been pushing underweight; even though I was still a 14-16 even back then) I skipped periods sometimes for months and was ttc with my ex-husband for almost three years to no avail. I find your weight is used as a convenient scapegoat by some doctors who are too lazy to look into anything further; my old GP blamed my weight on everything from my back problems (run in the family even amongst skinnies such as my size 8 sister), chronic fatigue syndrome (the weight was causing me to feel tired and I was only not losing any weight because I eat too much junk apparently), to post natal depression! My husband is a big dadda and he has had the same thing; another GP said to him that at his weight his cholesterol will be off the scale; his electrolytes will be all messed up and basically hes a walking death wish, when the results came back the doctor actually asked him 'what are you eating, just salad?' he had to eat his words my husbands results were exactly the same as someone who weighed half as much as him and goes to the gym daily.
Ok well I went to see my doctor today. She was very nice, asked me how I felt about being pregnant and congratulated me. She gave me my booklet that I have to take to all of my appointments and then said I needed to book in to see the midwife - my appointment is on Monday and I'm really quite excited! She didn't mention my weight but did hint a little at the healthy eating section in my booklet.

I was on cloud nine until I received some bad news in the afternoon.

My friend is about 13wks pregnant and had her first scan a few days ago. She was told there is a layer of fluid under the babies skin so had to have some tests.

Her husband emailed my dh today and it's not good news. The baby has Edward Syndrome and is unlikely to survive full term. If it does, then it will only live for a very short while.

I am absolutely heartbroken for them. Dh and I don't know how to break the news to them that we are expecting ourselves. I feel so guilty :(

Why do such horrible things happen to good people???
thanks nineena!! what a lovely post answered a few of my question iv wondered specially bout being preg and feeling movemnet scans did you have normal scans or internal? x im 16/18 too and did worrie alot it would effect my preg :) but i feel a bit happier now .. hope my weight or sizr is not a issue either with midwifes etc and glad your pregnancy is goin great! xxx

I had a scan today at what i though was 12 weeks but i turned out to be 8+4. I had an external scan and everything could be seen. Im a size 20/22
congrats lozzy :D glad all is well :) and external scan seems not a prob with over weight people :D im glad as i really worrie about it i had a scan with other m/c and it was external x

so sorry about your sad new betty :( thats really aweful to hear
oh no Betty that is terrible news; are they sure because my friend's son had that on the scan and tested as very likely to have Edward's Syndrome (over 90% certain) but at a later scan the fluid under the skin along with some other signs they had spotted had gone and they said it was not now as certain and later on they were saying they thought they made a mistake; then they said her son had a condition which would almost certainly mean liver failure when he was born; and it would be touch and go. In the end her son was born perfectly healthy but with the heart condition that most people who have it don't know they do and its what leads to sudden adult death syndrome and nothing else. But if they are sure....It is a very difficult and sad time for the parents with difficult decisions to be made; and I can understand how you feel guilty about your own pregnancy; but please try not to do so; this is not your fault and these things do happen, you can only try and be the best support you can....this organisation deals specifically with Edwards and related trisomy disorders...

Just wondered if I could join please? I'm 5'10 and have a BMI of 37. I've been told by my dr that if I go above 40 I wont be able to give birth in my home town :(
I've got my first ultrasound in 12 days (24th May) and unfortunately I have to go shopping for scales this afternoon. Starting to worry that my weight is on the rise. I have a fair amount of bloat going on and still suffering plenty of nausea at night and been very tired.
I hope you dont mind me sharing, it seems it gets lonely for a big girl being pregnant!
Just wondered if I could join please? I'm 5'10 and have a BMI of 37. I've been told by my dr that if I go above 40 I wont be able to give birth in my home town :(
I've got my first ultrasound in 12 days (24th May) and unfortunately I have to go shopping for scales this afternoon. Starting to worry that my weight is on the rise. I have a fair amount of bloat going on and still suffering plenty of nausea at night and been very tired.
I hope you dont mind me sharing, it seems it gets lonely for a big girl being pregnant!

Welcome to the Big Momma's Club! Of course we don't mind you sharing, it's the whole reason I started the thread in the first place. I'm trying to get us a permanent forum too.

I don't know why doctors make such a big thing out of weight. If you and your baby are healthy then there is no reason why you should be treated any differently than every other pregnant woman out there.

I would have a word with your midwife about what the doctor said, she may be able to put your mind at rest.

Good luck with your scan!!!! :flower:
oh no Betty that is terrible news; are they sure because my friend's son had that on the scan and tested as very likely to have Edward's Syndrome (over 90% certain) but at a later scan the fluid under the skin along with some other signs they had spotted had gone and they said it was not now as certain and later on they were saying they thought they made a mistake; then they said her son had a condition which would almost certainly mean liver failure when he was born; and it would be touch and go. In the end her son was born perfectly healthy but with the heart condition that most people who have it don't know they do and its what leads to sudden adult death syndrome and nothing else. But if they are sure....It is a very difficult and sad time for the parents with difficult decisions to be made; and I can understand how you feel guilty about your own pregnancy; but please try not to do so; this is not your fault and these things do happen, you can only try and be the best support you can....this organisation deals specifically with Edwards and related trisomy disorders...


Well we can only wait and see Im afraid. I really hope that everything turns out ok for them.

Thank you for the web link, I will pass that on to my friend xxx
Just wondered if I could join please? I'm 5'10 and have a BMI of 37. I've been told by my dr that if I go above 40 I wont be able to give birth in my home town :(
I've got my first ultrasound in 12 days (24th May) and unfortunately I have to go shopping for scales this afternoon. Starting to worry that my weight is on the rise. I have a fair amount of bloat going on and still suffering plenty of nausea at night and been very tired.
I hope you dont mind me sharing, it seems it gets lonely for a big girl being pregnant!

Im not sure about over there but in the uk they go by your booking weight and dont weight you again unless you look like you have put on/lost a lot. Your bound to put weight on, it cant be helped.
I found this a while ago and think it great to remind ourselfs that all the weight we put on as we get futher in our pregnacys is not all fat.

baby: 2.5 -4 kg (5-9lbs)
placenta: 0.5-1kg (1-2lbs)
amniotic fluid 1.5 - 2.5kg (3-5lbs)
increased blood volume and fluids (yours) 2-4kg (4-9lbs)
extra weight of uterus, breasts and fat and protein stores 2-5kg (4-11lbs)

So if you are weight towards the end of your pregancy and have put 25lbs on. Thats fine because most of that will go as soon as baby is born.
i woke up with backache this morning omg im so scared im gona m/c i have no cramping or blood but im so scared somethign bad is gona happen :( i heard back ache can be either m/c or ligiments streching im so worried :( x
You might have just slept funny, if you have no cramps or bleeding them im sue everything will be fine
oh destiny hun, i have had a bad back for 3 days!! and cramping and i am ok :) my tests are still getting stronger and i finally got my 2-3 on a digi so im assuming that means my levels are going up!!

i am just like you scared! after previous miscarriages, i am testing every morning to make sure i am still pregnant!

you are not alone hun :) if you ever wanna talk :)

can i join the big mommas club please?? i am 5ft 6 and 17st 10lbs, (god it was hard to write that lol) but i am, i am a size18-20 depending where i go shoping and i to am worried the midwife will say something!! or that it will affect the clarity of my scan :( xxxx
oh destiny hun, i have had a bad back for 3 days!! and cramping and i am ok :) my tests are still getting stronger and i finally got my 2-3 on a digi so im assuming that means my levels are going up!!

i am just like you scared! after previous miscarriages, i am testing every morning to make sure i am still pregnant!

you are not alone hun :) if you ever wanna talk :)

can i join the big mommas club please?? i am 5ft 6 and 17st 10lbs, (god it was hard to write that lol) but i am, i am a size18-20 depending where i go shoping and i to am worried the midwife will say something!! or that it will affect the clarity of my scan :( xxxx
:) we are nearly the same size lol and ye im very worried :( no cramping tho or bleeding just aches specially when i sit or lie in same position for awhile .. hope it goes soon i read its ligiment streaching and i also read it a order or m/c
spotting... cramping in stomach .. then back ache .. idk how much that is true! iv been testing too everydays lol like a wild women i have no tests left tho i had to use a ovulation this morning and its possitive still not as dark as it as been but diff tests have diff dye in i think .. x im also worried the midwife will go on about my weight to lol i supose tosee her yest but she cancled so i have her monday now x

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