any other over 35 first time mums?

Yes Jules, Gerrards Cross is lovely! when do you think you would be in a position to move this way then? are you returning to work after baby is born?
I conceived Lucy naturally,but my sister had IVF with donor eggs,so I know how emotional the journey can be (my sis had a BFP on her 2nd round,so very lucky too)
I know you haven't even had your 1st yet,but do you think you will try again for #2?
To be honest if I could move us tomorrow I would! Unfortunately we only recently bought (nearly 3 years ago) a townhouse so we're committed for a while longer. I think for the next house (which will be our last move) I'm going to build it which will be a tonne of work but we'll get more house for the money. DH is quite resistant to change but has recently started to come on board with the idea that we'd be in the new house in 3 years (although I reckon I can get it done in 2 years. Shhhhh....!). I want to start getting plans sketched out towards the end of this year and look at costings. All of course predicated on the fact that we will have a lovely quiet baby who sleeps when he needs to and isn't demanding (!).

I am indeed planning on returning to work once LO is out although work has been generous and I have 14 months off, which is why I wanted to start mat leave a bit early to have some time to myself to chill out and relax. Ideally I'd like to go back 4 days a week (and work from home one of those days but I doubt they will let me do this part). Will have to see. They're still in shock from the 14 month hiatus so I thought I'd wait a little longer until I ask for flexible time! If any of you ladies have gone back to work yet or are planning to I'd love to hear how it has been!

Yes, the IVF was quite full on although not as bad as i was expecting. Easy to say with a bit of distance on it now. I did back to back fertility treatment over a big chunk of 2012 and in hindsight that was quite tough as there was no respite. I think given the issues I've had that I will probably try for another one with the frosties when LO is about 10 months old. I have some time constraints even now so for me waiting much longer probably isn't the best plan. Do want to make sure though that things are quite well healed from the C section before I have another one. Are you thinking of going again soon?

Oh Rowan--I'm so sorry, I didn't respond to your post! It sounds awful what you're going through. Is the baby alright? Will they have to do anything invasive before M2 is born? I'm thinking of you!:hugs:

Storm--good luck! Have you had a mammogram before? I had one, but don't remember if it hurt. I don't think it did, but it was a pain in the ass, that's for sure. And thanks about the milk thing. He will often not drink all of it, and if he's had a big meal, he won't have any at all. But his poos are becoming insane. Yesterday, 3 solid ones. The day before, FOUR. Today's tally hasn't been calculated yet, but 2 so far.

Claire--thanks about the pics! Yup, he does look like me, I believe. He has my eyes EXACTLY, which makes it very neat and very odd at the same time. I just remember when he was born, staring and staring into them. Of course, that's all that was visible, what with the beanie and the swaddle, but still. I still have to go back and see everyone else's--I'm missing some pics for sure. I think I saw yours--beautiful straight blonde hair? So lovely!

Jules--Welcome! We love new members! Especially pregnant ones! Then we can get our newborn fix. You must be so excited, but 9 weeks is a long time to wait! I think everyone here but Storm and Rowan had C-sections, so we're great experts on that. Is there a reason you're having one? And congrats on your successful IVF--do you intend on using the frosties to have another one?

Talking about straight hair--does anyone other than Claire have naturally (Borboleta :winkwink:) straight hair? I do--so straight you it won't hold a curl, and if you tie a knot in it, it comes undone immediately. But I went to the hairdresser's the other day (YAY! Finally, after over a year. You should have seen how much was cut off. And I'm now blonde again, which make my grays look like really, really blonde hair.) Anyway, back on topic. While the hairstylist was combing my hair while it was wet and short, she asked me if I had a wave in my hair. No, I said. Straight as a rod. Well, you do now, she said. Turns out, this happens to a lot of women with straight hair after the baby hair grows back. It comes back wavy. Not crazy wavy, but wavy. It's so neat!

I don't think I'll make it through with my voice by Friday. Taking care of J means talking, and I've got three more days of that to go. I've already started coughing again. This can't happen!!! :cry::cry::cry:

Ugh, and now I must mark. Four more. Only four more. For today...
hey ladies too behind to catch up and M asleep so really need a rest - been in and out of hospital again - got bad uti and thrush am basically weeing blood which is pretty awful and v painful - another scan on thursday to try and find cause of retention - gah.

so I am thinking of you guys and hope all is good with you but apologies if Im awol for a while x
Hi Rowan

Just a quick one to say that I totally feel for you with the UTIs. I have a long history of them although thankfully have substantial breaks in getting them. Im 2010 I was getting them back-to-back for a year (literally every time DH and I were intimate) and always to where I was urinating blood and doubled over. It was a nightmare. I was constantly on trimethoprim and cipro and of course then ended up with thrush from taking them all. And then randomly they just stopped again and touch wood I haven't had another one since the end of 2010.

Really hope they get a handle on it. You have my sympathy :hugs:


Little f....
Oh Rowan--I'm so sorry, I didn't respond to your post! It sounds awful what you're going through. Is the baby alright? Will they have to do anything invasive before M2 is born? I'm thinking of you!:hugs:

Storm--good luck! Have you had a mammogram before? I had one, but don't remember if it hurt. I don't think it did, but it was a pain in the ass, that's for sure. And thanks about the milk thing. He will often not drink all of it, and if he's had a big meal, he won't have any at all. But his poos are becoming insane. Yesterday, 3 solid ones. The day before, FOUR. Today's tally hasn't been calculated yet, but 2 so far.

Claire--thanks about the pics! Yup, he does look like me, I believe. He has my eyes EXACTLY, which makes it very neat and very odd at the same time. I just remember when he was born, staring and staring into them. Of course, that's all that was visible, what with the beanie and the swaddle, but still. I still have to go back and see everyone else's--I'm missing some pics for sure. I think I saw yours--beautiful straight blonde hair? So lovely!

Jules--Welcome! We love new members! Especially pregnant ones! Then we can get our newborn fix. You must be so excited, but 9 weeks is a long time to wait! I think everyone here but Storm and Rowan had C-sections, so we're great experts on that. Is there a reason you're having one? And congrats on your successful IVF--do you intend on using the frosties to have another one?

Talking about straight hair--does anyone other than Claire have naturally (Borboleta :winkwink:) straight hair? I do--so straight you it won't hold a curl, and if you tie a knot in it, it comes undone immediately. But I went to the hairdresser's the other day (YAY! Finally, after over a year. You should have seen how much was cut off. And I'm now blonde again, which make my grays look like really, really blonde hair.) Anyway, back on topic. While the hairstylist was combing my hair while it was wet and short, she asked me if I had a wave in my hair. No, I said. Straight as a rod. Well, you do now, she said. Turns out, this happens to a lot of women with straight hair after the baby hair grows back. It comes back wavy. Not crazy wavy, but wavy. It's so neat!

I don't think I'll make it through with my voice by Friday. Taking care of J means talking, and I've got three more days of that to go. I've already started coughing again. This can't happen!!! :cry::cry::cry:

Ugh, and now I must mark. Four more. Only four more. For today...
Hi Clio

Thanks for the welcome. You are right - I'm excited but 9 weeks feels like forever. I'm breaking it into units of time though to make is pass more quickly plus lots going on in March and then I think I'm just going to lay low for April and slowly beach myself on the couch. I have to have another scan at 32 weeks and that will be here in an eye blink. Roll on 37 weeks as at least I can relax a bit in the (unlikely) event he comes early.

I hope this doesn't sound too terrible but I'm really pleased to hear there are many who have had a C section! I'm very much feeling like the minority at the moment. I'm opting for an elective C (and sorry Borboleta as you've already heard this before) as I had an intersphincteric abscess a couple of years back that went up into my coccyx and it had to be drained/cut from the obvious place. I was seriously sick from it and ended up with short term incontinence as a result, which was horrific. The general view has been it's reasonable not to try for a natural delivery in case it caused damage back that way if i tear. To be honest, I'm perfectly happy with that as never been a fan of the idea of natural delivery.

Was yours elective or unexpected?

Oh Rowan--I'm so sorry, I didn't respond to your post! It sounds awful what you're going through. Is the baby alright? Will they have to do anything invasive before M2 is born? I'm thinking of you!:hugs:

Storm--good luck! Have you had a mammogram before? I had one, but don't remember if it hurt. I don't think it did, but it was a pain in the ass, that's for sure. And thanks about the milk thing. He will often not drink all of it, and if he's had a big meal, he won't have any at all. But his poos are becoming insane. Yesterday, 3 solid ones. The day before, FOUR. Today's tally hasn't been calculated yet, but 2 so far.

Claire--thanks about the pics! Yup, he does look like me, I believe. He has my eyes EXACTLY, which makes it very neat and very odd at the same time. I just remember when he was born, staring and staring into them. Of course, that's all that was visible, what with the beanie and the swaddle, but still. I still have to go back and see everyone else's--I'm missing some pics for sure. I think I saw yours--beautiful straight blonde hair? So lovely!

Jules--Welcome! We love new members! Especially pregnant ones! Then we can get our newborn fix. You must be so excited, but 9 weeks is a long time to wait! I think everyone here but Storm and Rowan had C-sections, so we're great experts on that. Is there a reason you're having one? And congrats on your successful IVF--do you intend on using the frosties to have another one?

Talking about straight hair--does anyone other than Claire have naturally (Borboleta :winkwink:) straight hair? I do--so straight you it won't hold a curl, and if you tie a knot in it, it comes undone immediately. But I went to the hairdresser's the other day (YAY! Finally, after over a year. You should have seen how much was cut off. And I'm now blonde again, which make my grays look like really, really blonde hair.) Anyway, back on topic. While the hairstylist was combing my hair while it was wet and short, she asked me if I had a wave in my hair. No, I said. Straight as a rod. Well, you do now, she said. Turns out, this happens to a lot of women with straight hair after the baby hair grows back. It comes back wavy. Not crazy wavy, but wavy. It's so neat!

I don't think I'll make it through with my voice by Friday. Taking care of J means talking, and I've got three more days of that to go. I've already started coughing again. This can't happen!!! :cry::cry::cry:

Ugh, and now I must mark. Four more. Only four more. For today...
PS I have naturally straight hair too. It's hopeless, never holds a curl and is annoying silky (which sounds nice but is a pain in the bum) so drops out any style its put into unless "glued" with hairspray! Would be good to get a kink in it as it may give it a bit more body. Go hormones!
Jules--never say never about when they come! Jonah was two weeks early, for absolutely no reason. I think that after 37 weeks, anything is game...

I'm sorry about your abscess--it sounds awful. It sounds very wise to get a c/s. And my c/s was an emergency, because J's actually very tiny head got stuck in my apparently tinier pelvis. I was begging for a c/s, though, but they made me labour for the required 2 hours (I don't know what is "required" in the UK). But seriously, I wanted one anyway, but had no reason to get one. I prepared for everything about pregnancy and post-partum, but wouldn't even think about the labour until I unexpectedly went into it two weeks early. On the ride to the hospital, I was praying that my cervix was open enough to get an epi immediately. I'm a big wimp about pain.

And you will find no judgement here. We don't judge about anything. Why, just the other day, Borboleta let Thiago watch a porno about boobies, and we didn't judge at all. :haha:

But seriously, I don't even visit the other forums anymore after finding this thread. All the questions in the other forums are the same...

Let's see about your hair! My hairstylist gave me some sort of lotion (that I'm sure she wants me to buy) that I'm to put into my hair while wet, scrunch it up some, and let air dry. Well, I like low maintenance hair, so let's see! Sadly, it's VERY cold here, so wet hair freezes the instant you go outside.
Clio: you are crazy :haha:!! Poor Jules she will really think that thiago watched his first porn at 1 year of age :haha:!!! Jules he did try to watch it :haha:. Poor thing got a hold of the remote and was touching a bunch of buttons and when I looked at the tv he was about to press purchase big boob masturbation for $15,00 :dohh:! I think I was more in shock of the price of a porn than the possibility of my son watching porn at 1 :haha:!!!
And yes my hair will be as straight as your her Clio after Thursday when I go in to tame the mane :happydance:!!! Again so excited :happydance:!!!
Oh, and kicking the ball; funny you mentioned that J is not as good as T. Since he was a tiny baby he would kick his legs ( maybe gas?) but then when he could sit by himself he would still kick anything toy that was close to his legs or feet and then of course with the assisted walking and walking by himself. He never stopped kicking. I really think it is in his genes. Now if the ball ends up in a weird place where he can't kick he reaches with his hands and moves the ball to a place where he can kick again. My soccer boy:). Maybe J will be a musician instead:).

Jules: :happydance:I am so happy you found the thread:)! Isn't it great:)! And no worries if you cannot keep up specially after the baby comes. Just keep in touch whenever you can :thumbup:. You house building sounds lovely. Hope it comes to reality soon :thumbup:.

Storm: my mom had breast cancer. I need to get a mamogram too. Never had one. As soon as OH is employed again that will be one of the first things I will do :thumbup:. Let us know how it went.

Little t has been crabby most of the day. Poor thing is really suffering with his molars. Now his finger is in the other side of his mouth. As Clio mentioned when one tooth comes in chances are more are on his way with this boy!
Hope you all have a lovely night:).
Yes Jules, Gerrards Cross is lovely! when do you think you would be in a position to move this way then? are you returning to work after baby is born?
I conceived Lucy naturally,but my sister had IVF with donor eggs,so I know how emotional the journey can be (my sis had a BFP on her 2nd round,so very lucky too)
I know you haven't even had your 1st yet,but do you think you will try again for #2?
To be honest if I could move us tomorrow I would! Unfortunately we only recently bought (nearly 3 years ago) a townhouse so we're committed for a while longer. I think for the next house (which will be our last move) I'm going to build it which will be a tonne of work but we'll get more house for the money. DH is quite resistant to change but has recently started to come on board with the idea that we'd be in the new house in 3 years (although I reckon I can get it done in 2 years. Shhhhh....!). I want to start getting plans sketched out towards the end of this year and look at costings. All of course predicated on the fact that we will have a lovely quiet baby who sleeps when he needs to and isn't demanding (!).

I am indeed planning on returning to work once LO is out although work has been generous and I have 14 months off, which is why I wanted to start mat leave a bit early to have some time to myself to chill out and relax. Ideally I'd like to go back 4 days a week (and work from home one of those days but I doubt they will let me do this part). Will have to see. They're still in shock from the 14 month hiatus so I thought I'd wait a little longer until I ask for flexible time! If any of you ladies have gone back to work yet or are planning to I'd love to hear how it has been!

Yes, the IVF was quite full on although not as bad as i was expecting. Easy to say with a bit of distance on it now. I did back to back fertility treatment over a big chunk of 2012 and in hindsight that was quite tough as there was no respite. I think given the issues I've had that I will probably try for another one with the frosties when LO is about 10 months old. I have some time constraints even now so for me waiting much longer probably isn't the best plan. Do want to make sure though that things are quite well healed from the C section before I have another one. Are you thinking of going again soon?


Oooh Building a house! that's such a great idea, you get exactly the house you want then! work on your husband,I'm sure he will come to the conclusion that you are right.....afterall we always are - right? :winkwink::haha:

I would love to say "of course you will have an easy baby" but as we all know you really won't know what to expect until the little bundle is here. They are all so different and one baby to the next is never the same. I pray you get a lovely sleeper.:thumbup:

I'm not going back to work so cannot give you any advice,but Storm has just started back to 5 days a week,so perhaps she could advise you at a later date of anything you want to know?
Enjoy the time you have now without baby and rest as much as you can. The last few weeks can be hard.
I went 2 weeks overdue,so I had even more time on my hands just waiting!!!!:dohh: I didn't have a c section,but was induced as I was so overdue - quick birth in the end though:thumbup:
I think the planned section is probably best in your case as you really don't want any added issues to deal with when you have a newborn. You will want to focus on him 100% it really is love at 1st sight :cloud9:
I originaly thought we would ttc when Lucy was 1 (which was Jan) so that I would have my 2nd baby before I hit 40 (Jan '14) but Lucy is such a terrible sleeper I have had to push the plans back,so I think we will try later this year.
It really is horrible to have this clock ticking and to know that time is limited,but that is just the way it is I guess.

Where did you go for your treatment? my sister went to The Chelsea and Westminster hosp.

It's great to have you on board here and I'm already getting excited for the birth of your little boy - we will want pictures asap!!! lol as Clio says,it will give us our newborn fix!!:winkwink:

Clio and Borboleta - this thread was the first thing I read this morning and I laughed out loud at the baby porn! In 13 years or so you'll have this issue again Borboleta…! :haha:

Clio - as long as he was well cooked I'm perfectly happy for him to come any point after 37 weeks - anytime before that and he's in trouble! So sorry to hear about the "required" labour time. Just ridiculous. It's difficult to say for the UK as you can go national health service or go private. If the NHS then (from what I have heard/read/seen etc) the care is VERY variable depending on where in the UK you are and especially if you're in a larger city where the units are often slammed. I suspect that if the baby is ok then they'd probably continue letting you try to get him out naturally.... I'm a wimp with pain too and speaking to two doctor friends who have laboured on the NHS the stance even for pain relief is often "You can have an epidural but its too soon now" which then goes to "You can't have an epidural as It's now too late". That said, I'm sure there are ladies who have had brilliant NHS experiences. If you go private in the UK then you can pretty much have anything at all whenever you want it (within the realms of medical safety of course!) BUT you pay through the nose for it as it's not covered by insurance.

Claire - you are of course right, I'll persuade him :) I think he's on board right now but he doesn't adapt well to change in routine/living space and it really unsettles him. When we first moved into the current house I watched him in the bedroom walking in a little circle for a minute as he was so discombobulated and didn't know what to do! Ooo, I'm making him sound like a cat but i think you get my drift.

I am fully expecting to have a little bugger of a baby and then anything above and beyond that will be a blessing. I just really hope he's a good little sleeper. That said, what will be will be. Two weeks overdue! Eek, I can bet you were feeling pretty frustrated. A fast birth sounds great but I can imagine it's a bit of a shock though too (and I've heard much more painful…).

Totally understand about time being a concern when trying for number 2. It's so annoying that we can't easily keep it going until we're 50. I remember my parents offering to get me as a gift when I was in my late 20's an egg freezing service. I was so insulted! My whole life I've been pushed to excel in education and then in my career only to then feel that I was then being pushed on the reproduction front too! Ironically given my circumstance it probably would have been a good idea. Fingers crossed for my little frosties on ice.

We did all the fertility treatment at Guy's Hospital under Tarek El Toukhy, who was fantastic. When I got the results back on my AMH (ie an indicator of how much time we had left) I was literally calling around all the fertility units to get an appointment and Tarek (who works all the hours God sends) called me back at 8pm that night (a Friday) and saw me the following morning. As it turns out, logistically Guys was great as it's 10 mins walk from my office and on the way to work from home, which with daily blood work/scans was a real blessing. Lovely that it has worked for your sister too. I've heard that C&W are very good.

Enjoy the rest of your day ladies. I'm up north with family at the moment (driving back to London with two tonnes of baby kit tomorrow) so off to see my grandma shortly for a last visit!

Good morning ladies,

Bad night for us :sleep:!! Slept until 12am went to rock thiago back to sleep and after 1 hour he was down, back to bad then again 2:30am he started crying. I told my OH that it bad that he can't settle himself because we always go in to rock him and I know he is teething but I had give him Advil so he was good until this morning as pain goes. So we just turned of the monitor and left him in his crib. He actually cried for about 10 min. ( I felt really bad) but then he stopped and just sat in his crib for about 20 min and when back to sleep. :thumbup:. So from today on I told OH we are doing CIO with the boy and unless he is screaming bloody murder during the night we will not go to his room. He is in great mood this morning which he has not been in the past 3 or 4 days. Of course OH and I didn't sleep very well but hope this new attempt will work :thumbup:!

Claire: so we will be mommies again around 41 :). ( if I decide to have another one :haha:). How old is your sister and her baby? Does L close in age from her cousin?
Hey Jules - I'm back to 5 days a week - I used acrued leave for the first 7 weeks to have 4 day weeks, I too was off for nearly 14 months! I took 6 weeks off before my due date and L was born a few days early, try and enjoy your free time as you won't be getting much once your little ones is here! Unfortunately I got one of the ones with reflux, wind and a few utis - but shes great now - if only we could crack the sleeping. I'd love to build a house - but we are moving to my dads and its more than we will ever need and it needs refurbished which is going to cost enough anyway - my dads a retired architect and one of his dreams was to build his own house but with 3 kids and my mum being a stay at home mum he never got the chance.

Clio I have stupidly straight hair - it falls down when I put it up, every single hairdressers says oh your hair is so fine - but you have such a lot! It just doesn't behave and cause there is so much of it I get it thinned to try and cut down on drying time, generally cause I don't dry it and I need it to dry on the car journey to work :)

Clairey, I'm finding more and more reasons to put of TTC nos 2, I just don't want that pregnancy thing again - eughhh it didn't sit well with me :)

Ok Im meant to be working (from home) having a quick coffee so here are the photos..

Me at 9 months

DH as a little boy

And this is just for fun DH when we were first dated when he was 19… :o)
Welcome, Jules - I'm the old one here (got pregnant naturally the month at age 43 we were hoping to do our first IVF cycle in June 2011, had LO in Feb 2012 at age 44 and now, LO is just 1 year and mummy is....45) so delighted to hear all IVF/IUI, etc success-stories, but think I may be too old now for another!

LO pretty much sttn last night for me (woke around 2am for a few minutes) but otherwise okay -- sure that he won't sleep through for my OH tonight (I think it's my OH's manky bedroom and perhaps his snoring?), but we shall see!

will post later - am trying to 'repair' a chest that I didn't put together very well in the first place.....

Storm: I laugh so hard when I saw your oh 's picture when he was 19:haha:. If he would just imagine that he has his 80's picture on a forum:haha:!!! Not that he doesn't look handsome there but the hair is the best!!! I showed to my OH and I saw his concern that I will do the same with him:haha:!! And by the way I think L looks like your OH. And your baby picture is so cute:thumbup:!
Storm: I laugh so hard when I saw your oh 's picture when he was 19:haha:. If he would just imagine that he has his 80's picture on a forum:haha:!!! Not that he doesn't look handsome there but the hair is the best!!! I showed to my OH and I saw his concern that I will do the same with him:haha:!! And by the way I think L looks like your OH. And your baby picture is so cute:thumbup:!

He would probably kill me if he knew - but I laughed, will take it down in a day or so :) Everyone says L is the spit of her daddy but has my eyes. I thought he was gorgeous back then, but then again I was a rock chick into men with long hair... I have a bit of a thing about long hair :) I guess thats why part of me is still a tattooed biker chick.. although first and foremost a mommy now!

The photo of me is a photo of a photo of a photo - the original photo is at my dads house and I only had the photo of the photo to take the photo off - boy thats confusing. Just incase anyone is wondering about the date on it, thats when the photo of the photo was taken to go on our wedding video - it is me! I was 9 months old and apparently cried the whole way through the photoshoot of me and my brothers and when the photographer was done I started posing so he quickly snapped this one of me :)

Mammogram all done, althought I did have to have my boobs felt by the consultant first! I didn't expect that, getting a once over by a 55 year old man, very embarassing. The actual mammogram was pretty uncomfortable, sorer on one side that the other and given I have no boobs I feel for ladies with big ones as they squash them for the xrays...

DH is away to get L from nursery so I best go and get some dinner sorted!
Oh Borboleta--you are making me laugh so much these days. You and your OH doing CIO and sticking to it? :rofl: I'll believe it when I read about it! But isn't that good mood lovely? Since we have done it, especially CIO naps, if this boy gets cranky, it actually means "I need a nap!!!" But I'm so glad it worked last night. And as we talked about before--it's hard in the night when you first get started. But I used to go through a check list the first time I'd get up if he was crying. Hungry? Nope, he just had a bottle (I'd bring one with me). In pain? Nope, just gave him Advil (I'd wait the ten minutes it's supposed to take effect). Wet sleeper or poopy diaper? Nope. Well, back to bed we go! Cry if you want, but there is NO REASON for it. Sounds exactly what you did last night, actually. Darnit. I'm in lecture mode. Sorry!

Have you downloaded Ginger the talking Kitten for your iPad? Seriously, it keeps J occupied forever. It repeats what he says, and he loves it because he believes he's having a conversation with a cat in complete J-speak (ie. gibberish). He even kisses Ginger. And licked him once. Glad I have a screen cleaner...

Jules--We only have National Health Care here in Canada, but it is, for the most part, excellent (Obama is trying to get the States to use us as a model). I too had fertility treatments. We started trying naturally just before my 35th birthday, and after a number of losses and 3 years of trying, we finally went to a fertility clinic. It took 5 rounds of IUIs and ever stronger drugs, but just before we were about to start IVF (as in SIX days before), like SabrinaKat, we turned out to be pregnant off of the last IUI. I was 38, had turned 39 when Jonah was born, and am now 40. And unlike everyone else here, with the exception of SabrinaKat, I am absolutely certain that we will not try again. It's not because I'm afraid of another baby who is difficult, but rather because my OH and I can't imagine another baby as amazing as J! We enjoy him so much that we feel that our family is complete.

Why did your parents offer egg freezing? If I had known about my PCOS back in my twenties, I think I would have begged for it.

And I know--I check this thread a lot, too. :)

Storm--It sounds like your hair and mine might be related. Fine, fine, fine but tons of it. I once had this hairdresser, when I was a teenager, who combed my hair so it fell all around my head as a joke, and I looked like Cousin It!

Anyway, my hair will stay up in a ponytail, but it starts to sag in a very frumpy way if I don't redo it basically every half hour, which I don't. And at the hairdresser's, my stylist spends tons of time layering and thinning, too.

I love your husband's hair when he was 19! I once dated this German guy (in Germany) who had this long, gorgeous blond hair. This was 1990, so probably around the same time as the pic of your OH. Oh did I think he was so handsome and cool with that hair! When did your OH cut it? Eric always jokes about getting a mullet (hockey hair). Okay, I'll illustrate, because I suspect this terminology (and maybe even the haircut?) might be just North American. A mullet:

As Eric likes to say: "I'll be all business up front, with a party at the back!"

Angel, Leeze and Charlie--where are you? I miss you! Is everything okay?

Claire--So you conceived naturally, and then had a vaginal birth. Are you the only one here that managed that? If you do have another, do you think it'll happen again?

SK--Do you think IVF is completely out of the question? I guess you'd have to get on it, but I think it's still possible. Or are you still considering the adoption option? And, um, where are your pics?

Yay for little F's STTN! And is your chest by any chance from IKEA? I'm staring at one right now, with the broken drawer moved to the bottom and which has no hope of being repaired, unless I had a nail gun. And I'd probably even screw that up. I don't thing particle board takes well to nail guns.

Rowan--how are you doing? Any improvements? :hugs: If you have the time, I'd love to hear a Martha story. They always make me laugh. I saw those pics of her with her laptop on FB, and they were adorable. It also made me think that I should figure out a "chair and desk" set up for J. I think he'd like to be like Mummy and Daddy who...well...mark and write lectures on the couch, but still...

Oh, and Claire and Charlie--I don't have you on FB yet. Can I add you? And most certainly you too, Jules, when you feel comfortable enough!

As for us, J has not improved his football skills, but is getting very good at saying the letter "G!" with absolutely no idea what it means. Um, he licked my mother's face on the iPad the other day (yay cleaner!), and, well, is his normal J-self. The other day, though, I had to laugh because I walked around a corner, and found him with our broom, trying to sweep the kitchen floor (which really needed it!). This, with the throwing away of garbage is making me suspect that he is a neat freak, which is excellent, because OH and I are not. The chore rota is going to be very easy when he gets older: Dishes--J. Garbage--J. Vacuuming--J. I think you get my drift.

I'm still having inferiority issues when it comes to J and "Dad-ee!" He'll often go out shopping with OH and then has to stay inside with me while OH brings in the bags. All the while, he stands at the screen door, yelling "Dad-ee! Dad-ee! Dad! Dad! Dadeeeee!" This used to happen with the cat, too. When OH would go out for a smoke, the cat would sit at the window and meow and meow and meow for him. One day I decided to see if she'd do it for me, and went outside, and...nothing. She took the opportunity to snuggle up in OH's lap. I don't dare try this experiment with J because I'm so afraid of the outcome!
Gosh,so many long posts!:winkwink:

Borboleta my sister is 41 and my niece is 4. Lucy loves her big cousin and copies her every move:haha:

Clio I would do the same again RE:birth with #2,although as I was induced with Lucy I would worry about not being able to tell if it was proper labour or not? I fell pregnant on the 4th cycle of ttc,so I hope it would happen as quickly again. I think you willl find that Storm also had a vaginal birth and fell pregnant naturally (I am right aren't I Storm?)

Yes Clairey, I was exactly the same as you! 4th cycle, bfp the day after you I think but L came 3 days early! Vaginal birth with just gas and air 4 hours after arriving at the hospital and 2 grazes
and a laeration internally whatever the heck that is, but she was down there for a while doing some embrodiary :) heehee
sorry about no pictures, yet -- I need to scan them in and am very lazy, mea culpae....

um - I just don't know if my body could handle another pregnancy (although I did pretty well, normal until about 32-33wks, e.g. no gestational diabetes, no serious issues until the pre-eclampsia hit), so will just enjoy my little man and will throughly be overjoyed for the rest of you if you ttc, get pregnant again, etc! I prayed for one and my prayers were answered (not religious, but spiritual, I guess) and don't want to 'push my luck'!

hope all others are well....? and in the 'honour' of the horsemeat scandal (we only eat processed fish fingers, so hopefully no horse in those) - my new version of Old McDonald:

Old McDonald had a farm, e-i-e-i-o
and on this farm, there were some cows, e-i-e-i-o
with a neigh-neigh here and a neigh-neigh there,
here a neigh, there a neigh, neigh-neigh, etc....

Finn loves Old McDonald, but I'm running out of animals, although Old McDonald now has snakes, ducks, foxes (in honour of Foxy) and frogs...any other ideas?

Oh and Clio DH cut his hair in his mid 20s when he did a spell in the RAF (royal air force) no long hair allowed there! I'd be happy if it was still long!

Actually I've let dh out tonight, he's gone to my brother's to watch skyfall.. I'm on L duty.. quiet so far, expecting squeaks soon though!

Oh Sk I liked your song, I'm hoping there is no horse in steak mince or I've been eating horse a lot!

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