Any other obese/morbidly obese bumps out there?

:hi: I belong in here!

My BMI prior to getting pregnant was in the low 40's. I had a back injury and was sedentary. I was mid-30's before the injury, so...I've always big. I lost 25 pounds in the month or two prior to conception and I've been losing weight throughout my pregnancy (around 20 pounds). I thought I would be able to see my bump by now, but nope! Well-I just look a little bloated, so maybe it's coming. :shrug: Aside from a really low appetite I just don't feel pregnant. My next ultrasound isn't until mid October, so I just don't believe that anybody is in there! The baby has been fine at all of my appointments, so I'm not terribly upset. I guess my weight is a blessing in disguise, though. I haven't announced at work yet and don't want to until I return from my leave for my injury. That would be hard to do if I was showing. I don't have diabetes and I get irritated when the doctors assume that I must have it because I weigh so much. :wacko: Stop testing me every other week! I don't have it! My biggest concern is my back since I am still in recovery mode from surgery.

How much weight did everybody gain/lose by the start of second trimester?
I am new to this forum so please excuse me for not knowing all the jargon.

My DH and I are having a donor egg transplant in November/December this year in Czech Republic. I have tried so hard to lose weight but to no avail. The doctor does not seem that bothered about my weight. The drugs I will need to take are not as strong as they would be if we were using my eggs.

I just feel that everything I read is so negative about women who have babies and are over the BMI level which is set at normal. I go to the gym and I am very active and I hope to God that this works as we have been trying for a baby for so long and the NHS even when I lost 5.5 stone and was 9lb off getting my BMI to 30 still would not consider us because I was over the golden age of 40. I am now 42!!

I have extreme polycystic ovarian syndrome and a blocked tube. DH doesnt have the best sperm count and so we have been against it all the way. The pcos does not help with the weight and I have been starting to get very anxious because i so want this to work. The weight I did lose 2 years ago has nearly all gone back on:-((

However, you have all given me faith and if I can lose a few pounds before the treatment then all the better but I am not realistically going to drop 7 stone in 10 weeks. Fingers crossed for 1st December when hopefully we have the transplant!! I will definitely be keeping my eye on this forum and keeping you up to date with my journey!!
Kissel--I didn't truly start to show until around 20 weeks or so. Even then it could have gone both ways of me just being fat. Now at 34 weeks, it is undeniable. LOL Us bigger girls also don't start to feel movement right away either. I didn't feel kicks or true movement until about 22 weeks and this is my first.

As for weight gain, I gained a lot in the beginning because I was so sick and I craved greasy foods and carbs. By the second trimester I had put on a good 20 pounds. Since then I have only put on 7 pounds. I no longer crave junk food and have been eating lots of fruits and vegetables. The Dr. hasn't even mentioned my weight, thank God! I too was healthy prior to conception. I worked out 5 to 6 times a week, took vitamins, drank lots of water and lost about 20 pounds. I was a size 14 when I got preggo. I continued to exercise throughout pregnancy which I believe has afforded me a healthy/non-complicated pregnancy. I hate people that assume because you are a bit fluffier you aren't healthy! There are many skinny people that are more unhealthy. Keep taking care of yourself and you'll be fine! :)

Welcome mrsotoole and all the best to you!
By beginning of second trimester i think i gained about 6-8lbs??? i cant remember exactly...and at this point ive only gained 18lbs +8 in retaining water...:(
my little christopher bump today at 33w4d


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i'm probably bigger than most of you gals here, and I can say that at 23 weeks I don't look pregnant yet, just a bit rounder. I still have a B shape. BUT as far as kicks, i've been feeling them since 13 weeks! It's a myth that bigger girls can't feel kicks as early. The kicks REALLY ramped up since the 20th week and now it's keeping me awake!
his kicks never keep me awake or wake me up...but he does have some strong ones before bed lol
I'm not terribly eager to feel all of the kicking. One of my friends described her son as "having a one man riot all night". :wacko: I just want to see the bugger. I'm sure I will confuse movement for gas or something for a while, anyway! :haha: I'm also pretty proportionate since I'm about 6 feet tall. I don't really expect to gain weight all over-more of a lower bump, but it's too early to tell. I'll probably just look bloated at 9 months at the rate I'm going!

mrsotoole-I also have PCOS and I had no problems with conception and a very uncomplicated pregnancy so far. I assumed that because of my weight I would automatically be considered high risk and be forced into a C section. My doctors don't seem to have a problem with my weight and have been quite pleased with my weight loss (although I get nervous about it from time to time). They have remarked that aside from my fluffy exterior I am very healthy. There is just one that insists I take glucola tests all of the time. It must really bother her that I can be so big and not have a bunch of medical problems. Jealous! :haha:
I have just weighed myself and at the end of my 1st trimester, I have only gained 1lb :D woo megga happy. With my first I think I'd gained almost a stone (14lb) by the end of the first tri! x
Best of luck mrsotoole and welcome kissel

I too have PCOS, luckily I got pregnant on our first round of Clomid, I just want ovulating so that gave me a kick up the bum and here we are :)

Today I am term!!! A watermelon!! So excited
I keep meaning to weigh myself but I don't want to get depressed
I'm another obese mommy. My BMI was about 33 pre-preg and I'm very short as well (5'1").

At nearly 20 weeks I'm still a little bit B shaped but top part of my belly is very very bump looking.

I also don't buy that being obese affects you feeling kicks. They are on the inside after all. I have been feeling twitches since about 15 weeks, and proper kicks started at 18.5 weeks and now at 19.5 weeks I feel full kicks even if I'm walking etc. I even have an anterior placenta and heaps said I wouldn't feel much.

I've even felt kicks on the outside and hubby thinks he's felt one but that's only doubtful because just seems like LO doesn't kick while he happens to have hand on tummy. I'm jealous of skinny pregnant women because they look so cute and they have cuter clothes options. But this pregnancy (my first) is actually teaching me to appreciate my body for what it can do, not what is "wrong" with it!!! I have days when I'm scared about weight but mostly I'm seeing myself very differently these days.
Had no choice as got weighed at midwife! I've put on 2 stone :(

Term Bump =
So annoyed, just had a call from the midwife I just seen, due to my weight I have to go for a review at the hospital tomorrow. I got signed off from consultant care at the begining of Aug now they want me back!! How do they expect me not to put on weight whilts growing a human!! Upset right now

How can they calculate a new BMI when your pregnant. Thay can't. I will not be cooperative tomorrow I can assure them that
So annoyed, just had a call from the midwife I just seen, due to my weight I have to go for a review at the hospital tomorrow. I got signed off from consultant care at the begining of Aug now they want me back!! How do they expect me not to put on weight whilts growing a human!! Upset right now

How can they calculate a new BMI when your pregnant. Thay can't. I will not be cooperative tomorrow I can assure them that

WTF?? They are not supposed to calculate a new BMI during your pregnancy! Due to the whole fact that a lot of the weight is baby, water, extra blood, bigger boobs :S I'd be megga pissed off too huni. Get them told when you go in. x
Had no choice as got weighed at midwife! I've put on 2 stone :(

Term Bump =

You have the best bump everrrrrr! :thumbup: I don't want to wait until third trimester to look like that, though. :haha: I need more patience or something!:wacko:
So annoyed, just had a call from the midwife I just seen, due to my weight I have to go for a review at the hospital tomorrow. I got signed off from consultant care at the begining of Aug now they want me back!! How do they expect me not to put on weight whilts growing a human!! Upset right now

How can they calculate a new BMI when your pregnant. Thay can't. I will not be cooperative tomorrow I can assure them that

It shouldn't matter. There's not much you can do about it now, is there? I hate how some doctors seem hellbent on crushing what happiness we do have. I was extra fluffy prior to conception and they still told me I should gain in the neighborhood of 15-20 pounds. If you happen to lose weight early on then it's a pleasant surprise, but there is no way that they can tell you to lose weight during third trimester. That is when everybody is supposed to gain weight! My doctors wanted me to lose during first trimester, maintain during second trimester, and gain maybe a pound a week in third trimester. The only reason that I have been able to do that thus far is because I have no appetite or desire to eat. No cravings, nothing. I can't wait until food is appetizing again. I keep telling my husband that the baby is eating my soul. He told me I must have a pretty hefty soul. :haha:
Thanks ladies. Sorry for the rant but it was more annoyance due to being signed off 5 weeks ago and now having to go back when they know your going to put on more at the end ](*,)
I am so glad I am not alone! I probably outweigh all of you guys, much to my chagrin. I was 325 carrying my daughter seven years ago, and am under 440 with this one - down from over 500lbs at the end of 2010/beginning 2011. I've lost 42 of those pounds just since finding out we were pregnant. We've had infertility issues so I think the metformin may have helped, but what a blessing!

I had trouble birthing my daughter - I can't deny that - but only because the doctor didn't do his job and give me the ultrasound he said that we needed. Long story short I had her vaginally but she was over 12lbs and got stuck. The dr pushed her back in me twice so her head passed my pubic bone a total of five times in/out. It broke us both. During that time I was very healthy, had no diabetes or high BP or anything you'd expect. Toward the very end my BP krept up, but returned to normal after delivery.

This time around, at over 100 pounds larger and having been very traumatized last time around I have a new doctor... a team of them, actually. lol We're seeing four separate people to manage different aspects of this pregnancy. I'm having a lot of ultrasounds and all of the doctors and techs have been nothing but supportive.

ANYWAY... I am so, so thankful you girls replied b/c even if I do outweigh everyone I have felt alone and I am also sick of seeing all the negativity online about obese pregnancy. I can relate to being just fat and not looking pregnant, but my family knows my body changes, and that is good enough for that. :)

I got to thinking about it all today after mustering up the courage to post this post, so I wrote a blog on 'my big, fat pregnancy'. You are welcome to read it or not if you want. I'm just so thankful you are all here! :) Happy and Healthy rest of pregnancy to all!


Welcome to pregnancy :D it's a fun/tiring journey.

I am 5'6 325 lbs so I am also one of the heaviest women on this post. I want you all to know that you are definitely not alone and congrats on both of your pregnancies! :happydance: This is also my first pregnancy and it feels great to have women that I can relate to while experiencing pregnancy and motherhood. I will definitely read your blog and I am looking forward to sharing in the progression of all of the women on here in their pregnancies. :hugs::flower:
Had no choice as got weighed at midwife! I've put on 2 stone :(

Term Bump =

I love your high bump! It is so lovely. You are looking great! :thumbup:
Had no choice as got weighed at midwife! I've put on 2 stone :(

Term Bump =

I love your high bump! It is so lovely. You are looking great! :thumbup:

Aww thank you, it has dropped a little but still looks high doesnt it!! Shes 3/5ths palpable! :happydance:
Mrs.B the midwife unit done the same with me (changed my bmi to what I was at 40+4!) they shouldn't do it :( I just hope it doesn't ruin anything for you :( I think your labor will be pretty straight forward especially since you've kept so well

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