any other over 35 first time mums?

Hey ladies,

Not going to be able to do a super reply but just saying hello:).

Night was not great but oh well it is what it is and little t is happy today which is great:). His eating has greatly improved:)!! So happy about that :happydance:.

Angel: yes your 2 hour walk definetely counts as a great exercise:) as you get better at it try to add a little 1 min. Jogging to it. Maybe you can buy a jogging stroller eventually:).

Jules: when I had thiago it took me a whole month to connect with him. I was starting to get worried if there was something wrong with me. First month it is really hard. So don't feel to guilty if that happens to you. Then all of a sudden that loves just pours into you heart towards that little person:).

Sabrina: sorry for your night

Have to go. Finish replying later :thumbup:.
First of all, why is everyone apologizing for long posts? I LIVE for long posts. I also unabashedly write them from time to time. With pictures, of course.

Jules--I didn't have that overwhelming rush of love for Jonah right away, either. And I didn't feel much for quite a while; it was instead such a rush of changing diapers, feeding, holding him while he slept (for hours...). I didn't feel that much until he began to relate to his stuffed animals at around three weeks; suddenly he seemed like something recognizably human! It was at around two and half months/three months that I fell utterly in love with him, because by that point he was interacting with us and his stuffed animals.

My sister just had a baby, and my mum is there helping her (they both live in my home province, Ontario, while I'm right across the country), and only now, at seven weeks, is anyone starting to see any personality in the LO. Only now has my mother realized that she has another grandchild and has become attached. (I haven't talked much to my sister.)

BUT, I was prepared for the "no rush of love" experience. I had read so many posts on forums where it didn't happen to so many people that I wasn't at all concerned when it didn't happen to me either. Plus, I was drugged up to my eyeballs in the operating room when I first met J that I thought my husband was a nurse, and I kept telling her (him) that I thought she was so kind to stroke my hair and this really was over and above the kind of care I thought I'd receive. My husband was really confused by this outpouring of gratitude.

I'm glad your mother will be there. It was such a help for us; she came for the first month and I don't know what I would have done without her. I also didn't want her to leave after four weeks! And thank you for your kind words about my losses. I think that a number of us here have had similar experiences.

Oh, and I vote for Theo. I love that name. Though I would pronounce it the German way (and, it seems, the Portuguese way, right B?), Teo.

Angel--I'm glad Gymboree was (somewhat?) successful. Look, you've had a different experience than the others there. You had twins who wouldn't sleep. You were shattered, and so was your OH. You had other stuff to deal with. And trust me, all of those mothers and fathers are certainly jealous of your twins. They put all other babies to shame. And tell me this--do you know of any healthy five year old that can't walk? No. So it will all even out in the end. And then they'll be gorgeous 5 year olds who can walk like other kids. What surprised me at Gymboree was how many of the boy babies looked really MEAN in our group. Sometimes I wish J hadn't grown tired of Gymboree. It was a good place to take him and other than having to help him climb up slides, I could just let him do his own thing and rest my hip.

Oh, and this milk thing--I think you guys have different terminology over there. We've been giving him 6 months to 18 months formula. If there is even more he can take after 18 months, I might just do it if we can't make this shift to proper milk yet. The issue with the new-ish milk he's drinking right now is there's more iron, but he hasn't had trouble until lately. I do think it is the bananas (thank you Storm!). He didn't have trouble today, and he also didn't have a banana.

Borboleta--I'm sorry that your night was so bad, but that your day has been a good one! And yay for the eating! I can't believe that T is almost one! When we started this thread, he was 5 months old! I was really sad, too, as J's first birthday grew nearer, but what I like about having a one year old is that all the milestones that they are supposed to hit are sooooo broad that you're not constantly worrying about whether or not they're rolling on time at a certain month. Six to twelve months is a much nicer time frame, and greatly reduces anxiety.

Oh Claire--you and Kosh and Storm. The adrenaline rush that Angel talked about does make sense though. The body has to get you through, somehow. I mean, we are biologically meant to procreate; it would be completely counterproductive to destroy the mother in the process. I'm really beginning to believe in this 4th trimester thing; they come out with so many digestive elements that are not yet developed, and this causes so many problems! We were lucky with J, but who here had reflux problems in the beginning?

And what's with this report you guys want to read? What do you want to find out? I'm sure they give them out here, if you request, but I don't really have any questions. I wonder if they're as detailed here as they are over there. No one I know ever asks for them.

Storm--I meant to ask: has L had less UTIs since the whole kidney investigation? Or did they give you something to help (finally)? And how is the house coming along. I agree with Jules, having an architect for a father is a great boon!

Not much happening here at all. OH and I talked a bit about his working arrangements, but we didn't really get anywhere. Later he phoned to say that the second proofs for his book had arrived, and now he had to write the index in three weeks. Which he'll put off, and off, and we'll be doing this all over again. I just...miss him. And don't like the grumpiness. :nope:

Okay, it's dinner time for J. Bye!
Okay, so I'm backing up a bit here.

Angel--I went back reading a few pages, and had totally missed that you had done CIO! Am I right? Because you seem to do exactly what we do. I've been doing it for so long that I just toss him in his bed and leave him for naps. But we have a bedtime routine, just like you. I rock J to sleep while I read him a book. He gets all sleepy, and then willingly goes down to bed. I now tuck him in under MY yellow baby blanket and he falls asleep till morning.

I don't quite understand this anti-roll thing. What is it? Does it keep them from rolling on their stomachs? Is this an anti-reflux thing? I'm sorry--I can't remember if your babes are reflux babes.
Super quick one, we had an amazing night! Cot for 8, liitle cry and milk at 9.45 and nothing til 7.15! Dh brought her into my bed with him and she had more milk and a nap til.8 when she waved me off to work! Oh my word I had over 8 hours sleep...... Even the security guard told me I looked well today :)
Good morning ladies,

Thiago is one year old today :happydance:!!! I can't believe it!!! And you k ow that he just gave us a wonderful gift tonight!!! It is 7:45am and he is still sleeping all night long since 9:30pm !!!

Oh just a quick response to Clio that we did download ginger the cat and he loved it. He doesnt say any word yet but he babbles and the cat does the same thing. The only problem is that he wants to touch the cat and than he stops talking :haha:.

Storm: wonderful night for you too!!! Maybe t and L decided to give us a break :haha:!!

:hugs: everyone:).
Happy FIRST B-day, T! (I thought it was Sunday or is that when the party is?)

quick hello, had a nap yesterday late afternoon and pretty much sttn, so am going to put LO down for a late afternoon nap in a few minutes (cross fingers!)

hugs to all....

Borboleta – happy birthday to Thiago! Hope he's getting spoiled today. Very pleased that you and Storm had a good night sleep with your LOs!

Borboleta and Clio – what you have both said about taking some time to connect has really made me feel better. I really do think I will be the same and while I haven't voiced that concern to many people, those I have have said it's ridiculous and I'll love him at first sight. Not the most helpful. I know it will come I just don't think it will be immediately. My hubby even keeps telling my belly "I love you" which it really cute but then makes me feel guilty that I don't feel that way. I love the POTENTIAL that's there right now and I'd obviously be completely devastated if something went wrong but it's hard for me to love something I've never seen!

Clio, loved that you mistook your DH for a nurse! Hilarious!

Happy first Birthday Thiago!!

quick one from me sorry!

welcome jules!

hope everyone gets better sleep tonight and for those who have had ok sleep long may it continue!

re food - lordy M gets a right old mix up - today cheerios and toast with nutella for brekkie, lunch - veg fingers and peas, 2 yoghurts, apple and chocolate, tea will be toast with peanut butter and then whatever I can find!

when shes at my parents whe gets all sorts - she had a whole tin of corned beef the other day!? yesterday she had baked beans, toast, prunes, apricots and a chocolate eclair?! I just go with the flow - I figure as long as she gets some veg and fruit and carbs shes ok lol

looong day at hospital yest (been in and out a few times since I last wrote) but things seem to be settling - bladder is working - had another scan yest and all looks ok with my kidneys Im not weeing blood anymore - uti seems to be clearing as does the thrush and I feel; much more like myself - hopefully things will stay ok for the next 5 weeks!

hes still measuring 3 weeks ahead - am trying to feel more connected with him - hoping we bond ok - this has felt a hard slog this pg - well all my pgs have lol!

M Gorge love love love her!!! shes been brill being looked after by random relatives while Ive been in and out of hospital :)

hope everyone is ok :) x
Jules Don't stress yourself with worry over you bonding with your LO. As the others have said,even if it's not the lightening bolt of love at 1st sight,it will come in time - everyone is different.Hey,you might even suprise yourself once you have given birth? these hormones of ours are crazy sh#t!!!! :haha:
Also,I think that having a c section can delay the feelings of bonding etc, but don't quote me on that as I didn't have one,so what would I know? lol :winkwink:
In any case,we don't/won't judge you on this thread,so feel free to voice your concerns or worries:thumbup:
Just out of curiosity,what pram/buggy did you go for? I found this the hardest of all the purchases - so many to choose from. I have the Silver Cross Surf and love it.
Forgot to say that Alexander was our No1 and only choice for a boys name and James as the middle name.
Claire - most kind! I have as the car seat a Jane Martrix 2 Light as most of my car journeys will be up north which is at best 4 hours so I wanted him to be able to lie flat when he was really small. Off the back of that I was going to get a pram base to use with that as the carry cot but wasn't too keen on them when I did a test drive (good lord that car seat is heavy. I'm pretty strong but even I struggle with that and a dummy baby inside so the weight put me off). I'm opting to leave it fixed in the car permanently and we bought the Bugaboo cameleon with a grey base and sand cover. My dad was tipsy the night we assembled it and kept pushing it into the furniture by accident and chuckling away. Hope he's a better driver when LO is in it and no drinking and driving!

My Mum was all about the Silver Cross but wanted the big traditional pram - couldn't quite see myself zipping around London with that puppy!

Angel - you're lucky about the planes. When it's bad over here we have jumbos going over every 3 mins (sometimes so low you can nearly read the codes on the undercarriage...). It's crazy to have the glidescope angle set where it is (ie bringing the planes in at such a low angle and flying in over the whole London) but I think they're playing with that at the moment and the runways as it has been silent over here for the last 2 days. Bliss!

Will post some pics of his little areas once it's all properly assembled but we're not doing a nursery per se and instead he's getting a corner of a guest room. We just recently had the house finished so I'm loathe to redecorate the room (plus full of furniture etc that I don't want to get rid of). Will "babyify" his areas with accessories. Main cot assembly is this weekend.

As for my job, I work in finance in the City. Pretty stressful/long hours so will be interesting to see how that buttresses with motherhood when I go back. My immediate boss doesn't have any children either so his tolerance over such things is pretty low. I said something in passing before I left and used the word "children" and he looked panicked and said "Plural?! I thought you'd only having one?! Please don't have another! You can't have any more maternity leave". He was joking but there was a thread of truth in that.

Rowan - pleased to hear that your UTI is clearing up. I seriously feel for you. I see that you're 3 weeks in front of me too so nightmare to have to deal with that while your pregnant.

Claire - Alexander James sounds so distinguished. James would actually be my first choice for a boy but my hubby is a "James" too so that one was a no-go! I haven't changed my name on getting married so we're going to double barrel our surnames (which some members of the family think is ridiculous....) but my identity is just as important to me so I want it included in my child's name! As a result though we're only going to do first names rather than first and middle.

quick one (as usual :winkwink:)

happy birthday Thiago!!! :cake: :happydance:

and welcome Jules :hi:
Well Jules I'm not married yet (living in sin! lol) and double barreling surnames wasn't/isn't an option for us as I already have a double barreled surname! lol so that would be just so silly it's untrue :haha:
Storm I really wish that I was going to be with my sister for Easter as she is over in NI visiting her FIL! (My BIL is a NI lad born and bred) we could have met up. I am in the Rep in April,but right down south,so too far to pop in for a cuppa! lol:winkwink:
Just quickly as we have ordered food and want to spend the evening together on the sofa, watching some eps of Big Bang Theory (so silly but funny none the less) which OH downloaded onto the HD of our new tv :).

Just wanted to come on and say Happy Birthday Thiago and congratulations to you too Borboleta on your adorable little man :D

Hope all you ladies are well. Will write more tomorrow hopefully. xxx
I love the name Alexander, but we both agreed on Finn (his middle name is my FIL (Matthew who died in 2010), if we had another....(unfortunately Alexander wouldn't work as a middle name for Finn as our last name is Gleeson -- can you see why?)

hope all are well!

angel - I also get numb hands from the stroller as well (growl); I think I'm going to have to talk to the GP about perhaps the....operation (gulp....) as heavy meds aren't really helpful and the gel does help a little....but it's worse in the winter (and if I knit), so usually 'forget' more in the summer-time....

re: bonding - I didn't bond immediately, as my hand were so swollen that I could only hold LO for a few minutes and due to the pre-eclampsia and the emercency c-section (but we were planning a c-section anyway) my major feeling was relief that he was out and I could breathe, etc! In fact, my OH had to do most of the stuff for the baby whilst he was in NICU and I went to the GP to get meds, etc., for my hands -- however, within a day or two of LO being home, I was doing loads but it took awhile to sink in that I had my LO, which I think is pretty, jules - try not to worry too much about 'bonding' and just think of hugs and cuddles more!

best wishes

Hello ladies! Oh I love reading all your posts! Now to try and remember the questions...

First of all HAPPY BIRTHDAY THIAGO! I can't believe your little man is one Borboleta, our little ones are getting so big its good to have some newborns on the way!

Clio... The old lunch question, oh my word it can be hard going. With L being in nursery she gets proper dinner at lunch but the wee mind eats dinner again at night. At the weekends she usually has sandwiches (lactose free cheese), fruit, yoghurt etc or lentil soup. I usually make a big pot of lentil soup to take to my dads on Sunday for whoever turns up. She definitely eats more junk at the weekend too although I'm now super strict about the no lactose thing. She's recently discovered the joys of super dark chocolate which she loves, typically the dairy free is quality expensive stuff but she gets such a small amount its ok! You also asked about my dads relationship with L, he adores her.. he tries so much harder with her than the other grandkids due to the circumstances but I really appreciate it! Hes a good man. Actually I used to be a real mummies girl but from my early 30s also coinciding with me getting my first motorbike my dad and I got really close. I guess by then he became my friend as well as my dad.

Clairey I so wish you were coming over, I would love to see the two Ls together, I can only imagine what they would get up to!

Rowan you are soo close to the end girl, chin up. I know its been a rough pregnancy but the end is near and I am sure things will be ok with m2 and as you recover physically I'm sure you will all bond.

Sk so sorry th hear about your pains, that really sucks! I had minor carpal tunnel cause of the fluid during pregnancy, just some discomfort and lots of dropping things but its completely gone now.

Angel, I hope you are having akvely evening, I love the big bang theory, so so funny :)

Jules my dad is swapping houses with us, both my brother's already have big houses. Long story short as I'm sure the other ladies have heard this way too many times.. my mum died when L was 4 weeks old after being diagnosed with terminal cancer the day I had L. Therefore my dad doesn't need or want a 5 bedroom detached house. I also had some bonding issues with L given I was at the hospital a lot with my mum, its such a blur. I know I was always protective of L but I can honestly say I now love that little madam so much I could burst. Don't stress... Oh and you might well find your priorities change after baby arrives workwise.. I work for a big financial institution in their technology infrastructure dept. My job kind of stayed the same, when I left it was regional, when I came back it was global. I had to be pulled into an hr meeting to be told that before I returned. It's about to change again though.. I just go with the flow..

In other news we DTD tonight! I did laugh at the irony of using protection, I'm just not ready for the TTC just yet...

I'm hoping we have a good night again tonight too!

Everyone else, hope you are well, skweek, Charlie, Leeze... Who else is there?

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