any other over 35 first time mums?

we have snow :) been -6 here mostly but got up to -2 today :) bit precarious walking with pushchair on the ice lol!

hey everyone!

sk glad finns on the mend!

lost the plot with everything else thats going on sorry! memory like a Fish at the mo!!

M seems to have gone to sleep so am going to pop downstairs and have a hot cuppa yum! soooo tired...

thanks re positive thoughts about c section guys it means a lot :) am seeing the consultant next thurs so we shall see what she says - shes pretty cool so I'd be pleased if she was doing it

Marthas doing ok off the gaviscon - her throat does seem sore sometimes when she swallows but she doesn't seem to be having much reflux so hopefully it'll settle - am starting her on cows milk in the sippy cup when the formula runs out...wish me luck! shes doing well with eating again and is demolishing random food - shes had mackerel in tomato sauce and smoked cod and loved them, cous cous yesterday, honey seems to be good too - scrambled egg yesterday and cheese - altho she is fascinated by her hair which means food has to go in it and lots more baths than necessary!

Michael does half move - crikey Martha was active non stop but he is waaay more active - he seems more forceful and angular somehow - maybe I can feel more cos Im not as fat as last time lol! with Martha my tummy would move etc and you could see a vague shape but this looks like actual body parts sticking out its a bit freaky!

am starting to fret that were not ready for him yet stuff wise - I mean obv we have stuff from Martha but he needs clothes that aren't pink, we need drawers for his clothes etc, monitor, isofix base, new bottles etc etc - had a worrying about money day yest it does overwhelm me some days - dh too I think, but mostly we just get along on a wing and a prayer!

hope everyone has a good day and night x
Thanks for the welcome back, everyone! I have some unexpected time before my lecture--J is asleep, and I finished it last night...

Borboleta--I didn't know there was a car called Clio! No, mine is far nerdier than that--Clio is the muse of History. I don't know much more about the muses beyond what I taught my students (badly) in high school English, and have even since forgotten. SK, however, is the perfect person to explain the muses. SK?...

That's sweet that T talks while holding on! I've actually had to have some talks with J. We've discovered he understands A LOT of what we say, so I have explained to him that this won't do, we've been with him all day, Mum needs to cook, and here is a bag of dried lima beans to play with. It works around half the time. It's when he does it between my legs and the oven, which is on, that I get pretty frustrated.

I think the idea of taking T to a park is a marvellous one. I wish it weren't 20 below and that everything weren't covered in snow. Otherwise, I'd be taking him to parks as well.

Re: bottles--hey! I use tap water! We used to use special "Nursery Water" from BRU, but it became silly to always have to run out and buy it, especially when Health Canada (federal gov't agency) said tap was fine. Anyway, all this boiling water, waiting 30 minutes for it to cool to 75 degrees to kill formula bacteria, and then finally making the bottle sounds horribly complicated. I used to read all about it on the FF board, but all the North Americans said that no one told them to do it that way. And J is fine.

Borboleta and Angel--why is everyone heavier and taller than J? :shrug: He's 20 lbs (if he hasn't lost even more). When we went to our version of the Health Visitor (Family Medical Clinic) to get his shots at 12 months, he weighed only 21 pounds. He was exactly one year old. Around two weeks later, we went to his pedi and he weighed 20 lbs!!! He's losing weight! And is short. No one seems worried, but still! I want him in the 98th for height and at least 50th for weight! Eric is concerned that he won't be tall like him. But he inherited my father's family's features, so he probably won't hit even six feet. Eric is going to have to reconcile himself with this reality. Me too, I guess. At least he's cute...

Aren't I an awfully superficial mother?

Storm--We called J Jonah because it was the only boy's name Eric liked of the list I had. They were all very similar names, as I wanted a gentle one. So I suggested Noah, Noel, Ben, Daniel and Max. Eric vetoed each one. My last suggestion was Jonah, and Eric didn't think twice about it. This was the name, he said. I realized later that I had first heard the name in Sleepless in Seattle, and had loved it. Must have been my subconscious that brought it to my mind.

Oh, and his middle names are Hans Sako. My father's original name was Hans-Michael, but he dropped the Hans when he came to Canada when he was 15. My FIL's name is Sako (pronounced like the watch: Seiko. It's Friesian.

I'm glad L is feeling better. Fevers can be scary.

SK--I'm so glad that F is so much better. A friend of mine had to take care of her two young children and her husband once because they all had the stomach flu, and actually wished in the end that she could get sick, too, because she wanted someone to take care of her...

AFM--funny story about my mother. She believed that she was coming down with a cold but still wanted to see granddaughter. So my BIL opens the door, and there is my mother, standing on the stoop with a surgical mask on and her hands in surgical gloves, all ready to help care for the baby. They tried to send her home, but she was pretty determined to help out, even if it meant not seeing little G. When I talked to her later, I asked if she had told them that she thought she was sick. In the end, she admitted that she hadn't phoned ahead to tell them. I had to make her understand that this is what you do! Oh well, live and learn.

Okay, got to leave for school!
Rowan -- I can post some babygros into the post for you -- they're clean, but would feel bad giving to charity and/or wouldn't make any money on ebay -- let me know, would rather give to somebody 'in need'. Some of them I am keeping for sentimental reasons, but I have some from Penneys/Primark, Dunnes, Tesco -- as they weigh nothing, I can throw some into a large padded envelope?

clio - Finn is long and lanky, like his daddy is, but he is at about 25% for weight. TBH, I worry loads about Finn being short (I HATE it), but my OH is 6 feet tall, so hopefully....and I worryr about his weight, but I think (I hope) the most important is that they are healthy? (and Jonah looks healthy and happy!)....

LO slept for two hours this afternoon and seems in good spirits. His nappies are 'back to normal' and the gaviscon seems to be working -- we were recommended to use for 2 wks, scale back for a few days and see if the vomiting returns -- hopefully won't, but I glad that the doctor listened to me straight off...

must go! OH is home and he'll complain that all I do is use the internet (well, the housework is done, LO is playing nearby and dinner is sorted....)


ps. the radio said snow in my area, but I looked out of the window and one bit of snow and/or hail is NOT snow....
sk that is so kind - thank you that would be much appreciated! should I pm you my add on FB?
sk that is so kind - thank you that would be much appreciated! should I pm you my add on FB?

Yep, no problem (but it may take a week or so -- I hate to go out in this weather if I don't have to!), oh, and how big is Michael estimated (e.g. 0-3 months is up to 11lbs, but I put those in the dryer (before I learned...sigh))....

Aw Rowan I am sorry now I gave all our boys' things to charity! I would have been happy also to send stuff. And I am guessing sending you this stage when they grow out of it is kinda way ahead in the future for you. Btw have you had a look at Preloved? Friend of mine got virtually all her baby's stuff there. She says it's much cheaper than ebay cause ppl are less out to make money from it. Might be worth a look?

Storm why on earth didn't you kick your OH when you realised he was asleep? Cannot believe you had to do it all again yourself when it was supposed to be your night off :grr: And grr also for him taking her to nursery so early and on his day off :(
Glad L is better though and the temperature is gone.
Btw I keep meaning to ask. Without wanting to discuss politics or anything, I keep thinking of you when I hear about the troubles in N Ireland. I really hope nothing bad is happening close to where you are and that you are all safe?
As for your going running, I think you underestimate the power of getting out of breath. A while ago there was this horrible tv documentary thing called 50 shocking facts about diet and exercise. And one thing they mentioned that I liked was what is called HIT or High Intensity Training. Have a look at this BBC thing for it. So maybe if you persist, you will still see the same results :)
As for why we called our boys Dominic and Sebastian, there was no reason other than that we liked the names. We had agreed on Dominic early on but since we actually thought we were having two girls (probably Theodora and Evangeline or Thea and Evie) we never thought much about a second boy's name. But from my teens I always said I would have three boys called Julian, Jeremy and Sebastian. OH vetoed Julian on the grounds it sounded gay (like Julian Clary I guess) and Jeremy cause he hates Clarkson (though loves Top Gear :shrug:) He wasn't so keen on Sebastian at first but it grew on him. Both have one middle name after my two grandfathers. Dominic Charles and Sebastian George. :)

Clio thank you for your compliments about the pictures:D
And yeah Sebastian never seemed backward but always struck me as not wanting to do something even though he probably could, if that makes sense. So I am not terribly worried about it at the moment. But no, he doesn't imitate Dominic at all. He wants what ever Dom is playing with at the moment but he usually does his own thing in his own time.
You can block your cousin from your feed. When you look at one of her news and hover above it with the cursor, there is a little down arrow at the top right of her text. When you click on that, a little menu opens when you can then click hide. After you click on that, you will see a text where her news story was that says something like "organise who you see in your feed". It should guide you through how to remove her from your timeline then. :)
As for J losing weight, isn't this normal when they start to walk? My nephews who are 3 years old and not short, only weigh 15kg (33lbs) which is after all not that much more than Dominic. Also while the HV said that the curve is a pretty accurate prediction on how tall the boys will be when they are grown up, I have to say that this cannot be all that accurate as my mother wrote down how tall my brother was at around 6 months and he was shorter than Dominic at that age. Yet my brother is 6'5 and Dominic is predicted to be 6'3ish. and I think 2 inches more or less can make quite a difference, right? So I really wouldn't worry too much as yet. And even if he does remain average height, he is so cute that it won't matter. :) I am superficial too ;)

Sabrina the losing of dummies etc would drive me crazy! Which is why we always use a ribbon thing that clip on to their outfit on one end and onto their dummies on the other.
I hope Finn is feeling better today? Poor babies and their teething pains :( Hope he will STTN for you tonight. Glad the Gaviscon is working out for you. Does Finn not mind the taste then? For us it wasn't enough and we had to get ranitidine. But they have grown out of the need now and I hope Finn will too, poor thing!

Borboleta yeah I know they are big boys but I think it is more to do with genes rather than with eating. Though of course Dominic being rather on the round side has everything to do with the boy's greed lol But I never expected my sons to be anything but tall, considering my father is (was) 6'3 and my brother is 6'5. I myself am 5'8 1/2 so also tallish and Nick is a smidgen under 6'. I think Dominic will be the taller of the two always though, he looks the type :)
What you say about your DH not finding stuff that is right on front of him sounds familiar to me too! I ask my OH have you seen this or that and he NEVER has seen it. I come into the room and it lying next to him! I don't get how unobservant he can be! lol
Does Thiago really manage to kick a football already? If so, he will be a soccer star no doubt and you will retire RICH! lol Just think of the Beckhams! (I don't like them but they are swimming in it lol).

Leeze I hope all is well with you and Kia? I totally understand what a pest it would be to have to post from your phone. But it is good to see you drop in :)

Sending hugs to all the mum's of non sleepers: Kosh, Claire, Skweek (probably) and Charlie. Hope you suddenly get good stretches tonight and wake smiling tomorrow morning.
Ok and now finally FOOOOOOOD for moi! xxx
Hello ladies, have had a read through only a few posts as am so tired and looking forward to my lie in tomorrow (OH will get S up after i have fed her, then i can conk out again) Gosh these babies take their toll on you! S sleeps as she should for a 10 week old so wakes mostly 4 hourly, occasionally 6 hourly (very occasionally!!) so i shouldn't crumble but i hope she ends up being a good sleeper, i'm not a very nice tired person!

Can i ask what do you teach SK and Clio? are you lecturing at uni?? i have often thought of going into lecturing but still need to do a post grad, not yet though!

Storm, that's bad of your DH for his alleged night of looking after LO and then being grumpy in the morning! does he not want to look after L on his days off? Sophia is Sophia Anne, Anne is after my OH's grandmother who died while i was pregnant. The agreement was that if we had a boy the middle name would be my father and grandfathers middle name, and girl was OH's choice. Sophia was one of the names that we just both liked and it stuck. We had a lot of girls names that we liked, Naomi, Talia, Jacinta, Zara...i could go on but Sophia was the one that stuck most.

About names, do you like your own name?? i always wonder what S will think of hers. I don't really like mine at all and can't stand my middle name! but not enough to change them!!

S is definatley teething at the mo, we had a few bad days this week with all the textbook symtoms. She seems much more settled at the mo, so i guess it comes and goes! But it's amazing how she's changing, she'll be 11 weeks on Monday so nearly at the age where you all tell me it gets to be alot more fun! but she's just so curious about the world now. I carry her around the house and she's looking everywhere, i just follow her eyes to where she's focused and she beams. She's a very smiley, chatty baby when fed and happy but seems to be a little feisty when not doing what she wants or is hungry! My OH thinks i'm besotted with her and i think he's right :) Unfortunatley there was no baby yoga massage today due to the snow, but i have a trial session at gymboree on Tuesday and then hopefully next week yoga will be back on.

About all of the centiles they measure, what exactly is the head circumference for? i appreciate monitoring for medical problems but does it actually tell you anything about how tall, large they may be?? S head cir is in the 91st, length borderline 75th/91st and weight 50th. I am relieved that she will be hopefully be tall as the only tall gene is my father as he was 6'2", the other grandparents are tiny, properly tiny!!

Happy 1st birthday to your LO Claire, sorry her actual birthday wasn't so nice for you, but hope she has a good party this weekend.

Angel, love the pics of your boys, they are so cute. I had a quick look at your journal and saw them when they were newborns, amazing how much they grow and change! it's funny, Dominic and Sebastian were my grandfathers favourite boys names, Sebastian was on our list of boys names.
Busy busy busy,getting ready for Lucy's party on Sunday!
I managed to complete her cake last night (egg free,I think Clio asked about her allergy? she ay grow out of it but she hasn't just yet,fingers crossed she does! what kind of life is there without pancakes huh???? lol) I have gone for an "in the night garden" theme as Iglle Piggle is her favourite (for anyone overseas you might need to google this?)
I can't seem to attach a picture of said cake???
Lucy is named after my best friend,who always complained that it seemed to be pets that were named Lucy,so I jokingly said once that if I had a daughter I would name her Lucy........and years later that is exactly what I did! her middle name is Mary after my Grandma who sadly died 2 months before she was born.
Let's have another go at uploading a picture!!:growlmad: appears that LO is getting his molars (!), which I thought were a bit later, so we have screams and tears (and not just from LO!)....

re: gaviscon. We mix it in his formula, so it's not obvious. He had a minor, almost throw up tonight (coughed and a little came out), but not much, thankfully! He's now gobbling his bottles, eating loads of food and at least, normal nappies -- thankfully! It's funny, though, as I had to drink gallons of Gaviscon in the last two or so months of pregnancy, so wonder if later reflux issues can be influenced and/or evident in pregnancy?

re: teaching. Although I do have a PhD in Classics (ancient history), I teach English as a Second Language (TEFL) at a further education college. There are NO academic jobs here in Ireland and even more clever friends than me couldn't get jobs in the UK. When I was at Oxford (la de da!), a couple of friends did a month long course to teach TEFL and I thought that perhaps I might move to Italy one day (hahaha!), so did the course - charlie -- you only need a BA for that, and did the TEFL qualification at Hammersmith and West College in London ages ago, and it pays decently (and you can do part-time, private tuition, etc). I would love to teach at uni (my subject was/is Roman Republican history and taught that and Latin at Oxford and University College, Dublin (where I did my PhD), but no 'jobs'. If we decide to go back to the USA sometimes, there are alot more opportunities, but I do love teaching regardless!

hoping that all have sleep dust tonight!

PS Clio I don't mind what people call me? Clairey or Claire is fine:thumbup: I'm known as Auntie Clairey by my 4 year old Niece.......I often wonder when she will realise my name is actually Claire and not Clairey??? lol :haha::winkwink:
thanks sk :) no rush at all!

claire loving the cake!! have a fab party!

Ms just had a 20 min nap - lol had all the ingredients out ready to make chicken burgers too - guess they'll have to wait! fish fingers for dinner then! lol

still snowing here :)
no snow here -- just rain (at the moment, not)...we see the pretty pictures of snow, but nothing here...

LO was fussy most of the night, but both him and OH took a long nap this am.

will post later...bye!!!!!!!!
Terrible night for us. Thiago was up from 12:15am till 3:45sm!!! We tried everything. CIO, cc, rocking, bottle, then when I went to give him tylenol after loads of crying he vomit everything on himself and me!! He vomit yesterday at lunch time too after eating a bunch and my MIL decided to give him a small piece of chicken for lunch ( apparently too big for him :haha:) and the whole food came out!! He might be teething again :growlmad:! I saw his little finger jammed down his mouth and he has been drulling more too.

Claire: I love the cake!!! Is it fondant? You are really good!!! We are going to pay money to have a lady doing ours. But yours looks professional:). Very impressive :thumbup::).

Will do more personals later. Have to get ready to teach two classes and be all happy ( sight).
Love the cake Claire, yummy. Looks like L will have a snow filled 1st birthday :)

Borboleta, sorry T is out of sorts, hope he gets back to himself soon.

Can i ask some you much more experienced mums about babies crying in their sleep?? S appears to be crying in her sleep. She did it twice last night and i wasn't sure if she just needed reassurance or food, so i stroked her and she settled. She did it again at 4.30am and i then fed her as i thought she hadn't eaten for 8 hours, which is the longest she has gone. Not sure if i should have fed her earlier when she cried or not?! bit confused about this crying in her sleep!!
Charlie--I lecture in History at a small university here in Edmonton. Not the big university, just a nice cosy one. I used to teach Canadian History there, but there are so many recent PhD graduates in Canadian from the University of Alberta (the big name uni) that the field is flooded. Plus, I never finished my PhD (I'm still officially a "candidate"--I did all the work except for writing my dissertation), so, they get priority, and teaching Canadian will probably never come my way again unless through an act of God. But, I am the only one in town who can teach American history, so luckily I can get a class if there is one available. I've taught "full loads" before (three a semester) and think I would be dying a slow and painful death if I had more than one course right now. Taking care of J at the same time is proving to be really, really hard.

What would your post-grad be in?

Oh, and they measure head circ because if the size is too large or too small, then there might be a problem. I freaked out, though, because as I read about head sizes, I came across this study that said that kids with small heads at birth (J's was 10th percentile) will determine how smart you are. Even though this study is a ridiculous one, and there were so many variables (how often read to, how often exposed to language, how often given challenging activities, etc., that the science isn't sound.) Though I always freak out at head circs--he went from 10th, to 25th and then finally 50th. But at the last checkup, he's down to 25th again, but I'm not as anxious about it

Angel--I've heard that you can only really tell what sort of body shape your kid will have at the ages of 3 and 4, and then not after that, even. But my theory with Eric's family is that there is only allowed to be one tall guy each generation. Eric's father was the only tall man in his family of 5 kids. Eric is the only one of the next generation (including cousins). And my 5 year old nephew is already as tall as a ten year old, so I expect he will be the tall one of this generation. My dad is around 5'11," so he should be fine. (...There should be a vain and superficial smilie... ) But yes, J probably did drop weight at this point because of all the activity he now engages in. Rowan, did M lose weight when she started walking and so on, too?

Angel, I've been meaning to ask you this for a long time: what was your reaction (and Nick's) when you discovered you were having twins?

Okay, have to take J to Gymboree. I'll finish when I get back!
Claire I love the cake! You are a real pro! :D I hope you'll have a fun party for Lucy tomorrow! How many people are coming?

Charlie thanks for your compliments :)
Sorry S is having a tough time with teething! Seems unfair that she should have to get them so young too! Poor little thing. I hope she feels better soon. Did you get a nice lie in today then?
Unfortunately I have no advice about the crying in her sleep. I don't think my boys did that, they just woke and cried or maybe whimpered a little here and there but nothing like you describe. Poor girl! Can they have bad dreams that early on? I hope not!

Rowan how are you feeling? Hows the pains etc? Hope you are still managing you poor thing! By this time I found sleeping really uncomfy due to my painful hips. Hope you're ok?
Can I have some of the chicken burgers please? I am supposed to be on WW but ACK it is so hard! Actually I wouldn't mind fish fingers either! It is one of my secret favourite meals. Fish fingers with mash and lashings of ketchup! YUMMM!

Borboleta what a horrible night! You poor thing! I really hope T will sleep better tonight. I don't know how you manage to teach your classes with that little sleep. I find it difficult to get off the sofa after some of the nights. :haha: Doing Zumba would have me collapse after one minute max! You are amazing. :)

Sabrina glad to hear that Finn is doing so well! But owie for his molars poor baby! Hope he doesn't suffer too much with them! And hopefully he will sttn again for you tonight :)

Ok food is ready and I will finish this after. Better post before I lose it though :)
Clio I am thinking you are right about body type but on the whole I am expecting them to become very tall boys cause my brother is 6'5 and my dad is (or was) 6'3 and even my paternal grandfather was 6'2. I myself am 5'8 1/2, though Nick is "only" 5'11 1/2 and his mum is tiny. I just hope they will be slim like him even if they didn't inherit his devastating green eyes. :)
As for our reactions. Well it didn't take me completely by surprise as we had IUI done and I was told that I had two follies. But since they also told us that our chances of even one baby were at around 16% I wasn't too hopeful. This was the third and last IUI attempt to be made and the next step would have been IVF. I was so scared of that that I was convinced I would have to face it and wouldn't be lucky with the IUI. We found out it was twins when I got my first scan when I was 7 or 8 weeks pregnant. Nick was shocked at first and had to sit down lol And of course I immediately thought, how will we cope?! But when we left the clinic and walked to get a coffee at Starbucks we got more excited with every step. We both felt that this was such a blessing as we would be unlikely to have another pregnancy in the future (costs and my age etc) so that having two in one go was an amazing gift! Plus Nick had been a bit sad at the prospect of a singleton to not have a sibling. So yes we were excited and blissed-out pretty much immediately. :D

I am feeling exceptionally loving towards OH at the moment as today* is our official 10 year anniversary and he made me a special meal. Seafood Pasta! Yumm and drool! And I am going to have Ben & Jerry's Phish Food for desert! Never tried that one before but if it is even half as good as Chunky Monkey I will be very happy indeed. :D
* official anniversary is today cause we met for the first time on the 17th but since it was meant just as a friendly coffee it wasn't a real first date. (Though it became a bit more than just friendly hehe) Our first real date was on the 21st, so we set the official date for today, in the middle.

Ok just got a helping of Phish Food and need to go and enjoy! Hope you all have a lovely evening and that your LOs all sttn! xxx
Evening all!

Clairey did you make that cake?!? If so I feel.guilty now for not baking L one...

Charlie I'm sure Sophia will let you know when she is hungry. Unless she is underweight and you have been told to ensure she is fed every 4 hours I would just go with the flow. I never woke L to fed her, she screamed loud enough when she was hungry!

Happy anniversary Angel. What a long time! Oh and phish food, yum yum yum! As for the riots I hadn't been impacted at all until Friday, we are out of town, but boy was Friday annoying. I left work at 4.45 and was home by 7.55pm, its a 20ish mile drive... Thankfully dh was off and had L home safe and sound. The snow was badly impacting the traffic and then the protestors blocked roads with cars and vans. My car was sliding everywhere, spent an hour in bad traffic wheel spinning and sliding the whole way up a hill to get to the top to find vehicles blocking the road and had to double back :( I couldn't turn until the top, then the riot police diverted us more... I was stressed and mad! Politically I'm from the side of the community who should be supporting the protestors, but I would never condone such stress and upset to the public, its a disgrace. The vast majority of people here just want a quiet life... Besides they made me miss out on so much time with L I was furious...

Borboleta I hope T feels better soon. L used to projectile everything in her stomach if she gagged but she is a lot better now! I spent a long time covered in baby boke at least once a day, I mean drenched so I had to usually change us both and wash us both down!

It's snowing her again so I don't know if we will be snowed in or not, this country just can't cope with snow at all!

Clio, Angel you are worrying about the boys being short and I'm worried about L being too tall! I'm 5ft 7 1/2 but my mum was only 5 ft 1, dh mum is taller than me, my dad and brothers are all around 6ft 2, but dh is only 5ft 10... She is tall already....

In other news I've been working on the photobook of Ls first year, I've cried twice today as I had to upload the photos of my mum with her. I cried more when I realised there were no photos of my mum, me and L, I so wish I had one :( I was just so upset that day as I was just out of hospital and had just been told I didn't want photos of me :( I wish I had now.

Anyway the little lady is asleep so sleep time for me for a little while...
Angel: happy anniversary:)!! Enjoy your lovely meal:). Our OHs have a lot of common: they both like to cook and they are the ones that cook normally, and enjoy playing Xbox games :haha:. We should have a thread for over 35 first time daddy's :haha: lol. They would become good friends. It would be hilarious to see what they would talk about us :haha:!!!
And yes thiago kicks the ball :haha:. We took him to the park today since it is a beautiful day and I did a little movie of him kicking the ball. I need to figure it out how can I post on fb so you girls can see it.

Got to go. Will be back soon:).

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