Any other obese/morbidly obese bumps out there?

Oh, I hope they don't do that with me! I've not gained too much so far, but this week I've been eating like crazy! I just seem to have an insatiable appetite at the mo. I've gained 6lbs so far but I haven't had a big appetite until now.

My (first & only) consultant appt is in 4 weeks so will see what she says.

It's completely unrealistic for them not to expect us to gain, up to 28lbs can come straight off once baby is born with the weight of our LOs+placenta+fluid.

Don't feel bad though, I'm under consultant care, I just figure I'm in the right place if anything doesn't go to plan :hugs:
The only reason I've been put on consultant care this time was because I am a previous section... My weight hasn't been mentioned and its 32. They made a mistake in my paperwork at my first appt saying it was 36! But turns out my height they put down was so wrong! I'm surprised your consultant led mrs b tbh... You don't look that big at all!

Even if you do gain in pregnancy it falls off after! I put 2 Stone on with pixie and the majority of that was away in 3 weeks!
Thank Ladies, its just the too-ing and frow-ing that has done my head in. Especially as last time they didnt understand why I was there. Will see how tomorrow goes but they will be getting words if a waste like before:haha:
Us bigger girls also don't start to feel movement right away either.

I feel the need to correct this since I was so disheartened every time I read something similar. It is SO UNTRUE that bigger girls don't feel movement as early as thinner ones. Every women will start to feel movement between 16-22 weeks (especially if it's their first). I'm one of those reaaalllyyy heavy girls and it took me until 18 weeks to figure out that 'flutter' wasn't gas, haha. At 20 weeks this kid musta been trying out for a dancing competition. :thumbup:
Aw mrs.b :hugs: hope they give you some sort of explanation as to why they have all of a sudden changed their mind. Its probably nothing :)
Us bigger girls also don't start to feel movement right away either.

I feel the need to correct this since I was so disheartened every time I read something similar. It is SO UNTRUE that bigger girls don't feel movement as early as thinner ones. Every women will start to feel movement between 16-22 weeks (especially if it's their first). I'm one of those reaaalllyyy heavy girls and it took me until 18 weeks to figure out that 'flutter' wasn't gas, haha. At 20 weeks this kid musta been trying out for a dancing competition. :thumbup:

I agree I first felt 'something' at 11 weeks something when I was say very still and when I described it to the midwife she said it sounds like baby. Then once I watched out for it I could feel it more and more often then got.stronger and stronger. And I have an anterior placenta
I felt my first movements at 15 weeks. They were few & far between then but I also have an anterior placenta, so thought that may be why. It's much better now, getting proper regular movement, although its less appreciated in the middle of the night! DH was getting freaked out last night by the crazy strength & amount of movements that he was feeling!!
Ladies is it ok to take antibiotics while pregnant? I have a terrible cold and now strep throat =(
as long as theyr prescribed by gp they should be safe hun xx
If your doctor prescribes them and knows you are pregnant, yes they are safe. I've had to have 3 rounds of antibiotics this pregnancy. January I had a severe respiratory infection, March I had strep throat, and just 3 weeks ago I had a sinus infection and my left ear was filled with fluid.
Us bigger girls also don't start to feel movement right away either.

I feel the need to correct this since I was so disheartened every time I read something similar. It is SO UNTRUE that bigger girls don't feel movement as early as thinner ones. Every women will start to feel movement between 16-22 weeks (especially if it's their first). I'm one of those reaaalllyyy heavy girls and it took me until 18 weeks to figure out that 'flutter' wasn't gas, haha. At 20 weeks this kid musta been trying out for a dancing competition. :thumbup:

Trust me, you are like the 10th person on this thread to say something to this effect and I posted that awhile ago. This is my first pregnancy so what the hell do I know? All I know is that I didn't feel any movement that was definitely baby until 24 weeks. Even that is stretching it a bit. I was just stating what I had heard from the medical community and from my own experience. Doesn't mean I'm right. Sorry to ruffle all your feathers over it! I didn't expect such a reaction to what I thought was a simple/passing statement or I never even would have said anything.
Lol I think it's summat that's wrote JUST to not make people worry less, so don't worry Hun! I've been feeling baby daily since 10 weeks but others don't feel til 20-24! Everyone's diff :)
I have a BMI of 40, I'm 26+1 with my first and only just started to feel proper kicks within the last week. Felt flutters / bubbles / tickles in my belly from about 18 weeks... but wasn't really convinced it was my boy until a few weeks later when I began to notice that there was some sort of routine to the times of day when I would feel it. My sisters and friends felt movement at different stages of their pregnancy - from 14 to 28 weeks! I guess it's just different for everyone.
I am not sure what my BMI is...I believe it was around 42 pre-pregnancy. I have put on 20lbs so far (from 268 to 288) and I am 5'6 1/2". I felt the first "flutters" (which to me felt more like an eye twitch does) at about 18 weeks and by 22 weeks felt FULL kicks and head butts and tumbles and whatever else he is doing in there! At 23 weeks my husband was even able to feel it!! I couldn't believe it!!

I do have a question for you ladies though...I have PCOS and am insulin resistant. I was on metformin for about 2 years (even before trying to get pregnant) and my doctor took me off of it when I started my 2nd trimester. He doesn't believe baby should have it. I have my GD test at 28 weeks (in about 3 weeks). I am just curious if you ladies have ended up with GD or know people that have. I am super nervous about it. My doctor doesn't seems stressed about it either way. I am currently not high only problem is that I am overweight...everything else is normal and the doctor says all the numbers look "GREAT" every time I go in.
I am not sure what my BMI is...I believe it was around 42 pre-pregnancy. I have put on 20lbs so far (from 268 to 288) and I am 5'6 1/2". I felt the first "flutters" (which to me felt more like an eye twitch does) at about 18 weeks and by 22 weeks felt FULL kicks and head butts and tumbles and whatever else he is doing in there! At 23 weeks my husband was even able to feel it!! I couldn't believe it!!

I do have a question for you ladies though...I have PCOS and am insulin resistant. I was on metformin for about 2 years (even before trying to get pregnant) and my doctor took me off of it when I started my 2nd trimester. He doesn't believe baby should have it. I have my GD test at 28 weeks (in about 3 weeks). I am just curious if you ladies have ended up with GD or know people that have. I am super nervous about it. My doctor doesn't seems stressed about it either way. I am currently not high only problem is that I am overweight...everything else is normal and the doctor says all the numbers look "GREAT" every time I go in.

I got tested for GD at around 7 weeks because of my starting weight. There is a one hour fasting test and a 3 hour blood test if you fail the first. I had a bunch of sugary stuff the night before (honey chicken and cookies for dinner, then chocolate milk and granola for breakfast). Since I had no clue that they would test me that early, I wound up failing the first test by a single point. The doctor sent me for the blood test. You have to fast from midnight on and then they will draw your blood 4 times-once when you get there and once an hour after that. You have to eat a certain diet prior to testing (basically a bunch of carbs) and drink the glucola drink. It tastes like really sweet, flat orange soda. I wound up passing the 3 hour and the doctor I saw later said it really wasn't even necessary since I only failed the first by one point. If it came back positive then I would have to go over the the nutritionist. They place you on a special diet with the aim to reduce blood sugar. If you aren't successful on the diet (or your results are way off), then you will be given a monitor to check your blood sugar a few times a day. The finger prick doesn't hurt, but I'm not freaked out by needles at all. Having GD can put you at risk for having a larger baby and making it a little difficult to carry the big baby to term. It will also shift you over to the high risk category. I was a little bit irritated that the doctors are so insistent that I must have it because I am overweight :dohh:. Everything has come back negative and I have been losing weight, so they have laid off a little bit. I will get tested again at 28 weeks. If you test positive for GD then you should be monitored for a year or two after birth because you will be at higher risk for developing diabetes.

That's about all that I know. Hopefully there's some useful info for you in there. :flower:
Hi I too have a high bmi, 37. I have to see the consultant in about a months time and this scares me. I've lost weight so far as my usual craving for sugar has gone. The midwife I saw seemed utterly unconcerned by my bmi and said the consultant would almost certainly take one look at me and send me straight bak to midwife led care. I'm just not sure it can be that simple? I am in good overall health baring my bmi.
Hi I too have a high bmi, 37. I have to see the consultant in about a months time and this scares me. I've lost weight so far as my usual craving for sugar has gone. The midwife I saw seemed utterly unconcerned by my bmi and said the consultant would almost certainly take one look at me and send me straight bak to midwife led care. I'm just not sure it can be that simple? I am in good overall health baring my bmi.

Thats what happened to me, then got sent back to have a chat at 37 weeks and been dismissed back again

Hopefully only 2 more weeks :)
I got referred to consultant at my booking in appt due to my BMI-saw the consultant at 13 weeks-my blood sugar was normal....I have high blood pressure so they just keep an eye on that but that's it-they have never weighed me since....they haven't mentioned GD test yet and I am 22 weeks.......but you may well just be sent away Mrs Bump. I was told I don't need to see the consultant again. (unless of course something changes).

I started feeling the baby at 16 was only a few times a day at first but now at 22 weeks I feel a lot of movement at certain periods thought it the day. :)

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