Any chatty members due around January 25th?

Hey ladies!
How is everyone?

Today was not such a great morning for me! I finally got the nerve to drink a cup of coffee and totally paid for it. It got so bad I had to take a Zofran! I haven't taken nausea meds in weeks! I am feeling better now though, thankfully!

Yesterday I decided to go through all the baby boy things that I have accumulated over the years to see what we would need if this is a boy like I am thinking it is. I have all of DD's stuff so if its another girl we will not need anything really. I am so ready to know what this baby is so I can get the ball rolling! Not being able to plan and organize is so stressful for me! I like things done and done now! I'm so impatient and a lot of times i hate that i am this way!

We have a boy name already picked out from our pregnancy with DD. We have discussed girl names like once lol. There is only a handful of names i like and out of them there is only 1 DH is ok with. Names, especially girl names, are so tough for us to agree on.

Our next ultrasound is on the 20th so 11 days away which seems like forever. and then August 1st we find out the gender. That is only 22 days away!! eek! I wonder what the chances are that they will peak at my ultrasound on the 20th to see what we can see! That is what we did with DD. We got a potty shot and there was something there, but it was little and the tech was very "it could go either way, its 50/50, you will for sure know in 2 weeks" i just think she didn't want to spill the beans. I was convinced it was a girl at that moment. We confirmed easy 2 weeks later that she was most definitely a girl.

sorry i'm rambling. i'm on my computer which makes it so much easier to type lol.

What about you ladies. Done anything yet, made any plans, discussed names, etc?
We should be finding out gender next week thru blood work. Then I can GET RID OF EVERYTHING else lol! My 12w apt and US is Tuesday. We are going to tell everyone that night. And I guess I have to tell my job this week lol
12 weeks today!

Last scan showed me as 5 days behind so am curious to see and I'm pretty convinced I'm going to show just under 12 weeks. Im hoping not 11 weeks 2 days as i want to have caught up a bit lol.

So it's scan time at 4pm UK time this afternoon! I'm about 90% excited and so glad that there's only a small part of me that's concerned as it was so overriding for so long. Today will hopefully make us 100% happy and confident. It's not until I come across storied of no heartbeats at 12 weeks that I start to panic a bit about the reality of these things happening.

I'm so tired....nauseous and just downright lazy Ha! I go back to work tomorrow after 17 days off so tomorrow is going to be quite painful for me! I won't be having any more holiday now until maternity leave which I think will start Christmas week. :(

Today is so many people to go see and call....i just really really really hope we are blessed and see a happy wiggling baby today!

Fingers crossed

Good luck married, can't wait to see your scan!
My bean caught up and was exactly the dates I thought when I went so hopefully yours will too :)
I'll also be starting maternity Leave Christmas week &#128522;
Ahh that's good to know! I've been a little miffed by the big gap in the dates but fingers crossed all is well and I can a few days now he or she is a lot bigger and clearer to see!

See I just can't decide whether to work that Xmas week or to take advantage of having it tends to be a quiet week at work so it could be good to work it and have it easy lol. I'll decide a lot nearer the time! :) <3

Oh and here's my baby...decided this is what we will announce the good news with


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So jealous you will know baby's gender! I'm so ready to know!

I hope Baby has caught up to dates by now. Try not to worry if not. It's common to measure behind a little bit!

Cute announcement too!

So so tired today. It's cloudy here and I just want to lay on the couch but a 2 year old makes that hard. I'm off work this entire week though which is awesome!
I'm so jealous of everyone finding out the gender so soon! My anatomy scan is scheduled for September 15. We haven't decided if we want to do an early (private) scan or just wait and save our money.

I'm 11 weeks today and the nausea isn't as severe. It's still there, but much more manageable!
Baby measured 11 weeks 6 days!!!

< 3


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Gez it's $75 for an early scan for us but totally worth it to us!

Congratulations marriedlaydee! Looks like Baby caught up and I'm totally guessing boy!
My insurance covers 80 % of the harmony test so I'll have uo pay about $150. Which is okay with me
Thanks everyone! Yesterday was a whirlwind!

Baby most certainly caught up! It was amazing to see the reality of It! Legs and arms moving like crazy, spinning up in his head at one point lol..... <3 I'm just so in love with our crazy breakdancer <3
That's great insurance covers some of the harmony test. It wasn't mentioned to me but DH probably wouldn't want to pay that much.. so I'll sit here and count down the days!

Isn't it awesome to see an actual human inside your belly!?
Just got back from the Dr visit. Got my blood work drawn for the rest. Should know results in a week. Now we pray everything is okay with baby chromosomanly. We posted our announcement today. Also saw baby on US moving around like crazy! Heart rate 183!
Aw yay! I'm sure everything will be fine! Can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl!!
Is anyone else still SO sick? I have been barfing all day. It's miserable
I have had a migraine for 2 days. Which made me nauseous but thankfully it's eased off this evening and I hope it stays gone!

Hope you feel better soon! Let's not not much longer!
how is everyone? Hope ya'll had a great weekend!

I was super sick last night. Ugh it still comes randomly. I thought I was out of the woods, but guess not.

Side note.. I think I may have been feeling slight movements here and there. kinda like "pops" or "twitches" sometimes i'm like maybe that was baby or maybe that was a muscle or gas.. lol it is so had to tell. Totally ready to feel more distinct movements!

My appointment and ultrasound is THURSDAYYY!! I cannot wait!

Super excited to hear your results too jcliff!
I've had some very strange occurances too lol! Same as pops or digs.....very odd I doubt it's baby moment imagining it's my organs shifting hah
I'm also noticing pelvic pain. Like my right side of my pelvic bone hurts at times. It's weird.

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