Any other irregular gals out there?? Let's stick together! (TTC#1 FORUM))

I wanted to start a new support thread for ladies who are having irregular cycles, are annovulatory or just don't experience the classic fertility predictors.

As some of you may already know I have been off BCP for 7 months, have had one period (or so I think) and am hoping and praying to ovulate. I am on CD 23 after what I think was a 3 day period. I am temping and charting, using OPKs and monitoring CM/CP. I have also never had EWCM which concerns me a little. I am not gonna lie, I feel a little envious of those gals who have "regular" cycles, predictably turn OPKs positive and have EWCM. I just feel sometimes like I am never going to get there....

Anyway, if there is anyone out there like me who is regularly irregular lets support one another!

Hey dear!!

Im currently on my 4dpo or 5dpo and i am nauseated like the whole day.!!

Been trying to get a BFP but failed. I have a PCOS which was seen in a CT Scan more on my right ovaries.

But after a ultrasound scan at the OBGYN they mentioned i do not have any cyst or pcos. Strange but yeah. The cyst might have burst which cld be the reason for the abdomen pains i had.

My period are extremely irregular! Sometime it could be like 5-7 months without AF and then it came with brown & dark red discharges.! But lately since Oct 2015, been taking Primrose Evening Oil & Vit E, been having my period almost each months now. Although it not regular on the days, but it did came monthly. :) for a decent 4-6 days long..

I am hoping to get pregnant as my predicted Ovulation days are on the 3rd to 6th feb.. been making love on these days.. lol! Now i felt a slight cramps on my right pelvic region, nauseated & slightly feverish 100.4°F with sweaty night even with full blast fans & sudden cold.. flu has been actively watery since 9th feb.. so today 11th feb, im just crossing my finger in hoping that I could get a BFP soon!! :) its hard to get preggy when u have irregular periods. But lets not give up shall we? :)
I have always had irregular cycles any where from 60-180 days. I was put on Metformin in 2010 when I was ttc#1. Managed to get my cycle to approx 45 days. Had 2 mmc before my son. Now we have been ttc #2 for 16 months. Just started Metformin again because GP says my sugars are high. Waiting to see fertility specialist on Feb 22nd to speak about what's next.
I have always had irregular cycles any where from 60-180 days. I was put on Metformin in 2010 when I was ttc#1. Managed to get my cycle to approx 45 days. Had 2 mmc before my son. Now we have been ttc #2 for 16 months. Just started Metformin again because GP says my sugars are high. Waiting to see fertility specialist on Feb 22nd to speak about what's next.

How long have u been having the 60-180 days cycle? There were couple of episodes when i was 18-23yrs old that my period will be absents for 7-8 months.Then when i got married at 25, 5 months w/o AF but bfn, but then after having supplements like Primrose Eve.oil, my period started monthly or at least once in 2 months. Unsure if i was ovulating during that monthly period but we tried our best to make time. :)
Any time I am not in bcp I have cycles like this. Ever since I was a teenager.
Heya ladies. Just checking in! I will also be interested in hearing about the myo-inositol. Please let us know!!

Today is CD 41 for me and still no AF or BFP. I randomly started feeling 'hot' for the last 6 days so I kind of wonder if I spontaneously ovulated last Friday. If I did then I missed my opportunity likely as DH and I BD that following Saturday and not the week before. It's so HARD to try for pregnancy when you have no idea when, or if, you ovulate. It's been a little over 3 months after coming off BCP. Month 1 was 28 days with a normal period. Month 2 was 35 days with a light, likely withdrawal period and no ovulation. Then this month there's no AF at all. PCOS vs BCP???? Who knows. I hope 'regular' women truly appreciate the gift they are given every month instead of curse it. I work with people on a professional basis and it hurts at times to see women get pregnant so easily or just by chance. I worked with a woman recently who was 48, smoke like a chimney, tanned in tanning booths as if we lived in Antarctica, and was easily 50-100 pounds overweight. She was 24 weeks pregnant. It feels so unfair at times.

I noticed something interesting this week. Or rather, my DH did and then I was shocked to see it. In the 3 months after stopping BCP my breasts have shrunk. Like a lot. Like from a 34C to a 34B. They look SO SMALL. It doesn't bother me much. It was just very odd to see my breasts so small after the last 10 years of them being larger.

I am so confused about my PCOS. My research suggests that with PCOS insulin resistance can lead to increased testosterone which results in acne and other features. I had blood work done this last week and my insulin is within normal limits and I have very low libido so it doesn't seem likely that high androgens are my problem. So what could it be? Unfortunately, my OB/GYN won't do any hormone testing until April so as to give my body a chance to regulate (ha ha) after stopping BCP.

Here's hoping to BFP's to all of us this year!
Ugh ME don't I know what you mean!! I am at CD63 today and just started metformin two days ago. I am hoping it induces AF soon but if not my doc also gave me progesterone to help induce it by doing a withdrawal bleed. But it is so freaking confusing to not know when or if you are ovulating. But to shed a little light on the insulin resistance! I just had my hormone blood work done last week and an ultrasound done. My insulin was fine and my glucose looked great. But you can still have insulin Resistance by your body just misusing the insulin it produces. I do have a family history of diabeties. My testosterone was a little on the high side but not crazy. So I am hoping the metformin will help push the egg and ovulate during each cycle. It is so frustrating not to have a normal cycle. I am so hopeful for the metformin and have really high hopes.
Welcome Asasha and Canadian Lady. Looks like we have quite the international crew on this thread!

MEPride, definitely give your body some more time to regulate. It can take women with no hormonal issues a few months to regulate after BCP. Although it does sound cruel for your doc to make you wait until April to get your hormones tested it will probably give you a good picture of your actual hormone levels. That being said, if you are not happy with your OBGYN and don't feel like you are being heard feel free to switch docs. My OB said my hormone levels can come back normal and I still have PCOS, I don't really understand it either. I guess because PCOS is a syndrome not a disease there is some leeway with diagnostic criteria. Also my breasts shrunk a full cup size as well! I was a D cup and I am now a C cup, I am very excited because they were way too big for me. Although I did get some stretch marks on one of my breasts which I am bummed about. Also, I work at a non-profit mental health agency and meet women all the time who have NO problem getting knocked up and are very unhealthy. It is frustrating...

Littlebean- thanks for the info on insulin resistance. My blood work came back normal. I have ALWAYS had really intense sugar cravings. Like, there are days I would sell my soul to the devil for some Wild Berry Skittles and think about candy all day long until I purchase it. I wonder if this sugar addiction is related to PCOS.....
VENT SESSION: I visited my best friend over the weekend who lives about 4 hours away from me. She is in her third trimester with her first baby. She is one of the four people I have told we are ttc. She asked how things were going and I told her that I may have PCOS and that I am not having my periods or ovulating. She gave some empathy and said everything would be fine for me. What made me REALLY irritated was that she kept talking about how much she hates being pregnant and how bored she is being pregnant. Seriously?!?!?!?! And its not like she said it one or two or even three times, she said it A LOT. Ok, you know I have a potential medical problem that may prevent me from conceiving and you are complaining about being pregnant when you have had no illness and a self described easy pregnancy! What I wouldn't give to be in her shoes right now....the last time she said it I said "wanna switch places?" She would do nothing intentional to hurt my feelings but it was just really upsetting especially considering that I have not ovulated since stopping BCP. I brought her gifts and I looked at her baby room and listened to all of her pregnancy stories and about her classes and doctors appointments. By the end of the day yesterday I had enough of listening to baby stories! It was definitely good it was only a two day visit.

Vent session over.
Hi everyone,

2Duck, thanks for the update, and regarding your vent, I am sure your friend does not mean any harm. A colleague of mine does the same (she is also a friend, and the only one to know we are ttc), I think it means "sorry you are struggling in this ttc journey, but hey, look, you are not missing much as it is really not fun"....... or at least I take it that way...

I am now full on the green spearmint tea cure, but so far, there are not much changes (still a bit of acnea, some facial hairs and above all, no ovulation). I also started to drink grapefruit juice once a day, and I am taking omega3 supplements...
Hopefully something will happen soon, even though I am leaving again for work for a week from this Friday so I don't have much hope...

I need to start thinking of my appointment on the 29th with my gynecologist. I don't really know how it will go and what she will ask. I know that they planned the appointment over 45 minutes which is quite long...

Anyway, let's stay positive......
Joy-I know you are right and my friend didn't mean anything by it. I actually talked to my mom about her complaining so much about how she was pregnant. My mom told me that she also hated being pregnant, it just gave me a different perspective. I must ask, what sort of interesting job do you have that takes you all over the globe????
Joy-BTW, good luck with your appointment, please update us!

I have nothing new but didn't want the thread to get lost.

Any updates ladies???
Perhaps TMI, but AF is here! FINALLY. It only took 2 months, but after coming off BCP my cycles have been getting longer and longer, which concerns me. 28 days, 35 days, now 8 weeks. What will the next one be like?

I started a low glycemic index diet January first. Essentially, low to no processed foods, no white flour, no refined sugar, no white rice, no bad starchy veges. I also stopped all caffeine, alcohol, and am doing a low to no dairy and low to no gluten in my diet. It's been a challenge, but here is what I've noticed in the 7 weeks of doing this:

More even energy. No ups/ downs. More alert in the mornings.
My acne is less and is HEALING faster than before
When I 'cheat' on my diet (because really, who can resist a chocolate mousse cake on Valentine's Day) I feel like S*** the next 48 hours with headaches, fatigue/lethargy....

And that's just 7 weeks. Imagine 6 months from now. Maybe my hormones will balance out??? *crosses fingers*.

I found out another one of my friends is pregnant. I'm happy for her, but that makes only 1 other non-pregnant or non-mother friend left. Strangely, I'm not upset by this fact. I've chilled out quite a bit and decided that while we TTC I won't obsess over it and will instead build up some financial cushion through investments prior to eventual baby arrival. Huzzah!

How's everyone else?
Hey ladies!

The nurse just called to confirm ovulation from my 21 day bloods yesterday! This is my first shot at getting pregnant in months, so I'm super excited! Now I have to make it until Sunday to test.

I'm 8dpo. I had ewcm on CD14 (OV day) and my bbs have been sore since about 2dpo, which I'm guessing means I had a strong OV.
Hey everyone - Just reading through and having so many thoughts going through my mind. DH and I started TTC last month = BFN. I am currently on CD5 and my cycles range from 30-80 days (40 is average). I am sure I ovulate because I go through all the ovulation symptoms. My periods are usually very light and only a few days long. I wish all of you the best and hope we all get our BFP soon. I am trying to schedule something with my doctor soon....even though we were told to try naturally for a year....
PeterPan-That is GREAT news!! Fingers crossed for you and please let us know!!

ME-I think we are on the same cycles haha. I just started AF today and yesterday was CD81 so I am SO happy.

Leave it to us irregular gals to be so happy to see that stupid AF. I have started my Metformin and go up to 1500mg tomorrow. I am currently at 1000mg. I am so nervous to go up, but so far no side effects that are too crazy. Once I go up it really increased my chances for ov so fingers crossed! For the first time I am feeling so hopeful in all of this.

PJMM-Welcome! Us irregular ladies have to stick together!

2Ducks-How are things with you? Any news/updates?

I will hopefully be Ovulating around 3/6 and testing around 3/16 or so. I start my progesterone pill on CD18 and go until I have AF or until CD35. Then its testing for me! If BFN then I stop taking progesterone to induce a period. SO hopefully my cycles will only be at most 40 days long now, which is the most exciting part!
Hey :) I have pcos and before starting metformin, I hadn't had a period in over a year. Since November, I've had at least 2 periods. Not sure if I'm on a period now, as it's very spotty and brown.
though having a period sucks, not having a period can suck more :(
I'm glad there's a thread for fellow peeps who have similar issues ^.^
Thanks ladies! I'll keep you posted!

pjmm - I have PCOS and I used to have ovulation symptoms on about cd 19-21, but I wouldn't usually start AF, or she would come really late. Turns out I wasn't ovulating. From the research I've done, you can have the symptoms without ovulating because your body is gearing up to ovulate (hence the symptoms) but then doesn't release an egg, and therefore you don't get AF or she comes really late, which is actually just a breakthrough bleed, not a real "period." This might explain the lighter bleeding and the inconsistent cycle lengths. You might consider getting monitored or trying to confirm O next cycle so you know for sure, and if you aren't ovulating you can work on a solution.

Also, I know how frustrating it is to have to try for a year. I was told to do that for insurance purposes because most insurance won't cover anything until you've been ttc for a year. Grr.
Had a bit of a meltdown on Monday. I went to see the fertility specialist to my my test results and figure out the plan. I had stupidly thought I would get some meds right away as I don't ovulate on my own and my cycles are 60-160 days. I was put on Metformin 4 weeks ago my and endo as my blood sugar is higher. Unfortunately the fertility Dr said j have to get my blood sugar less than 6 (now at 6.2) before I can start meds. I have 2 months before I go back. Just frustrated as I feel like I am running out of time.
Candianlady- So sorry that you got news you didn't want to hear. Try to hang in there, big hugs your way.

PeterPanWendy- YAAAAAAAY! Good luck!

MePride & Littlebean- Score for AF! Seriously, who gets excited to have their period besides women who are having fertility issues and teenage girls praying not to be knocked up????

EAhner84- Welcome to our thread, keep us posted on your progress.

As for me, I am sitting in the airport in Panama waiting to board my flight back home. I had a great vacation, lots of sun, swimming, hiking, and even saved a baby sloth that fell out of a tree (no joke). My OBGYN appointment is next Friday, I should walk out with a prescription for provera and clomid. CAN'T wait to get started.

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