any other over 35 first time mums?

just a quick one, too! Finn seems much better....yesterday, he drank enough milk with some porridge for breakfast (no other food, just in case) and no vomiting and slept from 10ish to about 6.30am (previous two nights loads of parties) and is now in his jumperoo and very happy. Hopefully, will be able to drink enough today and will re-introduce lunch food as well; even if he wasn't drinking loads of formula, we are also offering water in a sippy (I know we're supposed to offer regular cup before sippy, but if LO isn't well....will worry about that later!)

I have also noticed (not related to stomach 'bug') LO squeaking! It's quite funny, actually. clio - Finn looks as white when he hasn't had a nap, too!

sorry for no personals, but LO is 'calling'.....

Wow I missed so much I don't know if I can answer everyone before I have to get over to the playpen. Usually the boys like playing in there for at least a half hour after their breakfast bottle. But you never know.

So first of all: welcome Charlie and congratulations on your LO! How are your nights? Do you get any sleep now? I had a c-section too though an elective one. One of my boys was breach and I was terrified that by the time I delivered the first one, the second one would be in distress and I would need and emc. My consultant luckily agreed and so I was able to be prepared for things.
But the ladies are right, yes the first 6 or so weeks are so hard! Once you both get into something like a routine you will settle into things much easier. I hope your scar is healing ok?
Btw I also love Happiest Baby on the Block. But I would recommend the DVD cause I bet you don't have the time or the energy at the moment to read a book? The DVD is only an hour or so long and you can actually see what the man means. So do try for that. We ordered ours from Amazon and went for the one that came with a cd of white noise. We still use the white noise now! Love it! :)

skweek same recommendation goes for you naturally. I hope all is well there? How is your gorgeous girl doing? :) Sending :hugs:

Storm I am glad L had a good day at nursery and yay for the progress with the milk etc! I really hope this will improve things for her, maybe even her sleep? Hope springs eternal ;)
Maybe I will try the tescos nappies too cause Dom still explodes with every poo and he does usually about 3 a day. Lotsa washing for mummy! Glad it contained L and hope it will continue :)
I am totally shocked about what your friend said about BF! Is she often this thoughtless? How horrible and insensitive of her :growlmad: :hugs:

Sabrina I hope Finn is completely recovered? The vomiting sounds bad and I would be so scared too. I tend to snap at Nick too when smething isn't right with the boys. And while he denies this, I assure you he snaps at me too. Was it just teeth or some sort of bug? Did you take him to the doctors? Hope all is ok :hugs:

Borboleta I am glad your car journey went ok and that Thiago enjoyed himself at the Santaland :). I am looking forward to piccies :D As for your DH I am crossing my fingers for the job thing. It sounds so promising! :D
As for nappy (dieaper) sizes. Wow my boys must be giants or have huge botties! Sebastian is in 4+ and Dominic in 5! I don't know much they weigh as both have outgrown our baby scales but I usually judge it time to move up a size when the sticky tape fastenings are further apart than 2cm.

Ok it is now 10:40 and the boys are having a short pre lunch nap so I thought I'd continue this.

Leeze do you nurse Kia to sleep then or rock her etc?
It sounds as though she is at a nice nursery if they cuddle her and sing to her. Not sure what I imagined would happen at a nursery but I didn't think they'd have enough staff to attend every baby so individually. That is really great that they do. :)
Hope the new place is starting to look homey and that you can settle soon. Sounds stressful but also fun. I would love to find a bigger place for us but we cannot afford anything bigger in this area and I don't want to move away from here as I have lived here for almost 20 years. :(

Rowan how cute are those shoes?! So sweet! :D
How nice of your mum (?) to look after M. U know in the past they have let you down but it is nice you managed to get an evening out with hubby :)
So impressive that she can walk on her own already! She will be running in no time! Will you get those rucksack type things with the leading strings? I think this is a brilliant invention and with two boys I am firmly for it!
How lovely that you can feel Michael move! I loved that part of pregnancy! :)

clio last night wasn't too great either but I do think this is not the new pattern now. Well I hope anyway. I have a sore throat and didn't sleep well cause of that and I am worried my boys will catch it from me but there is nothing I can do to prevent it :( So far they have been really healthy and robust so maybe they will be ok. I am glad your regime is working for J and that he got his colour back. He does look pale in the picture. I think your DH just said we have to be flexible without thinking. My Nick comes out with things like that and I always get annoyed with him. But it also makes me think maybe I talk too much and he just tunes me out at times lol. But then I guess men in general just do that, I know my dad certainly did :growlmad:

Claire hows the sleep thing going? Still same old bad? Has your mum recovered completely?

kosh sweetie, how are things for you? Are you coping with work? I really don't know how you do it with Gael sleeping so badly. I am full of admiration for you. I am sending lotsa :hugs: as always :)

As for teeth how long do you think can it take for a tooth to come through? Sebastian has had this little white fleck on his lower gum line for ages now and his behaviour seems to indicate that he is teething but it is just not coming through. Can it really take that many weeks? I am just not used to him sleeping badly in the evenings and being so off his milk. Mind you he is still good with solids as long as it is the super smooth stuff that is. :(
Ok feeding time I have to go. Hope you are all ok.
Thanks ladies for all your welcomes, as you all know life is crazy at the moment as you've all been through it, I'm sure no one told me it was this tough! Will get that dvd asap, thanks, hope you have all had a great weekend
glad everyone ok :) im sitting waiting for M to fall asleep in her cot - she has such a cold bless her! shes v v chatty today love hearing her little voice! I mean its gobbldegook but love it !

storm - wowser what a friend! so high and mighty! all the ff babies I know are absolutely fine including M - you do what is right for you at the time and dont need to be judged - oo Im annoyed on your behalf!

great re lactose free milk hon - my friends little girl is lactose intolerant and shes just started avoiding wheat and gluten too - she realised the other day that she'd been giving her teething powders which has lactosy stuff in and was like doh no wonder shes been so unsettled at night!

righto Im off to clean the bathroom x
Hi Angel, the sleep is very varied to be honest:wacko: we have goodish nights and terrible nights,with no pattern to it.:dohh:
Mum is doing amzingly well,she isn't back to "normal" yet and will need another op in the future to reverse the procedure they had to perform,but she is driving again and able to take her dogs for walks!:happydance:
Hi ladies,

Angel: man you little boys are getting big:). Size 4 and 5 :wacko:!! Maybe I need to feed thiago more often :haha:. He is going in 2 weeks for his 9 months check up so we will see how big he is. I think he is 18 1/2 pounds. I go in the scale with him and weight ourselves together and them I go back in without him so I can have an idea how much he weights. And the teething: thiago has been teething now for about 2 months!!!! He is getting the next pair from the middle top ones. I saw that one side broke thru but the other is almost there and his gum in that side is kind of swollen ( blessed his heart). So lots of Tylenol and Advil for us just a night time. Although today he woke up pretty crabby and we had to give him some Tylenol. He is taking a nap now so hopefully he feels better. And he has been pulling on his ear so I am wondering if it is From teething or an ear infection although he has no cold or drainage and no fever either. So I am thinking is teething :shrug:.

Question to you ladies: when did you start giving your LOs straberries? I gave it to thiago about 3 weeks ago and he was fine and liked it so I am thinking about buying some and started feeding him.

Storm: don't you hate these "friends"!! It is you child and you made the best decision for you. Just try to ignore her :growlmad:! Glad to hear that Lydia is doing better with the lactose free milk :happydance:!! You and her deserve a break:).

Clio: so cool that J is almost walking!!!! I love the pictures that you put on the thread. He is such a cutie :kiss:!! And hopefully you and your hubby can figure something out to agree with his nap time. I think you should stick to your guns :winkwink:. And don't listen to him :haha:.

Sabrina: glad to hear Finn is feeling better. I didn't know you are suppose to give them water frommm the cup first and them the sippy cup. Thiago drinks from both. As long as it is water he is fine with it:).

Leeze: are you moving to a place tclose to where you used to live? It must be heard moving with a little one. Is anyone helping you with her?

Claire: so sorry you have bad nights. Some babies just don't like to slow down don't they :nope:! Is she moving around (walking or crawling) everywhere? And glad to hear you mom is doing better :happydance:.

Charlie: I always thought the same as you : why people didn't tell me that this baby thing is sooooo hard in the beggining!!!!! Just hang in there it will get better around 2 1/2 to 3 months. I know it sounds like forever but you will be looking back and say where is my 3 months old went? I remember that the first month was reallllly hard!!!!! I was in a cloud and hormones everything, having a terrible time breastfeeding ( sight). We understand you, so if you are overwhelmed just come here and cry to us :winkwink:.
This is for you too Skeewek:)!!!

Rowan: I bet you enjoyed you free time with hubby:)!!! I would love to go out with my too. Just the 2 of us like the old days for a change:). Maybe we will do that when his offer for a job comes and we can commemorate :happydance:. Actually we will have out anniversary next year in April and we will be 10 years married so I though it would be fun for us to go out on a trip and leave thiago with my mother in law for about 3 days. We will see how that goes :haha:. And yes for little michael moving!!! I loved that part of pregnancy too.

Okay I think I got everyone. Hope you all enjoy your Sunday.

Kosh: hope gael is doing better and so as you:).
Borboleta--aren't I awful with the pictures? I figure by now that you all roll your eyes when you see another one... But ever since I got my iPhone, I've been picture crazy. The one I have there is from just one day of around a week and a half where I was really, really worried about him because he was so so so pale. My sister has horrible allergies, and that's what she looks like, and my husband's entire family has celiac, and J's two year old cousin was just diagnosed. He also looks like that because he's anemic. It was such a relief to find out that it was "just" his sleep issues. And actually, J is walking for a couple of weeks now! I like SK's description of the walkers at her creche--the "wobblers." Totally fits.

I love that you took T to see Santa! We'll have to do that too, but luckily we don't have to drive as long as you did. Though he doesn't like people with long beards. I can't wait to see your pics! Was he more impressed with Santa than with the bat costume?

Turns out, my husband was right about the being flexible thing. J will often wake early (5:30 these days) and then go back down around two hours later. So ten doesn't always work. So, new plan: if the 10 am time doesn't work, then it's 1 or 2 pm (we're still negotiating on that one) in the afternoon that he will go down. Or, if, like right now, he's obviously in need of a nap, then he goes down regardless of the time. I should give my husband more credit. He knows the boy and his routines as well as I do. I was just grumpy yesterday.

And yaaaaay for you husband and the new job. I know that it isn't a certainty yet, but you must feel so relieved!

Claire--I'm sorry that a lot of nights are still tough. Are you on Kosh's no sleep thread? But the fact that you have good and bad nights sounds promising. Angel can of course speak to this better than me, but it seems like Dom's sleep was bad, then erratic, then good. Maybe you're heading there? Do you have to work, or can you stay at home and at least not deal with sleep deprivation and performing at your job?

Rowan--I love hearing the almost human chatter as well. J often starts toward the end of a meal, but he doesn't look at us; he talks to his food, it seems. And then there are the days where all he does is walk around yelling "Dadadadadadadadadadada!!!!!" All. Day. Long. OH gets very proud on these days, but although I didn't want to burst his bubble, his mother explained to him that "da" is among the easiest things to say, and this was not a continuous outpouring of love for his father.

Charlie--when I got the book, I only had to read the first page to get the entire gist of it. So it's not that time consuming. However, I think a DVD is the better way to go, especially if it has a white noise thingy with it. We bought a white noise machine, and all of us fall asleep to the sounds of the ocean every night. As well, during those first 6 weeks, if J became inconsolable, we just turned the oven overhead fan on, and it stopped the crying instantly. I'm really glad you've joined our thread; I hope we can help you, and it's lovely to have a newborn here. That goes for you, too, skweek!

Speaking of Skweek--how are things going? Don't worry about posting, I think we all have a good sense of what you're going through right now. But we do want to hear whatever news you have time to share!

Angel--for the longest time J had these little white bumps on the area where his first teeth came in. They arrived at 4 months, but the teeth didn't come in until 7 months, I think. Turns out they were little cysts, but a dentist friend of ours says that if you have a cyst, a tooth is sure to follow.

SK--I'm so glad that F is feeling better, which must mean that you are, too. And that the nights are back to normal. What a strange bug he picked up! Have you had a chance to meet any of the other parents at the creche? It would be interesting to find out if any of the other babies had it as well.

Leeze--I'm always confused about how flats work in England. I know you can buy one. Is that what you did, and are now trying to sell your old place? Or were you renting and are now moving into another rental? How many people do own their own flat? And good luck with the move! I HATE moving, and now that we bought this house, I have no plans ever to move again. Ever.

Storm--I too am appalled by what your breast-feeding Nazi friend said. I hate people like that. My original OB also reacted VERY negatively when I told her that I had to FF because of the drugs in my system. She told me to go off of my meds in order to breast feed and to try meditation to keep my bipolar in check. The woman was a wack-job.

Okay, have to go for now, and will post this, but I'll be back to finish the personals later.
Evening ladies, my wee lady has just fallen asleep in my arms so just popping by. I've read all the posts, love reading everyone's posts and hearing how everyones little ones are coming on in leaps and bounds.

Kosh we miss you, I sincerely hope you are doing ok, I think about you often and hope you at least are able to pop by and read the updates and know how much we all care for you and G xxx

Today L has seen all her cousins who live in northern Ireland, been to visit my mums aunt on her 90th birthday and tried to trash her bungalow, been to my brothers house (were 4 of her cousins are) for 3 bird roast dinner Christmas dinner style, came home and trashed her own house and had her last bottle with Lily sitting on top of her, she loved playing with lilys fur. Now she has crashed out, she has to sleep tonight... Please! She rounded off the night with a concrete poo so surely that's better out than in....

It's 8.35, DH is still at work and I'm seriously thinking of going to sleep now too given I could be awake 5-40 times!...

Ps, yes the bf comment, I really have had some cracker comments, especially from drs, I think the best being when L had a uti.... Why do you think she's sick, she might be crying cause she is cold..... That's right Mr Dr I let my child freeze at night then when she screams all night bring her to you... Arrrrggggghhhhhhhhh

Ok I'm being random now, catch you all later!
HI ladies,
Well new mommy life sure is busy!! Little had us really busy for the first few days back and I think as a new mommy I was a bit anxious to be feeding her lots - every 2 hours. I have just left her for the last 2 days and seems like she likes to sleep for about 3 1/2 - 4 hours between feeds! I will not complain! Yes she is currently fast asleep and only expecting her to wake at about 12am for the next feed. I am tempted to wake her at about 10pm so we can put her down again by 11pm so I can get to bed at a decent hour. Otherwise it will be 1am before I get to bed.
I will admit so far I have a really good little girl who loves her sleep! Yes I know I'm lucky (touch wood!!)
Saw the MW on Friday and she says that Annabel has lost 8% of her birth weight - 'this can very easily slip to 9 or 10% at which time we will need to call the doctors!' This obviously scared the living s*&% out of me. She recommended I get formula for at least 1 night feed a day for the weekend!
I thought about this and spoke to a breastfeeding counsellor who said that 10% of weight reduction is normal so 8% is nothing to worry about!! So I have not done as the MW requested. Seeing a different MW tomorrow morning for a 3rd home visit. Hoping its my original MW and there is better news. I know breast feeding is going really well for us - A usually lands up with a face full of milk - so how can I not be producing enough milk for her??
Will try catching up on personals tomorrow.
Sorry ladies but have to share this pic with you! OH took this pic of A this evening!
Just 7 days old and we have a smile or is it a chuckle?
Storm--trashing houses? What on earth does she do? But I'm glad that you both had such a good time with your family. How many cousins did L hang out with this time? Tonight is the family dinner, so J will be seeing his crazy cousins, too. Luckily, so far, he has exhibited no inclination to join them in their insanity. Also, I wouldn't worry about giving milk early; BLW has you giving them milk in the recipes since 6 months, and there have been no problems. Actually, I don't even know why you have to wait so long with milk. How come?

AFM--J has a new word: "guitar." He only says "tar" so far, though. I don't think that he has a two syllable word yet, even if the actual word has two syllables. Ah, that's my boy. Why do a full job when you can do a half-@ssed one? :dohh:

re: diapers--I think that North American diaper sizes have different "numbers" than UK ones. J is still in 3 in Pamper's Cruisers, which I think is our equivalent to "Active Fit." Though Borboletta--what is T in again? And which kind? Cruisers? They are fine on J, I think, but whenever you take his clothes off, you can see that they are all folded over right below his belly button. So maybe it's not the best fit? We are so going to try the Pull Ups, Leeze. They seem wonderfully easy! We'll get a small pack first. He does fit within the weight limits, so... As for going up a size, we wait until he's peed through them more than once.

Borboleta--have you heard of Amazon Mom? Apparently you get tons of stuff, diapers in particular, at really great prices. Although our Canadian Amazon is getting better, they don't have this program yet.

So I'm trying to join some play groups, and the two I've looked at so far cost $70 a month! And really, they're the only ones around (both are for music). I so wish we had a similar system as in the UK, with all of those free groups every day! Well, I'll have to keep looking. The ones I found let you have a free session to check them out, so we'll see if they're any better than the Library one I did, which granted, was free. And stupid.

Re: strawberries--I don't remember who brought this up, but I gave J strawberries this summer because they grew in our backyard. No problems whatsoever. Didn't know I wasn't allowed to give them to him, though.

Anyway, J is demanding my attention. Gotta go!
OMG skweek - I hadn't realised you had your LO!!! congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
just quickly skimmed though some posts - thanks for your thoughts ladies :hugs:

gael has conjunctivitis now - he woke up yesterday and could not open his eyes at all :nope: of course, the cough and blocked nose, and ear thingy are still ongoing. he's doing a 2hr stretch and then wakes hourly. then at about 3-4am nothing else works and he has to sleep on me.
tbh, i don't know how i am still alive............

on the positive side, he's became extremely affectionate and keeps hugging and kissing us :cloud9:
Kosh: I am so sorry to hear that poor little Gael is still dealing with this virus. And now conjuntivites!!!! Poor little man :cry:. Did you try taking him to a different doctor? Maybe a different opinion might help him. How is he during the day? And I don't know how can you function ( at work specially) with the lack of sleep that you have to go thru. You are amazing!! Mom of the year award :cry:! And he wants to sleep ON you!!! So you really just have about 2 or 3 hours of sleep per day :dohh:!! Gael will have to leak the floor you walk in when he is an adult :haha:. He better apreciate his mommy. Like they say God in heaven mommy Kosh on earth :haha:.

Clio: thiago is a size 3 on the pampers. I have not tried the cruisers yet since I still have some baby dry left but I looking forward to see how they work :thumbup:. Now the pull ups are good for during the day. At night I would still be using pampers that hold more pee.
The strawberries I asked because my mother in law was telling me to watch it because they are high allergen food. So I have been avoiding them. But since the other day I gave him a little and he liked it and no signs of allergy I will try it again:).
And the playgroup I go to the library one ( I agree with you not so great) and met some ladies that have little ones so we get together wt the mall, parks, each others house so the babies can interact with each other.

Skeewek: oh, my what a sweety pie:)!!! I will say she is smiling:). So glad that she is been easy for you and likes to sleep!!! Hope she will stay this way. Now about the weight I remember that they should double their weight at certain month, but cannot remember when. And since you are EFF I would imagine that she wouldn't gain the weight as fast as if you FF. If your doctor says she is fine than she is fine :thumbup:.

Night night ladies:).
Clio: I forgot to thank you for the tip on the amazon mom. I will checke that out for sure:). And yes I am super excited about my husband getting a job offers this week:)!! Pray for us everybody!!!:winkwink:
Sorry ladies but have to share this pic with you! OH took this pic of A this evening!
Just 7 days old and we have a smile or is it a chuckle?

Oh she is gorgeous! it def looks like a proper smile to me! and so young too.
I had the night from hell! I always seem to get an awful night on a Sunday- right after a nice weekend of being able to go back to bed for a few hours (daddy daycare! lol :thumbup:) and feeling half human.
I'm right back to square one and feel like I have had no sleep for weeks!!!!:cry:
Lucy decided after numerous wake ups from 7pm that 2am was a good time to wake up and stay awke for 1 1/2 hrs! mostly wiggling,bouncing and laughing which then turned into out and out screaming when I put her in her cot (next to my bed) to calm her down. She then decided to get up at 6am :wacko: I think I almost cried!

On the strawberry question: I haven't given her fresh strawberries, but she has had them in purees with no problems. I was wary of giving her kiwi too as I have an allergy to it, but she has also had that in a puree and has been fine. I know 1st hand what it's like to see an allegic reaction to food as Lucy has a bad allergy to egg (had to go to hospital):nope:

Going to see if she will nap soon so I can at least rest for a bit:wacko:

skweek she is a beauty, you must be so proud of your little girl, such a little princess.

kosk you poor thing, poor little G, I have mastered being able to sleep with L over my shoulder, I've found being totally exhausted most of the time means I can sleep in pretty much any position.

Clio, L got to hang out with one brothers three kids, then my other brother called with 3 of his so she was with 6 at one stage, then we went to the brother who had brought 3 of his down to my dads for dinner where his other son was so she got to hang with those 4. She just loves them.

Clairey I know what you mean, L always seems to totally play up when I have somewhere to go and no husband to help out, you can be sure my hellish nights are when Im on my own...

We had a good night last night, I brough milk and water to bed with me and she had both but settled really quickly. Since the milk swap and stopping the carobel she is literally starving! She had a full bowl of porridge for breakfast this am and then moved on to my breakfast half an hour later.. this appetite is a surprise and she has had 2 massive poos this am already of a really good consistency... see my life has changed so much that good baby poo makes me happy.

In other news this is my duck and this is my monster arrived today - this is my duck seems to have been adopted as a firm favourite already!

Hello to everyone else, I only remember the last few posts, although last night was good for us and I was only awake about 5 times Im still terribly sleep deprived from the last year and a bit, havent had 8 hours sleep since I was about 16 weeks pregnant!

oh strawberries - L has been eating them since 6 months she loves them!
Morning Ladies, Here are the details of the birth of my princess Annabel Carys.

Contractions started on Thursday night of 8 Nov at about 10pm. They started off at about 8 - 9 minutes apart but very quickly revved up to 3 minutes apart. At about 5am we went to the hospital but as I was only 1 -2 cm dilated I was given codine and we were sent home. We laboured on at home for most of Friday going for walks and having a bath - which just seemed to slow things down for me. Went back to the hospital 5:30pm. Again I was checked and said I was only 1 -2 cm. I was given more codine and sent home. Came home and slept and continued to labour till 4:30am. Again we were sent home. By this stage we were slightly annoyed and frustrated as I was clearly not coping with the pain. We returned again at 8am and were told to go for a walk around the hospital. My waters still had not gone but were apparently bulging. We walked around the hospital and I tried to eat but had already lost my appetite.
At 12pm I was admitted onto a ward for observations. (YAY for progress!!) I was given yet more codine and slept for a good 2 hours. One of the midwives did try send us home implying that we were taking up a much needed bed! At 5:30pm my waters finally went!! And guess who had to clean up my bed (sorry to be a bitch! But we didn't like that MW at this point!) Suddenly my labour revved up full gear!! and boy was it painful!! I felt really sorry for the other ladies in the ward who were clearly there for induction and nothing was happening to them! (cue memory of Friends episode of Rachel in labour! HAHA) By 9pm I was begging for gas and air!
At 10pm I was transferred to the midwife led unit - I thought my BMI was too high to go onto that ward - but meant that I could get the water birth I so wanted!! Got in there and grabbed that gas and air! Boy was it goooooooood!!!! Took the feeling of pain right away! I loved that stuff. I was examined and the MW said I was 5 cm so good to get into the pool. Laboured in the water with gas and air till about 3:30am ish. MW requested to check on my progress and I was only 7cm - clearly not far enough for labouring in water for 5 hours. So I was admitted to delivery suite where a consultant checked me over and discovered meconium.
Yup as you can imagine - emergency c-section. There was suddenly lots of people in and out of the room and I was rushed into theatre.
Annabel was eventually born by c-section at 5:01am. I apparently lost about 3 litres of blood and had to have a blood transfusion - 2 units of blood and a bag of plasma. I remember the panic with one of the people in the theatre squeezing the bag of blood to get it to move through faster!
It seemed like ages before we were allowed to see Annabel. My OH was taken round to see her after about 10 minutes. They eventually brought her round to see me about 10 minutes after that.
They continued to work on me, cleaning and stitching me up. My OH was taken to a room with Annabel where he was given a bottle of milk to give her her first feed. I must have been in theatre for 90 minutes! I was eventually transferred to a High Care Unit where we stayed for 12 hours of intensive observations.
Later on that day - about 6pm I was transferred back to the post natal ward were we stayed till Wednesday night.
There are a lot of questions I have surrounding the birth and I am apparently entitled to a debriefing with the surgeon who was in charge of the c-section. We will definitely be penning a few questions down and having this debriefing!

PS: Just seen a MW who said that they will organise the debrief for us!! YAY time to get some answers to loads of questions.

Yup so all in all a bit of an ordeal to get her out but I am recovering and Annabel is doing really well!!

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