BUGaBOO... I seriously feel like we have the same baby, lol. I also had a very long, difficult labour and delivery and I think that might have started things off rough, and trying to take care of myself has been next to impossible. Then poor LO ended up with thrush early on as well and he's been through gentian violet and nystatin and finally they gave us Diflucan which seems to be working (and not causing horrific gas pains like nystatin did). He is lovely and wonderful when he is not crying, but just a very very fussy baby compared to others I've known/taken care of, but I think its mainly because he suffers so badly with gas and thrush. =(
The first night we were home, he just screamed nonstop and looked like he was being tortured. It was awful.
We took him to the hospital and they guilt-tripped me into formula feeding without even trying to help fix my BFing and said he was crying from starvation. Not wanting to give up (despite the pinching/scratching/flailing/toothless biting baby and cracked/blistery/bleeding nips) I went to a breastfeeding clinic... they said he was crying because of sore mouth from thrush and poor latch issues because of minor tongue tie. They sorted a lot out for me which was great, and showed me exercises to try to help the tongue tie, but its still excruciating. And the thrush has been transferred to me and after the nystatin, I swear its worse. So after another day and night of screaming nonstop, back to the doctor who prescribed the Diflucan so I'm hoping it works.
Our routine right now is looong.
He is used to formula from the break I had to take from BFing and OH was feeding him 3oz almost every hour, hour and a half at one point so he is not settled unless his belly is very full. So at one point, I was pumping and formula feeding until I healed just enough to BF again. Now I breastfeed, which takes him anywhere from 40 to 60 minutes with the latching/relatching/flailing/pushing away/screaming/etc.... And then usually he needs to be changed again. Then I make up a bottle of formula to top him off (while he screams in hunger for the 5 minutes it takes me to make it, lol) and by this point he is usually sleepy and frustrated so that can take another 30 minutes or more to finish... then we constantly have to stop every half ounce or so to burp him very well... then when he is finished, there's at least 10 minutes of belly rubs/back patting/rocking to try to settle his poor belly. Then he will usually drift off, and of course we need to change him again... so then more settling.
Once he finally sleeps, I have just enough time to make his bottles (just the water), change the diaper genie, maybe throw in a load of laundry, and toss a couple things in the dishwasher... and that would be a good stretch, lol. And then he wants to eat again two hours after he started eating the last time.
But! Things have gotten a little better since yesterday. Our doctor said gripe water is safe to try and it really has worked, despite my skepticism. We don't give him the full dose 4 times a day, but rather a smaller dose if he is really fussy/gassy after he eats and otherwise we just dip his soother in and it has done wonders. He will usually sleep for an hour now, sometimes even two, instead of the 20-30 mins like before. And he's gone from ONLY sleeping in our arms, to sleeping in his swing or his bassinet. I don't know what's in this stuff, but it helped us, lol. (It's the alcohol free one at least hehe)
Nights are still rough but I'll take any improvement... I am waiting it out for the magic "3 month mark" people keep telling me about (though some say 4).