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Any other babies born mid to late February? How are they all doing?

Aaah gorgeous name Leyla!

Yes am also encouraging a pacifier/dummy if only to help keep her milk down - she pulls the funniest faces when I put it in!
Yes it's been difficult and I have had to lift my son in and out of high chair and his cot. He's been very good at climbing on to the sofa for cuddles. He bumped himself the other day and was really upset so had to lift him then as he wanted cuddles.

Yes definitely improved on hipp milk! Less gassy and seems less squirmy. Also pooping more!

What are all the babies names? Our little girl is called Gabriella.

My little girl is Jade Sophia :)
Aaah gorgeous name Leyla!

Yes am also encouraging a pacifier/dummy if only to help keep her milk down - she pulls the funniest faces when I put it in!

Does it help with reflux and puking?
Oh Yes! As soon as she finishes I pop it in and sit her really still. She must suck it down!!

Have just changed milks though and that has definitely helped. Only been sick once in 24 hours!
Yes it's been difficult and I have had to lift my son in and out of high chair and his cot. He's been very good at climbing on to the sofa for cuddles. He bumped himself the other day and was really upset so had to lift him then as he wanted cuddles.

Yes definitely improved on hipp milk! Less gassy and seems less squirmy. Also pooping more!

What are all the babies names? Our little girl is called Gabriella.

lovely name !

our LO is Annaleigh :cloud9:
Oh Yes! As soon as she finishes I pop it in and sit her really still. She must suck it down!!

Have just changed milks though and that has definitely helped. Only been sick once in 24 hours!

Lovely! Maybe thats why shes been a bit calmer, I suspected silent reflux but she seems "better" in that department!

Aron was born on the 17th.

He usually feeds 1.5-2 hours during the day and then sleeps 3 hours like a clock.
He likes to take his time in breastfeeding. takes a lot of breaks looks around. poops. wants to be held mostly.

he usually sleeps 9pm-2am, then little milk. but after that he is a noisy sleeper! 3am - 6am i always wonder if he is awake or something is wrong. coz he makes grumpy grunting noises. but he is asleep! but he doesnt do this during the day. :dohh:
Hi girls! :wave:

My little Harrison was born on 14th February at 39+1 gestation weighing 6lbs 1oz. After some feeding problems at the beginning, and numerous minor medical complaints (mastitis on my part, an eye infection and nappy rash on his) he is doing okay right now and is finally above birth weight! Though he's definitely showing signs of reflux currently. :( He feeds well (I'm using nipple shields), but I just don't have the magic touch when it comes to winding. I hate seeing him in discomfort.

Ever since he was a few days' old, he's brought his knees up to his chest and does this grunting sound in his throat - I never really paid much attention to it until he started being sicky at 2 weeks' old. :( I'm not entirely sure what I can do for him except wind him and keep him upright after feeds. I guess if it gets any worse, I'll take him to our GP.

Anyway, I am demand-feeding, so we don't have any sort of routine as yet, though he does sleep a lot. If he sleeps over 3 hours without a feed, I generally wake him up. I have also only just started offering both breasts in one session, as he is (what my mum calls) a 'boob snoozer' - he falls asleep at the boob every single time I feed him. I'm not sure if this is normal, but the HV didn't seem too concerned. :)

So, that's us! DH is back to work tomorrow, so it'll just be me and Harry on our lonesome from then on, but I'm sure we'll be fine. :) I want to go to some mum & baby classes, so I'll be able to sort those out (and various tax credit forms, etc!) next week. We're going back to the HV for another weigh-in on Tuesday.
Ah yes winding!!! I forgot how hard it is to get their burps up at the beginning. Trying to remember when they just burp themselves... It's horrible when they're in pain from wind.

I seem to be having real nappy issues with whenever I change her she wees and I then have to change her entire outfit (vest sleep suit etc) which she hates and will cry and cry its awful! Got through 4 changes today! 1 from sick and the rest she weed on! This happening to anyone else?!

1st day when your husband goes back is awful!! 2nd day much easier and actually I can't believe how quickly the week has gone and I will have done a week without him. Looking forward to chilling out a bit over the weekend. Xx
Put the clean nappy under the new one while you change then just lift the old one off if that makes sense? That should save some mess!
My other 2children are 7 & 9 so huge shock to system but shes very content and happy to just watch the world.
I tried putting the clean nappy underneath the dirty one but then when I remove the dirty one, the clean one just comes out with it! So frustrating. I've just learned to try to do my changes very quickly. I get out the new one, open it up, position it next to her.. Then strategically and quickly pull out the old, throw it to the side and swiftly put the new one under her.. If she pees, she doesnt have much time to do it!!
i have a boy. i open the nappy and wait a little then he pees :haha:

oh difficult night. Aron didnt want his dummy, but wanted me as his dummy :( im sleep hehe. oh and DS1 went to his sports class. my guy is growing so much. 3 weeks tomorrow cant believe it.
Aron didnt want his dummy, but wanted me as his dummy :( im sleep hehe.

Same here! My little girl had a really unsettled night and wants to comfort suck until the early hours. Luckily we bed share but I am still zzzzzz :coffee: got lots of visitors coming today so we're currently having some skin to skin time in bed while OH is at work and than I'll get up and have a tidy.
Must be a "thing" because Leyla had a bad night too! I am sooo sleepy and pulled a muscle in my neck last night while half-sleeping. Can't look to the right.. ouchy.
Must be a "thing" because Leyla had a bad night too! I am sooo sleepy and pulled a muscle in my neck last night while half-sleeping. Can't look to the right.. ouchy.

my neck is killing me too :haha:
oh ladies, it must be the 3 week growth spurt. Aron wanted to feed until finally he fell asleep 4pm. slept bad around lunch grumpy and wanted to feed and feed.

i dont know how to co sleep. when he feeds while lying down in bed and i lie on my side. i sometimes fall asleep and woke up coz i kind of almost rolled on him. so when he falls asleep i put him back in his bed. usually that was no problem. but tonight was difficult.
We also co sleep and last night she wanted to sleep on me! So I also woke up with a stiff neck!!
Leyla will be one month on Wednesday. cant believe it! She's been so enjoyable lately too.. minimal crying! Lots of looking around and a bit of cooing.. oh I can't wait for her to grow just a wee bit more
Harrison will be a month old on Thursday. :) He's a really content baby and rarely cries for no apparent reason. :D He's definitely more alert now, and follows faces when they're near to his face. <3 <3

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