any other over 35 first time mums?

Storm--poor L with her throwing up, but yay for her sleeping and YOU sleeping (though I'm sorry that you're still exhausted!) L's fighting you while you tried to lull her to sleep reminded me of J back when we first decided to do "CIO." Turns out it wasn't CIO at all--J had been beating us up while we rocked him because he actually didn't want us to rock him at all, he wanted his bed! I remember one night, after being kicked repeatedly in the arm for half an hour, finally giving up in exasperation and sticking him in his crib. He cried for less than 5 minutes, and then started crooning to himself, which I later discovered was his method of self-soothing. Felt like an idiot because we had been "putting up" with his beatings (seriously, I had bruises!) for a month and a half by then. I thought he was just fighting sleep. Turns out, he was fighting us because we weren't letting him go to sleep!

Didn't mean that the rest of the night was any different--he still woke up once a night for a bottle, but putting him to bed was a doddle (as you would say) after that. True CIO didn't happen until a few months ago, with the waking 5 times a night so he could party.

Oh, and I'm wondering if you could update your ticker so I can see how old L is now. I like knowing where everyone is, age-wise, especially as we head towards one year old. You, me, Leeze and soon Rowan are going to be dealing with, or are already dealing with one year old stuff now...

SK--I'm with Charlie. I so couldn't keep chocolate in the house. Even if I put it in the freezer (which I know makes it taste yucky), I would then remove it and nuke it in the microwave to soften it to the point of a liquid. I know this, because I have done this many, many times. I'm just focusing on getting my new "fat" wardrobe together. It's about time after 3 years of being this heavy. I can't teach in sweatshirts, sadly. Out of the $1,000 order of clothes that came yesterday, I'm keeping exactly ONE item. Oh well, that saves me a lot of money. The nice thing about it, though, is that I'm returning everything because I erred on the side of caution and ordered one size too big for everything. I'm re-ordering some of it one size smaller.

Angel--I think I asked you this before, but have you checked out other boards for twins and CIO? Or are their situations just too different from yours?

Borboleta--It seems like little T is actually naturally a good sleeper. I'm so glad CC worked with him. I remember when I was pregnant and all these CIO and CC debates were raging on in BC and on the What To Expect forum (I never visit it anymore--those women were deliberately nasty to each other) and I was SO SO SO anti-CIO and CC. Until J came along and I began to understand his personality and what he could handle.

How is T's walking going? Is he a full-fledged walker yet? Eric took J to the mall the other day, and just let him wander, and J had the best time ever. He was fascinated by everything, especially the mannequins with no heads in the shop windows. Eric had to take him into one of the big department stores to let him investigate the mannequins without the glass in between them. You'd think a one year old would be upset by seeing decapitated "people," but nope, they were apparently just really, really cool. Plus, everyone thought he was adorable, and kept pointing at him, or stopping to look at him. One little girl came up and patted his head. I think he was running down the mall's hallways saying "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" really really loudly and flapping his arms. He was also wearing his bear jacket which no one in their right mind could resist: :cloud9:

Angel--I really hope last night went better. Re: languages, are you still talking to the boys in German? And is it Hoch Deutch or the Swiss dialect? Are both your parents Swiss, or did they move there? Finally, where was your boarding school? How's that for a whole bunch of questions?

Charlie--we implemented a schedule with J at exactly the same time as you. It made all so much happier. Until then, J was always whiney and fussy because he was just so tired, and our lives were waaaaaaay too chaotic because things were waaaaaay too baby-led. Regarding the waking up during the bath and massage, have you tried lavender scented stuff? Apparently it's supposed to soothe them. Never worked on J, though. Only a bottle did the trick.

Oops,got go! I'll finish the rest later!
well, more projectile vomiting (after OH was bouncing LO...sigh), so another bath and now LO's fine....

not much else....hope all others are well....!

I see that claire and storm's LO's are 1 (or close to?) -- wow! Hope you had/are having a good 1st b-day!

Sabrina: sorry for the projectile vomit. I hope it is not the flu!! Is the flu as bad where you guys are as it is here? Tomorrow I am taking thiago to take his other half dosage of the flu shot. He just took half during his 9 months check up. I am really worried about all this people getting the flu! Scary!!

Storm: glad you got 5 hours of sleep:). Poor little L she must feel terrible after all this shots? Clio: does J felt bad too? And leeze?

Clio: thiago is walking better everyday:). He goes from the kitchen to the living room. Sometimes he falls but I pick him up and try not to hold his hand even though he likes that better. But I want him to practice so I try to be in front of him. It is really cute his little duck walk :kiss:. And I agree with you I think he is a good sleeper. Yesterday he took 1 1/2 hours nap in the morning and then almost 3 hours in the afternoon which brought us to 6:15pm wake up time and then I put him to sleep at 9:30pm and he woke up at 6am. Not bad :winkwink:.
And I love J'/ bear jacket!!!! It is too cute!!!! I would've stop at the mall too to say hello.
more vomiting (and on me twice)....we're hoping it's NOT the winter vomiting bug, which is making the rounds in UK/Ireland....he's asleep at the moment, but I don't think he'll sttn (or even 10-4am) as he threw up most of his milk, food, I think it's going to be a long night..................sigh. He doesn't have a fever, so am hopeful that it's just teething.....poor baby.....


ps. clio - I love J in his bear jacket!
boroleta - yea for T walking! Finn is practicising with daddy, but not ready to go solo yet.
Clio, J is sooooooooo cute with that little jacket on!! sounds like he had a lot of fun and did a lot of entertaining too!

SK, hope F gets better soon and your nights not so bad!

I am taking S to a baby massage yoga session tomorrow run by this lovely slightly hippyish lady near me, really looking forward to it, as will be nice to do something different with S. Clio I also thought of lavender massage oil to use at night, the lady who is running this course sells some, so will get some tomorrow and see if it has a magical calming effect on S!
Thanks ladies, the nights have been back to normal thank golly and this morning my sweet boys slept till 6:45! :happydance: Dominic woke at 12:45 for his bottle and I thought that we would therefore have another waking at 4:45 but while Sebastian did wake for half a minute at 4, Dominic slept right through. Maybe he now understand he isn't getting another bottle! I am so chuffed :D

Charlie my boys were never soothed by baths either which is another reason we didn't incorporate it in to our bed time routine. And of course they still only get one bath a week. I feel slightly bad for admitting this but part of the reason is that we hate giving Sebastian a bath. He still screams bloody murder and cries such bitter tears! Poor little boy! We tried with Nick in there with him but that made no difference at all. :shrug:
How often does Sophia nurse during the night and how long does it take each time? I remember that when the boys were that young they took up to 40 mins on the bottle. So tiring! Now it's not even 10 phew. lol Hope you got some sleep :)

Sabrina how excellent that Fin sttn! :) Considering that he is in teething hell this surely is quite a feat for the little man!
As for chocolate in the freezer, that would soo not deter me! I'd eat even frozen lol.
Hope your transport doesn't go on strike though I am surprised that there aren't any replacement services in place? I'd grumble too!

kosh is there no improvement at all with G's sleeping? I am sure you did lots of research but have you looked here at the Baby Sleep Site too? A few months ago I was very tempted to buy one of their help packages but then sleep got better and I saved the money. I am still reading their articles at times though and I think it might help?

Storm how excellent that L wanted to go to bed! Sorry she was sick later but maybe this is the start of a new bed time thing for her? How did last night go? As for still being exhausted, I totally get that. I am too when the boys are up at 5, even though technically I might have had 6 hours in total and a 4 and a bit block of sleep. I think the thing is that while you cannot have more sleep, you are naturally exhausted and though you now do get more, it is technically still not enough for your body. I don't think your body knows how to be grateful for a little improvement lol. So you won't feel truly rested until you had say two nights in a row of maybe 6 to 7 hour blocks?

Clio omg how cute is J in that fleecy jacket! I loove the ears too! And the little boots! Soo cute! :D
As for the CIO, luckily that wasn't needed last night. The boys fell asleep within 15 minutes of being rocked which is ok. I think it really is all down to that last nap after their 3pm bottle. We are going to stick as strictly as we can to the no nap after 4:30 rule. Mind you, we already broke that rule yesterday. A friend of mine from Zurich is in London and we went to see her at her hotel with the result that the boys didn't really get a very good after lunch nap and by the time we left, we thought oh dear no afternoon nap either since it was after 4:15. But ok they fell asleep in the car and had half an hour till about 5. So it wasn't too bad and in the end didn't interfere with going to bed. I am just not ready to put the boys into their cots without any rocking at all as yet. If they won't go to sleep after we do our usual routine then maybe. But not if it works like last night.
As for languages, I am not so consistent with German as I should be. I have to remind myself to speak to them in German as I don't speak it (or even think in it) except on the phone with my family and that isn't every day. I really want them to learn it but when Nick is around I find it weird to keep it up as he doesn't speak it at all. He understands a fair bit though, so I guess he wouldn't mind but it still feels weird. :( And it would be Hoch Deutsch as my mother is German and I only learnt Swiss German in Kindergarten and think it is a horrific sounding language lol. My parents did both move to Switzerland. After the war, when the Russians occupied Romania, my father's family left there and went to Norway to my grandmother's family and from there to France where they had property. My parents met in Switzerland, in Lausanne, which is in the French speaking part. My father was studying nuclear physics there and my mother was doing a language course as part of her university degree in French and English. My mother is from Berlin btw though later grew up in Cologne. It was only after their marriage and just before my brother was born that they moved to Zurich.
ETA my boarding school was in West Sussex. It was a small all girls' school and the first school I was truly happy at. :)

Got to go, boys are restive in their playpen. xxx
I hope everyones nights were ok? we had a minor vomitting episode last night. I was feeding Lucy her milk and she coughed and then brought all her milk up - all over the bed,herself and me! so I had to strip and change the bed,Lucy and then myself! Thankfully Lucy seemed ok and was smiling and I got her back to sleep by 8pm. I think she maybe just guzzled it too quickly or it was the cough that made her bring it up. I was sooooo worried she might be getting this vomitting bug as she had it a few months back and it was awful:wacko:
On another note,I can't believe my baby will be one on Tuesday!!! where has that year gone?
Will have to start planning her egg free birthday cake for her party:happydance:
Claire: Thiago did that to me too when he was sick. Just once and I think he drank too much too:). So what is the theme of her party? Is she having lots of little friends coming? One year already:). How exciting!!

Charlie: I will love to hear how the yoga baby massage class goes:)! It sounds like a relaxing time to me:)!

Angel: glad to hear the boys slept better last night. And just speak in German with them. Before my sister and dad came to visit me I was talking half English and Half Portuguese with Thiago but once they came to visit I just stopped speaking English with Thiago. Now is 90% Portuguese. I just speak in English when i have my in laws around or I have to let glen know what I am saying to Thiago.

Charlie: tell your husband to just talk to your daughter in his own language. They will pick up. They are like little sponges. :).
Afternoon all!

Clio I have updated my signature and now I'm freaked out as it says toddler and not baby anymore! I know she isn't a baby anymore but wow how did that happen.. I LOVE the photo of J, he looks completely and utterly adorable, I would have stopped just to say hello and tell DH I now wanted a boy :)

Clairey are you excited about L birthday? Hard to believe this time last year you were desperately waiting for the little lady to arrive...

Bad night for us, but given L had bottom issues, a cold and cough, sore gums and 4 pricks on her leg from the injections that are doing goodness what inside her I can't really complain. She went down easily but 2 hours later was up screaming, eventually got her settled, same thing an hour and later and then next hour, by this stage it was 1.15am I hadn't got any sleep and her screaming was high pitched and hysterical, not the sort that can be sorted with CC, so I folded and lifted her, she was very unsettled from 4.30am and I am in work (its lunchtime) shattered with bags under my eyes. DH has dumped her in nursery so I have no idea what she will be like when I get home, I kept her off yesterday as she was pale and out of sorts... at least I'm for the weekend soon and Monday too..

SK my DH had the winter vomiting bug full on - I mean he emptied top and bottom violently in 12 hours. I had vomiting and a little of the other, but not the full on bug so I don't know what I had. I hope F is feeling better soon.

Oh we have yet another party tomorrow, my little neice is 4, so more cake (not helping my every expanding butt) etc.. but I'm hoping to start the wii zumba tonight although Borboleta I did look at it and wow I have no coordination so this will be fun. I wasn't feeling well enough this week to bounce round the living room!

Charlie hope your class goes well, sounds interesting! I had to do a little baby massage with L when she was tiny on her bowel as she had sooo much trapped wind, advised by my friend who is a bowel surgeon, she just had me use baby oil so there was no friction and then dry her off when I was done.

Rowan how did M party go?

Nothing much else to report, better go as lunch is nearly over and I have diet coke to drink to keep me awake!
bad night....Finn kept projectile vomiting and we kept changing him (at least 4 times) and me as well (at least 4 times - LOL!), my OH strangely remained with the same clothes (clean) all night, see a pattern? Finally got LO off to sleep around 12am, I fell asleep around 1ish and at 2am, huge cries. I was able to relax him and convince him to go back to sleep whilst holding my hand. Again at 4.30am, cries, screams and a little coaxing back to sleep. Me? I got about 4 hours overall. Seemed ok this am; e.g. had bottle, no problems, laughing, etc. Took to creche, fine until 12.05 when threw up again, I left work early and collected him. Now, had 60ml/2 oz, eating a rice cake and screaming with joy and seems okay. No fever, no diarrhoea (sp), just a dodgy tummy....he's grand, me - exhausted.

no personals, so tired and have to get through until 6pm (another 3 hours) before OH gets home. LO seems fine, but will offer rehyrdration tablets in water, a little formula, and probably no food (unless rice cakes, which he loves)...I have loads of laundry to do (grumble) and would like to just crawl into bed now, but cannot.

thanks for rant....well, not a real rant, but a 'long day I have had....' and still, can't even get the strength up to go and get some frozen chocolate, which wouldn't cheer me up at all as then would feel guilty...hahahaha!


ps. on the plus side, he's had loads of baths recently (last night for some reason) and seems to love them now - LOL!
hey everyone

Sabrina hope finn is on the mend soon poor thing x

clio LOve the pic of J :)

storm - party sunday - eek! we are not great hosts but in the words (sort of) elizabeth bennett we keep practicing! we have got lots of food - well half of it with our vouchers and the rest with the last bit of the money we had from our change jars lol! this cake is going to be hilarious!!! Dh is in charge of rice crispie cakes and made 3 batches earlier this week to see which were the best (chocolate, mars bar or caramel mars bar lol)

M bday yest was nice but a little wierd like I cant believe shes one!!! Also - I cant believe in 13 weeks we should have a newborn!?! hes measuring a week ahead so we shall see what he measures next mw appointment :) the babies are all over 10lb'ers on dhs side - yikes!!!

oh I had to laugh earlier - I asked my mw wbout recurrance of 3rd degree tear in second or more time monthers - and she said she only knew of 2 people who hadnt had c section after previous 3rd degree tear and one had another 3rd degree tear and the other didnt tear at all - well I thought to myself I know the one who had another one lol - she goes to the library playgroup...well weve just been to that playgroup after the festive break and she said oh Ive got a present for you - hee hee - perineum massage cream! lmao"!! :) love it!

ee well M is asleep priobs for a v short time so I'm going to grab a cuppa and some cereal (am ravenous all the time!) and make up party bags...

hope everyone is well - will update my ticker :) x
Rowan, happy birthday Martha, i don't know how you are managing with a 1 year old while being pregnant!!

Sorry for all the bad nights, Sabrina i hope F gets better and I think your DH needs to do get a bit messy with a few clean ups!! I'm very lucky OH jumps straight to it with S explosive poops! think it makes him feel like he's doing something and I'm not stopping him!!

I have asked him to just speak Tamil to S and not to worry about me, i think he finds it odd speaking his language when i only know about 3 words!!

Last night Sophia had a great night, we had another one of those random 6 hour sleeps, however as recently she's been waking 2 hourly i got about 3 hours broken sleep as i really was expecting her to wake up each time i heard her whimper or move!! Am going to try a little nap this evening.

The massage/yoga was lovely, she was the 2nd youngest there and she loved the littlle yoga moves as well as the massage. She was really interersted in all the other babies in the room. Unfortunatley half way through the yoga she did one of her explosive poops and no OH to clean it up! luckily this was just before they got naked, so could have been worse. But she really seemed to enjoy it and had a good feed,followed by a good nap afterwards while i had lunch with some of the other mums.

I think I'm going to just do a massage every evening as she loves it and it seems to relax her and forget the night time bath. She loves her bath but in a more invigorating way which doesn't help bed time obviously!

Storm did massage help L when she was younger??
SK you poor thing and poor F! I've been covered in buckets of spew and I'm not sure dh ever has!

Charlie the massage used to help shift the wind, unfortunately she kept generating more cause we didn't know she had a lactose issue!

Rowan I used to be the queen of baking, I use normal mars bars, 1oz of butter for every mars bar and rice crispies, if I'm feeling flash I cover them in milk chocolate and then pipe white chocolate swirls over them :)

L is totally out of sorts, moany, wanted her bottle then more milk, clingy etc etc, she cried the whole way through her bath, she usually loves it! Even dh suggested I just take her to bed with me but I wanted her to go down in her cot at least.

Ive lost the birthday cards for my niece - doh, now I have to buy more. We got her a hello kitty dress and leggings, hello kitty purple tracksuit, hello kitty fleece blanket (do you see a theme here) and a fairy book :)

Stupid phone battery is dying again....
well, Finn seemed okay for awhile after I picked him up from creche -- drinking formula, playing, etc., but I gave him a baby rice cake and he was fine, but....started to cough and the gag reflex kicked in and the poor thing was sick again. I'm now an old pro (LOL!) and managed to catch most of it, and we gave him another bath, which he completely enjoyed (that bath seat is a life-saver, Borboleta!)and more formula, etc., and is now tucked off to bed. I think it's a touch of tummy flu, but any coughing just brings up formula -- OH and I are getting along a lot better today, so perhaps he is realising that being exhausted and looking after a sick LO is hard. On the plus again, I managed to comfort LO and NOT get any vomit on me this time!

to be honest, not much else - am enjoying everybody's fb pictures of the real babies! and love Martha's (Rowan!)!...

hope all are getting some sleep, not being vomited over and generally, having a bit of chocolate and a glass of wine to relax tonight (me -- almost bought some hagan-daz ice-cream on sale/on offer, but didn't. I wish you could lose weight just on what you don't eat rather than the culmination of what you do eat...!)

Hi everyone. Feel like i'm so behind with this thread. Have been trying to catch up all week but we've had such a bad week for sleeping that it's been really hard. Normally I post on here when I'm doing bedtime milk but I've been so tired I've been feeding Kia lying down.

On the subject of chocolate and cakes, I don't know what I would do without mine at the moment. Food is my only vice. Luckily because I'm still breastfeeding I don't seem to put any weight on with it. Now I understand why people sometimes keep breastfeeding till 4 or beyond! Rowan, those rice crispie cakes sound amazing. Especially the caramel mars ones. I might have to make some of them. Happy birthday Martha, hope it's a lovely party.

Storm and Sabrina, I really hear you on the terrible sleep and having to go to work. I've been like a zombie this week in work. It's like sleep deprivation taken to a new level. I feel like a run on this nervous energy, fuelled by sugar and caffeine. It's really horrible.

My best news today I Kia slept 9 hours in a row last night! Admittedly it was from midnight till 9am, but we all went to bed at that point as i'd been unable to settle her earlier and we all slept until 9. I woke up briefly at 1am to move her to her cot, but I feel like a different person today! I'm still holding onto the fact that one day she should sleep through every night!

Clio, I loved J in his bear coat, no wonder he charmed everyone. Kia isn't quite walking yet but is very nearly there.

Oh, she's just woken up. Need to go. Will catch you all later. Will update my ticker soon too xx
Hey everyone! Sorry, this won't really be a personals one (but I did read through a few and have a few responses). This is a "can you give me advice" one.

But first:

Re pic: Thank you! I think it is my favourite one of him right now.

Charlie--you talk about soothing S before bed. J gets all hyped up with his bath as well, but then there is a moment in our routine where one of us leaves, the lights go off, the sleep turtle with the constellations are projected on the ceiling, and the sound machine with the waves go on. So, we feed him his bottle then, in a rocking chair, and then put him in his bed (though at S's age, we would have rocked him to sleep). So, while the bath excites him, there are so many "sleep cues" between it and bed that he calms right down to the point of sleepiness.

Angel--the boots are those "Robeez" ones we were all talking about a million pages ago, when you showed us the gorgeous shoes (from another company) you got the boys.

Storm--oh my! I would have freaked out if my ticker had added "toddler" to mine! Must be a different "ticker company?":haha: But I do consider J a toddler because he most certainly toddles. It is exactly the right word to describe his not-quite-a-waddle walk.

Claire--are you next on the 1st birthday train, or has M not yet turned one? I've been out of the loop for a bit, so I'm all turned around... Is S allergic to eggs?

Okay, question (and announcement!). My sister had her baby! Yay! Two weeks early (just like J) and they never even made it to the hospital. She had the baby SO fast (just like me and my mum--at least the midwife knew that) that she was in labour for less than an hour, I think? Two pushes and my niece was out, born on my sister's bed! Tiny thing, too--5 lbs, 12 oz. J was 8 lbs, 1 oz at two weeks early. My sis had been told by the midwife that the baby seemed small (she felt her through her belly at the end, because my sister's fundal height was right on--she was huge!). But she reassured my sis that she had another 2 weeks to go, so she would probably be fine. Nope--there turned out to be no more time, so little Georgia never made it to even 6 ozs.

Okay, so question: G has barely opened her eyes since she was born; she's been asleep the whole time. When I talked to my sister, she couldn't even tell me what colour her eyes were because she hadn't opened her eyes long enough or wide enough for them to see (J's eyes were always open, so there was no confusion about the colour of his eyes from the very, very start). She won't take the boob because she is always asleep. She suckled once at the very start, then again yesterday morning with the midwife's help, but not again after that (though I think they've got the midwife helping them today). Did this happen to any of you: a baby that wouldn't wake up to feed? If so, what did you end up doing?

Oh, and my sister has HUGE nipples (during high school she was always so embarrassed by them that she put bandaids over them to keep them from poking through her shirts). And this baby has a tiny, tiny mouth that can't easily get around the nipple! Anyone had experience with this?

I'm sure the midwife is dealing with all of this, but my sister is so far away, and incommunicado right now, so I'm doing the next best thing to talking to her to find out what's going on--I'm talking to you guys! My mum is sitting at home with her phone by her side, waiting for a call saying she can visit. With J, she lived with us for the first month, so this is quite a different experience.
Oh, and Angel--that is quite a story about your parents! My mother has a similar flight story for when the Russians invaded her town in Eastern Germany, but she stayed in the country, trekking with all the women across to the west, and then trekking back home after the war to find it completely occupied still. She ended up around Hannover. Her father had been killed in the war before she was even born, and she and all the women of her family (aunts, mother, grandmother) walked across the country together, and ended up working on rich farms until my Omi remarried. My Dad, well, his father was a businessman, so he lived a comfortable life during the war (though his dad was on the Eastern Front), around Bremen, I think. My parents met in Heidelberg, where my father was doing his PhD, and my mother was getting her teacher's certificate. My Dad had actually already lived in Canada, though, because his father was transferred here, but he went back to Germany to study. Then he got a university position in Toronto, and here we all are, in Canada.

Okay, now I'm going back to read all that I missed...
Clio, congratulations on your baby niece! What an amazing birth story too. Kia slept a lot when she was first born. The advice given is to strip them down to their nappies for feeds. Try to get them to be awake for 15 mins before a feed if possible or they often fall asleep during the feed. She can do various things during a feed to try to keep LO awake, like tickling her feet or rubbing her back with a damp cloth. If she falls totally asleep again during a feed then a nappy change can be a good way of waking her, or holding her upright as it's harder to sleep in an upright position. Opening windows and doors etc and making it draughty rather than being too warm and cosy is also a good one. I think babies are often very sleepy in the first few days and it should get better. I don't think the size of her nipples should be an issue if she gets the positioning right as babies do tend to open their mouthes pretty wide in order to feed.
Just a quick one on my phone, hate using this to post! Congrats Clio on the arrival of your niece. Your sister needs to express and syringe feed her, she's so tiny that she has no reserves left and she needs to do this regularly as she probably will need a little every 2 hours. That is what I was advised with S when she wouldn't wake up as she was sleepy, not quite as sleepy as the sound of your niece though. Hope she's OK and feeds soon. I don't know about the nipple and latching on though, probably the midwife will assess that when the LO wakes up and she can look at her latch.

Anyway have an overtired baby who needs luring into a nap!

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