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Any other babies born mid to late February? How are they all doing?


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Dec 13, 2010
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Just wondering how all your little ones are doing?

Our little girl pretty much sleeps all day! No joke. Don't remember my son being this sleepy! She is also pretty sicky - again not like my son. Feels like this is all completely new again!

Husband went back to work yesterday so a compete shock to the system!! X
My little girl was born on 20th Feb and I feel like she is changing every single day!! She has absolutely no routine to her day whatsoever....she sleeps, eats and poos whenever she likes and definitely rules the roost round here :D

Yesterday she decided not to nap AT ALL so by last night she was so overtired and grumpy that all she wanted to do was cry and the only way to comfort her was to let her comfort suck after feeding her! I have been doing mammoth nursing sessions - like 6+ hours and have been finding it exhausting but today she has napped on and off all morning/afternoon so I have been lying in the couch trying to catch up on some sleep (but ended up catching up on Sky Planner instead!!! )

The health visitor came this morning and the good news is that all these long hours on the boob must be paying off as she has put 11oz on in one week! So I am a very happy Mammy today!

The sun is shining here today so once I have fed her I am going to go for a stroll round the park while we wait for Daddy to get home from work.

So, so far so good (with a few ups and downs) in this household :thumbup:
Hi, yeah my little girl does a ton of sleeping! I really don't remember my son sleeping this much either but it's nearly 4 years since he was this little so it's hard to remember. It really does feel like starting over again :)

When was your little girl born? My Megan was born on 19th so she is 2 weeks old today, still seems surreal! She has her moments when she is sick a lot too - like brings up almost an entire feed and that has been a little concerning. She tends to feed quite slowly, maybe 2-3oz over 30-40 mins, but anymore than that and she's sick. She is also gaining weight slowly too - only 1.5oz since we got out of hospital but I think that is just how she is going to be. Totally different from my son - he took loads of milk and gained weight quickly!

My husband also went back to work yesterday so having to do bedtime on my own with 2 was interesting - think it will be a bit trial and error till it all fits into place :wacko:
Yep a very slow weight gain here too! 80 grams to go until she is back at her birth weight. My son was a hungry boy, never sick and gained weight really well. Our daughter Gabriella was born 18th Feb. yes I did bath and bed on my own last night as well! Was pretty awful actually as had to leave her to cry while I quickly got my son ready and read him a story. Thankfully he is an amazing sleeper!
Feeding is a bit of an issue here too! She has about 2oz and like yours if I try and get more down she's sick :( she is sick sometimes just after a 2oz so I have now idea why she is sick?! She's not in pain or anything. Tried breast feeding at the start but she refused to feed and became very jittery - then had to have blood tests as they were getting concerned about her glucose calcium levels. She then just kept losing weight and even refused formula at first! Thankfully she's better now and weight is on the up just slowly! She still pulls a face when a bottle goes in her mouth though!!!
My ds was born on the 16th. He is also mainly sleeping at the moment. He is gaining weight quickly, 1lb by 11 days old. He takes about 3oz milk every 2 1/2 hours so very hungry although he has bad wind.

Yesterday was also my ohs first day back at work so it was my first day with both kids alone. Hard work but not as bad as I expected.
DS was born on 12th Feb and he also sleeps CONSTANTLY. Seriously only wakes for a feed, and even then a couple of feeds a day he stays asleep! My DD was never so sleepy. Connor is a very laid back baby, whereas Lily was quite difficult as a newborn. X
My little boy was born on the 11th. He's doing WONDERFULLY -- can't believe he's three weeks old! He, too, sleeps a lot...slept for 5.5 hours this morning between nursings! Wow! Such a perfect little baby in every way!

Husband went back to work over a week ago, and it's hard...felt like we got no time as a family because visitors were here and then they left and he went back to work the next day. *frown*
My son was born february 22nd and he is the most quietest baby ive ever met! my daughter was an angel baby and only cried when she needed something so we were very lucky with her! we were told we'd never get two the same, but i disagree so far! all he does is sleep and fart! we actually have to wake him up for his feeds and i need to 'waken him up' by changing his nappy with a baby wipe, otherwise he stays asleep! never cries, just gives a few grunts! xx
Must be a February baby thing lol!! We also used to have to wake her to feed. Now she is pretty good at letting me know!!! Glad to hear its not just mine that sleeps all the time! I was seriously getting worried in the first few days as she was barely ever awake!!
How were all your births? Mine was a section so not really being able to lift my son much has been tricky. X
My daughter was born on February 13! She also sleeps a lot, but when she's not sleeping unfortunately she cries a lot. I constantly feel like I'm trying to diagnose her but I'm worried this is just how she is. I know she's very gassy! And I suspect some silent reflux but that's something I'm still monitoring, but the signs are there.

I'm doing this alone (with my moms help) but its been very tiring! I'm hoping she will reward me with lots of smiles and long nights of sleep later on!
my LO will be one week old tonite. she wakes up to bf a lot but does have her longer stretches of 3-4 sleep. put her down after a feed 2 and a half hours ago so I could grab a quick bite and shes still down :cloud9: nice to be able to just sit at the comp and poke around for a bit. she lost 6% of her birth weight in the first few days but shes already gained it back and then some :thumbup:

my H has been great, he goes back to work this Saturday. im so so going to miss him being here, I wish just the three of us could be at home forever. he's going to take a month or two of paternity leave in the summertime tho, so that will be awesome.

we had our first visitors on Saturday, MIL FIL and SIL came up for about 5 hours, which was a little bit too long of a visit imo, but definitely more than earned their keep - bought a crib, mattress, and sheet set on the way up, brought and fixed lunch, filled our fridge, brought a sling and two bags stuffed with baby clothes/diapers/wipes. other than that only the midwife has been by a few times. my mum is coming up for a few hours this Friday. ill prob be more keen on company once H goes back to work, right now I like it to just be us

my mood has been really good. ive had a few cries where ive been really overtired and then ill just be looking at her and thinking how dam cute she is and then ill have a little cry, then have a nap and be fine again. Ive been having bad dreams a lot tho about LO getting hurt or not being able to find her :nope: so I guess my anxiety is coming thru that way.

all in all things are going amazingly well, I hadn't thought too much about what it would be like to have a new baby, but I was expecting there to be a lot more crying. she is a very happy baby, only fusses for a minute or two here and there. I know that will prob change as she grows and gets more alert so just enjoying having a quiet baby right now.
Wow that's brilliant she's back at birth weight already!! We are still not there yet and she's 2 weeks old! I also wonder whether there is a bit of redux or allergy issue going on...
Changed milk today. Stopped C&G and started her on Hipp and so far so good!! Thinking maybe the milk didn't agree with her?! Deffo less gassy. Will see how the night goes!
Being weighed again tomo and keeping everything crossed that she's back to birth weight!
Oh that's interesting about the change in milk making such a difference. We're using aptimil and just taking it easy about how much she takes at a time, although in the last 24 hours she has been taking more at each feed - more between 3-4 ozs, instead of only 2oz. The health visitor is back on Monday so I'm really hoping that by then she will be closer to her birth weight.

Good luck for tomorrow Rebecca :)
tip: eating broccoli whilst breastfeeding = gassy baby

found that out last nite ....:wacko:
My little man was born on the 14th feb (3 weeks 1 day early) he weighed 5lb12! Hes doing really well he was last weighed at 14 days and was 6lb2 next weigh in is tuesday.
He is on cow n gate milk and taking 2 - 3 ozs every 2.5-3hrs. He sleeps quite a bit but is havin longer awake times. Tonight he choose to wake at 9:45 for his milk and stay awake until 11:45! Hes pretty good overnight n sleeps for up to 4 hrs.
Must be a February baby thing lol!! We also used to have to wake her to feed. Now she is pretty good at letting me know!!! Glad to hear its not just mine that sleeps all the time! I was seriously getting worried in the first few days as she was barely ever awake!!
How were all your births? Mine was a section so not really being able to lift my son much has been tricky. X

I also had a section n have a 23 month old whos confused as to why mummy caant lift her :(
My birth was interesting but not as bad as my daughters! Sure u guys dont wanna be bored with details though.
Yes it's been difficult and I have had to lift my son in and out of high chair and his cot. He's been very good at climbing on to the sofa for cuddles. He bumped himself the other day and was really upset so had to lift him then as he wanted cuddles.

Yes definitely improved on hipp milk! Less gassy and seems less squirmy. Also pooping more!

What are all the babies names? Our little girl is called Gabriella.
My little girl is named Leyla. I finally got her to take a pacifier last night and night time was MUCH more tolerable! She didnt even need it all night which was a relief.

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