Any DECEMBER babies out there?!?

wow suddenly a ton of bricks comes crashing! Had a nana nap yesterday *dribble and all* :rofl: was so tired last night - do you think I could sleep :nope: awake after midnight, have a shower boobs start hurting from the water. Great first sign LOL... next finally going to sleep waking up and don't feel to well at all today :wacko: noooooooo... please give me atleast another two weeks of bliss before the dreaded m/s kicks in PLEASE! :coffee:
Wow that many babies in a Decmeber thread! girls it Just makes you realise a few of us will have babies the same day lol. That is more than the 31 days in December!!!

And Clara... I love how you answer everyone's comments - even just one person responds it always make me feel so reassured yet you probably have your own worries but never state them... You are an inspiration to this thread and I love waking up in the morning and read all that EVERYONE has written :)

Aww thank you, that made me cry!! I love being on here and you ladies are already very special to me :flower:

Hi ladies, put me down for Dec 24 th , that's right X-mas Eve baby :cloud9:

I will add you to the list right away!!!! How exciting, CONGRATULATIONS!!!:happydance::happydance: Keep us updated on how you are doing!!!

Add me for December 21 :):)

I will add your name to the list!!!!! How are you feeling?? Any different? Keep us updated!!! :flower:
Gosh, I am so glad there are so many ladies who didn't shy away from the "Christmas baby" stigma that there seems to be :)

Told my mother today, she's not happy at all. Told me "How are you going to afford a wedding and a baby?" Really?!

Oh, Im so sorry it didn't go well. Isn't it funny how parents sometimes need to tell us how disappointed they are in our decisions, BUT the decisions make their world at the end of the day?? My parents wanted my husband and I to have a 5 year age gap between each of our children and with the first 2 they were so disappointed, BUT once they were born everything was perfect and the last 9 months was in the past! We are all very excited for you, support you, and are here for you whenever you need us!!

Hi ladies well i had my booking appointment yesterday and wasn't going to mention about having and early scan, untill OH was like she wants an early scan lol shes worrying too much she needs one whats he like, so am booked in on monday at 10am. The only thing is am realy worried now, and i have got a feeling im not actually 6 weeks cz my cycles wer always messed up tbh so they have just done my EDD on an average 28 day cycle, so that has got me worrying even more thinking of i dont see anything cz am so early ill be freting even more i think at the least am only 5 weeks not 6 xxxx
Try not to worry yourself!! TONS of women have odd cycles and aren't 100% sure of their EDD and thats OK!! I have you and your OH in my prayers that everything goes beautifully!!

POST your scan if your comfortable so we can all see your precious little miracle :cloud9:
Hi everyone. Congratulations to all. I hope you dont mind if i join you? I am due on december 20th with our first. I'm so nervous and would love to have people to talk to. :)
OF COURSE WE DON'T MIND!!! Welcome to the thread and CONGRATULATIONS!!! How exciting, are you on cloud 9 like the rest of us??
It's perfectly NORMAL to be nervous, especially with your first!! Honestly, if you weren't nervous that wouldn't be normal :haha:

We are ALL here for you so feel free to post about anything: nerves, rants, excitements, questions etc...:flower:
Well the past couple of days my boobs arent hurting anyore am not as hungry and just feel totlay normal an like my symptoms are slowly disapearing :( xxxxx
If your not bleeding I would say that its perfectly normal. Some women won't experience symptoms AT ALL and have perfectly healthy babies!!! You just might be one of the lucky ones that wont experience any of the icky stuff like morning sickness, wouldn't that be wonderful?? :flower:
Keep us updated on how you are doing!
I'm due December birthday :)

:hi: Welcome to the thread and CONGRATULATIONS!!!! AND on your BIRTHDAY- how wonderful!!! Keep us updated on how you are doing :flower:

I will add you to the front page right away!!!!

wow suddenly a ton of bricks comes crashing! Had a nana nap yesterday *dribble and all* :rofl: was so tired last night - do you think I could sleep :nope: awake after midnight, have a shower boobs start hurting from the water. Great first sign LOL... next finally going to sleep waking up and don't feel to well at all today :wacko: noooooooo... please give me atleast another two weeks of bliss before the dreaded m/s kicks in PLEASE! :coffee:

WOW!!! That does seem like quite the day, BUT isn't it soooo reassuring to know that your new little miracle is growing so wonderfully!!!! I've been dead tired the past few days, but am enjoying all the extra attention from the DH :blush: I really hope morning sickness shys away from you, but if it comes on full force let me know and I will give you some remedies that worked for me!!
Hi LADIES!!!! Our list is growing by leaps and bounds, isn't it exciting!?!?

On another note, I am updating the list and replying to posts as fast as possible so please don't think I forgot about you, you all are on my minds all the time!! BUT, my computer hard-drive crashed while I was studying for a graduate final, so it has been a crazy 36 hours!!!!! I'm back now though. If I missed a post that was directed towards me PLEASE let me know, I don't want to leave anyone hanging!!!

How are all our little babies doing??? I go in next THURSDAY for my scan - I'm beyond excited!! :happydance::happydance:
If i am pregnant im due around 12/12/12... took a blood test today to confirm but all the signs and feelings are there and a very very faint BFP today and i am 30 DPO.

:hi: Welcome to the thread!!! I will put you on our list, especially if you got a faint BFP!! Let us know how you are doing and what the results are!! Praying for you :flower:
zomgosh that's a cute puppy!

clara, do your homework first but whern you update, dont forget to add me please! :)
zomgosh that's a cute puppy!

clara, do your homework first but whern you update, dont forget to add me please! :)

Oh my goodness, i am so sorry!!! I will update you right away - I saw your post a few pages over!!!

Congratulations on your miracle :happydance::happydance:
I'm sooo glad you joined are thread and can't wait to see updates from you :flower:
Can you add me to the list too, I am due Dec 26th!

:hi: Welcome to the thread!!! Congratulations on your new little bean!!

You must be on cloud 9 right now!!!! How are you feeling??

Keep us updated, and remember we are all here for each other so feel free to: ask any type of questions, rant about craziness in your life, or make us all smile with exciting news!!! :flower::flower:
I got my first REAL symptom this morning at 5:30am...serious heartburn! It continued for a good part of the day, which was annoying, but I'm just happy to have any symptoms to be honest! Having some boob soreness too. Yay!!

Also, welcome to all the newcomers!
I got my first REAL symptom this morning at 5:30am...serious heartburn! It continued for a good part of the day, which was annoying, but I'm just happy to have any symptoms to be honest! Having some boob soreness too. Yay!!

Also, welcome to all the newcomers!

YAY!!!! It's funny how we welcome the most annoying symptoms :haha: A mother's love right??
Hopefully the heart burn doesn't get too bad though, perhaps try a few crackers right before bed to keep the heart burn at bay :flower:
I also just found a new symptom!! I'm sooooo veiny! I decided to be proactive and start lotioning my belly to keep stretch marks away, and there are veins everywhere! I could even see them without my contacts in, and I'm blind as a bat!
Oh clara, you are too sweet :)

I had a bit of spotting today at work, almost had an anxiety attack and had to go outside to calm myself down. It was awful. I work as a CNA, so it's pretty physical work, and my boss keeps scheduling me for 4 days in a row (today was 4 of 4) so I think I'm going to have to tell her to stop doing that. I am exhausted, and I think that spotting was my body's way of telling me that.

In other news, I went to the doctor today and convinced him to draw my blood, but he won't do it again on Monday. Says they can't do "unnecessary procedures" anymore because of budget cuts. Umm, pregnant women in my state get put on state insurance and EVERYTHING is paid. So why can't I have it? He wouldn't do an ultrasound either, said I have to wait until 8-12 weeks so I'm making another appt in 3 weeks and begging him to do one :)
Hi LADIES!!!! Our list is growing by leaps and bounds, isn't it exciting!?!?

On another note, I am updating the list and replying to posts as fast as possible so please don't think I forgot about you, you all are on my minds all the time!! BUT, my computer hard-drive crashed while I was studying for a graduate final, so it has been a crazy 36 hours!!!!! I'm back now though. If I missed a post that was directed towards me PLEASE let me know, I don't want to leave anyone hanging!!!

How are all our little babies doing??? I go in next THURSDAY for my scan - I'm beyond excited!! :happydance::happydance:

How exciting - can't wait to see the scan pic. We can't have any until 12 weeks unless we are in the danger zone of miscarriage :shrug:
Today I am having a poor me day:blush:
I am so thankful about this pregancy but feeling a tad bit agitated - I don't know why??? I'm probably feeling imaptient and just waiting for the m/s to kick in - here's hoping it doesn't. I try to do what I do every other day and clean the house but part way through get very light headed and ill and have to stop all the time. Another is my hubby has been away hunting for 5 days so maybe i'm a little tired chasing to other little tots. arghhh why am I feeling this way today!
Hey December ladies!

I recognise a lot of you guys :flower: congrats to everyone :happydance:

I'm due Christmas Eve :happydance:

Looking forward to chatting (and probably moaning) about all the wonderful bits of pregnancy!

Feeling good today's after a weeks worth of nausea and cramps :thumbup:
Hi guys, can I join in?:happydance::happydance:

Got my BFP on Wednesday with CB digi, tested again yesterday with FRER and the line came up so quick and dark i couldn't believe it! I had a chemical 2 cycles ago so have been quite nervous, going to get some more digis today and test in the morning to see if it's gone from 1-2 to 2-3...hope so! I'm going to try not to get too caught up with testing though, if it's good tomorrow I'll try to stop then:winkwink: Very little in the way of symptoms yet so it's just nice to have it confirmed.

Going by LMP I'm due on Christmas day (pretty sure I ovulated later though so probably around 27th December really). Going to try and hold off till as close to 12 weeks as possible to tell people, will be 12 weeks around fathers day and would love to give my dad a nice surprise, first grandchild.

Congrats to all and here's to a h&h 9 months! So great to have everyone here for each other when you can't talk to anyone else!
Oh clara, you are too sweet :)

I had a bit of spotting today at work, almost had an anxiety attack and had to go outside to calm myself down. It was awful. I work as a CNA, so it's pretty physical work, and my boss keeps scheduling me for 4 days in a row (today was 4 of 4) so I think I'm going to have to tell her to stop doing that. I am exhausted, and I think that spotting was my body's way of telling me that.

In other news, I went to the doctor today and convinced him to draw my blood, but he won't do it again on Monday. Says they can't do "unnecessary procedures" anymore because of budget cuts. Umm, pregnant women in my state get put on state insurance and EVERYTHING is paid. So why can't I have it? He wouldn't do an ultrasound either, said I have to wait until 8-12 weeks so I'm making another appt in 3 weeks and begging him to do one :)

I know what you mean about being a CNA.. it is very physical work!! I work nights as a CNA and they just kill me, I also work second. We don't use machines at all like the place where I used to work and the other aides refuse to help. The work wheres me out. :wacko:
Hey December ladies!

I recognise a lot of you guys :flower: congrats to everyone :happydance:

I'm due Christmas Eve :happydance:

Looking forward to chatting (and probably moaning) about all the wonderful bits of pregnancy!

Feeling good today's after a weeks worth of nausea and cramps :thumbup:
That's good that your feeling a bit better!! Christmas Eve baby woohoo!!

Hi guys, can I join in?:happydance::happydance:

Got my BFP on Wednesday with CB digi, tested again yesterday with FRER and the line came up so quick and dark i couldn't believe it! I had a chemical 2 cycles ago so have been quite nervous, going to get some more digis today and test in the morning to see if it's gone from 1-2 to 2-3...hope so! I'm going to try not to get too caught up with testing though, if it's good tomorrow I'll try to stop then:winkwink: Very little in the way of symptoms yet so it's just nice to have it confirmed.

Going by LMP I'm due on Christmas day (pretty sure I ovulated later though so probably around 27th December really). Going to try and hold off till as close to 12 weeks as possible to tell people, will be 12 weeks around fathers day and would love to give my dad a nice surprise, first grandchild.

Congrats to all and here's to a h&h 9 months! So great to have everyone here for each other when you can't talk to anyone else!

Congrats on your pregnancy!! If your due on the 27th that's pretty close to me: I'm due on the 28th! Your right, it's nice to have people to talk too.. I too am trying to hold off telling until 12 weeks... I just has a mmc at 12 weeks on February 10th.. so I didn't even have a period before getting pregnant again. A bit nervous too...
Have you girls all told your family?

We told our parents at 4 weeks (the day after we found out ourselves). My younger sister worked it out when I was week 6 and I told my best friend at week 6 aswell. Im now in my 7week and were planning to tell my OH's best friend tonight when we meet for dinner.

Apart from that were not telling ANYONE. Hoping to get to week 12 before anyone notices. :winkwink:
Have you girls all told your family?

Hi ocean_pearl!! :wave: Welcome!!

I told my sister as soon as I found out, but no other family members yet. I plan to wait until after my 6 week visit on the 30th when I get my blood values back. I have had to tell a few people at work in order to stay away from anesthesia and taking radiographs, I don't plan to tell "everyone" at work until 12 weeks.

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