Any Gamer Girls?

Avalnda - Do you level with the tank build or do you switch to a DPS build for leveling and then just tank in instances? screw people telling you how to play, you learn best by doing things your own way. I've never tried tanking, I did a bit of off tanking on my druid but I worry that every raid I did would end in a wipe and there'd be too many people raging so I mainly stick to DPS! really loving holy priests at the moment though. Hunter's also a pretty awesome class.

Just thought of another game - L4d! anyone playing that? the first time I played that I somehow ended up locked in a cupboard and didn't know how to get out :haha:
I had a very long term guild and there was a handfull of us that always raided and did just fun runs together, half of the time we would only go if we had all of our little group there.
One of our main holy priests used to find it hilarious to pull before I did or dilberatly try to take my agro just to see if I could keep up, we did alot of fun runs while drunk as well, if someone ever says can you tank for an all cloth group when most of them are drunk "just for a bit of a laugh" tell them to bog off :) we went through 4 mages because they kept falling asleep drunk, the run took 7 hours and ended with a 12k gold repair bill just for me alone :)
I have to share my best experiance ever on wow with you.
Id not long been playing so I only had a lvl 54 warrior and my guild thought it would be a laugh to take me into black rock spire to show me UBRS as I was in training to be there tank when big enough.
We got in through the portal spent a minute or 2 clearing a few mobs, I spent most of my time hiding behind the hunters pet (I was only ickle, the pet was higher then me)
About 4 minutes into it all of a sudden about 20 mobs came running at us and everything was just complete mayhem all I could hear on TS was people shouting where are they all coming from.
Managed to survive that (im still hiding scared of doing somthing wrong) then another 30 or so come running at us followed by drakki and just completly wiped the floor with us.
All of a sudden I get this pm from a friend "servers have all gone tits up, dungoens are...... are you in UBRS hahahahahaha your fu**ed"

Aparently all the dungouns where bugged and the servers had to be reset, I spent the next month refusing to ever set foot through a portal again because I was convinced this was what was ment to happen and it would always me like that, I was scared sh**less and never forgave my friends for taking me in there :)
I'm a big final fantasy player. Started off on FF7 in school holidays years ago, and the addiction just went from there lol

Same here, i love final fantasy! Also love pokemon! x
I started off my gaming life on an old school first person shooter called Quake. Have also played CSS (loved that game) another first person shooter. Progressed to MMORPGs like Guildwars and then World of warcraft which I was highly addicted to until I fel pregnant with Jess. I had level 70 (which was the level cap at the time I quit) Mage and priest with high level shammy but can't remember the level.
I do miss WoW sometimes but the people I used to play with (including my OH) have moved to easy mode lol .... a PVE Server. So my chars are all alone on Chromaggus :)
:rofl::rofl::rofl: OMG i love you ladies!!

I play WoW like a beast right now. but i've only just started playing. :blush: i have 2 characters that i can't decided which to make my main, one is an undead warrior the other is a blood elf holy priest. both level 54. :haha: so i guess i'll keep them both as main, since i hear the game gets fun at 58! although i do rage quite hard when trying to tank. i'm learning though, lots of guys jump at the chance to try to help me, but they all tell me different stuff so i'm trying to compile it all together and play my own style.

Tanking is easy. I'm not sure how warrior prot leveling is now but if you really like tanking and feel like warrior isnt for you then you should level up as a prot paladin! Crazy fun and you can just pull 10+ mobs (with some tanking gear on ofc and a shield) and just aoe them down within 2-3 spells. Mine is currently at lvl 60 as I don't really want to re-sub if I don't want to play a lot.

Don't bother about people telling you what to do when you are tanking low lvl stuff. You can only make it work yourself. There will always be one in the group who wants it to go fast fast fast pull gogogo, one that wants to marks and sheep and the whole deal and those who just keyboardturn and don't reply when you ask why they are slowing you down :haha:

Prot warrior is the most fun tank IMO at lvl 80 tho :)
I'm more into RPGs, LOVE the Final Fantasy series! Lost Oddessy, The Last Remnant (big Square-Enix fan if you haven't already noticed). Currently obsessed (still) with Borderlands. I didn't read the whole thread but if any of you lovely ladies play Borderlands on the 360 and have Gold accounts lemme know! I am ALL for Co-op!!! :dance:

Love the Zelda series too, took me a bit to get used to Twilight Princess but 10hrs in or so I got better with it. HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE Portal fan, I'm going to do OH's cake this year up like the Portal Cake, he's going to be thrilled!!! :mrgreen:
I'd consider myself a gamer, although le hubs would probably disagree - when my depression gets bad, it's one of the first things i stop doing... but I regularly play games :)
Avalnda - Do you level with the tank build or do you switch to a DPS build for leveling and then just tank in instances? screw people telling you how to play, you learn best by doing things your own way. I've never tried tanking, I did a bit of off tanking on my druid but I worry that every raid I did would end in a wipe and there'd be too many people raging so I mainly stick to DPS! really loving holy priests at the moment though. Hunter's also a pretty awesome class.

Just thought of another game - L4d! anyone playing that? the first time I played that I somehow ended up locked in a cupboard and didn't know how to get out :haha:

I'm set up strictly tank. I tried a little bit of DPS with an alt i have, and i felt so unimportant :haha: I hate being the center of attention with everything, ESPECIALLY online games (i am SOOO internet shy on games :blush:) but i enjoyed tanking in the beginning and i ADORE healing, it's so satisfying :happydance:

My OH LOVES hunters and only likes to play as undead, so he's super excited for the new expansion which will bring undead hunters!!!
I have to share my best experiance ever on wow with you.
Id not long been playing so I only had a lvl 54 warrior and my guild thought it would be a laugh to take me into black rock spire to show me UBRS as I was in training to be there tank when big enough.
We got in through the portal spent a minute or 2 clearing a few mobs, I spent most of my time hiding behind the hunters pet (I was only ickle, the pet was higher then me)
About 4 minutes into it all of a sudden about 20 mobs came running at us and everything was just complete mayhem all I could hear on TS was people shouting where are they all coming from.
Managed to survive that (im still hiding scared of doing somthing wrong) then another 30 or so come running at us followed by drakki and just completly wiped the floor with us.
All of a sudden I get this pm from a friend "servers have all gone tits up, dungoens are...... are you in UBRS hahahahahaha your fu**ed"

Aparently all the dungouns where bugged and the servers had to be reset, I spent the next month refusing to ever set foot through a portal again because I was convinced this was what was ment to happen and it would always me like that, I was scared sh**less and never forgave my friends for taking me in there :)

OH GOD! I'd be right there with you... I think i'd be scared sh*tless! excuse my french! I'm not such a good tank, but i've gotten out of some EXTREME freak moments with my healer :happydance: nothing near that though!!!

I love my guild, they're so much fun. they were on vent the other night and i was listening in, and they took down a 10 man boss with 4 guys! it was hilarious to listen to them. but they all had a blast. i can't wait to get to 80 and join them (with my healer of course.. i don't think i could match their expectations for tank :blush:)
:rofl::rofl::rofl: OMG i love you ladies!!

I play WoW like a beast right now. but i've only just started playing. :blush: i have 2 characters that i can't decided which to make my main, one is an undead warrior the other is a blood elf holy priest. both level 54. :haha: so i guess i'll keep them both as main, since i hear the game gets fun at 58! although i do rage quite hard when trying to tank. i'm learning though, lots of guys jump at the chance to try to help me, but they all tell me different stuff so i'm trying to compile it all together and play my own style.

Tanking is easy. I'm not sure how warrior prot leveling is now but if you really like tanking and feel like warrior isnt for you then you should level up as a prot paladin! Crazy fun and you can just pull 10+ mobs (with some tanking gear on ofc and a shield) and just aoe them down within 2-3 spells. Mine is currently at lvl 60 as I don't really want to re-sub if I don't want to play a lot.

Don't bother about people telling you what to do when you are tanking low lvl stuff. You can only make it work yourself. There will always be one in the group who wants it to go fast fast fast pull gogogo, one that wants to marks and sheep and the whole deal and those who just keyboardturn and don't reply when you ask why they are slowing you down :haha:

Prot warrior is the most fun tank IMO at lvl 80 tho :)

i have a prot pally, i can't stand her! MAKES ME WANT TO SCRATCH MY EYES OUT. i'm considering stripping her and deleting her. i rage when i play. i also can't stand being in a dungeon with a prot pally. :haha: i don't know why. i just.. don't like them! there's a reason it's a alliance class. :rofl:


(sorry for any alliance players :haha: i feel bad.. but.. not too bad :thumbup:)
I'm more into RPGs, LOVE the Final Fantasy series! Lost Oddessy, The Last Remnant (big Square-Enix fan if you haven't already noticed). Currently obsessed (still) with Borderlands. I didn't read the whole thread but if any of you lovely ladies play Borderlands on the 360 and have Gold accounts lemme know! I am ALL for Co-op!!! :dance:

Love the Zelda series too, took me a bit to get used to Twilight Princess but 10hrs in or so I got better with it. HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE Portal fan, I'm going to do OH's cake this year up like the Portal Cake, he's going to be thrilled!!! :mrgreen:

I own twilight princess, but i've never once played it.. :haha: my OH wants me to play it with him. so i guess i'll try it out.

I LOVE PORTAL! It was the first game my OH and i played together! well, he played, i watched. BUT i loved it none the less!!!
Bah scummy horde :haha:
although I did enjoy playing a belf warlock
psshhh. alliance scum. :haha:

alliance is all beauty and no brains :rofl: at least that's what i've been told. :shrug: (really makes no difference to me, though everyone i play with tells me that alliance used to get their asses kicked by horde because horde had all the good players, but now it's starting to merge because you can have both alliance or horde on one realm :haha:)
I'm an xbox chick :D


must post this, DON'T HATE ME! D: (all in good fun!)
I am going out to buy an xbox soon, so no hate here! my ps3 buddies send me these things, they make me laugh. :3 really hope i dont offend anyone!
Ooh me, me, I'm a gamer girl :D

Console-wise, I've got a Wii & a PS3 (and 2 and 1 :lol:). The Wii games tend to suit me more. LOVE all the Zelda games, and can't wait for the next one! I love my PlayStation for the Final Fantasy series though, never played one them I haven't liked :D

In terms of MMOs, I started out in EQ, and worked for the European version of the game for a bit (when there were 3 Ubisoft servers). That's how I met my husband! ;) These days I'm in WoW. Main char is a L80 gnome mage, dual spec frost/arcane. My main alt (if that makes sense!) is a L79 resto/enhance dranei shammy. I've got various alts at lower levels. Most of them are mothballed waiting for Cataclysm though. I don't think I could stand doing Tanaris again! :P
Horde ftw :)

I'm a PS3 girl. But only because I get PS3 games for free. No preference really!

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