Hi girls! :wave:
My little Harrison was born on 14th February at 39+1 gestation weighing 6lbs 1oz. After some feeding problems at the beginning, and numerous minor medical complaints (mastitis on my part, an eye infection and nappy rash on his) he is doing okay right now and is finally above birth weight! Though he's definitely showing signs of reflux currently.
He feeds well (I'm using nipple shields), but I just don't have the magic touch when it comes to winding. I hate seeing him in discomfort.
Ever since he was a few days' old, he's brought his knees up to his chest and does this grunting sound in his throat - I never really paid much attention to it until he started being sicky at 2 weeks' old.
I'm not entirely sure what I can do for him except wind him and keep him upright after feeds. I guess if it gets any worse, I'll take him to our GP.
Anyway, I am demand-feeding, so we don't have any sort of routine as yet, though he does sleep a lot. If he sleeps over 3 hours without a feed, I generally wake him up. I have also only just started offering both breasts in one session, as he is (what my mum calls) a 'boob snoozer' - he falls asleep at the boob every single time I feed him. I'm not sure if this is normal, but the HV didn't seem too concerned.
So, that's us! DH is back to work tomorrow, so it'll just be me and Harry on our lonesome from then on, but I'm sure we'll be fine.
I want to go to some mum & baby classes, so I'll be able to sort those out (and various tax credit forms, etc!) next week. We're going back to the HV for another weigh-in on Tuesday.