any other over 35 first time mums?

Okay here we go again:

Angel: I am 5ft 8 and my husband is the same. Our mothers are in the short side but both of our dads are about 5ft 11, well my dad is 1m 80cm and all his family is in the taller side so hopefully thiago will be taller and have my dad's hair genes :haha:.

Storm: thiago's name was picked by my husband. He likes a UFC fighter and he liked his name but I wanted his name to be Lucas or Lucca but he didn't like that so I compromised and gave him the first name for my husband to choose since it had to be a Brazilian name and I picked the second name Lucca ( it is the city in Italy where my great grandmother is from). And I call thiago meu amor( my love), doce ( sweety) ... My husband calls him little t or big t.
How nice you got some snow. But I wouldn't be happy either trying to get back home from work and the traffic is a mess because of the snow. :growlmad:
And I am so sorry you are sad because of the photo book. At least you have a lovely picture of L with your mom:).

Leeze: how was your trip to Scotland?

Charlie: thiago never cryied in his sleep either from what I remember but at night time I would wake him up to feed him either :haha: if the boy was asleep don't touch him :haha:. How fun that you are bringing S to Gymboree. I wonder what are they going to do with such little babies?

Sabrina: can you feel molars coming? I looked in thisgo's mouth yesterday and i could see two teeth on the right side but just under the gum. I wish he would let me see the other side that is the one he has munching on his finger.

The day was beautiful here today, mid 60s. And if tomorrow will be like that we will take thiago on a bike ride. I love houston at this time of the year:). We got thiago this little car that we push him in it and he loves it so we went for a walk around our neighborhood and I was telling glen that we need to get a pool pass during the summer otherwise we will be inside the house the whole time. At least thiago will learn how to swim early on:).

Question: do you ladies have a night light at LOs room? We have one and sometimes I wonder if that kind of wakes him up.
Hi! Finn sorta slept through, e.g. from about 10 to 8am, BUT was fussy from 1.30 to 2.30-ish so not completely 'restful', e.g. cry, replace dummy/stroke head, hold hand and then pray. I thought I might have to call OH to help, but thankfully, he finally fell back asleep properly (or I did, not sure) -- I have this tickle in the back of my throat and kept having to cough into a pillow so as not to properly wake him up (grumble!), why always at night is a slight cough so bad?!

borboleta - the video of T on facebook is adorable! and molars -- my OH felt them, as I can't move my hands fast enough away from his mouth before the biting starts (he broke blood on my OH's finger a few weeks ago!), but he's (Finn) is poking his finger in the back of his mouth, so we are hopeful that they will break through SOON!
night light - we had a little one (which was useless), but in my bedroom, I have curtains with a sheer white curtain so it defuses the glare of outside street lights, and it's just light enough to see, but dark enough to sleep, so no we don't use one. We do have a nightlight in the living room, which means we can tell if he's fallen asleep or not!
storm - I understand the tears looking over LO's things/pictures, etc. I went through Finn's old babygros and vests (to send a few to Rowan) yesterday and I can't believe he actually fit the tiny newborn ones!
my diet: Lost no weight since Tuesday (so overall, about 4lbs in 3 weeks) and have been good, except for....alcohol. I guess I have to stop drinking except for perhaps weekends? (I drink one or two glasses of wine a night (NOT bottles!)). I am trying SOOOOOO hard not to snack and eat decent meals (e.g. ceral/banana or porridge or yogurt for brekkie, soup for lunch and a salad (with meat) for dinner with perhaps one (1) meal per week that's sausages and mash potatoes (Friday, cold and pouring with rain here) or chicken pesto pasta (the week before), and only 2 squares of chocolate in 3 wks (honestly! I gave some to the cat, who didn't like it)....GRUMBLE!
Angel: happy anniversary! I can taste that Phish Food (my favourite is Baked Alaska and Cherry Garcia)
storm: re: vomiting. It's amazing how much puke can come out of a small baby! Thankfully, Finn seems to be okay with the gaviscon!
clio - can you take a leave of thesis absence and return to your PhD sometime, perhaps when J gets older? I took a break (and moved from UK to Ireland to train as a solicitor) but finished it eventually!

must go and apologies if I forgot anybody!

Not a terrible night. Thiago woke up one hour after I put him down so went in and rocked him for 20 min and he slept till 3:45am. Went in again and rocked him for about 45 min ( but this time I was ready for him and brought my phone with me so at least I could surf on the Internet since I knew I was going to stay in his room for at least 1 hour :haha:). He woke up again for good at 6:30am :dohh: but by then OH went in to get him and let me sleep in :thumbup:.

Not sure what his deal is with sleeping.

Sabrina: I think you are doing great with your diet. Can you add some exercise to it? Maybe some DVD workout? It will really help you if you are not doing already.
And thiago did that to me too. He bit my finger when I was trying to see if I could feel any tooth coming in. It hurts :dohh:!! And yesterday he got my shoulder too.

Storm: have you tried the Zumba DVD yet?
ter Afternoon... Borboleta I loved the video of T with his daddy, so cute :)

The snow here is making the roads almost impossible, good old NI and its complete lack of preparation for snow, why this country always seems surprised when it snows is beyond me! Anyway we made it out today, only cause dh was driving, my dad is snowed in as he has a Porsche boxter (second hand not that expensive) and a big Mercedes-Benz, neither of which can cope in the snow! My trusty Renault megane estate (one needs a big boot for pram and labrador) did the job though. We are home again but L has fallen asleep so I'm.sitting in the car with the heat on. Looks like the snow is turning to rain so it may be gone soon!

We had a rough night last night, L was really windy so now I'm trying to work out what didn't sit well with her, she was in with me from 5 and crying and passing wind and crying again, poor pet. I can't remember how much I was up, it blurs on bad night's!

Not much else to report for now... Oh yes Charlie, I like my own name now after a lifetime of hating it! I'm called after my dads mum, but I didn't like it as a child, I'm ok with it now. Borboletas sister has the same name so its good I no longer hate it! If you are on fb you can pm me and I will add you, not keen on name disclosure on such a public forum as this :)
Oh Borboleta, no I haven't, dh is off work at the minute so I've been taking the opportunity to get outside a bit, once he's back on shifts it will be zumba when he's at work. I have played with it but I need to be on my own to get into it without feeling stupid!

Oh and nightlight, we have the angelcare monitor and a little ladybird torch that sits on a green leaf, the leaf glows green and the laybird red and if you lift it its a torch, its cool!
Hey everyone. I've started around 50 million posts, and then somehow erased all of them for one reason or another.

Okay. Let's see where I am...

SK--I gave up on my doctorate a while ago. I realized that while I love History, I love teaching History even more, and that's not really the life of a History Prof. I also just don't want to write a dissertation. My attention span is far too short for that. So far, things are working out, and we'll see about the future. Things always seem to turn up for me. Can't always count on them, but they do eventually throw me a course or three.

So are you also a solicitor?

Re: Nightlight--I know we had one, but we stuck J's bathtub in front of it (he never used it) to block some of the light. When he was younger, he would just stare at ANY light in the room and not fall asleep in our arms while we rocked him. Now as I think about it, I know the room is pitch dark these days unless we turn on Turtle, so I guess the light either burned out, or Eric removed it. Now I'm very curious--I'll have to go check.

Angel--Happy Anniversary! 10 years is wonderful! Did you have a nice dinner? I've been trying to find Phish Food here in Edmonton for ages now, and they simply don't have it. Backwater city...

Claire--what an amazing cake! I am so stunned that you managed to do that! J had no cake beyond what we normally have on a Sunday night dinner, but that's okay--he took one bite of it and ran off.

Charlie--J used to and still does cry out in his sleep. I don't worry about it. Actually, when I hear it, I hold my breath and just pray that he isn't waking up. And as all the others said--he'll wake if he's hungry. Don't touch the sleeping baby!

Storm--you must be going through a whole range of emotions with your photo book. I'm sorry that the ones of your mum made you feel so sad. I feel very weird when seeing pictures of my niece who is wearing all of J's old stuff (we sent it a whole bunch East with my mother each time she visited). It brings back so many memories... But this is no way the same as looking at pictures of your mother. I'm sorry you don't have any of the three of you.

So, so much for J not being interested in books. He won't stop bringing them to us. Or wants the same one read over and over and over again. His favourite right now is "Goodnight Moon," which just arrived from Amazon. He's so funny. When my husband read it to him, and pointed everything out, J took OH's arm and first pushed it off the page. Then, he pushed it down to OH's side. Then, probably feeling this wasn't far away enough, he pushed it behind OH's back. OH had to say "okay, okay! I get it!" But J lets me point out anything I want, so I just explained to OH that he was probably just doing it wrong.:haha:

But we have problem with J, and while it seems cute, it's actually quite a serious one. He has learned that if he pushes a chair over to the kitchen counter, he can climb up onto the chair and then the counter. So much for being short--he hasn't let that get in his way... He also uses the same trick to climb onto the kitchen/dining room table, as OH discovered this morning when he went to get more coffee. We were so proud that we had actually baby-proofed the whole downstairs so J was safe wherever he roamed and we didn't have to keep such a close eye on him (though my husband can see all the way through to the dining room and the kitchen from where he works). But he can't see the dining room table... We actually don't know what to do. We can pull the chairs away from the table, but he knows how to push them back (and to the counter) so that is a useless measure (as I explained to OH when I came downstairs and stumbled over ALL the chairs at the bottom of the steps). Maybe if we put them by the front door, we'll be able to see if he grabs one. But that's going to be very inconvenient. Well, so is J climbing on the counter, so I guess it's six of one, half a dozen of the other...
Oh, and Borboleta--I currently hate Texas. :growlmad: Right now, it is -24 C here--which is -11 F, I think--and if you went outside (which you don't), you would see NO ONE. We have a shopping plaza around the corner, with a grocery store at one end, and a pharmacy at the other. EVERYONE, after shopping for groceries, loads up the car and then drives the very short way to the pharmacy. To do otherwise here is considered pure lunacy.

And what's with all this biting? J bit OH's big toe the other day, and then bit my knee. Weirdo.

Re: weight issues--since I'm finally admitting that I am now Plus Size and will be if my pelvis doesn't heal, I bit the bullet and looked at the Plus Sized clothes at a department store yesterday. Turns out, the only designer that makes wearable plus sized clothes that I like is Ralph Lauren. Awesome. So I dropped close to $300 on THREE shirts. Well, at least I now have incentive to stay fat--I need to wear these long enough to feel like I didn't just waste a whole bunch of money I don't have.
Storm: you made me laugh when you said you needed to be by yourself to do the Zumba DVD so you don't feel silly :haha:. All that hip movement does that to us doesn't it :haha:. I hope you will like :thumbup:.
Poor L, feeling windy. I hate when I am all bloated because of food. It is really painful so I can just imagine how bad she feels. Thiago too sometimes starts passing gas one after the other. I gave him black beans the other day with rice and OH MY GosH!!!!! I never gag when changing a poopy diaper but that one was the nastiest thing I had ever to deal with :haha:!!! No more black beans for a while. But I don't remember if that gave him gas.:shrug:

Charlie: I forgot the question about the name. :haha: but yes I like my name:). My grandfather wanted my name to be Antonella but I am glad that my mom didn't listen to him and I ended up Danielle. My second name is my mom's last name so I really don't have a second name. Now I just have my first name and my husband's last name.
Waiting to fall asleep for my nap. My hip is hurting like crazy because I acted out the book "Barnyard Dance" with J yesterday, while Eric read it out loud. It was the line "swing with the barnyard dog if you know how" that did it. So definitely NO ZUMBA FOR ME!!!!

My Name--hated it as I grew up. (I have no qualms saying it on here--four years on the pregnancy dot org forums made us all very close, so after less than a year, I was addressed as Eva as often as I was Clio, and most of used our real names. But I respect and understand other's sense of privacy, Storm.) Anyway, back to hating it. The only benefit to growing up "Eva" was that no one else had my name, so I didn't have to be known as Jennifer F., or Allison O. to differentiate between all the Jennifers and Allisons and Sarahs... But then, by high school, I forgot about hating it; it was just so much a part of me. What was really weird was when it became the number one name for new babies in Alberta around two years ago, and is still in the top five! It's written Ava, but that means it's pronounced the way I pronounce it. I keep wondering why it became so popular, and I think it's because of that woman on Desperate Housewives, Eva Longuria. She was the only Eva in the public eye at the time. My middle name is Dorothea--the "th" is just pronounced like a "t," just like Thiago. It's okay enough, but I do love the name "Thea."

My sister caused quite a raucous when she announced her baby's full name around a week ago. The middle name is the same as my crazy and not-very-nice aunt. For some reason, my aunt decided to get involved in my sister's life during her pregnancy, and my sister decided it was a good idea to name my niece after my crazy aunt, instead of a close family member, like my mother or her OH's mother. I think she doesn't quite understand the significance of the middle name if it belongs to someone in family. If it were just a random name with no familial connection, then it would be a great name. But she hurt a number of people, and confused even more, when she chose the crazy and often-unkind aunt's name.

So we had an argument on the phone the other day--or rather, she yelled at me and I just fell silent after that. She was explaining to me that women who have c/s and then don't breastfeed right away have difficulty BF, and therefore don't bond with their baby like other women who breastfeed right from the moment they are born. Implicit in this argument is the suggestion that I didn't bond with J because we waited a few hours before we gave him his first bottle.

But is my sister right? For those of you who had a c/s and BFed, did you find it more difficult to bond with your LO?
re: my name. I hate it when it's shortened - Pam (think it's memories of being in trouble as a child?), but don't mind the full name - Pamela is okay....

re: solicitor/lawyer - nope, absolutely hated it (worked on some interesting defamation/media cases, but mainly did personal injury and corporate law) -- here as an apprentice (law school equivalent), you work in all areas before specialising, but I never got past my entrance exams. Realised that life was too short (especially my life!) and prefer teaching and academic research (legal research is interesting, though) I went back to finish my PhD....

re: exercise - no real time, but I try to get off the bus 2 or 3 stops before, I walk from creche to home and also walk from the school to the main bus station, so overall about 40-50 minutes 'extra' a day during the week....I have an exercise bike, but no room at the moment in the living room. The issue is when LO takes a nap in the afternoon, I am busy doing housework and then, usually, LO wakes up right about the time I can take a breath! I am looking forward to warmer (for Ireland) weather, so LO and I can take a longer afternoon walk!
charlie - I agree with the others -- LO does cry in his sleep and I also 'pray' that it doesn't turn into waking up! But it's normal, me thinks!
c-section/bottle-feeding -- I have issues due to my pre-eclampsia and as mentioned before, couldn't look after LO from the beginning (he was in NICU for 13 days, but mainly slept). My OH did loads and I felt disconnected from LO, BUT...I know that LO was looked after well and those first few days are a bit of a fog. I didn't breast feed as I feel uncomfortable with it (for me), but it also meant that my LO has a great bond with both mummy and daddy and that's the most important thing!

must run as it's dinner. I decided to throw the diet out for today (been very good for three weeks) and had pancakes for brekkie, sushi for lunch and will have a dessert with my dinner, but then tomorrow, back to my porridge, yogurts, etc. It's funny as the food I am eating today isn't chips (fries or chips!), cookies, chocolate, etc., but just good decent food and I feel guilty!

Clio I would say your sister is talking pants! I tried to bf L briefly and she couldn't lat h on very well and it was upsetting her and stressing me out. Then a 'kindly' mw told me I had less than good nipples and I wasnt going to succeed, I was so tired and dare I say vulnerable I followed her advice too quickly, I wish I hadn't but then again with the mum news I got two days later it wouldn't have worked. I do remember the guilt though and crying the day L cried and my milk ran down my front drenching me (i cannot for the life of me remember why I didn't have a bra and breastpads on that time), I often think I would try again with better support if I had a second! But why on earth would your sister say that to you?

As for the not saying my name on here, northern Ireland is a smmmmaaalll place and I know a few people on her in 'real' life which I have no issues with reading my posts but I don't know who else's there is!
I also agree with storm...clio -- I never wanted to breast-feed (absolutely no problems with others doing so) and I hate people who espouse and force their own view whether it's how you feed, wean, sleep-train, etc. I think it's awful how the mw treated you, storm, and it's something that bothers me, e.g. I was/we were all able to (and sometimes after years of struggle and heartbreak) have healthy LOs -- whether by c-section or 'natural', we do the best we can and what is right for us. Personally, I think your sister was out of line, clio and perhaps silence was the best response! Rant over!

must dash! bye!!!!!!!!!

ps. at my 10wk booking-in appointment at the pregnancy clinic, the MW asked if I was interested in breast-feeding, I said nope, and there was no pressure at all from anybody (I also take thyroid meds, so could use as an 'excuse' for other ladies asking and/or urging me to consider breastfeeding); but I think all of our LOs seem to be pretty clever, sociable, etc., regardless of whether breast- or bottle - !
Clio, i would say that's total pants too. I had a c sec and i did manage to do skin to skin and breastfed within an hours after S was born. However my milk took a long time to come in due to c sec and prolonged labour. So from 5 days OH would give S Formula and sit up with her while i slept. I have had no problem bonding with S and don't think if i had FF would have been any different, but like SK said this helped S and her dad bond which is just as important.

Jonah seems like a very bright, cheeky little thing! very clever with the chairs, erm maybe chain them down?? LOL

If i ever get around to doing a post grad it would be in medical anthropology. I have always been fascinated by culture and it's influence on us.I cannnot say i know a huge amount about Canadian history however i love european history and studied it until A'level, when at uni i was so tempted to jack in my nursing degree and change to modern history but pragmatic me stopped myself!!

SK, can't believe that you trained to be a solicitor as well as your PhD and academia, wow you have had a busy life!

Angel, happy 10 year anniversary, how was the phish food, i love it! and no i have had no lie in this weekend but OH has!!! words have been spoken and he has promised me 2 next weekend and i will be holding him to that!!

Borboleta, we don't have a night light that we use as S gets far to distracted by it so we need minimal stimulation!! I'm so envious of your lovely climate, it has snowed here all day and i have just stayed in with S as really don't see the point in going out with such a little one when it's this cold! but getting serious cabin fever now. Have done my exercise DVD today which helps (and OH is so not allowed in the room, like my privacy for that too!)

Claire how was L's birthday?
SK i totally agree, it really gets my goat with others pushing their views and values onto others about parenting, especially breast feeding. I work as a sister in A&E and have seen way too many new borns come in listless and with a huge amount of weight loss. For whatever reason breast feeding isn't working and these women feel too guilty to give formula! it's nuts as these babies just need calories breast or bottle! storm that's a totally crap thing for your mw to say to you as well as a load of pants! i don't know some of my fellow heathcare professionals really piss me off!! right my rant over!
SK, can't believe that you trained to be a solicitor as well as your PhD and academia, wow you have had a busy life!

nope - it was boredom really! I like to be busy (am now doing tapestry pillows and pretending to do an on-line course in American History (American Revolution 101)) as I think I should know more about my own country! and I get bored really easily -- honestly! and the 'training to be a solicitor' was during a break from my PhD (I like Roman history so much better than law!) before I came to my senses!

well, hugs to all and sleep dust for all!

My we have some well educated ladies amongst us, from nursing to lecturing and Sk with her PhD! As you all know I work in computing for a bank but I did my degree in geology (yup rocks) and my masters in applied environmental science (more rocks, bit of geography, statistics etc..) to be honest I only did my msc for a laugh, my mum was looking after my nephew during the day from he was 6 months and I had a glorious year of spending a good part of each day with him, can hardly believe he
is 15 in 4 months... I was asked to apply for a geology PhD but decided to retrain in computers and ended up doing a pile more exams! The joy...

Oh and my msc theses 'the effects of lead mining contamination on the surrounding land' oh some of that was DULL :)
Sabrina: okay that might be a stupid question but remember I am from another country :haha:. What is a solicitor?

Clio: oh boy you have a climber!! That is my worst fear :haha:!! How about if you turn the chairs up side down?
And I agree with the other ladies about your sister. She is very opinionated isn't she? I did combi feeding to thiago until he was 2 1/2 months ( my milk dried out). I didn't connect with him right way. I think maybe it took me about a month or so but maybe it was because of the EMCS. And I hated breastfeeding and was being pushed to do it by my OH and MIL. I cried a lot about that thinking that there was something wrong with me not wanting to BF ( connect with him).

I am going to rub it in again and another beautiful day down here :haha:. Went to the park with thiago and my OH and had fun breathing some fresh air. Now you girls can do the same to me during summer time when it is boiling hot in here :thumbup:.

Oh, and thiago is eating a lot better:)!!!! A huge improvement!!! Still eats small portions but he experiments with everything:).
Ok it is 5:45 and the boys were crying a bit and I thought I had to get up. I am now in the kitchen and I think they have fallen asleep again. But I bet if I went back to bed, they would then decide to be awake again. So I might as well try and write to you with Alfie on my lap :)

Charlie, I absolutely loathed my name growing up. I have become resigned to it but am still very reluctant to tell ppl it. It is sufficiently unusual outside Romania that if there was anyone on this forum who knew me in RL to recognise me from it. (Though I guess they would by now anyway cause of the pictures of my boys, unless they weren't connected to me on FB) I was also lumbered with horrible middle names which were my great-grandmother's and my aunts so that I couldn't even switch to those. Perversely however I always felt that changing my name officially was impossible cause though I didn't like my name, it was my name. At any rate it made me choose names for my boys that aren't too out there and that are normal for England and the rest of Europe.
As for waking Sophia, I agree, at this stage, never wake a sleeping baby. It would be different if she were tiny still and in need of putting on weight. But now let her sleep and hope she will soon start sttn. :)
As for your OH not giving you a lie in :grr: I really hope he keeps to his promise next weekend!

Borboleta I agree that does sound as though our men have a lot in common :D And I am so glad my OH likes to cook as I hate it so! lol And sometimes I do wonder what my OH would write about me. I mean I don't rant about him like some other ladies in Baby Club but he does get on my nerves sometimes and I fear that I must annoy him too with my moods :blush:
As for nightlights, the overhead lights in our nursery are dimable so we always leave those on as low as possible. Oddly enough they seem to go slightly brighter and dimmer all by themselves from time to time. First time I noticed it freaked me out lol. I don't think it is the cause of Dominic's waking though as he knows no different. I rather fear that in the future he will not be able to sleep in the complete dark. But I personally prefer a bit of light too. Oh and there is also the light from the gro-egg that shows the temperature.
Sounds like the weather at the moment is great where you are! It must be wonderful to be able to go to the park now etc but yeah I don't think I could cope in summer. I really don't like the extreme heat.
Glad little T is eating better :) Do you let him eat it by himself now or do you spoon feed him again?

Storm I am so sorry you don't have a picture of you and L with your mum. :hugs: I am always so shy to be in pictures that I usually refuse but what you said made me realise that in years to come I would regret this and I have decided that next time my mum comes here I will absolutely have pictures taken with her, me and the boys. I have always loved and adored her but your story made me realise so much more how lucky I am to have her still. It also makes me feel so sad for you that you have lost yours. I can only imagine how much that must hurt! :hugs: But at least she got to meet Lydia :hugs:
I hope last night was a better night for both you and L and you got to relax and recover a tiny bit yesterday? I am glad you are safe I must say and I really hope people will find a peaceful solution for the conflict. I don't really want to go into it but I thought the issue was an odd one and the reactions really a bit strong. But maybe that is the peaceful Swiss in me? :shrug:
As for exercising in the sitting room, I so know what you mean! I too would feel stupid if someone watched me! lol And since Nick is here most of the time, this is therefore not an option for me.

Sabrina I hope you aren't getting ill with that tickle and cough? I think it is so much worse at night cause you are lying flat. Maybe if you elevated your back a bit it might be better? Btw when I cough it frightens Sebastian that sometimes he starts crying. Poor silly little thing lol.
Very impressive all the things you have done but I too would be much more interested in academic research. Writing and researching my thesis was great fun, albeit stressful.
I am trying to eat roughly the same foods you do (apart from our anniversary) but I am not losing weight. I definitely need to exercise but golly when?! It feels all I do is entertain the boys all day and though that is tiring, it isn't a workout. I don't even do housework much lol. Well I do but seriously only the bare necessities. :blush:
I totally agree with you about hating how some ppl force their views on you in re BF, sleep training etc. Some ppl on these forums are totally spaced off when it comes to that and though they say it is just their opinion, they are also very smug about it and very patronising. I usually try and stay out of such threads in BC and as you can imagine never set foot into Natural Parenting. It has gotten so far that any mention of AP is like an instant bad mood inducer to me now lol And it is more the term than anything anyway. As though those who don't do Attachment Parenting are in fact practising DEtachment parenting. Ah well enough of this now lol.

Clio I love the new pic of J! How cute! What is that thing though? And is he gnawing on it?
I am so glad J is now so enamoured of books! He sounds as ever like just about the cutest little boy :D
That thing with the chairs is very scary indeed! Couldn't you tie them together or to the table somehow? Maybe he wouldn't be able to push two at the same time if they were tied? Or does he know how to open knots already?
What you say about the cold there sounds horrible! While I don't like the extreme heat, that cold also doesn't sound fun. I only experienced this in the Alps when we used to go skiing. And even then only when the sun had gone down.
As for what you got from Ralph Lauren. I love his stuff but I thought it was so much cheaper over there? I hope they are really lovely shirts at least! as for being in oversizes, I am only comfy in my below belly maternity trousers and since I wear them all the time, they look accordingly shabby now :( Why does this dieting thing have to be so hard?!
As for your sister, how odd to choose that aunt's name as a middle name!
As for what she said about bonding with your baby, hm. Well I had a c/s, didn't get immediate skin on skin time cause of my shakes and I didn't BF but I remember very well in the second night in hospital crying to one of the midwives that I didn't want to go to sleep cause I was worried my boys would die in their sleep, that they would be taken away from me again. I had the baby blues badly but I was bonded to them the moment I clapped eyes on them, actually before they were even born I think! So she is talking total nonsense.

So in the end my little angel boys slept till 6:30! They are now fed (bottle) and are playing in the playpen shouting ayahyaya and die die die die etc. Also lots of bwww, owwww and giggles. I love listening to them having fun. :) But I better see what they could have for breakfast. OH went out yesterday and bought some jars and while they all sound nice and breakfasty I don't understand how he didn't check the labels as I always do this and he is so often with me when shopping. I have so often rejected foods that have either added sugar or rice in them and yet he went and bought exactly that. And it is not as if I haven't told him every time why I rejected this or that baby food. Sigh.
hey ladies! lot to catch up on!

Charlie – m cries in her sleep if she has a cold or needs a blanket on

M has defo lost weight – trousers that didn’t fit her now do again cos her pot belly has gone!

Angel – thanks hon - I am defo feeling 3rd tri – gah! Starting to get v slow, and heavy etc but you all know what its like lol! Happy Anniversary!!

storm the riots must be a right pain - haven’t been over your way for a year or so but the last time I was caught in riots was like a sit com scene – we were off to donegal me and a friend with her little boy in the back and we were going a certain way and I was like - be careful with directions now as its a particular marching day and we need to avoid such and such - so my friend was all confused and ofc where did we end up – lmao – bloomin burning tankers and petrol bombs being thrown at us – honestly! Her son nearly learnt some new choice words! Had to so some nifty driving!

Big hugs re your mam hon x

M has the angelcare monitor which kind of has a nightlight built in - like the sound of the ladybird torch!

Clio eek re J's climbing! What a clever boy tho! Maybe its just a phase – oh I used to hate that being said to me lol!

We watched parenthood the other night - so funny watching it now with a different perspective!

Re bonding – I didnt bf at al and we didnt get skin to skin either and I dont think its made one hapeth of difference! Certainly not going to bf Michael its just not my cup of tea lol!

M is not interested in milk from a cup lol point blank refusal - so this am i tried again with a new cup - and then she had porridge with honey in to sweeten it - yum - so she had maybe 60ml, her normal 3pm bottle I shall try milk with a cup and if she wont have that she can have 2 yoghurts but we will stick to the night time bottle for now I think...trying to push more water on her as well - should I try juice do you think? shes never had juice?

I figure we have 10 weeks so even if I wait another month to start to wean off the night bottle (she only has 4oz) then there's still a fair amount of time to wean off that before M2 arrives!

I had a couple of down days fri and sat - think Im fed up with 3rd tri already - am not a natural pg lady I think - hate being big and heavy, lack of sleep and also feeling a bit daunted by the workload to come, also altho I realise I am incredibly lucky to be a sahm, it was never my intention and some days I must say I miss adult company and stimulation and culture and just things like that?! I was watching bones while M napping and was so grateful for something a bit more highbrow and then thought dearie me is this what you consider high brow now?! lmao

But all ok again yesterday - gave myself a shake lol

oh M awake - bless her shes a bit subdued - think its after her mmr - oh and lordy these nappies! crikey! not sure if its teething, mmr or cows milk but phh-eeeuw!

right playtime!!
a quickie - LO kept waking OH up last night, but I slept okay!

Borboleta - in England and Ireland, they divide lawyers into (broadly): solicitors (do the paperwork and do low level court appearances) and barristers (more research based and get to do the 'fun' big legal cases)....

must run - LO didn't have a lunch-time nap, so will try to coax into sleep now!


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