any other over 35 first time mums?

Wow skweek how traumatic! Make sure you write your questions down. My wee lady poo pood too, but my waters didn't break until I was over the back of the bed pushing and she was nearly here by that stage. I hope you are recovering physically and emotionally and your little princess is making up for all the trauma xxx
And finally time for some personals!! YAY

Clio - Really hope you manage to find some good groups for J to fit in with. I know I will definitely be joining loads of mom and tots groups on this side.

Kosh - Hope Gael is feeling better soon, so you can get more sleep too! YAY for hugs and cuddles from him!! Always love LO cuddles when it comes from them!

Borletta - YAY for hubby getting that job!!! When is he due to start? Will keep you and Hubby in my prayers!

Claireyb -:hugs: Hope you get more sleep tonight!! FXed LO decides to sleep through tonight without a midnight party!

Storm - Woohoo for a good night!!! FXed it continues!!

AFM - saw yet another MW this morning who was lovely!! She really put our minds at ease about her weight - mentioning that "she ONLY lost 8% of her birth weight"! The MW said that Annabel will be weighed again on Wednesday at my final MW visit.
Hope everyone else is well.
Thanks Storm - I think the reality and severity of my c-section is only now starting to hit home. The more I talk about it the more I realise just how traumatic it was. OH was just telling me that apparently the surgeon cut something that wasn't meant to be cut. I really don't know.
Just can't wait for the debrief now! Going to start by asking them why I lost so much blood and see what they say!
hey ladies :)

Kosh poor gael bless him hope hes on the mend soon

skweek - the first few weeks are so overwhelming - i dont think anyone can really prepare you for the reality of becoming a mam! Are you expressing your milk? (sorry if you've already said) just that would give you a good idea of what Annabel is getting and provide reassurance - I only say because a few of my friends los and my niece have ended up back in hospital (my niece was v v poorly indeed) due to not getting enough food and it was only when they expressed that they realised how little their lo's had been getting - of course this probably isn't the case with you and I wouldn't want to worry you :hugs::flower:

debrief sounds good - when I was in theatre there was a lady there with a laptop just there to type down everything that happened so I'd imagine its the same with a emcs and they should have good notes

were full of colds - and v little karvol left gah!

right M getting annoyed in playpen and needs her nose wiping! :flower:

ms fav book this week is Dear Zoo - she LOVES it! lol! Especially the snake :)
all fine here -- sigh of relief, LO is back to 'normal', well as normal as he can be - LOL! He did wake OH up a few times last night as his appetite has completely returned and at creche, gobbled everything up without any problem.

skweek: I lost some blood too (one of the stitches wasn't right) and they threw my OH with the baby out of the recovery room, for a few minutes, which is the most tramatised either LO or baby have ever been (hahahaha!) and later, I went to high dependency (like ICU) for a day and night but LO was always okay.
borboleta -- I just gave LO a strawberry puree alone (at 6 months) to double-check and he was fine -- we haven't, however, given kiwi as I am terribly allergic and would prefer to wait until he can 'tell' us kiwi tastes yummy or like pepper (that's how they taste to me and for years couldn't understand why people would put kiwi on deserts or in fruit salad, strange, huh?)

I did read through the previous posts, but am sorry, can't remember everything, so just to say....may we ALL have good naps and sleeps tonight!

Skweek!--you must have posted at the same time as I did, and my post landed on the next page, which meant I never saw your update and wonderful picture! OMG, she is gorgeous! And that is most definitely a laugh, or a very happy smile. It most certainly isn't gas! You sound in such good spirits, even after what sounds like a very long, painful and traumatic birth! I'd be asking questions, too. I'm glad you get the chance to!

I really don't get your MW and HV system. Well, it's not so much that I don't get it, it's just I don't understand why so many have so much incorrect information and proceed to freak new parents out all the time. It's fabulous that BF is going so well, as well; it sounds to me that you certainly have enough!

Okay, I'll be back later to post some proper personals. I just wanted to reply to Skweek!
Ugh. My hair smells like sour milk. J used to spit up all the time, on us, on himself, on blankets, furniture, you get the picture. But when he began to sit up and also began eating solids, this spitting up problem disappeared. Except for sometimes. And what has this monkey learned to do? Spit up on other things so he avoids his own clothing and doesn't have to get changed. He actually leans forward to miss himself. Or, in the case of today, suddenly, out of the blue, he came running at me to give me a hug, and then just as quickly, jumped off my lap and toddled away. And then that horrible smell hit my nose, and I looked down... He had come over exclusively to throw up on me.

So J had a good time at the family Sunday dinner. It is such a delight watching him interact with everyone. We went for so long yearning for a child while my SIL (who also had problems getting pregnant, but no problems staying so) had two children before I could even manage to stay pregnant with one. So these dinners became harder and harder, and when she fell pregnant just after I had the ectopic, I refused to go to the dinners, period. I stayed away for over a year and didn't return until I was in my 2nd trimester. And now I watch J toddle along, sometimes playing with his cousins, and often just doing his own thing, which I love. The other two threw him out of the fort they were making, calling him, for some reason, "The Evil Flossing Baby!" (???) and J just toddled off to play with a duck with Pake (his grandfather).

On my side of the family, my sister and my mother are going insane. My sister insisted that my mum throw her a shower in our home town, even though a friend is throwing her one in Toronto, where she lives. She wants one at home so that she can show off her bump and new man to all of her friends from her school years. She's made demand after demand of my mother, but never lets her in on what's happening with the pregnancy. She doesn't phone, she doesn't let my mum feel her belly or the baby kicking, but she relies on her for everything because she has done no research herself. My mum is still having fun, mind you, even if she is hurt, because she has a second surprise grandchild on its way and really, who doesn't like going baby shopping? But now she has gone all weird, and is insisting on a "proper English tea" for the shower because my sister's partner is vaguely British. She bought a silver tea set, and is now trying to figure out how to make these little sandwiches. And because she can't figure out how to do them, she is now looking into caterers, which are crazy expensive. I want to know why she just doesn't do a lovely German Kaffe und Kuchen, seeing as we do know that we are German. Sometimes I wonder if I was the only one given the "common sense" gene in my family. Well, okay, maybe the "more common senser" gene.

Storm--things sound so much better for little L! What made you think it was a lactose intolerance? I don't think it would ever occur to me that there might be an allergy causing problems. Fx that this will be permanent improvement.

Koshwhen it rains... I can't believe that G has been sick for so long and no one has really made an effort to help you! You just be so completely tired; does this affect your ability to do your job?

Oh man, I've got to go. I'll be back!
oh, clio -- I completely understand the 'avoiding' family; in my case, my SIL was pregnant with her second when I mc'ed and then, scheduled the christening the week our LLO (lost little one) was due (my OH took me to Rome for a long weekend and we didn't go to the christening); the sad thing is that my BIL/SIL never had much to do with us and now with our own LO, it's sad that he won't really know his cousins (and they live 10 minutes drive away), but I'd rather he/us not deal with them. Now that my MIL is in hospital, my BIL is visiting her, but when my FIL was dying of cancer, couldn't be bothered as they had children and we didn't, so all the respnsiblity fell to us. My, I sound bitter, huh? But I can say that my BIL is helping out now, so past resentment is past....and you're German (yes, I saw your last name on grandmother (German descent) used to make all these great cookies and I wish I had her recipes...sigh.....oh, and it's Ken Burns' month of PBS America and they are showing the entire Civil War documentary and the Dust Bowl next week (probably can't record from SkyPlus (it's like TIVO, I think)...

skweek - definitely try to rest as much as possible and your LO is adorable!
kosh - hugs...

to others, hugs, etc...LO is crying for mummy, so must run (with OH as we speak and I type, but seems to want mummy!)

Sorry ladies, am a bit rushed again as mum is here and I don't want to spend too long on the computer.
Got a horrible sore throat and have had it for a few days now and I am worried that I will pass it on to my boys. I slept so badly last night cause of it but then so did poor OH as Dom was more less up every 45 minutes through out the night and they both wanted to be up at 5:30. I am dreading that Dom will do this again tonight as my night before wasn't all that wonderful either. I thought this sleeplessness was over! I am so scared and feeling really depressed at the thought that we might be back to the sleepless nights. I guess we shall see :cry:
Oh angel the sleep deprivation is just torture, there are times I dread going to bed and I do EVERY night, the downside to cosleeping. DH snores like a train and given he's managed to smack me in the face twice with flailing arms when asleep I wouldn't let him sleep with L.

Anyway we had a great day today, L was in brilliant form, and starving! She ate a huge bowl of porridge, toast, scrambled egg, grapes, lactose free cheese, fruit puree, steak, carrot, potato, cauliflower, broccoli and lactose free mango pudding! I've never seen her eat so much... And she had 4 poo nappies :) she has just flaked out so I'm ever hopeful its a sleeping night... Hope springs eternal!
Oh Clio and SK totally missed your posts first time round!

Clio my friend is a mw and when L was 6 weeks she told me she thought L needed lactose free, I went to the Dr and begged but he said no. I stupidly thought the Dr New best, then last week my brother when he heard how hard L was being at night said oh you should try lactose free.... Argghhhhhh if there is one thing I have learnt its drs don't know much about babies!

Why on earth would your mum want to do a British tea? I'm British and I would prefer not to have one! Not that we have baby showers and I don't even own a tea set as such. It always amuses me others perception of what the British do! Just realised this will probably prompt the don't you live in northern Ireland questions, I do but I still count myself as British, usually depends on your religion in NI whether you say British or Irish...

SK, families can be a nightmare... My last boyfriends mum used to try and kill herself all the time, it was a nightmare, to be honest I got sick scraping her off the floor. DHs mum is badly bipolar, no suicide attempts but is so drugged up all the time she really is away with the fairies... It's like dealing with a child all the time :(

Better go, I'm waffling again....
Hello ladies,

Storm: sounds wonderful how L is eating!!! What a change from a couple of days ago!!! So happy for you:). Now she just need to sleep in for you:). Keep the faith:)!!

Angel: so sorry you are sick and Dom has not been sleeping well again. I hope it is not back again and it just that he is off a couple of nights. Do you think he could be getting your cold? Hope not.

As it for us, last night I slept by myself ( hubby is in the guest room so he can start getting rested for his upcoming job :shrug:) until 1:30am when thiago woke up but went down Fairly easy after I rocked him for about 20 min or so and then he was up again at 4am ( brought him to bed and fed) then we slept till 7:00am. But the best was till to come: he took a 3 hour nap this morning!!!! I thought to go check on him after a while to see if he was alive!!! :haha: and then slept again for about 1 hr later in the day. I gave him straberries and he seems fine although not his favorite fruit. He LOVES oranges!!!! He can suck the juice out of entire orange :thumbup:! I hold the segments and he sucks it. He gets mad if I take too long to separate the orange!! Maybe he thinks I will not give him anymore. :haha:

Anyways that is all from us. Hope all of you have a lovely night.
Hi everyone,

This will be very short, as I've got to get J up to go to our first (free try out session) playgroup!

But, Angel, I'm so sorry about the cold. Especially the sore throat because I HATE sore throats more than anything. Here's a tip I learned, try some acetaminophen (Tylenol for us). It actually takes the pain away, and can let you sleep (hopefully).

I know that feeling--realizing that you are sick, and your stomach dropping because the chances the kid(s) aren't going to catch it are slim. Here is my other tip: The Nose Frieda Snot Sucker. Can't live without it. You'll have to google it b/c I've to to go!
Question: thiago will be 9 months on the first of December. He loves his purée food and does well with his toast. He likes me to feed him so I am trying to put little bits of food on his tray to see if he works on his pincher grip, but he cannot figure it out and when he does grab something he doesn't bring it to his mouth. I was wondering how are the LOs of 9 months plus doing about textured food and the pincher grip. I bought this little tiny pasta that I plan on cooking for him and see how that goes. I am just worried he is getting behind on eating with his hands and chewing more lumps. The other day my MIL gave him a number 3 little jar food and he gag the whole time and refused to eat after a couple of tries.

And another not great night for me. He woke up at 2:30am and I was just able to put him back down after 1 hour of rocking him , then up again at 4 am brought him to bed and then his daddy woke us up around 7:30am :growlmad: making noises when he went to the bathroom!! Of course he went back to bed but I made sure I went to the guest room and woke him up to let him know that HE woke us up!!! :growlmad: the funny part was that he said why are you waking me up? And you are mean!!!:growlmad:
Well, we're back from Gymboree (the expensive playgroup--$70/month for once a week! PLUS a HUGE registration fee!). But it was awesome. They've got these elaborate obstacle courses and bouncy trampolines and a woman who sang in this really high pitched voice that I found incredibly annoying, but who J fell completely in love with and just sat staring at her for a while with this dopey look on his face. He did really well with the other kids too, meaning that he didn't attack them, or even pay much attention to them. Luckily, they offer a free playtime during the week, too, so it's essentially twice a week.

What was embarrassing (well, only very slightly--I'm surprised at how little shame I have these days) was that it became very evident very early on that J's clothes are too small for him. His shirt revealed his belly button a lot, and never covered the back of his pants so he was crawling around with his diaper showing. Then the button on the pants popped, so I quickly pulled his long winter fleece over him and non-chalently continued to bounce him up and down on my lap with the group. :blush: So, off I go shopping again at my favourite second-hand store. He rarely wears anything but babygros, and even when we go out, we just stick sweat pants and a sweat shirt over the babygro and put some Robeez on. I am such a slacker. But babygros are easy and WARM, and in this climate, we need WARM.

Borboleta--I wish I knew what to tell you about the weaning. Have you checked over on the weaning board? J developed his pincer grip using pasta at first as well. I got him regular sized spirals, and he had no problem eating them with no sauce. He also worked on the grip with a baby version of Cheerios. They melt in your mouth, I think, so they shouldn't be so lumpy. Cut up grapes are another favourite thing (but probably too lumpy), as are long green beans. He'd just suck on the beans, so again, no problem with lumps and gagging. It seems like this stage is a tough one to get over with TW--the introduction of lumps. Leeze and SK, how did you two do it? How about you, Claire?

I don't think I ever congratulated you on your new husbands job! I'm so glad for all of you; worrying about money is horrible.

And I'm sorry for the bad night--they've been happening more regularly these days, haven't they?

Storm--I know, the English tea is ridiculous, but my home province, Ontario, was originally populated by the British, and so some very stuffy customs are still around. Though my mother is going completely overboard with it--she's been stressing out for weeks now. I've begged her over and over again (most recently just half an hour ago) to stop with the fussing and just serve normal food.

Darnnit--I have to head out again, so I'll finish the personals later.
Evening ladies, just a quick one, had a busy day while L was at nursery and disappointingly my stomach has started playing up, I feel so sick, more meds needed by the looks of it :(

But hey we had a good night, she slept for 2 hours then woke up screaming for 20mins and another little bit of me died, I just thought NO I can't do this, but then she slept for 7 hours in a deep sleep and 2 hours dozing and wanting cuddles! Wow... 7 hours. She also had a good day at nursery and apparently when eating her leek, potato and bacon soup with crusty bread sat saying NOM NOM NOM! Then for dinner she ate baked potato, carrots, broccoli, sugar snap peas and lemon sole! My baby has an appetite! She's also trying to use a spoon a lot too.

Borboleta I've found the weaning varies so much from baby to baby, L was terrible for gagging and choking and really just this week she seems to have visibly started chewing and shes pushing towards 11 months...

I'm off for a sleep now cause I'm feeling sick, stupid inflammed stomach :(
Borboleta -- re: weaning -- I was worried, too, but try a 'rusk' (it's a type of baby biscuit/cookie that they give over here, I wasn't familar with in USA, maybe graham crackers (USA) are similar?) - LO nibbled around the edges and although very messy, showed he can 'feed' himself. Also, he still seems to prefer basic pureed food, e.g. I tried stages 2 and 3 and either he holds in like a hamster or he spits it all out, so for ease, I use pureed stuff (from jars...we tried 'homemade', which smelled better but was not okay for LO, which is odd as he eats 'homemade/fresh' at creche)...oh, and try squares of toast and show Thiago you eating and then LO can try (it was a bit of a game at first seeing if he could get the toast (quarter or 1/8 size) to his mouth, but it was worked after a few days (I take the crusts off/no butter)....but, as long as LO is eating, the idea is 'food is fun until one'....?

storm- hope you feel better :hugs: and hopefully, LO will repeat a full 7 hours of sleep (did you go in and check and/or wait to hear her breathing throughout? Whenever my LO takes a longer than 1/2 hour nap, I am checking him every 5 minutes or so)

clio-- why not fish and chips and beer at the shower? and show some football -- that's very British? (just kidding, lived in Oxford for 5 years, so do know about 'traditional high tea' (which consisted of....a pint at the pub and a sandwhich, etc...!))

sorry if TMI re: my family before; it's just it looks like my MIL probably won't be out of hospital for Christmas and it's dawning on my OH that our LO's first christmas will be a bit tricky (he originally wanted to go down Christmas Day to see his mum and whilst I can appreciate his difficulties, his mum is in hospital two hours away, so I suggested we go down on the 26th, but I don't want to take LO to the hospital, so if she can come out for a few hours, fine....; thanks for nice comments and sympathy- :hugs: I just hope LO hasn't inherited MIL's depression and my slight anxiety/melancholia (isn't that a great word!)

hope all are well?! will stop into tomorrow, but for a glass of wine as it's OH's night for LO!

Borboleta--I had another thought--why not let T feed himself the orange? Start big, then cut it smaller and smaller.
Clio: that might be a good idea. Maybe I take the skin of and see what he does. I just worry because he has 8 teeth and he can really get w chunk out of any food :haha:. I actually gave him a gerber wheel thing for him to hold on today and eat it and he managed to eat most of it himself while getting some big chunks on his mouth, but the nice thing is that it melts easy with saliva. I gave him a toasted bagel the other day and he did well with that too. I will try the spiral pasta and the other suggestions storm and Sabrina gave me too:).

Do you believe that he has never gotten messy like Jonah in the photo that you posted :dohh:!!! Oh, and by the way how do you cut the grapes. In quarters?
This is what thiago does, he closes his mouth tight and I have to put the food in his lips so them the little Mr. Can try the food and see if he should open his mouth or not :dohh:!!! Does your LOs do that too?

And Sabrina I love the idea of me showing him what to do with the food. I will try that too:).

And Clio my husband hasnt yet decided in what company he is going to work for. He has a third interview with a company that is super interested in him. And still waiting for the job offer from this other company that is super interested in him too. The last one the owner said that he would get back with an offer to him this week, so praying everything is still good.

We have thanksgiving this Thursday and then the mad black Friday!!! I admit that I went shopping before at 3am but for a good cause. :haha: this year we are out on this craziness. Got to get as much sleep as possible this days!!!

Hope thiago and all the LOs will sleep in for us!!!
Storm--I hope that your stomach is feeling better. Do you think it's a virus (and could spread to L)?

Borboleta--Well, it makes sense that little T is neater than J. I don't actually feed J anything; he either eats it himself with a spoon, a fork, or, most often, with his hands. According to the theory of BLW, you are not to put anything in their mouths; they must do it themselves. Plus, his meals are full on meals with gravy, potatoes, or rice, veggies and meat. After every meal (though he's gotten a lot better with breakfast and lunch), I have to strip him down, stick his hands and mouth under the tap (he loves that--he always wants me to wash his tongue :shrug:), then sweep up the floor, wash it, wash his plastic placemat and his booster seat. Sometimes I am so exhausted by the whole experience that my husband does the clean up for me.

He's gotten really cute with his sippy cup, though. He'll drink it while I drink coffee in the morning (and all day long, actually). I have this annoying habit of slurping my coffee then going "aaahhh" after every sip. One day, I was distracted and didn't do my "aaahhh" and J did it for me! Now, after every sip from his sippy cup, he says "aaaahhhh!"

Re: Grapes--quarters are good. Not too big to get stuck. J eats his in quarters.

SK--frankly, I think that those are all very good ideas for a shower. My sister is just...I don't know... We grew up in a very stuffy town that was primarily of wealthy British descent, and all of her friends had very elaborate showers. Since we are not at all of that demographic, my poor German mother is having a freak out and my sister is off galavanting around Toronto going to parties and throwing them, showing off her bump, but has yet to do any prep work for this baby herself. Sorry, I sound bitter because I am. She and I are complete opposites, and the idea of her forcing my mother to spend money on caterers for an "English Tea" and at the same time complaining that "baby stuff is really expensive!" really gets my goat. And she's not some silly young thing who got knocked up accidentally and can't afford a baby. Well, when the baby comes, she will be able to do nothing but smarten up; they really force you to wake up to reality (especially 5 times during the night...).

Right. Rant over. But SK, I wanted to say that I am really sorry about your MIL and the dilemma over Christmas you now find yourself in. I hope you can sort it out. I worry too about J inheriting the bipolar, but no one will let me think about it. Which is good, I think: they tell me to worry about that in 20 years time; in the meantime, enjoy him as he is. So, I am taking their advice.

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