Where I am they routinely try make higher bmi ladies have epidural early throughout labour incase of difficulty putting it in later as they reckon higher bmi means more chance c section. I think its stupid personally! x
It was the anaethetist who said to me but does seem different rules different nhs trusts x
I am so glad I am not alone! I probably outweigh all of you guys, much to my chagrin. I was 325 carrying my daughter seven years ago, and am under 440 with this one - down from over 500lbs at the end of 2010/beginning 2011. I've lost 42 of those pounds just since finding out we were pregnant. We've had infertility issues so I think the metformin may have helped, but what a blessing!
I had trouble birthing my daughter - I can't deny that - but only because the doctor didn't do his job and give me the ultrasound he said that we needed. Long story short I had her vaginally but she was over 12lbs and got stuck. The dr pushed her back in me twice so her head passed my pubic bone a total of five times in/out. It broke us both. During that time I was very healthy, had no diabetes or high BP or anything you'd expect. Toward the very end my BP krept up, but returned to normal after delivery.
This time around, at over 100 pounds larger and having been very traumatized last time around I have a new doctor... a team of them, actually. lol We're seeing four separate people to manage different aspects of this pregnancy. I'm having a lot of ultrasounds and all of the doctors and techs have been nothing but supportive.
ANYWAY... I am so, so thankful you girls replied b/c even if I do outweigh everyone I have felt alone and I am also sick of seeing all the negativity online about obese pregnancy. I can relate to being just fat and not looking pregnant, but my family knows my body changes, and that is good enough for that.
I got to thinking about it all today after mustering up the courage to post this post, so I wrote a blog on 'my big, fat pregnancy'. You are welcome to read it or not if you want. I'm just so thankful you are all here! Happy and Healthy rest of pregnancy to all!
I am so glad I am not alone! I probably outweigh all of you guys, much to my chagrin. I was 325 carrying my daughter seven years ago, and am under 440 with this one - down from over 500lbs at the end of 2010/beginning 2011. I've lost 42 of those pounds just since finding out we were pregnant. We've had infertility issues so I think the metformin may have helped, but what a blessing!
I had trouble birthing my daughter - I can't deny that - but only because the doctor didn't do his job and give me the ultrasound he said that we needed. Long story short I had her vaginally but she was over 12lbs and got stuck. The dr pushed her back in me twice so her head passed my pubic bone a total of five times in/out. It broke us both. During that time I was very healthy, had no diabetes or high BP or anything you'd expect. Toward the very end my BP krept up, but returned to normal after delivery.
This time around, at over 100 pounds larger and having been very traumatized last time around I have a new doctor... a team of them, actually. lol We're seeing four separate people to manage different aspects of this pregnancy. I'm having a lot of ultrasounds and all of the doctors and techs have been nothing but supportive.
ANYWAY... I am so, so thankful you girls replied b/c even if I do outweigh everyone I have felt alone and I am also sick of seeing all the negativity online about obese pregnancy. I can relate to being just fat and not looking pregnant, but my family knows my body changes, and that is good enough for that.
I got to thinking about it all today after mustering up the courage to post this post, so I wrote a blog on 'my big, fat pregnancy'. You are welcome to read it or not if you want. I'm just so thankful you are all here! Happy and Healthy rest of pregnancy to all!
Ho Ladies,
I am 17.5 weeks now, and I am also obese. I am 5'7" and weight about 270 lbs now. I previously lost about 40 pounds last year, but when I had a miscarriage in March I gained a lot of weight back. We lost that baby at 9 weeks, and it dated only 5 at the time. We convieved very quickly both with the baby we lost and this one (I've only ovulated three times, and we have 2 conceptions). I do not have high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, or anything else but a high BMI. I am active every day, and eat more fruits and veggies than my 155 lb husband Even with all that, I'm still considered high rish just because of my weight
I have been pretty disappointed with how the "pregnancy world" treats large women. In the city I live in (over 1,000,000 people, so by no means small) there is only one, that's right one, maternity wear store that carries plus sizes.
I am working with two other pregnant women, one who is due only 10 days after I am. I have to admit I am a little jealous of their obvious bumps. I think I look exactly the same. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that eventually my tummy will push out firther, and look a little more pregnant than fat.
I'm glad I found you guys. I think it's great to have someone who understands what it's like for us bigger gals at this time.
Thanks Ladies!