any other over 35 first time mums?

Just quickly as I have to get ready to go to the HV centre:

Kosh I already said so in your other thread but wanted to say it here too: Happy belated Birthday Gael! Now that you are a big boy, let mummy get some sleep! Hope all is well with you Kosh and Gael. Sending tons of :hugs:
Sorry I missed it on the day! :blush:

i replied in the other thread but i'll say it here too

thanks angel! and yes, he seems to be sleeping a tiny (tiny) bit better :thumbup:

as claire, i can't believe my baby is one already....
i'm so emotional these days. :cry:

hope you ladies are ok :flower:
Well, my baby girl turned one yesterday and I can't quite believe it?!:cry:
our day didn't work out the way I wanted and it makes me sad.
I had to attend a close family friends funeral which meant I had to be away ftom DF and L for a good bit of the day and this was on the back of a horrible nights sleep(or lack of) DF got the hump as I was gone for 4 hours and we ended up having a massive argument,so feel a bit depressed by it all.
He has since appologised,but ruined my already rubbish day :cry:
oh well,at least we have L's party on Sunday:happydance: although I'm now stressing about doing all the prep fo this and making her cake etc etc.
I really need to take some time out to spend with DF and L,just the 3 of us.

again: happy bday Lucy!
:cake: :cake:
Claire: so sorry you had a bad day on L's birthday. It is really hard when we have fights with OH isn't It. :hugs: to you. But I am sure she will have a blast on her birthday party this Sunday:). Happy 1st birthday lucy:)!!:happydance:

Kosh: happy birthday Gael:)!!! I am not sure why I am so excited about thiago turning one. :dohh: maybe because it is still 1 1/2 months away :haha:.

We had a decent night: 10pm till 6am:). Then I fed thiago and tried to bring him to bed with us in hopes he would snooze for an extra hour but no luck. He was so cute though. Putting our arms around him :kiss:. He is such a snuggler. And he loves to be around us. He will not explore the house on his own. I will be washing dishes and he will be around the area or trying to hold on to my legs :haha:. Are your LOs like that too?
mea culpae - kosh! Hope Gael had a great 1st birthday!

LO pretty much sttn last night (from about 10 to 6.45am), so seems back to his almost usual self, e.g. the gaviscon appears to be helping and he ate his meals at creche this am (most of brekkie and all of lunch), so at least he's good/better.

MIL/LO's birthday: I suggested to my OH that we go down for the afternoon to his mother's the day before his birthday (it's on a Sunday) and therefore, we can leave when we want? And three of us celebrate his birthday together (no party/no MIL). Christmas was not fantastic with her negative energy (hate to be all 'new age', but it's the best way to describe) and her prima donna/self-absorbed attitude and I'm surprised at my OH for suggesting that she come to ours for LO's birthday weekend. I think I have suggested a reasonable compromise?

borboleta - okay for sttn (even to 6am is fantastic!)

must go - LO is not happy in the jumperoo!

Ugh. Working like mad on fixing another lecture. Started yesterday. I'm sorry guys--I just wanted you to know that I'm not slowly breaking away from the thread or anything--I'm just really swamped by this course! (And it's only one! How on earth did I ever teach three a term?) I miss you guys!
Oh boy, L had a terrible night, running a temp etc.. I can only assume this is mmr related, they say the second set of side effect are 10 days after but a friend who works in a lab warned me 8 days and here we are at 8 days and the little lady is poorly. I on the other hand have got to go to work now after only a couple of hours of broken sleep .. this should be fun... Dh is off so I can't even take leave to look after L, oh dear :(
Oh boy, L had a terrible night, running a temp etc.. I can only assume this is mmr related, they say the second set of side effect are 10 days after but a friend who works in a lab warned me 8 days and here we are at 8 days and the little lady is poorly. I on the other hand have got to go to work now after only a couple of hours of broken sleep .. this should be fun... Dh is off so I can't even take leave to look after L, oh dear :(

:hugs::hugs: :hugs:to you and Lydia! you poor things. I hope L feels better soon. I'm not looking forward to the mmr!!:nope:
Oh boy, L had a terrible night, running a temp etc.. I can only assume this is mmr related, they say the second set of side effect are 10 days after but a friend who works in a lab warned me 8 days and here we are at 8 days and the little lady is poorly. I on the other hand have got to go to work now after only a couple of hours of broken sleep .. this should be fun... Dh is off so I can't even take leave to look after L, oh dear :(

Hope little L feels better. I was wondering how the one year old mmr shot reacts to the LOs. And it doesn't sound so good. Poor thing:(.

We had a bad night here too with s party starting at 3:30am and after feeding and changing his diaper and rocking him for 1 hour I got tired and out him to bed and he cried and cried for about 30 min then I felt bad and went there and rocked him again. He was down at about 5:15am and woke up at 7:15am :dohh:! Hubby was sweet to let me sleep for an extra couple of hours:).
not much here -- LO now eating back to normal, no vomit and seems in good spirits -- long may it continue!

sorry to hear about parties at storm's and borboleta's -- hope all others are! We miss you, clio! I wonder, however, why I wasted so much time preparing for classes before LO; now, my work load is of necessity done on the day or a day or two beforehand, although I absolutely appreciate much harder when doing a college/academic course (I teach Elementary as asked not to do Advanced or exam preparation/far too much work)....and if like me, a complete perfectionist with reading lists, suggested essay questions and loads of supplemental material (I taught university Latin and ancient history)!


ps. One of my students keeps doing exercises before we are ready to do, and I find myself using the same tone with him as LO, e.g. 'no, no, not yet...'; once I even mentioned that 'mummy was very tired today', and they all looked confused for a minute - oh, well!
ps. One of my students keeps doing exercises before we are ready to do, and I find myself using the same tone with him as LO, e.g. 'no, no, not yet...'; once I even mentioned that 'mummy was very tired today', and they all looked confused for a minute - oh, well!


***Back from lecturing. Went well, in large part because the students weren't required to say anything. :dohh: Thanks for your comforting words, everyone; let's hope the next in-class analysis will go better.

***(actually, I started this yesterday. I really hope what I wrote yesterday is still up to date! I suck--I'm sorry!)***

I just read through the last few pages, and saw that I was ridiculously behind. I found a post I wrote that asked questions that had already been answered, and asked after sick babies after they were all healthy again. Except for little F, SK. Is the Gavison working?

For Lucy, Gael and Martha--happy belated birthdays!!! :cake: :cake: :cake:

Rowan--I think it's great that you're going for a c/s. Those tears sound nasty! And I really don't think you'll find the healing period that hard. I broke the rules ALL the time--I couldn't wait for my OH to carry the things I needed, so by two weeks in, I was carrying things over 10 lbs all the time. Not that that is perhaps the wisest advise to give you, but still, you will not find yourself as helpless as the doctors make it out to be. And I agree, take your meds, especially the anti-inflammatory ones. Killing the pain is one thing, but reducing the inflammation is really important.

And I'm glad that your mothers' group has such lovely women in it. I stopped attending the activities of mine almost immediately of because I don't have time. And I hope you had a lovely massage!

Borboletta--Poor little T and the shot! How did it go? I think we got all of ours in one go--I don't remember them breaking them up. Or even giving us any at 9 months. Sounds like Texas is "kinder," b/c J received them all at once at 12 months. He was fine though. We gave him Advil immediately upon returning home because he always has a headache afterwards, and then he was fine. I'm the one who has to hold him because Eric is the one who can't do it. Though all you have to do is show J something shiny afterwards, and he's forgotten about it. Did you get the flu shot, too, while you were there?

J's walk looks like the cowboy walk. It's the diaper, I assume. But he's taken to walking around with his arms behind his back, which is so strange, because my father does that too! And I'm pretty sure he doesn't remember him much from 7 months ago!

I wish J were a snuggler. Or would even just sit still! I've figured out a way to be able to work and take care of him at the same time, though. I put a footstool at the end of the couch, so he can climb up and go as he pleases. All dangerous things are out of the way, too, so he can just romp around me while I work (I always work on the couch with my laptop).

J holds onto my legs in the kitchen too, but it's really annoying. He'll come in front of me, wrap his arms around both legs and whines until I pick him up. So, yes, J does hold onto my legs in the kitchen, but it drives me freakin' insane. Does T hold on differently?

To all those with one year olds--J turned 13 months yesterday, but I've started to lose track. I think of him as one, not 13 months. Most people apparently stop counting in months when they reach 24, but I guess I'm not very good at counting... Leeze in particular--are you continuing to count in months?

Angel--what gorgeous pictures! I'm always so glad when you post them (well, when anyone posts them). I never go on FB (my feed is always about my cousin who is always posting about the AWESOME time she just had doing this and doing that... Drives me insane. Is there a way to block her?) And yay for Dom almost crawling!!! I think that once they do the "creeping" (where they pull themselves along), it's actually considered crawling. He's probably going to get pretty darn fast at it. Is it Seb who rolls all over the place? That might explain why he isn't crawling just yet--why would he need to? But do they show any signs of imitating each other? J decided he had to do a lot of things by just watching his cousin, who is almost 2 now.

SK--I'm glad the Gaviscon is working--it was about time you got a break! And your husband is really in the trenches with you right now--that's pretty darn great. Though that whole MIL thing--"no way!" would be my answer and I think your solution is a great one. Do you know if your MIL is asking to be involved, or if it's coming from your OH? And did I understand this correctly--by June (if things continue as they do) you expect to be back to the weight you were in your TWENTIES??? Oh man, I would give anything to be that thin again, but that would require losing approx. 60 lbs, not just 40!

Claire--I realized that I shortened your username to Claire, but Storm still says "Clairey"--which one would you like me to use? I'm so sorry that L's b-day didn't go well, and I'm sorry about the loss of your family friend. But I bet the party is going to be wonderful. And I hope you manage to find time for the three of you soon. Would you go somewhere, or just hang around the house?

Kosh--I'm glad that things are going even just a "touch" better. It's a step in the right direction! I hope you're feeling better, too. :hugs:

Storm--has L's fever gone down? We had the same problem with J--he had a fever of 102 on and off for two days. He had no other symptoms, though, and when the fever stopped, he was right as rain.

Okay, posting this NOW, so I don't forget.
Meant to post this yesterday!
The visit to the Health errm... Visitor went really well actually! It wasn't the same woman who came to see us when the boys were just born so that was a good start. She was really nice actually :) She is going to refer us to a woman there who is a bit of a specialist for sleep issues cause I should ideally drop the boys down to 3 bottles a day and this lady will give us tips for night weening etc. Anything like that is always welcome right? Especially as it is free, hehe.
She will also refer Dominic to an Opthamologist for his slight cross eyed-ness (?) as she couldn't say if it is anything that needs correcting. It isn't very pronounced and we think it cute but best to have it checked out I think.
She also weighed and measured the boys. Dominic is 12.1kg (26.6lbs) which means dropping that second night bottle has made a difference and his weight is now back within the 98th percentile. Before it was above :blush: He is also really tall at 77cm (30.3inches) which is in the middle between the 98th and 99.6th curve. Sebastian is 10.3kg (22.7lbs) which puts him in the 75th percentile. And height-wise he is 75cm (29.5inches) which is above the 91st curve. Both boys' heads are in the 75th curve. So I guess they're really big huh?
I shall write more and personals later or tomorrow. I have a bath running and my back hurts soooo much that I cannot wait to get in there!
Well L seems a good bit better, dh left her into nursery which bugged me, I would have kept her with me, but she was ok other than not eating too much and we left a bottle which apparently she loved so they want us to send milk, fine by me, we only stopped daytime bottles as it was an hour long battle to get her to drink it!

Anyway work was ok but yes I was tired! Sk you asked about attitude to work, I care less, but I care less about the office politics and accept the irritating parts of the job which ultimately means I'm more productive! Odd eh? Oddly although I'm shattered I've been in better form, I guess part of me was lonely at home 24/7 with L. Don't get me wrong I love her more than ever but she doesn't talk much!

Not much else to report really, we have put the angelcare monitor back in Ls cot so dh is taking control tonight! He needs the monitor or he doesn't hear her! I can hear her through a closed door and no monitor. That said she wanted to go into her cot so maybe she will sleep tonight... Maybe eh? Actually she probably will as I've been given a rare night to get some sleep!

Right I'm off to sort bottles and put washing in the drier...

Ps Angel your boys are big but not freakishly big, thriving as the old saying goes oh and Sk glad the gaviscogne seems to be helping!

Oh and Clio I think you can filter your cousins posts out!
quick one as LO is now absolutely mad with teething (not in a good way!)....

clio - lovely to see a nice long post (I appreciate you're busy!) re: my weight. I was chubby as a teenager and lost weight in my early 20s (to about 120 lbs - I'm 5 feet tall, though so was 'slim'), I kept it off for years, but in the last 5-10 years, it slowly crept back up to about 190 (I was about 150 when I got pregnant with LO) and now, I'd like to get back to about 126-135, but it will take some time....sigh.

Just curious -- does anybody's else's OH 'lose' dummies, tops of teething gels, etc., and then can't understand why you get annoyed? Our dummies are NUK so 3 euros each, and we go through about 2 a week (and I buy them!)....very annoying!

am being selfish, so no real personals, but...

angel: glad the HV visit went well. I had a slight crossed eye, but did need glasses (it was back in the 1970s, though!), but it wasn't a huge issue. Let us know any tips re: sleep....
storm- hope you get some sleep tonight!
borboleta- hugs re: shots. I'm delaying the MMR for a few months (until LO is 15 months), but he's recovered well otherwise (they seem to do them at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months and then 1 year....then later during school, I think).

hugs to claire, rowan, kosh, leeze, skweek (how are you?) and if I forgot anybody, mea culpae. LO is being fussy so now he's my baby....!

Sabrina: now that you mentioned about the mmr I will look and see if thiago has been taken this shot :dohh::haha:. It sounds bad anyways :haha:! And no my OH doesnt loose thiago's stuff just his stuff :haha:. I told him that is I die first he is in deep trouble!! He cannot find something that it is in front of his nose :haha:!! Hope Finn's teething gets better. We are happy that we got a brake from teething around here!!!

Clio: glad to see you back:). We missed you:). And it is funny that J walks with his hands behind his back. I bet that is cute though.
And no thiago does the same thing J does. He holds little little arms around my legs but he talks just sometimes he gets Whiney and wants me to pick him up. How do you know when J has a headache?
And Clio I know you answer this before but your username Clio is it after the Renault car Clio?

Angel: compared to thiago Dom and seb are much heavier than him :haha:. Thiago now is about 21 pounds. The height I can't remember. Maybe because your boys are good eaters and thiago is NOT :haha:. And I didnt noticed any problem with Dom's vision on the photos. But it is always good to have it checked like you said:).

Storm: :happydance: for the night off:)!!! There must be something in the water because your OH and Sabrina OH's are being sooo good :haha:. Glad to hear L is feeling better. Hope she will Sttn !!

About disinfecting bottles: I am amazed by how much work you girls in the UK have!!! Is there something wrong with the water or people are just used to do it that way? I ( like Clio) just wash the bottles with soap and water and that is it. And I remember a friend of mine using tap water to mix in the formula for her baby :dohh:. Baby is fine:).

:hugs: to leeze, Claire, kosh and Charlie:).

We just have 5 more babies to turn one!!

For us I just hope for a Sttn night:)! Took thiago for a little walk since the weather is so pretty and first we went on his little car ( little tikes) that his nana bought for 10.00 at a women's shelter place and then decided to walk with him holding ONE hand but it is so hard because he wants to stop everywhere and just stare and things. I gave up after about 10 min. Maybe tomorrow I go to a soccer field and bring a ball and see if he practice more his walking and try to work on his soccer skills :haha:.
re: bottles -- I dunno regarding water, it's just that over here - the practice is to sterilise bottles, but I wash first and put into a steriliser in the microwave, which works fine (not much of a problem), then use boiling water, put powder in, etc. We then put into the fridge as Finn loves icy cold bottles (we even have an ice-pack under the one we put out for the morning (our living room is upstairs from the kitchen)....LOL!

must go as am exhausted -- am hopeful that will get some unbroken sleep. Very jealous regarding nice weather, Borboleta - as in UK, snow and it's forecast here quite badly....have a little one-piece snowsuit for LO for tomorrow, so we shall see! (I hate really cold weather as the Irish cannot deal with it (e.g. people don't shovel their walks (which they do in the USA), ice means delays and cancellations, etc., as they aren't used to it on the east coast of Ireland....oh, well....


ps. gaviscon infant is a life-saver! again, thanks to other mums with problems (storm!) as it has made a HUGE difference!
pps. will Thiago play for Brazil or USA?
Just dropping by to catch nee phone snd its hard to get used to. Chat soon xx
Clio, we're still counting in monhs. Hapoy birthday to all those turning one this week xx
Morning all – well my night off – oh how we laughed, DH had the baby monitor (which I had turned up to full volume), I went to bed at 9.30pm complete with ear plugs and passed out, then at 1.15 I hear her crying, I wait a minute, nope still crying, anyone going to see her, um nope. So off I go in to her room, settle her, give her a bottle and wait til shes finished – during this time I can hear the next door neighbours little girl crying – it was really muffled but I could still hear it so I’m wondering if she disturbed L. So back to bed about 1.45 and then she starts again at 3, has some milk and back to sleep but crying again at 3.30 for more milk and back to sleep til 6 when I lifted her and brought her in with me for more milk! So where was DH on his night of looking after her? Fast asleep…. I had to get him up at 7 so I could get ready for work and he was grumpy. He came in and said so I’m sure you got a good nights sleep – um nope I was up with L – I asked him did he go into her at all – apparently he did at 11.15 – then went to bed. I checked the monitor and it was off the battery was dead he had managed to set the monitor on a book he was reading which wasn’t flat and given it hasn’t been used in ages the battery drained completely. I could kill him…. Honestly he couldn’t even do it right for ONE NIGHT, I mean ONE NIGHT! Then this am I was putting my makeup on and L wanted to help and I actually had to say to him ‘Are you going to help me or what, I have to get ready’ and he said ‘we have to get ready too’ to which I pointed out NO YOU DON’T, you are OFF work, L does NOT have to go to nursery, you choose to put her in nursery and have the day off to do what you want so NO she doesn’t have to be there first thing. He seemed really put out by me saying that. He has it in his head she HAS to go to nursery every day even though we agreed that on his days off she would go in late and he would pick her up early, um not really he drops her in at 9 and picks her up at 4.45… I guess he just wants to spend less time with her than I do *sigh*

Anyway L is in good form today, the temperature has gone away and she was in her high chair this morning eating her porridge and when I said ‘Bye bye mummy has to go to work’ she waves goodbye to me, it’s cute but it makes me so sad 

SK that’s brilliant that the gaviscogne is working for F, poor wee man can you imagine how horrible it must have been without it at times. We tried the gaviscogne with L but it didn’t make much difference, so we are a step up on the losec which cuts the amount of acid her stomach produces.. I have to try her off it every 3 months and hopefully someday she won’t need it! I’m hoping as she begins to walk more everything will strengthen up and she won’t need it. She is still very wobbly but is now walking between things like the sofa and her bounce and spin zebra she is definitely getting better!

I’m sitting here (in Belfast) eagerly awaiting the snow, snow total so far = none, not a flake, no snow, nada, nothing….

Oh in other news I tried to go ‘running’ again last night (more of a breathless stagger mixed with power walking) – I am sooo bad – I can only managed about a mile and I’m literally walking half of it and come home drenched in sweat! At least I’m trying eh?

How is the diet going SK? I wouldn’t dare say what I weigh but I am 5 ft 7 ½ so I have a few more inches to spread the weight over.. I just don’t seem to be able to get motivated with the diet thing at the moment which is bad, like for instance today I started off with good intentions and then ended up doing a trip out to the sandwhich shop for everyone… did I have something healthy – um nope, I had chicken tikka with salad and I only had the salad cause I love salad in things not to be healthy.. oh dear…

Here is a question for you all – why did you call your children what you did and do they have any other names? L for example well you all know her first name has June Alexandra as her middle names after my mum and DHs mum, I always said if I had a daughter I would call her Leah which is what she nearly was then DH said he liked Lydia and that’s what we went with after she was born, well a couple of hours after she was born cause I couldn’t make my mind up!

Oh the snow has arrived (this has taken 6 hours to finish) but its just sleety mush and its not staying 
quick -- LO had a wonderful party last night from 2 to 3am. Everytime I tried to go back to bed (remove hand from his hand, his cot is next to my bed), the crying began....after an hour, I told my OH to deal with, e.g. LO will go back to sleep in my OH's bed, but I cannot bedshare. LO did fall back asleep about 10-15 minutes later. I am sorry that my OH had to deal with LO on my night, but I can't bedshare and if it works for OH, then sorry.

why we called LO his name: we called him Finn because it was the only name we liked! His middle name is Matthew after my FIL who died back in 2010....

no snow here around Dublin, sigh....

LO is being fussy, sorry for no personals, must go feed and try for a nap!


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