Any other babies born mid to late February? How are they all doing?

ladies how long are your LOs awake during the day until their next nap? my guy is mostly 1hr-2 hrs. sometimes he is sleepy sometimes not. sometimes he is grumpy when i try to make him nap but naps in the end. but he will eventually sleep. that grumpy thing is very seldom though. the best thing that works for me has been to wait until he himself gets really sleepy and drinks himself to sleep. i get a bit confused when he gets sleep after 1hr, coz it is unlike him. and the schedule seems coming off. then i worry about my breastmilk etc. in any case i worry about all littlest things. i am too precise and always think "schedule". anybody like me there? i annoy myself. i should just relax. i guess sometimes he has sleepier days than others right?
Gabriella is hardly ever awake! Although she was born at 38 weeks so wonder whether that has something to do with it?
She is becoming more awake though recently. She probable had about 2 hours in total yesterday of being awake. And when she was awake she was really alert and looking around, watching faces and looking at pictures etc. I ask the HV and MW every time about her being so sleepy and they aren't worried just that some sleep more than others!
Feeding her now and she has one eye open!!
Anyway my point is they're all different and your son sounds like he is doing brilliantly! X
My little guy doesn't eat much in the mornings -- maybe 4-5 minutes and then he falls asleep and CANNOT be woken up...then I put him down in his bassinet and he wakes up within a few we start over. I try cuddling/soothing him and he'll go back to sleep until I set him down again... worries me that he's not getting enough food in the mornings, but then later in the day he eats normally again...after a LONG nap in the morning after i finally decide we're not going back to sleep after 6am...

advice? anyone else noticing there are times during the day when LO doesn't eat much?
Oscar was born at 38+5 following induction due to low amniotic fluid, decreased movement and growth concerns. He weighed 6lb 3.5oz. We also had a bumpy start to Breastfeeding (mastitis and cracked nipples ) and are currently using nipple shields (trying to wean). Oscar also seems to har wind and doesn't like burping (mrsswaffer are you sure you aren't me?!) he gets really grunty in the eveninibg and brings his legs up to his chest :(

He is currently feeding 2 hourly although we've had a few rough nights recently with him feeding every hour. I didn't plan on co sleeping but for some unknown reason he won't settle in his basket so spends the night sleeping on my chest :/ need to get him in his basket so I can have a decent nights sleep. It's rally hard to persevere though as in torn between doing the right thing and having a but of sleep!
DH went back to work last week and we seem to be coping on ob our own (although hard to have proper meals so finding myself reaching for the biscuits-this needs to stop as I'm eating so much-will never lose baby weight! does breast feeding make anyone else starving?!)
I have the same appetite I did during pregnancy - I want to eat everything in sight :haha:

LO overall is a happy baby except she seems to get fussy at the same time every night - between 10 pm and 1 am. wants the boob, drinks furiously for a minute then spits it out. pick her up and shes happy for a minute then rooting and fussy. put her back on the boob, furiousness, spit out. I was in/out the bed about 20 times trying to get her settled last nite. it was my own fault tho really, I didn't nap in the afternoon when she had her nap :wacko: so I was set on getting us to sleep. I should've just sat up with her and watched tv for a couple hours instead of keep trying to get into bed. :dohh:
Yep! Gabriella will sleep all morning and most of the afternoon lol and not be too fussed with feeding,just having the minimum to go back to sleep but mid afternoon evening she wakes up and guzzles loads!!!
Breastfeeding makes me really thirsty! Like, instantly! We are burning loads of calories doing it, keese, so I'm sure the biscuit consumption is justified!! :D
wow. my guy had 3 days like that. or 4 lol. ones when my milk wasnt there yet, he was sucking 5-9pm. then on days when inlaws come and ds1 is very noisy. today was a sleepy day though. im surprised.
Yes if you're breast feeding you need to eat an extra 500 calories or something like that! When I breasted I also used to get super thirsty! Eating - I'm still eating for 2 hahaha! Going to start serious dieting after Easter. Need to cut down on the amount of chocolate I've been enjoying the last 9 months!!!
My appetite is insatiable!! Ha! I have always had a big appetite but seems breastfeeding makes me want to eat, eat, eat and I am drinking over 2L of water a day too...seems all I do is eat, drink and feed my LO at the minute :haha: I am, however, somehow only 4lbs away from pre-pregnancy weight so I am definitely not complaining.

My LO is a brilliant sleeper through the night, waking for 2 feeds and going straight back to sleep. She then has a morning nap and then I struggle to get her to sleep AT ALL during the day. She is so awake and alert, even after feeding. I'm worried she is not getting enough sleep and will be speaking to the HV about it on Weds. She is so much more settled the last couple of days and seems content where last week she cried quite a lot on an evening. Love her more and more every day :cloud9:
I've just been looking at my little man sleeping in his Moses basket, and came over all weepy. :cloud9:
Omg having a super fussy night tonight!!! Just managed to get her off to sleep after much rocking!!! Don't know what's up with her tonight....
Just had our longest stretch of sleep :) she did 5 and half hours!!! Feels good! Hope you're all having good nights! Xx
Wow, that's good! :) Our longest is 3 hours. I tend to wake up then, because I haven't been woken up! :haha:
I know :) feel almost normal today lol! Have a scan later for her to check joints as I had really low fluid and then pretty much no fluid at the end.
Good luck at your scan :) Jade does 1 five hours stretch from 8sh-1am then 4hours after that. Will probably change with next growth spurt. X
On my birthday (March 28th) I have a scan for Leyla too. She had a few things going on with her kidneys while I was pregnant so they want to check if thats still there.

Good luck!
good luck on your scans ladies.

i had a good night i guess. but i always have to wait a bit until Aron is really asleep in order to move him to his bed. we have a queensize bed. im not sure if that is good enough for cosleeping. im gonna see how it goes with him. i feel like he wants to sleep with me. coz if i move him too early to his bed he fuzzes. but he sleeps well if i move him at the right time.

the morning was not so good. he was very fuzzy about his fist nap after he woke up at 8am. i think he might want 2 hrs awake time in the morning. he always sleeps best then.

do your LOs have a schedule already?

my 2 year old was very angry as Aron was awake yesterday at 4pm. He said Aron is supposed to be sleeping upstairs. coz thats his usual schedule :dohh:
9 hours of sleep with one feed last nite :smug:

woke up to a grunting baby beside me in a puddle of poo tho soaked thru her jammies and a blanket and a towel :haha::haha:

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