any other over 35 first time mums?

Um, is this some sort of internal Irish joke, or do cows not moo over there?


Actually, I have a song off of a kids' CD for J that has Old Macdonald turning his farm into a zoo. LOTS more possibilities there!
not a joke, clio -- they (various tests) have shown horse DNA in many 'beef' products throughout Ireland, UK and Europe -- even IKEA's meatballs are horsey! However, I was singing this 'new version' to LO walking home from the creche and a few people looked at me funny, so perhaps they weren't fans? (or buy cheap readymeals (although some reputable brands seem to be affected too))...?

LO is in good humour and OH is hoping that LO will sttn for him -- but even if I have him, my OH still complains about being tired....hum....

storm -- I still haven't seen Skyfall, and I love Daniel Craig....he's my secret crush (well, not very secret as I drool over him when OH is in the room...).......but OH downloaded and has already seen, so may have to 'rent', etc.

Clio: I know, isnt it funny that we again trying a sleep method :dohh:! He is in his crib having a fit!!! i am about to go in and try to calm him down :dohh:! It worked great in the morning but this afternoon nap not so much :cry:. He is crying for about 30 min now! Okay I am going in... I am back and it was not good. He was so mad that he vomit all his bottle and lunch on himself and the rug :cry:. So cleaned him up and the rug a little and rocked him to sleep. Not sure if we should stick to CIO or go back to CC. I think I will try CC tonight and see how it goes. But if he wakes up during the night I might try to do the same thing I did last night and let him cry unless he goes furious like he just did.

Storm: After what you said about the mamogram I am afraid :haha:. But really need to do it sometime this year.

We are putting a collage of Thiago's first year. Here are the pictures we chose:

0 month thru 4 months

1-0 months.JPG

1-1 month.jpg

1-2 months.jpg

1-3 months.JPG

1-4 months (2).JPG
What lovely photos borboleta, a gorgeous cheeky boy.

Thank you Charlie:). I can see you are up early :haha:. Is sophie not sleeping well?

We tried CC last night but he started freaking out again and he just had a bottle so I could see that how thing coming back. OH was the one that rocked him back to sleep and he did until 5:40am. So we are up and going :dohh:! Lots to do today with thisgo's party coming up this Sunday.:thumbup:
Good afternoon ladies :) Soo behind again! Sorry I have been absent. Started a post yesterday and then decided to have a spat with OH instead. And now I feel bad cause although what I said to him was mostly true, I think part of the aggro was due to me getting AF :blush: I didn't realise cause I keep forgetting to update my chart and the days still go by as in a haze. And no, I will not tell him this :haha:
Anyway. Will try and catch up!

Storm I totally agree with you about respect and things towards parents and how it should be earned from other ppl. But I do feel for your OH. Sounds like they weren't so great to him as your parents to you. Poor man. I suppose it must be hard for him to admit that his mother is hardly earning your respect when she drinks this much and still wants to hold your daughter!
As for remodelling the house, we did our bathroom a few years ago and were staggered how much it cost for a simple white suite and simple white tiles! In the end we got the sink from ebay for £5 and it was new and a beautiful art deco shape. :) Though of course the labour cost quite a lot more than the bits in the bathroom anyway. We wanted to relocate the loo to the next wall but had to abandon this idea cause that alone would have been something like 3k! I think kitchens and bathrooms are always the most expensive thing to do in a house. :( Will you redo the kitchen too?
As for the mammogram, glad it went well. I had one done a few years ago when they wanted to make absolutely sure that the lump I had in my boob really was just from the mastitis and nothing worse. And since I too am relatively small chested I totally know what you mean. Though I actually wonder if having bigger boobs might not have made it easier? They wouldn't have to pull and squeeze so hard lol
As for your experience with the 55 year old man... eugh! You poor thing! :( I am stupidly shy and would have been mortified. That is why for all the years before I had my boys I would always travel back to Switzerland for any female exams. In Switzerland you are recommended to get a pap every year. And since it is all private there, I got to choose my gyneo and she was female and only about 10 years older than me. I don't think I could go to a man. And I guess I was lucky when I got the mammogram done, which was done at the local hospital cause the technician was a woman too.
Thank you for posting your pics. For some reason I couldn't click on them to make them bigger though? But I agree, from what I can see L looks like your OH :). And lol at his hair! The 70s and 80 were really odd taste wise huh I am glad that styles aren't so distinctive any more cause I don't think that we had a truly nice style since maybe the 50s? And even then, some things were odd such as the DA haircut on some. Though I too have a thing for men with long hair. Well some men. I don't think it would have looked nice on Nick (he apparently had hair down to his waist when in his early 20s and it is super duper curly so hm...) But I totally dig it on some men. Ok I admit it, Orlando Bloom as the elf in LotR. Yumm! lol

Rowan you poor woman! I am so sorry you had a uti and thrush. Seems it is one thing after another for you! Sending you loads of :hugs: I really hope you feel better soon. Hope the scan goes well and reveals nothing too horrid! :hugs:

Borboleta how cute you were as a little girl! I definitely think now that T is a mix of both you and your DH! I can see resemblances to you especially in the second picture but there is also lots of your DH in him. How sweet his pic is too :) I love that picture of your dad too! Cute! And your aunts with the bows in their hair! Love those old-fashioned pictures.
And you and Clio made me laugh so much with the baby porn! Too funny :rofl:
Good luck with the sleep training. We had great results as you know and we still keep to it now, except when we know either boy is in pain from teething. But we still rock them to sleep in the evening as part of our bed time routine. Mind you, Sebastian lately wakes when his back touches the cot and starts crying. I then don't pick him up unless he doesn't stop in 2 minutes. And usually he does stop after less than one minute. Weird since he used to self settle when he was small. Oh well, I don't mind rocking him at all cause I would miss the cuddles I think.
I love the progression of pics of little T! He is so cute! :D Don't know which is my favourite picture but the one in the bath is still so adorable! And the one you have as your avvie too. Sweet smile!

Jules welcome! Congratulations on your pregnancy and how lovely to have a new mum (to be) on here. :)
I too had Gonal F and IUIs. I got lucky with my boys on the third try or I would have had to go the IVF route too. Since I was 41 at the time I had to go private as I was too old for the NHS to help. But for us it was OH's antibodies in his sperm that caused the problems.
I had a c-section too cause Sebastian was breach and I was terrified that he would get into distress while I laboured with Dominic. And I was quite relieved when they agreed I could have an elective. The boys were born at Queen Charlotte's which has a great name but I was not impressed. The main midwife was a total cow and treated me as if I were a moron... If I could have another I would choose Chelsea & Westminster as it is much closer to us anyway.
What you say about your abscess sounds dreadful! You poor thing! Definitely better have a section! :hugs: Will your DH be able to take some time off when your son is born? It would definitely help. But maybe you have family members who will be there to help?
I have been to Dulwich only once or twice. Once was to go to the amazing picture gallery which I utterly loved. I'm not sure f that is close to where you are but it is such a leafy beautiful area and I loved it there. But I suppose not quite as peaceful as the countryside. Building your own house sounds like a good idea! Wish there was a plot to be had were we are here in Fulham :)haha:) cause I love the area.

Clio glad you found another place to spend your money lol ;) I know, Amazon market place is pretty good at times. Found loads of stuff there before. I didn't know you didn't know it or I would have mentioned it before. We now bought the other two books from Lynley Dodd too. They are about a hairy dog called Hairy Maclary which are also really cute. I really hope J will like the Slinky Malinki ones to start with though :)
I loved your baby pics! So cute! And the one of you in the door bouncer I actually at first glance mistook for a pic of J! He definitely looks like you!
Your remark about not judging even Borboleta with the porn made me laugh so much! Also comparing yourself to Cousin It. lol! Seriously woman! Though I must say I do love that first Addams Family movie with Raul Julia and of course Cousin It more than the series. :D I think that was the perfect role for Anjelica Houston, she looked devine!
And we do use the word mullet over here too. I don't think there is a hairdo I find less appealing! Here it used to be mostly football (soccer) players that had it. Ew!
As for J saying Dad-ee but not mummy, my boys say daddee all day long (without meaning OH though) but never seem to say mummee. They manage the occasional mum sounds but yeah... So what you wrote about the mm noises being harder did console me rather. Plus the fact that Sebastian kisses me way more than his daddy ;) But I can understand how heart-wrenching the whole screen door and cat incidence must be. Maybe they take you more for granted than your DH? Which doesn't sound flattering but actually kind of is. :)

Sabrina I totally get that too with my OH. I ask him have you seen this that or the other and he says no and it turns out it was right next to him! Why are men so unobservant?!
But that your DH puts his mother above you would totally get my goat too. It would be different maybe if she were really ill (mentally or physically) and maybe in hospital/clinic and he wanted to go see her. But I am thinking she is out? On the other hand maybe he feels that since you are not his mother, she has priority in this case? Dunno but my father certainly never celebrated mother's day with my mum. :shrug: He is not an example to follow in anything mind you, so disregard that lol. And I am certainly expecting that this year my OH will get me something in the boys's name. He didn't last year for the English mother's day of course cause the boys weren't born then but even though I dropped heavy hints for the German/Swiss Mother's day (which I think is the same as the US, second Sunday in May?) he totally didn't get it grr!
What you said about your cat hovering close to Finn and the food made me laugh. It reminded me so of our beloved Mina who would try and sneak between us on the sofa when we ate there and put her face into our plates trying to be nonchalant about it lol. Golly I miss her! :( I will keep my fingers crossed for your "kitten" on the 8th. :)
I liked your version of Old McDonald :) Hehe! But I am so glad we haven't bought any ready meals with meat in them for ages. I don't necessarily think that horse meat is bad, I just don't want to eat any. Plus of course those horses weren't vetted as beef would be etc. So yeah hm. As for more ideas for animals, yeah totally go with zoo ones if you run out of farm ones. Or it could always be a farm in Kenya ;)
Hehe for you openly drooling over Daniel Craig! He isn't my type (except his body!!) but I totally drool over Hugh Jackman and have done it in front of OH too. Now he won't watch a film with me if Hugh Jackman is in it lol.
Yay for F being on proper food! I keep telling my OH to put stuff aside for the boys before he puts salt and pepper and wine in the sauce but somehow it never happens :(

Claire you poor thing, still no improvement on the sleep front with Lucy? I don't know how you do it, even if you are a SAHM. I know you have probably tried everything and I am reluctant to advise you but you know what we did and look at us. My boys sttn most of the time and even sleep to an acceptable time in the morning now. Maybe you will have to do some sort of sleep training even if not CIO?
As for the clock ticking, if it weren't for financial reasons and us already having two lovely boys, I woul not hesitate to try again and I am going to be 43 in a lil over 2 weeks :cry:. So I really do think you have a little more time than you think. Remember, I was 41 when I got preggo with the boys and I had a super easy pregnancy, except hip pains and carpal tunnel but that doesn't count as a complication at all. So please don't pressure yourself. :)

Charlie lovely to hear from you! How are you doing? I hope you are getting over your mastitis? How is your little princess?

Kosh my dear, please let us know how things are. You don't have to respond to any of our posts but we would love to hear from you and G. Hope you are doing ok. :) Sending you :hugs:

As for us: we are planning to go to gymboree this afternoon finally. Last week e aborted the plan as Dominic was hysterically crying on the way there. We have since found out that he was teething on three teeth the poor boy. He now has four teeth at the bottom and two at the top. He is still whinier than is usual for him so I think he is bored. He wants to sit on the floor and play with the play-bar on their bouncies, but not when he is in either bouncy! I really have to baby proof the front room somehow so that he can crawl about more hmm.
Most nights we have sttn but last night Dominic woke crying at 4:30 and OH gave him watered down milk and turned him over to his back again. I really think the belly bands have to go now. But I am scared they will wake themselves up loads if they are suddenly free to roll into the cot sides etc. :wacko: But I think I will take the plunge tonight and see how it goes.
I have been trying t go back on the WW diet and bought a meal for yesterday evening. It was however so horrible that I chucked it and made myself a bowl of pasta instead! I don't think I can stick to any diet. So I guess exercise it is. I took the boys out in their buggy yesterday in order to get a good nap out of them. They slept for 1h30 and 1h45!! Which means I pushed that buggy through the park for almost 2 hours! I try to go at quite a fast pace and the buggy does weigh quite a bit. Don't you think that this counts as exercise? I much rather do that every day than go to a smelly gym! :( But I really need to lose weight, I think I may have put on some more :( I am very miserable and wish I could have an overnight fat vacuum all over lol.
Hm I am sure there was something else I wanted to say but I forgot. I better go and entertain my sweeties. Bye for now xxx
all good here, except tried some knitting last night and my hands are horribly painful today -- angel -- did your carpal tunnel go after pregnancy? (Mine stayed, but not as bad as during pregnancy, when it hurt so bad, I did physio, hot hand washes, hot water bottles, etc. -- this is more cramps and tingles, although I did drop a glass as my grip is 'slippery' these days.....oh, well...)

hugs to all and sorry am being lazy (hands hurt, actually....) and not writing - but! I love the pictures and will try to scan stuff (I have to set it up, etc., so rather tiresome....)


ps. the glass broke and my OH's response was 'good, LO wasn't sitting there'...ah, yes - no, are you alright, etc...! I cleaned it up and am now using a plastic cup for my water-- me and LO using plastic cups and cutlery as we can't be trusted with the big boys' stuff (however, it does mean that I can let LO slip from my cup for big boy practice, so there (smug look at OH!)!
I think Angel gets an award for the longest post ever!! lol :haha:
Nice to see you back again!:thumbup:
Quick one from me, we had a fantastic night! In bed by 8, cry and a little milk at 10.30 and then nothing til 6! Then milk and mummy cuddles til 7.... Oh how I love a good night!
Angel--that SO counts as exercise! In fact, that is a lot of exercise! Just ask Borboleta. She knows these things.

Being across the pond, in such a different time zone, I have no idea if you've made it to Gymboree yet. I have never seen J learn so much, physically. Do the twins have grippy socks? I used to let him run around in his Robeez, but then realized that he had way more traction with the socks, even when just crawling. So I had to take his beautiful Robeez off. :cry: As you can see, I'm a bit of a "form over function" type of person when it comes to J.

I'm really looking forward to the book. At first it said it would arrive basically a month from now, but I got a email saying it's been sent already, so I'm quite excited. :happydance: Eric is not. He's the one who is up with J first, when J goes through his daily "I want you to read this and this and this and this and this" period.

I have done nothing about my weight, other than to decide that I don't really care anymore. My hip doesn't let me exercise, I can't be bothered to eat well (sugar, sugar, sugar!!!) and since I've found that I can order extra extra large shirts and sweaters online from my favourite stores for my "lecturing outfits," I'm okay about the weight for now. It was the trying to find stuff in stores and the embarrassment of trying them on that was the nightmare. At least my hair is nice now...

Hmmnnn...I order everything online now. Am I becoming a recluse?

SK--I'm completely with Angel on this one. My OH is completely frustrating when it comes to finding things, but in a different way. He's the tidier in the house, and he often tidies my stuff away. And when I ask him (and I now ask him very politely, without being accusatory because of a few spats we've had about it) if he's seen such and such, he says "no" immediately. No thought put into it, no pause to consider if he's seen it around the house, even if he didn't move it. Drives me mad.

Re: "beef"--well, for once I'm glad I live in Alberta, ranching country, where we have the best beef in the country, and we pride ourselves on it. Even McDonald's tastes better here. My mother, who is a fantastic cook, nearly died over the beef here.

Re: knitting--I am so sorry that you are in pain. Do you still do physio for it? As well, have you tried different needles? I have a set of plastic interchangeables (by Denise) and they are really pliable. But needles made of bamboo are the needles of choice for those with arthritis and other hand problems. And what are you knitting?

Storm--I'm glad you got through the mammogram. You've also reminded me that I need to get a physical. Luckily my doctor is female, so I don't feel weird about that. But I've had so many male doctors looking at all my private parts by now that I don't think I'd mind too much. The worst, though--and this is very TMI if anyone wants to stop reading now--was when I developed a yeast infection after taking anti-biotics for a UTI while pregnant (Rowan!), and a female doctor asked me to spread my labia myself so I could show her AND her MALE intern what was going on down there. Frankly, it made me feel really dirty.

I've got to say, I increasingly love your relationship with your Dad, and his relationship with Lydia. He sounds like a wonderful man, and a totally dedicated grandfather. Is he so attached to you and Lydia because of your mother's passing, or was he always this way?

Oh, and after looking at your OH at 19 again, I suddenly remembered the way he looks currently. Could he be any more different? And yes, Lydia certainly looks like him!

Rowan--how's it going? After the anti-biotics for the UTI, I had to take THREE full rounds of yeast infection medication because IT JUST WOULDN'T GO AWAY. And because the 7 day type is the best to take when pregnant, that was three full weeks of ickiness. So I feel your pain! Is the UTI at least gone?

Borboleta--I think those pics of T are wonderful! You chose well! I showed them to OH, and he thinks T is the cutest kid! My favourite one is when he's in the car seat and has his mouth wide open. And he looks like a little imp in all of them!

Ah, the sleep training. You poor thing. There's a point with J's naps when we know it's not going to work, so we go get him. It's usually around the 20 min mark. Usually he'll go back up again within the hour and go down without a problem; there was a reason we put him there in the first place--he was showing cues!!!

We've now given up on J and the ball kicking. It was getting embarrassing to watch. I think he's more of a "hands-y" boy.

Jules--how are you feeling today? You're having a boy, right? Do you have any names yet (or THE name)? My husband drove me nuts because he refused to entertain any boys names at all, and poo-pooed the ones I suggested because he was 100% certain that I was having a girl. And I was 100% certain it was a boy (his family is all boys on his mother's side, including his brothers, his nephews, his cousins and his cousins' kids). And during my NT scan at 12 weeks, I saw him and out popped: "Oh! There he is!"

Charlie--great to hear from you! Everything okay?

Question for all--now that we've started solids, how are their poohs? What is the consistency? J's are pretty solid. I'm worried that they're too solid. He's squatting a lot these days, and producing three to four solid poohs per day. I think he's getting too much iron, so I'm going to reduce his formula. I tried it half 2% and half formula, and he drank it dry. He also woke up hungry around an hour later. I'm actually afraid to try this on my own, because I'm afraid I'm going to malnourish him. I'm a horrible eater and don't cook, and my husband cooks, but it's for himself and it is disgusting. We are not equipped to feed a child!

Okay, rant over. :kiss:
Storm I am so jealous of your night! what I would give to have one of those!!!! my night last night was not good,despite going to bed at 9.30pm:wacko: Lucy decided at 2.30am to not settle until 4 and by which point I was wide awake and couldn't get back to sleep until about 5am:nope::nope: she then woke at,so tired:sleep:

on a differet note, I recieved copies of my maternity notes today from when I was induced to when I was discharged from hosp (I requested and paid for them) I have been so curious to read them and see exactly what went on from the midwife's point of view. I will read them tonight when Lucy is in bed.:thumbup:
Afternoon all - we had a decent night last night too she was only awake 3 times before coming in to me at 5.30 where she pretty much went back to sleep - I had to sneak out at 7 and DH sneaked in and when I left at 8 the wee madam was still asleep! WHY??? Its a dead cert she will be up at the crack of dawn on Saturday.

Oh Clairey I'd love to see my notes but I don't think I can, I had shared care with L so I had my notes all the time up until the very end when I took them to the hospital but nothing after that. You can update us later!

Angel your update was huge, it looked massive on my tiny phone. I think we are going to look at bathrooms this weekend (well I want to, havent told DH yet) - but the whole bathroom needs ripped out and redone so we need to pay someone to do that and I'm lazy so I'm all for the one stop shop :) I might regret that when I get the bill... We are certainly feeling the pinch of pay out of childcare these days :(

Clio - baby poo - L goes at least twice a day, sometimes 3 and she is in terrible discomfort if its too hard. I find that bananas constipate her so I try and limit her intake of those and she only gets them before lunch. As for the cooking, there are loads of really easy things you can make. L loves spaghetti bolognese and I make a big batch and we all have it one night (like last night) and then tonight I will add kidney beans and some chilli to ours and have it with rice.. L is really in to feeding herself, she isnt keen on potatoes (neither am I) but she loves pasta, rice and noodles. I also do a dish which is basically lots of vegetables, potatos, pork and bacon lardons on the top with paprika and marjoram which she loves as she can eat all the bits with her hands. If you want I'm sure we can pull together some easy recipes for you? That last one is basically pile everything up in a dish wrapped well in tinfoil and put in the oven for an hour and 45 mins - nothing to it! No stirring, checking anything - shove in the oven and take out when its ready :) I don't have time for fancy pants meals these days... Oh or lentil soup - L loves lentil soup and its just onions, carrots, lentils and your meat of choice.. if she wants to feed herself I just put cut up bread in it to make it nice and thick..

Ok all this talk of food is making me hungry - best go get some lunch....
Storm--thanks for your answer. J is never in pain, he just squats a lot, and usually there's a poo after a bit of squatting. The bananas might just be the problem--he loves them and gets a bit upset if he sees a "nanana" and can't have one. Sometimes he even has two a day. I'll ask Dr. Google about that. I just put J down for a nap with two ounces of 2% milk and one ounce of formula, but he didn't drink much of it. I guess if we just keep offering...

As well, :wohoo: for your night!

ETA: well, apparently everything causes constipation in babies. But, bananas is on that list, especially if they have no black spots on them, so I might have been giving him underripe ones lately. So, that 's the first thing I'll rule out.

Oh, and after you began to write what you make for L, I remembered all the stuff we have frozen for him--spaghetti sauce and chilli, too, and some crock pot stuff. So dinner is always covered and I should stop worrying about that. I guess I'm more concerned about lunch and snacks. We actually don't give him snacks other than...bananas! Oh dear. Okay...

Another question for everyone--what do you give your little ones for lunches and snacks? Eric takes care of the lunches, and they consist of cubes of cheese, brussels sprouts and a piece of bread. Every single day. He used to make omelettes every day, until I complained and suggested that J needs more variety, so this is what his version of "variety" is. So, lunches and snacks, please!

So I'm feeling a bit lonely today. OH has a presentation to give tomorrow that he thought he had another week to do, and when he has to get something done and has no time, he won't let me talk about anything. I don't mean that I have to be silent, but all of our conversations aren't necessarily intense, but they're lengthy. So I read something, or remember something, and start to talk to him about it, and then stop, because I know he's too busy to talk. I'm not happy about the situation, but I can't exactly talk to him about it, either! He's also nervous, which I understand, but I'm beginning to feel like a 1950s housewife whose husband had "important things to do and must be left alone." Actually, no, wait. I'm starting to feel like OH is turning into my father, who was always working on his research or writing and you could never, ever disturb him or he would get very angry. Eric doesn't get angry, he just gets annoyed and grumpy.

Plus, he monopolizes the kitchen. He works at the kitchen counter after J goes to bed at 7, and if you go in there, there's always a feeling of oppression because it's really obvious that he wants you gone. We have an entire finished basement that contains an office, plus he's got the entire master bedroom to himself, and could easily get a desk in there. Ach, I'm just so sick of hearing him irritably saying "I'm sorry, but I have to get this done!" And if it isn't his presentation, it's proofing his book, or working on its index, or marking, or, or... If this keeps up, I would love to fly out to Toronto with J to see my family and new niece. I did that last summer when he was intolerable as well. Smartened him right up because he missed us so much. Sometimes, words are not enough with him. But now that I'm teaching, I can't get away.

Oh well, let's see what happens after the presentation tomorrow.
borboleta - gorgeous pictures!

angel - thanks for your thoughts! i'm off to pick G from nursery now, will try a brief update in the evening

do you know ladies if one can upload a video here?
Borboleta - poor Thiago! I can't believe he got himself so wound up during his nap! Hope you've had a better night of sleep last night… He looks so adorable in the photos you posted! I love the one that you had as your photo for a while - he looks angelic.

Storm - hope that the transition back to work goes well. Was it strange going back? Did they keep the exact same job for you or did you have to be a little flexible? Sounds like sleeping problems are the norm especially if she has bad reflux and wind. Hope it settles down for you soon. Will your dad be staying in the house too once you have refurbished it or is he moving elsewhere? A dad who's an architect would certainly come in useful for us!

Sabrina - thanks for the welcome. Great to hear that you got pregnant before starting IVF! I really hoped that would be the case for us too but no dice. My womb limped over the finish line.

Clio - Ginger the talking Kitten? Ah I have all of this to come…! DH has just bought a new iPad so is going to keep the old one that's on its last legs for LO to play with. So sorry about your previous losses. It must have been very hard. Fantastic though that the IUIs worked for you. I couldn't stand clomid (made me feel like a nut) but the lower dose gonal F for the IUIs was great - no symptoms in comparison. Really lovely that you adore J too much to try for another. I'm actually a bit nervous that I won't love my little boy for a while when he arrives and that it will take time to develop… I'm sure it will but I really want to feel immediately connected to him, which may be unrealistic.

My folks offered me the egg freezing as I had just come out of a relationship plus I had just moved firms so I think they could see that there would be at least another few years from there before I would be in a position to TTC. If I'd have known then that I was running out of time then I would certainly have taken them up on it.

Yep, we are having a little boy (potty shots gave that one away pretty early so will be incredible if wrong. For some reason the chap who does our scans takes great delight in showing the baby's penis to my DH). We had lots of lovely girls names but struggling with the boys. Think it will be one of the following: Alexander, Sebastian, Daniel, Oliver, Marcus or Theo. I really wanted to have picked one out by now but I suspect we may wait to see him on the day. Very unlike me not to have everything planned to the nth degree. :)

I feel for you and your DH working at home. Mine works long hours too (although at least when at home he does them in the study) and I often get the same kind of frosty reaction if I go into the room. One time he complained in a fight that I went in so much (which I was really cross with as I really don't go in that much) so I stopped completely and then after that he was all mopey that I didn't come in to see him! Ridiculous! At leat be consistent with your message! If you have a study in the basement can't you just say to him that you want to do [whatever] in the kitchen next time he goes to set up to work in there?

Angel - thanks for the welcome too! Congrats on your boys and great that you got there on IUI 3. Gonal F was the way forward for me - I couldn't stand clomid (made me feel like a nut) but the lower dose gonal F was great - no symptoms in comparison. Frustrating about the self funding part. Fertility treatment is such a lottery as it is anyway (some LHAs offer three rounds of IVF, those in London mostly one etc) so even more annoying to have it restricted by age. My DH also has antisperm antibodies but is still in denial about the role of this. Men! Disappointing that your midwife was a cow - it really annoys me to hear that as it's such a delicate time for a woman going through birth. The last thing we need is someone being a bitch. DH is indeed planning on taking some time off (two weeks) but he's not the most helpful (!) so my wonderful mum is coming down for 6 weeks to help and will stay for at least 3. If I'm doing ok before then then I've said she's allowed to go home lol! She's a baby nut so even if I'm ok a week after I know she'll want to stay anyway. We're about a 5 min drive from Dulwich and the Picture Gallery. It's much quieter down there than where we are but even that said there are so many planes that go over this way it's terrible. I had no idea the Heathrow flight plan would come directly over the house. Fulham is great but you're right about the plot - if you want more space you'd have to build upwards!

Re the exercise - two hours of brisk walking/pushing a buggy definitely counts as exercise! It's the best kind as low impact. I agree about the WW meals (revolting) but I think the programme is brilliant. Fully intend to go on that as soon as I'm close to finishing with feeding to move my, ahem, already 30lb weight gain… So depressing.

As for me, made it back to London yesterday with a car loaded up like a lorry - couldn't see out the back at all! Lots of assembling to do this weekend but I'm pretty much all sorted now. Been to see my consultant this morning and he pressed my hands onto my belly to show me the baby's various body parts. Sounds weird but actually feeling him with my hands made it feel so much more real! Hope all you ladies are having a great day and looking forward to the weekend. Even though I'm on mat leave I'm still looking forward to it!

bad night....LO didn't have a later afternoon nap, so fell almost immediately asleep after his bath at 9pm, so he woke up from 12.45 to 2.30am and I am exhausted. I offered a bottle, which was received happily, no teething pain, so all he wanted to do was play. I finally rocked him back to sleep (in his basket, next to the bed) as I couldn't function or think of anything else. LO did go back to sleep eventually, but I am exhausted. My new sleeping tablets don't really work and also leave a bad taste in my mouth, so took one of the 'old' ones which are a lower dose, but help me relax rather than 'sleep', so will talk to my GP about staying on them. I made sure that LO had a short nap this afternoon, so even though it is my OH's night, am hopeful that LO will return to more proper sttn....

He also wakes up from that nap almost screaming (teething, me thinks) and after calpol, I try hugs, songs (old mcdonald now has a farm, a zoo (thanks, clio) and the beginning of a museum (and on that farm, there was a greek vase....), but have found cooked carrots (!) the best distraction! He eats them like a big boy, scatters them everywhere and returns to my sweet little boy! We also will have pork chops (cooked with an apple) and cut into finger-sized bits, so not very exciting, but at least, it's big peoples' food.

my knitting - I made a purple scarf to go with purple suede gloves (with a black coat) and decided to make one in black -- I lost the scarf pattern and looked everywhere, but couldn't find it, but did find the hat instructions (it's an eyelet pattern) so am trying to do that (slowly).

sorry, no real personals....must go and play with LO, who has just decided that the cooked carrot discs are not as much fun as he thought (so time for the pork and apple)!


ps. nope, no pork, but did take a baby rice cake...OH is working late tonight and I am trying to stay awake....growl
Sorry my post was so long! I only realised how huge it was after I posted it. :blush: In my defence I wanted to catch up and not leave anything or anyone out. :blush:
I hope this one will be better but there is so much I want to answer/ comment upon :blush:

Sabrina I still have Carpal tunnel too but I suspect mine actually starts at the elbow and the funny bone if that is possible. Sometimes I wake at night and my arm has gone to sleep and I know it is cause there is ever such slight pressure on my elbow. It is really weird but it was like that in pregnancy too. And when the boys were born I had such bad water retention that even holding them, made my arms burn and ache! It was unbearable! Today my hands went to sleep when I was pushing the buggy and they tend to do this also when I am holding the feeding spoon or my brush when I paint. It really is soo annoying! I think I am taking after my mum in this cause she had numerous operations on her hands for this and triggerfinger. :( But by the sounds of it you have it worse cause typing doesn't hurt me (thank golly or my last post would have had me reaching for the Ponstan :haha:) and I don't drop things.

Clio I think it must count as exercise too cause today I calculated that all together the buggy with the boys in it, my bag strapped to it and the buggy weights (which keep it from toppling backwards if I hang shopping on the handle) I am pushing close to 40kg. Besides my bottom muscles were a bit tired when I went out again with the boys today :haha:
Gymboree was good I think. When the class started we noticed that Dominic had wet himself and OH went to the changing room and had to change him completely which took about 15 minutes... I only had an undie and a romper as a change with me and the romper was a 6-9 month. I was so embarrassed! All the other children were dressed properly and my poor Dom was in a white romper! Apparently they recommend to have the babies bare footed so next time I won't just throw trousers and a cardi over their rompers but actually dress them like proper boys. Also, my boys were the oldest by far and so many of the other ones were cruising and standing up :cry:. I know I shouldn't feel competitive but I am sure there were at least one or two mums who must have felt smug (especially in view of our boys being easily the cutest, at least according to OH :haha: So not biased here lol.) But while Sebastian predictably cried a bit at first, he perked up when Oh came back with Dom and Dominic of course loved every minute :D We are going again next Wednesday.
As for solids and poos (I cannot call them Poohs cause that is like Pooh Bear and I call my boys my Baby Poohs :haha:), they have somewhat less liquid ones and Dominic's poonamies have been far fewer but it's only since we have introduced Follow On Milk from Aptamil that they both now do proper solid ones. And I think Sebastian at least is sometimes struggling to get them out. He tends to strain quite a bit and to do swimming motions with his legs while gripping whatever he is wearing and pulling on it at belly height. But both boys still go at least twice a day.
Are you giving J the toddler milk then or the first Follow on that is from 6 month or weaning? I am so confused about this and the whole cows milk thing. I was actually planning on giving the toddler milk, thinking it might have more vitamins etc? But not if it constipates!
My boys don't get snacks as such but we do sometimes give some of those puffy things and rice cakes after a meal. Only one or two at a time cause Dominic is very round! Lunch usually still is half a pouch of Stage 3 food each and then a pureed fruit pot each after, usually something with apple or pear (in the hope that this will help them not get too constipated).

Oh poor Claire with another awful night! I can't complain at all about how the boys sleep any more but last night Dominic woke at 4:30 and was chatting to himself till 4:50 or so and though I watched him over the monitor and knew when he had fallen asleep, I dind't really manage to fall asleep till at least 6. Weird how I too still get that adrenalin rush that saw me through those bad months. I really hope tonight will be better for you!
And do let us know if there is anything interesting in the maternity notes. I had no idea we could ask for them! xxx

Storm yay for decent nights! Hope you have another good one tonight :)
The food you describe sounds lovely! Sadly I am like clio and don't cook. And OH though a great cook always adds too much salt and/or wine etc to the meals so that they aren't suitable for the boys. I think maybe I shall have to try and cook something simple for them from the Annabel Karmel cookbooks we have.

Jules yay for your mum coming to help you out! But still, hopefully your DH will rise to the occasion and become super dad, like my OH did :) I like the names you are thinking about, especially of course Sebastian ;)
As for the flightpath, yeah we are in that too. Heathrow is only 20 mins from us after all. But to be honest I don't really notice the planes any more. So it doesn't bother me too much luckily.
Btw what kind of work do you do? Sorry if you have said already, I might easily have missed it.
As for assembling, please don't try to do too much yourself! But I would love to see a pic when your nursery is done and ready :)

Ok whom did I forget? Hm. Well I am sure I did forget someone! But food is almost ready so just quickly:
My boys are 11 month old today! Cannot believe it! One more month and they are toddlers! Yay but also :cry: This last year went soo quickly. I am so amazingly happy and so lucky and so in love! Sigh. :cloud9:
Ok that is all I wanted to say, I think lol

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