Any other obese/morbidly obese bumps out there?

Hi Carly :)

I had a a loss before this pregnancy, and know how scary it is second time around.

This pregnancy has gone wonderfully so far though, as most pregnancies after losses do, and now you're in 2nd tri chances are very good for you that yours will too. :)

Even if you don't share a bump pic form this early make sure to take one. It helps to compare them later. Xxx
Thanks so much Cupcake :) I took one at I will take one again at 14+4 (Fri)

That's a lovely scan piccy :) Glad this pregnancy is going really well - and sorry for your loss also :( xx
Thanks sweetie.

That was from our 16 week private gender scan. Was so lovely. :)
You ladies are all so lovely and brave! :) Beautiful piccies. :) Lots of healthy baby vibes to your precious bumps.
Just looked through my maternity notes and seen on my scan that the sonographer had put `restricted view due to adiposity` looked it up and it just means I'm fat :-( Its not escaped my notice that my bmi puts me at obese but it made me feel abit sad seeing that in my notes. Especially since she kept saying she was struggling due to babies position.
How much weight do you think is average to gain in pregnancy when your bmi is high? So far I've gained 4lbs and I worry about gaining too much over the next 16 weeks x x
Mine said 'Restricted view due to increased BMI'... no google needed :(
Jamie : what's your bmi? Mine is rather high.

And why restricted, did that mean they couldn't get a scan for u or something? Im a lil confused
LoL my sonograph tech just pushed really hard and told me sorry, and told me to lift my belly up so she could get a better picture...was so embarrassing in front of my husband,grandmother, and once my mother in law... :blush:
in total I gained around 32 pounds during my whole pregnancy and most of it was at the end when he started putting on more weight...and i lost most of it {PP}.
PST!!! Just Remember Breastfeeding burns 500 calories a day!!! Longer you do it the sooner you will go back down in weight, maybe!!
Good luck!!! :hugs:
im the same, my bmi is 54.5, and ive put the normal ammount of weight on for a pregnancy yet i got in trouble for it :S but that was my consultant who didnt even know what she was doing, my midwife said its fine, but anyways yes, im a big girl and been dying to post my pictures of my baby bump, but been to nervous, but now i know theres more girls like me im goin to post my bump :) Im 23 weeks pregnant on sunday btw, congrats on the pregnancy xx
No offense to the wonderful techs b/c they may have been told that, but the truth is the machines are crap and that is why they can't see. It isn't your belly, it's the res. A good machine can read through anyone. I was told all the 'too fat for ultrasound' crap first time around, and this time around told exactly what I just posted above by someone at a good doctor with a good machine. Don't let them make you feel bad, a good ultrasound can see through anyone. I was 485 when started and they saw her at 9 weeks just fine, I never had to lift my belly fat or anything. So please don't punish yourself for their ignorance.
I wish there were more women on here like us. Im on another thread, plus size and pregnant. Im the biggest there. Right now im 416, I've gained 18 lbs being pregnant. Im 27+4 weeks. Idk if that numbers huge but this my first pregnancy for the long haul and my appetite changed drastically.

I didn't have any probs with the techs but I could tell the machine was crappy.

Im gonna take a pic of my stomach soon. I dont think I have a normal bump but with clothes on, u can tell im pregnant
The tech just pushed hard and didn't ask me to move about it anything, it just took her awhile to see all heart chambers and look up babies nose! My bmi is 38.1. When I next see my midwife I'm going to get her to clarify what amount of weight gain is acceptable x x
My BMI is 38 too (well I think it's 37.8 but they round up). I was told I was allowed to gain no weight at all from my 10 week booking apointment, I have gained about 2lbs and I'm seeing the consultant next week and I know she'll be angry. They said if at the time of giving birth I'd gained a stone I'd be better to have an epidural which I absolutely do not want. I think it's a little unfair to tell you not to gain weight and then not give you any idea of how many calories to eat, or weigh you inbetween. I haven't eaten any more in the third trimester but have gained weight because little man has. I have no other pregnancy problems except BMI. My early scan said view restricted due to BMI, the others haven't but they've never had to rescan or not been able to see anything.
My midwife didn't say anything to me about weight gain?! I've gained about 3-4lb so far and I'm so paranoid I weigh myself every night before bed! I've taken up swimming and aquanatal classes to make sure I'm active and I try to cook every night to stop myself eating rubbish x x
Ladies, please don't be this focused on your weight. As long as you're not just stuffing your face 24/7, and being healthy in general (which we all try especially hard to do during pregnancy), you are FINE. There is a huge weight prejudice out there during pregnancy, and they will tell you that anyone obese is not allowed to gain a single pound throughought, or at most 11 pounds total (that is what I read during mine as far as the accepted American standards for obese pregnant women. I hate that word, by the way.) They will tell you your child is more likely to need cesarean, which is also not a given. If you have good medical care and know what size the baby is expected to be, it can obviously be done. Women have eight, nine, ten pound babies vaginally routinely.

Eleven and twelve pounds are more rare, but you should be able to know going in what size to expect. Our doctor told us with our first that he SHOULD do an ultrasound before inducing because she measured 6 weeks ahead. He did not, and we had a horrible experience. Both of us nearly died getting her out. But she was over 12 pounds, and as it turns out I had GD and they didn't tell me about it. My point is you have the right to KNOW what you are getting into, and to DEMAND that they treat you well. Your body size does not make you any less pregnant than anyone else, or for some reason deserving of size prejudice or abuse.

This is a good article on the matter.

Anyway, my point is that this is not the time to allow ANYONE to punish you for your weight. If you are not getting good care, please know that you have the right to change your doctor and do it! I wish to God I had done so with my first daughter. Sure, we'd have had a cesarean, but both would've been saved years of trauma. If your doctor isn't talking to you about your weight, don't ask. Seriously. If it is a problem they will tell you about it. My OB was amazing. I came in there nearly 500 pounds and he didn't bat a lash. Every OB in his practice (b/c you know, they make you do the rounds) was the same way. It was about my health and health of my LO. I didn't know people could be so nice. If you're not having that experience, no matter how late in your pregnancy, find an OB who will give it to you. The outcome will be best with someone who is focused on baby health and not mother size. Your experience will be better, and let's face it, a relaxed preggy mama is a good thing. Just my 2cts. :)
That's right!!! U tell it lol... im lucky to have a good OB, he doesn't make me feel uncomfortable. He's just told me of things to avoid so my test will continue to be negative because I have no pregnancy problems. Even the tech is awesome. I had another Dr but she sucked, she couldn't wait to get me switched over to the high risk clinic but I think it was the best thing cuz everyone I have met is kind =)
Well, if you have the insurance I'd go to the high risk clinic anyway for one very selfish reason... the ultrasounds! ROFL I got to have 15 ultrasounds with my last baby (have pregnancy issues w/my heart etc, so definite high risk - not a weight thing), and really got to watch her develop. It was freaking awesome! That's an awful reason, isn't it? But once you get to have regular 4D ultrasounds for free b/c of insurance, it is a little addictive... hehe
Have any of you ladies had trouble gaining weight throughout pregnancy? I'm currently 269.0 and at my last appointment the dr advised me to gain 15 pounds by delivery day including the 7 pounds I've already lost... So total of 22. I just don't see it happening though. I'm 21w 2d now. I eat whatever I want but am still losing weight. I've Also noticed eating habits have changed a lot since pregnancy meats tend to make me ill and I want lots of fresh things!

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