any other over 35 first time mums?

Morning ladies, I'm in jolly good form today, we had a brilliant night, L slept from 8.20 til 6am with only minor squeakage, then I gave her a bottle of 'juice' at 6am and she helped herself off and on til 7.50 when she got up smiling, hugging me and clapping her hands!

SK, L is in with me so I hear every squeak and when she sleeps Im so not used to it I wake to check she is still alive!

Clio sounds like your sister might be in for a bit of a shock when the baby arrives!

I'm utterly paranoid about grapes so I cut them into 8. I'm sure 4 is plenty though....given I hand her half a banana :)

So play date for L today and for once I'm not rocking with sleep deprivation!

Oh yes Clio my tum is probably an ulcer, I did get scoped a while back but had been on meds for more than 2 weeks so he didn't think he would find anything, he did find a big patch of inflammation at the front, probably the stress of pregnancy and the last year! I'm ok though, must phone the drs for more hardcore antacids.
Wow i actually have a moment to write something properly on this thread, thank god for my sling which i can actually wear now:). With Sophia it's either the boob or sling that settles her. We have sorted out co sleeping which is the only way with this LO, I must admit that I don't sleep deeply it's more of a doze as still paranoid about rolling on top of her. But my OH and cat are in the spare room which is a lot easier and i feel safer. We are still having cluster feeding moments, last night was a bit of a session but for 2 nights before that she was on 2hourly feeds, i guess the randomness of a new born is all part of the experience!!

Skweek just read back and saw your pic of Annabelle, she's gorgeous! hope all's going well with your recovery. I'm sort of there but unfortunately am on antibiotics for a wound infection on the c sec site.

Claire, thanks for your reassurance that all of this is totally normal! i must admit i had never heard of cluster feeding before and was fully prepared for a 2 hourly feeder but I am learning to get use to it now. I live in Twickenham so kind of your side of London, i see you're in Rickmansworth, i grew up in Ealing, so just down the M40 from you.

Borboleta, you mentioned your son loved his rocker when he was a new born, well we had a wee bit of luck last night as Sophia spent a whole 30 minutes in hers:) i think we'll keep trying it, but 30 minutes is good enough for me to have a shower!!

Leeze, we tried the floppy limb test but it seems she just knows when we are not right by her!! but will definitely do that with rocking etc. when she's a little older to try and get her in her basket.

Clio, I have ordered Happiest baby on the block, it looks great and gets great reviews on Amazon so hopefully it will help. Me and the OH are doing shifts now, at first it was all a bit disorganised but now it's working better as we are both rested and can handle a lot more than before! I have friends who take their LO to gymboree and they LOVE it! Your little boy is gorgeous!

It's interesting reading through your posts, to see what i have to come... weaning seems to be a difficult time for some and controversial, I'm sure I'll come to realise why when my turn comes, but i feel a bit useless with any advice as a brand new mum, what do i know!!

Storm, good to see that you had a good night, does L still sleep in your room?

I've attached some pics of Sophia, as I've finally figured out how to do it!!! The 1st she is 2 days old and 2nd 15 days old, but must go, think she needs a feed!!


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    having a snuggle.JPG
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charlie - very sweet!
storm - so glad you got some decent sleep.
clio - yes, I guess I shouldn't worry about LO's possible depression in 20 years, but am grateful that he is a very happy, content little boy at the moment!

well, my OH had LO last night and LO woke up at midnight and 4 am and only seemed to want mummy, so I am very tired. My OH, however, decided to stay home and sleep this morning after we took LO to creche and guess who slept from 8.25 to 12 at the creche? Yes, LO....and who worked and taught class whilst pretty tired (but not completely exhausted, strange that there is a difference and I think you all understand it/that)....ME!

Am now off to get last minute stuff for thanksgiving tomorrow (am doing turkey, cranberries, etc.)....bye!!!!!!!!
hey ladies -been doing accounts and my eyes are squiffy so quick one from me! were all full of cold but ok! M loving learning to walk - scan tmro for Michael :)

borboleta - M has only just got to grips with cheerios and pasta and weve just moved onto 10 month jars and she choles on them a lot less than 7 month jars - she did go purple choking on fish fingers today but was ok - she is just getting to grips with chewing as well - hope that helps

when people say co-sleeping do you mean in a co-sleeper cot thing attached to the bed? Or in your bed with you guys?
Charlie she is beautiful, what a little darling!

SK hope you enjoy thanksgiving! It sounds delicious. Typical your purple lad slept in nursery, I hope you get some better sleep tonight.

Rowan, L sleeps in the bed with me, she slept in a crib until she was about 5 months, then was in her cot in the same room as me, then she was in a cot in her own room for about a month and then she started getting utis and her sleeping got worse and worse, it was so bad she could be screaming 40 times a night, I folded and brought hercin with me, the screaming continued but I was so exhausted at least I didn't have to walk to another room. Now after nearly 11 months we think wechave found a solution, stop the carobel, change to lactose free and keep with the losec, but of course now she is used to me, so for now she will be staying with me... It's been survival until now!

Better go make dinner as my dad is coming soon, L fell asleep in the car after a fab 3 plus hours with my friends 2 little girls!
sleeping arrangements - we share a bedroom, e.g. LO's cot is right next to the bed, so I can usually roll over, comfort him, turn the sleep sheep back on, etc., without getting out of bed. I thought co-sleeping meant sharing the same room, whilst bed-sharing means bed-sharing? Or is that considered co-sleeping? or is it called 'sharing the same room'? to make a pumpkin pie (really!).....and LO is taking another long nap (1 hour+ so far), so it might be parties all around tonight...yawn

Hi everyone! It's morning here for me. The barometer's changed again--up, down, I don't know anymore. All I know is that there is more snow and that always causes problems; my stupid sinuses are acting up again. I'm basically trashing the house looking for my sinus meds. I would actually get this house in some sort of order if I actually knew HOW. I wish OH and I had been blessed with the tidy gene...

We had a good night with the kid--he STTNs consistently now, and wakes at 6 am, not 4 like before--but naps are a problem again. He is exhausted, whining, crying, needing to be held, etc., etc., etc. And pale as a sheet. And the naps were so good for a number of days. Then, suddenly, they got worse again, especially if I put him down (which consists of simply putting him in the crib). Found out that my husband started rocking him to sleep again and that's why they worsened. I could have killed him. I mean, really, really killed him. I was so mad. He keeps undoing the progress we've been making. I keep explaining over and over and over again: this boy, who is almost a year, NEEDS to learn how to self-settle for naps. If he can do it at night, he can do it during the day, if he is just left alone. And he WAS doing it. Until dad rocked him again and then came running within 5 minutes of him crying. He didn't nap at all yesterday (he cried his way out of three naps) and his mood was horrible after Gymboree in the morning until he had to go to bed (early!) last night. And who is the one who has to carry him around in the carrier with her bad back while making dinner? Well, not my husband...

Oh thank god. He stopped crying. Or rather, screaming. Good, and it was less than 15 minutes, too. Anyway, we got into a huge fight over it, but OH knew he had screwed up big time. He promised, yet again, to stick to the program. He'd better, because my heart is breaking listening to this little one scream. It wasn't hard in the beginning. He figured it out really, really quickly. He would be plunked in the crib, cry, no one would come, and he'd fall asleep within 10 minutes of going "woowooowooo." And now...

I can always tell what mood I've been in when I re-read my posts from previous days (I always want to make sure I have addressed everyone). I already know from yesterday and today that I am very grumpy. I apologize. But I did some retail therapy that should improve things. I went clothes shopping for J yesterday after the whole belly button and popping of pants incident, and I finally gave in to my tremendous urge to buy a not-cheap-at-all set of knitting needles.

Okay, onto personals!

Charlie--I'm so glad that you're finding time to post! OMG is Sophia beautiful! Again, like I said to Skweek, I really mean it; J at that age looked bloated and greenish in colour and, well, simply not very attractive. And thank you for your compliments regarding Jonah! I think there is really something to this; we "oldies" produce gorgeous kids!

Re: The Happiest Baby--it really, really works. Do you swaddle? (It's one of the five "S's" you'll learn about.) If you can't do it the traditional way, there are so many easy swaddle things out there that will create the same effect. And there's a thing about "Swinging," which is actually (and he says so) "shaking." It works, works, works. We were able to use the shaking technique until J was 6 months old even though he refused to be swaddled by that point. I'm glad the shift work is working, too. It was always so nice to be able to go off for an hour or two, sleep, type on the computer, watch TV, and then come back refreshed and able to do just another hour or two before you get another break. Because we FF, we could break the nights up too, but it seems you've got that sorted with co-sleeping. I'm glad things are working out!

SK--I know what you mean about tired but still functional. I'm hoping something similar will happen for me when I go back to lecturing. Well, I hope that F was in a good mood after creche if he slept for so long! Why oh why can't they stick to OUR schedule? So rudely inconvenient! Does it happen often that F won't settle for your OH? Re: Thanksgiving--do you have proper stuffing there? This province doesn't have the type that my mother has made for over 40 years, and I have to settle for Stove Top, and want to cry every Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm going to make my mother stock up her suitcase with the one I love when she comes so I won't be deprived this year. It is my favourite part of the turkey dinner. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

Storm--aren't doctors awful? It was lactose this entire time! I'm so sorry about your probable ulcer, but I am also relieved that you are finally getting some sleep! It's about time something went your way!

Rowan--you always seem to be in such a good mood! And M too! How far has M gotten with the walking? At Gymboree yesterday, it was so funny watching J march along confidently until he hit the edge of a mat and down he went. Then, I finally saw him look down, pick up his feet properly and make it over. Then he got so excited, he fell down. Again, that term from SK's creche, "wobblers," is so apt!

Okay, time to get J up (poor thing; I force him to take a nap, and then awaken him rudely). Off to Oma's we go, so I can take my own nap!
Wow i actually have a moment to write something properly on this thread, thank god for my sling which i can actually wear now:). With Sophia it's either the boob or sling that settles her. We have sorted out co sleeping which is the only way with this LO, I must admit that I don't sleep deeply it's more of a doze as still paranoid about rolling on top of her. But my OH and cat are in the spare room which is a lot easier and i feel safer. We are still having cluster feeding moments, last night was a bit of a session but for 2 nights before that she was on 2hourly feeds, i guess the randomness of a new born is all part of the experience!!

Skweek just read back and saw your pic of Annabelle, she's gorgeous! hope all's going well with your recovery. I'm sort of there but unfortunately am on antibiotics for a wound infection on the c sec site.

Claire, thanks for your reassurance that all of this is totally normal! i must admit i had never heard of cluster feeding before and was fully prepared for a 2 hourly feeder but I am learning to get use to it now. I live in Twickenham so kind of your side of London, i see you're in Rickmansworth, i grew up in Ealing, so just down the M40 from you.Borboleta, you mentioned your son loved his rocker when he was a new born, well we had a wee bit of luck last night as Sophia spent a whole 30 minutes in hers:) i think we'll keep trying it, but 30 minutes is good enough for me to have a shower!!

Leeze, we tried the floppy limb test but it seems she just knows when we are not right by her!! but will definitely do that with rocking etc. when she's a little older to try and get her in her basket.

Clio, I have ordered Happiest baby on the block, it looks great and gets great reviews on Amazon so hopefully it will help. Me and the OH are doing shifts now, at first it was all a bit disorganised but now it's working better as we are both rested and can handle a lot more than before! I have friends who take their LO to gymboree and they LOVE it! Your little boy is gorgeous!

It's interesting reading through your posts, to see what i have to come... weaning seems to be a difficult time for some and controversial, I'm sure I'll come to realise why when my turn comes, but i feel a bit useless with any advice as a brand new mum, what do i know!!

Storm, good to see that you had a good night, does L still sleep in your room?

I've attached some pics of Sophia, as I've finally figured out how to do it!!! The 1st she is 2 days old and 2nd 15 days old, but must go, think she needs a feed!!

Hi Charlie,
I'm glad my comments were of some help. I read up loads on BF'ing before hand so "knew" about these things, but I swear nothing on earth can really truly prepare you for it until it happens! I hope it continues to be succesful for you.I'm still BF'ing 10 months down the line( didn't think I would be doing it this long)
Twickenham is a nice place to live.I used to spend a lot of time in Richmond and Twickenham/St Margarets area and funnily enough I went to School in Ealing - St Augustine's Priory,Just off Hanger Lane.:winkwink:
If you ever want any BF'ing tips/experiences I am more than happy to share as I am sure the other ladies are too.
Lovely pictures of Shophia btw,they are lovely when they are this tiny age - real little miracles aren't they.
Claire, that's so funny, I went to St Augustines too!!! I grew up down the road, small world. I did my GCSE's there in 1989, god how long ago and how old do I feel then went to 6th form college in Harrow for my A'levels. What year were your GCSE's?

Rowan, co sleeping for me means sharing a bed with me. It wasn't something I planned at all and for Sophias 1st week she was quite happy next to me in her moses basket but then she decided there was a better option and really would not be put down, so my bed it was. My OH and cat are in the spare room and all pillows and duvet gone so I sleep with a sheet and blanket and a small pillow tucked under my head and away from Sophia. I actually really love sleeping with her, it's very peaceful but don't want it to be a long term thing, so once she's 6 to 8 weeks will see if the moses basket works again!

Clio, we successfully swaddled once and got her down for 3 hours but have never had the same success again as being a wriggle bum she gets out of her swaddle within 10 minutes! Maybe we should try one of those ready made swaddles with velcro? Sorry you've had a difficult time with J and naps, parenting really needs a partership, I have seen that with my friends, it can be so frustrating when you're both not doing the same thing and causes more difficulties than you need. My main concern for the future is with my in laws, they have clear and very different ideas to babies about a lot of things than I do and I think there may be times when my OH will listen to his Mum rather than discuss things with me, however luckily they live in Holland!!! Mind you they are threatening a move to London to be closer to there 1st grandchild!!

Happy thanksgiving to all the Americans for 2moro. I'll be celebrating my 40th 2moro, well not so much celebrations, we may make it out for lunch though!!
Morning ladies, I'm in jolly good form today, we had a brilliant night, L slept from 8.20 til 6am with only minor squeakage, then I gave her a bottle of 'juice' at 6am and she helped herself off and on til 7.50 when she got up smiling, hugging me and clapping her hands!

SK, L is in with me so I hear every squeak and when she sleeps Im so not used to it I wake to check she is still alive!

Clio sounds like your sister might be in for a bit of a shock when the baby arrives!

I'm utterly paranoid about grapes so I cut them into 8. I'm sure 4 is plenty though....given I hand her half a banana :)

So play date for L today and for once I'm not rocking with sleep deprivation!

Oh yes Clio my tum is probably an ulcer, I did get scoped a while back but had been on meds for more than 2 weeks so he didn't think he would find anything, he did find a big patch of inflammation at the front, probably the stress of pregnancy and the last year! I'm ok though, must phone the drs for more hardcore antacids.

Wow Storm that is an amazing sleep!!!! long may it continue!:hugs:
Okay, so people posted before I finished my last novel, so here is the sequel:

SK and Rowan--although I don't co-sleep, I've learned enough about it by now to understand that when they sleep in the bed with you, then it's co-sleeping. If they're in the same room with you but in a crib, cot, etc., then I think it's called "sleeping in the same room with you but in a crib, cot, etc." As for these co-sleepers which attach to the side of the bed, I have no idea what the official name of that arrangement is.

Rowan--I'm sorry about the cold! But how exciting about the scan! Will you post the pics for us? How is the SPD? Has it gotten worse?

Charlie--we first swaddled using something called "the miracle blanket" which is virtually impossible to break out of. Then we moved onto Halo Sleep Sacks with "wings" attached that allowed us to swaddle him very tightly with no effort at all. Oh, and my husband's parents are Dutch!

Angel--everything okay with you, your cold and S ad D?

Okay, about to fall asleep. More later! Oh, but here is a picture of J "choking" on cucumber when we first started at 6 months.

Now he just spits out the stuff he knows he can't get down, so the gagging stops pretty quickly as they figure out how their mouth works.
Me again, have literally just managed to get the young lady to sleep, her afternoon nap was late and she was all excited fromseeing daddy and grandpa and just wanted to mess around. This week's nursery ailment seems to be kicking in, she has a cough and is sniffly, in great form though. I so hope shecsleeps tonight, I'm beat, the 10 plus months of sleepless nights have had me teetering on the edge of sanity and I honestly don't know how much more I can take, but fingers crossed we have turned a corner. For all you sleep deprived ladies, I feel your pain.. its just awful.

Talking of sleep deprivation, still thinking about you Kosh and ever thankful you started this thread, I love hearing about other mums the same age as me!

Right, time for a sleep, my stomach hurts and I can't get the omeprazole (cuts the acid you produce) until Friday evening, stupid doctors! ..... Sigh....
Oh SK I just re read a post and my stupid phone changed little lad to purple lad, I'm sure F isn't purple at all :)

On typos etc, I do have the habit of saying wee, as in small, not urine! I got pulled in work about it as apparently on conference calls it was causing great confusion with my work buddies in Bahrain :)
Claire, that's so funny, I went to St Augustines too!!! I grew up down the road, small world. I did my GCSE's there in 1989, god how long ago and how old do I feel then went to 6th form college in Harrow for my A'levels. What year were your GCSE's?

Rowan, co sleeping for me means sharing a bed with me. It wasn't something I planned at all and for Sophias 1st week she was quite happy next to me in her moses basket but then she decided there was a better option and really would not be put down, so my bed it was. My OH and cat are in the spare room and all pillows and duvet gone so I sleep with a sheet and blanket and a small pillow tucked under my head and away from Sophia. I actually really love sleeping with her, it's very peaceful but don't want it to be a long term thing, so once she's 6 to 8 weeks will see if the moses basket works again!

Clio, we successfully swaddled once and got her down for 3 hours but have never had the same success again as being a wriggle bum she gets out of her swaddle within 10 minutes! Maybe we should try one of those ready made swaddles with velcro? Sorry you've had a difficult time with J and naps, parenting really needs a partership, I have seen that with my friends, it can be so frustrating when you're both not doing the same thing and causes more difficulties than you need. My main concern for the future is with my in laws, they have clear and very different ideas to babies about a lot of things than I do and I think there may be times when my OH will listen to his Mum rather than discuss things with me, however luckily they live in Holland!!! Mind you they are threatening a move to London to be closer to there 1st grandchild!!

Happy thanksgiving to all the Americans for 2moro. I'll be celebrating my 40th 2moro, well not so much celebrations, we may make it out for lunch though!!

Oh my oh my Charlie,talk about small world!! We surely must know each other or at least know of each other? I did my GCSE's the year after you!! I'm 39 in Jan. I'm still in shock about you going to the same school.My Brother went to St Benedicts,do you have any brothers?:winkwink: I will PM you incase you don't want to disclose your identity:haha:
Hello ladies,

We had a better night last night. He woke up at almost 4 am and we slept until 7am:). I don't mind the 4am but the 2am is a bit much :haha:!!:sleep:

Clio: I laughed so hard seeing the picture of J choking :haha:!!!! It gave me the confidence to stop worrying about that and just let him explore with food! I did baby CPR and first aid and practiced before of how to help them when they are choking. So need to just do it:)!! Thanks!!
And I can't believe you hubby messed up the sleeping routine :dohh:! Well at least you are having a good full night of sleep so :thumbup:For little J:). And e story about his small clothes was awesome too:)! He just wanted to show his six packs and butty crack to the girls at Gymboree :haha:. Hope you got some good things at your shopping spree:)!

Charlie: as I mentioned before we used to have the bunny rocker by our bed and he would sleep there. And we too swaddled him ( the Velcro with flaps one) and he slep great in it until about 3 months then he started finding his way out of it and we just gave up on it. And he was and is a tummy sleeper From the beggining which was good so he wouldn't wake up because of the startle reflex. But now he comes to bed with me when he wakes up between 4 or 6 in the morning. I love it. I always though that I didn't want to have a baby in my bed but them I think he might be the only one so I need to have him close to me as much as I can:). :kiss: . So don't be surprised if Sophia is still in your bed by the age of 1 year.:haha:

Sabrina: are you an American? If yes, why are you living in Ireland again? And good job on Finn wonderful naps!!! I bet the ladies at the crèche were checking on him to see if he was breathing too:)!! Happy thanksgiving to you:)! We are going to my MIL. She is a great cook!!! I am just glad that I don't have to do anything but wash dishes and take care of the baby.

Rowan: thank you for sharing your weaning experience. It is very reassuring that thiago is going to get there when he is ready :thumbup:. And let us know how little Michael is doing. Are going to have that horrible blood test to see about genetic disorders? I hated that thing!!! We did amnio and would do it again, but not the flood test.

Storm: I am soooo happy for you :happydance::happydance::happydance:!!! You really deserve a break!!! Maybe Santa will bring you a vacation just to yourself for 5 days at a remote island where you can sleep and get massages and wonderful food the whole day!!!! Keep up little L !!!

Well off to my MIL to start thanksgiving festivities.
Hi ladies,
Sorry I am so bad at posting lately. My mum left yesterday so hopefully I will be back to normal now.
I am up after another awful night. The boys are chatting in their cots while I refuse to get them till 7. It is 6:10. I had one stretch of two hours from 12:20 to 2:20 and after that Dominic woke every hour crying. Some of the time he had fallen asleep again by the time I got to him but not always and there is no knowing if he will or not and I am always worried he will wake Sebastian. So I guess we are back to the hourly wakings for us. :( I nearly cried at the prospect yesterday but Nick said very rightly that I have to take each night as it comes and not think of them as a whole or I will get really down. I guess that is what he is doing. Sebastian still needs rocking to sleep, still is hardly drinking his milk but is good with solids.
We have a new kitty, his name is Alfie, he is about a year old and he is adorable. He is playful but gentle and is completely uninterested in the boys. But he does want to come and sleep in our room at night which is not possible cause he wants to chase our toes all night. Also we cannot leave the doors open or who ever is allowed to sleep that night will hear the babies even when the monitor is off. So Alfie has taken to meowing outside the door and scratching at the paint. Poor boy, we usually just do CIO with him but if he wont stop we have to go and hiss at him. I feel bad for him but what can you do?
Ok have to go and reinsert the dummies. I will post this now cause by not doing that last evening I somehow lost a long post I had been preparing for here. So I will continue this later.
Borboleta -- the ladies at the creche check every 10 minutes whilst LOs are napping (they even have a chart/form on the door of the sleeping room to tick off, etc). Also, I am American -- I moved to Oxford in 1994 to study Ancient History, then moved to Ireland in 1999 as it was easier to get a work visa here - LOL! I met my now husband in 2001, married in 2008, LO in 2012 and whilst I love to visit 'home', at the moment and unless the economy gets very bad here (e.g. both my OH and I lose our jobs or we are hit with a huge tax increase next month in the Budget), will stay here, but we do talk about moving to the UK and/or USA (My LO has both Irish and American citizenship)

well........decent sleep last night for me. LO feel asleep by 10, woke up a little bit at 12 (went back to sleep with some mild encouragement) and then started to wake up at 6.30ish. So perhaps it's separation anxiety that is causing him to be extra fussy when my OH takes him? Clio- we still rock LO to sleep, even for naps, but in the creche, they put him in his sleeping bag and into the crib and give him his dummy and red fox toy aka FOXY and he usually falls asleep without fuss within a few minutes, so I know I'm spoiling him, but it does mean that he falls asleep within 5-10 minutes for naps and he can self-settle at night and/or I replace the dummy, etc..

well...I made the pumpkin pie and the corn bread muffins last night and will start making the dinner around 2 ish as my OH is working today and not home until 6 -- since I am keeping LO home today, OH got to sleep in for another half-hour, but still grumbled about being tired....sigh.

Morning all, Angel you were not alone, I too had the night from Bell, just woke my hubby to take over, so so so glad he is off today. L seems to have a cold and a chesty cough and I swear she was crying, throwing herself at me, sitting up sobbing, pulling my hair or just screaming 3 to 5 times every hour from 10.30pm. It was awful, she seemed really hot so I gave her calpol at 5am, she didn't want her juice (I should really call it water, its at most 1 percent juice), she tried and kept choking on it. I really hope she was so bad cause she was poorly and this is just a blip. I can't face the ongoing sleepless nights anymore :(

Time for a nap, hopefully 2 hours and not ten minutes... DH is doing breakfast for L so earplugs in for me....
Just wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to all you lovely American ladies/babies!
and Happy "21st":winkwink: to Charlie, I hope you manage to get out for your birthday lunch.

Storm, I am sooooo sorry you had a rubbish night. Lucy is poorly too with a bit of a cold (and me too) and it's so hard when they are poorly:nope:

Have a good day all!:flower:

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