any other over 35 first time mums? Problem solved :haha: x

haha! yes,thank god for Ocado.I used them alot when I had my leg in a cast for a few months and when Lucy was newborn. She now enjoys going around Waitrose in the trolley,so I take her for an "outing" lol
Good morning ladies,

Will try to do some personals but I am sure I will forget a lot of what was written :haha:.

Clio: J sounds soo smart!! I am totally impressed by his vocabulary!! Thiago till this day doesn't even say momma or daddy :dohh:!

Claire: L is an early walker like little T and Rowan's little M1. Is she a climber?

Jules: you look beautiful on your wedding dress!! I can just imagine what a gorgeous day you had! You were the belle of the ball :haha:! And I bet 35 pounds is not much on you since you are so tall. Is it all in the belly? I gained 23 pounds total and it was all in the belly. I always wanted to have more hips but the pregnancy didn't make a different :dohh:! And talking about gorgeous day ... Here in Houston will be a max of 70 degrees:). Lovely too!!

Angel: your OH sounds like a lovely cook!!! When I come visit I will stop by your house for a meal :haha:! Can we see a picture of the boys crawling :happydance:?

Leeze: glad to hear from you!! Are you still cooking those delicious food for her?:winkwink: by the way I will make a pit stop by your house too :haha:!

Sabrina: did I say I love you picture on fb? How is your cat? And I would love to see a video of Finn bum shuffling :haha:!! Must be the cutest thing ever!!

Storm: yes we want to see bathroom pictures:)!! When are you moving?

Rowan: M1 is another smart cookie!!! My goodness I told my oh about her bringing books to you to express what she wants and he was very impressed like me!!! Pretty amazing little girl you have there! Glad to hear you are totally feeling like yourself again :happydance:!
Oh, and when I had my emcs I had lots of people in the room too. I couldn't count because I had a nurse with her hand in my lady part and being strapped in bed and poked with needles so they could put me down to perform csection but I remember just thinking "who are all these people?" zzzzzzzzzz :haha:.

Charlie: I agree with angel, you and Sophie are little busy bees! Sooo great! If we just stay home with them we all get so bored! How is she sleeping these days?

Little t is doing great. He is sleeping better since he turned 1 :haha:! Oh, and he went from 8 teeth to 12 teeth :dohh:!! Yes, I kid you not!!! Whenever this boy starts teething I can never expect one tooth :winkwink:. He had some crabby days but seems to be doing fine now. Today we have his 12 months doctors appointment so we will talk to her about changing to cow's milk and everything.
And one thing that he does that is soooo cute, is whenever I come home from teaching a class and say hello from the door he stops everything he is doing and comes running to the door all excited and gives me this big hug :kiss:!!! My heart just melts!!!! And he just does this for me :haha:!!!
Oh, and I prefer male gynos instead of females :haha:! Always had bad experiences with females :shrug:.
Hey ladies - quick one before doing januarys accounts...thats right ladies januray – woop woop! I am nearly up to date – just need to go through the carrier bags off receipts which are still in dhs van then I am done! Will be much more manageable to do a month at a time - yey!

My folks have had M since this am and Ive made a load of meat balls and chicken burgers (ala annabel Karamel) and done loads of washing and stuff so I am cracking through the tasks woop woop!

Clio - re naps I have a 1 tog daytime sleeping bag (her night time one is 2.5 tog) and I take her socks off and just leave her clothes on and she seems content - M loves her clothes – shes noticing sparkles and zips and buttons and things like flowers on her jeans now so I figure its all learning - J will probs like to pick stuff out too like M does

Where did I live in southfields? I cannot was a main road...will go on streetmap lol ...Merton Road thats where it was and in parsons green I lived near the durrel pub

lol Claire it certainly made for a packed theatre! To cut a long story short I was induced...M went into distress in early labour...the drs were talking about an emergency section and wanted her monitored constantly and regular reports to labour ward (I was on antenatal ward), then the delivery suite closed due to short staffing and nothing happened for 18 hours, the midwives would not monitor M as they said there was nothing they could do with delivery suite closed. A Very scary 18 hours, frustrating and painful too, me pacing alone through the night. When dh arrived back in hospital the next morning we started ringing other hospitals to see if we could transfer, they suddenly paid attention and a room was found in delivery...the midwife checked M - papped herself, the consultant came in and went Apocalyptic and M was delivered 9 mins later to great drama. So yes, we are certainly hoping for a calmer experience lol!

When M was out and they were checking her over etc they kept saying wow she’s alert, and then when I got to see her over where they were doing whatever they were doing I could see her looking all around her and trying to raise her head and I thought, that little lady is fine she looks as sharp as my grandma (who was a very sharp lady indeed – v like granny weatherwax if anyone is familiar with terry pratchett)

Borboleta - wow what a party!! Looks fabulous!

Re cows milk – M is on 3oz formula mixed with 5oz cows milk and all ok up to now...hoping to get her on only cows milk before M2 arrives!

Oo pa just text to say theyre bringing M back – ahh lovely! Accounts can wait then lol

have a good day/night everyone x
And I bet 35 pounds is not much on you since you are so tall. Is it all in the belly? I gained 23 pounds total and it was all in the belly. I always wanted to have more hips but the pregnancy didn't make a different :dohh:! And talking about gorgeous day ... Here in Houston will be a max of 70 degrees:). Lovely too!!

Actually I weighed myself at home this morning (rather than using my consultant's weigh-ins which are post-breakfast, fluid intake and fully clothed) and it's 29lbs from conception, which is slightly better. I'd like to say it's all belly but my bump is pretty small relative to other bumps I've looked at (but again I think it helps being a bit taller as there's more physical space for it to go across). I think my butt can tell you where it has gone :haha: Lets hope the gain is slower for a while now. Over the last week I've lost my appetite a bit which given the volume I've eaten is great!

Fantastic to have 70 degrees! Today was probably our summer in London now :winkwink: x

Borboleta--Holy!!! That is the most elaborate, amazing birthday party I've seen! Who made that amazing "face" cake (not the one he's eating)?

But I have to say, I laughed all the way through your pics. And then went through them again, and laughed again. And then looked at your FB ones, and laughed, yet again. T isn't smiling in any of them!!! He has this impatient look on his face that kills me! You've already told us about how he doesn't smile much in pictures, and this sequence was really funny. :rofl: Thing is, there is NO WAY he wasn't having a good time. But he also looks so handsome and mature. I can't believe he is one now!

Okay, now I have to GRUMBLE!!! :growlmad: My husband drives me mad. We're in the middle of a 2-day-long spat right now. I have been in charge of J's dinners since the very beginning. I've made elaborate batches of crockpot dinners which have been frozen and plentiful until lately. So, now it's time to make some more. I had three recipes planned: Chicken Korma, Chicken Apple Curry, and Butternut Squash Soup. I wrote out a detailed shopping list for myself on Saturday, so I could make sure I had the ingredients for all the recipes. My husband and I carefully tallied the amount of chicken I needed and he needed for his own food to get this all done, and bought appropriately. On Saturday afternoon, I had everything set; the next day, I would start cooking at least one meal. Chicken Korma, I decided. I would start in the morning, of course, because it's a crock pot meal, and I like to cook it on low for longer because it makes it taste better.

Then the next day I go to find the onions Eric swore we had. And we certainly did have them, but I found them in a dark cupboard in a closed plastic bag and they were completely moudly. I asked Eric WTF, and he said that he was just doing what I told him to do--store onions in a dark, cool spot. "IN A BREATHABLE CONTAINER!!!" I told him. I had told him to hold off with storing the onions until I could find some suitable paper bags for them, and otherwise to just put them on the counter. So, now I couldn't work on my "Korma Project," as I had come to view it, until Eric got back from the store, hours later, with my onions. He said something vaguely about he himself making the dish tomorrow, but I didn't really pay much attention; he didn't even know what I was making. Hell, he didn't even know what Chicken Korma was. All we both knew was that by this point, it was too late to start a crock pot meal, and I certainly wouldn't be able to get around to it until Tuesday, when I didn't have to teach again. But, this was no problem; we still had food for J's dinners.

Then I come home from the university yesterday, and the house smells like curry. Eric, it seemed, had decided to make the dish anyway. Except, he didn't know it was Korma I was making, so he looked for a recipe for which we had almost all the ingredients, and chose to make Chicken Tandoori. With spices missing (remember--almost all?), and 6 pieces of chicken breast :shock: (I'd halved the recipe), no salt (he doesn't get the "salt in moderation" thing for J), in the wrong crock pot and on high so he could do it fast. And I got mad. This was MY project. I had planned it so carefully, and was looking forward to making it so much. Plus, he had now used so much chicken for this dish AND his own stuff that we didn't have enough left to make the other dish: the Chicken Apple Curry. Not that big of a deal, but it meant that I couldn't now just reach into the fridge and get the foodstuffs that I needed because we had to shop AGAIN.

But now I was in this bind; he had just cooked, and how can you criticize him for that? And who cares if he took some short-cuts, it's just a dish! Anyway, this is what he said to me when I chose to blow up anyway. I explained about the project, the meticulousness of my planning, the portion size (I now had to fill 12 containers of tupperware just to freeze this behemoth of a meal into J-sized portions). He poo-pooed everything and said I was being ridiculous--the boy has food now, right?

After he left for work, I called my mother, who was completely on my side. We know this has to do with territory; my husband is the worst cook EVER, but when we first met, I hated to cook, so I taught HIM how (I do actually know how to cook, just hate it), and abdicated the kitchen to him. He never improved his cooking, but I didn't really care. But now that J's here, and I need the kitchen back, he won't give it up. And I can't believe we're fighting about something so stupid!

Ah, babies. What they do to strengthen your marriage. (<---hahahahahahahahaha!!!)

Okay, so considering the dearth of paper bags in this city, how do you (ahem, Leeze in particular), store your onions so they don't go bad so quickly? I've heard wicker baskets, too, but I can just imagine that they would get ruined, and are expensive. Paper bag, usually free. Wicker basket, not so free.

Oh my, what a LONG tirade. Sorry guys. Okay, so here is day one of J in his "big boy clothes":

First thing to go, socks, of course.

And then, we find the easy access to the bellybutton. Total bonus to wearing big boy clothes.
Clio - I totally feel for you. That is exactly the kind of thing James does. No common sense to check the packet, no foresight to ask what needs to be cooked when (or make note of it etc etc). BUT as you say, difficult to criticise when he has at least tried to cook!

I have asked James to cook most nights this week and literally had to talk through the process of picking out recipes (he did however manage to order it all online - or most of it....) and when the food arrived, to go through and look at the sell by dates on the meats/fish and then write a little post-it inside the cupboard so he knew which recipe he'd cook and on which night without having a load of food go off. "Oh! that's a good idea!" he said. Er yes, it's called common sense! Let's just hope he's a better lawyer :haha: As for the onions - we keep ours in a compartment in the fridge.

J looks very cute in the photos. Love the navel-gazing!

Rowan--I just re-read what you wrote about letting him pick out his own stuff. Sounds like a great idea! Sadly, nothing is sparkly, him being a boy and all. Now I wish I had sparkly stuff... I could bedazzle a few of his items, I guess...
clio - we keep onions in the fridge normally

Borboleta - T:s party looked amazing. well done

sorry again for short post
no time XX
Clio my onions are also in the fridge and they keep just fine in there.

Jules I'm sure you are not as big as you think you are. I cannot now remember my final weight gain during pregnancy,all I care about is keeping the weight off! Do you ahve any preggie pics? I really miss my baby bump and I quite often find myself looking at my 40+12 baby bump(the last picture I took of myself)

Rowan wow,that's a birth story and a half!! glad it all worked out fine and she is a very healthy girl! I was induced,but it was nothing compared to your ordeal!

Does anyone have any ideas why my 2 tickers have started showing different numbers of days?
Clio my onions are also in the fridge and they keep just fine in there.

Jules I'm sure you are not as big as you think you are. I cannot now remember my final weight gain during pregnancy,all I care about is keeping the weight off! Do you ahve any preggie pics? I really miss my baby bump and I quite often find myself looking at my 40+12 baby bump(the last picture I took of myself)

Rowan wow,that's a birth story and a half!! glad it all worked out fine and she is a very healthy girl! I was induced,but it was nothing compared to your ordeal!

The only one I have is c two weeks ago (and it's hideous as taken under a spotlight - mistake - before I went out for my birthday). Even the old "hand on the hip trick" isn't helping. Going to take another one this Thursday at 32 weeks so will post that then x


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Borboleta - what a party! I insist you come over and arrange Ls 2nd birthday :)

Clio we too keep the onions in the fridge, they last for weeks.. Actually dh and I were discussing our food bill tonight, its ridiculous! We are spending a fortune on food and unless we start eating junk for dinner I don't see how we can reduce it...

Dh is sitting with his mum tonight as his dad and brother have gone out. His brother is in the middle of a very messy seperation so is over for 3 weeks. Thing is I see the ex wife's point of view more than the brothers so I'm not too popular. Anyway as a result Lyds and I got ditched at 6.15.. bah humbug.

Not much else to report, we haven't set a date for the big move but after the bathroom is done sometime!

I'm watching 16 kids and counting.... Wow

Oh and Jules I think I put on nearly 4 stone! How awful is that :) Go me..

Oh and randomly I had a hissy fit at dh over dinner tonight, he wanted leftover Christmas ham so I said fine but you need to do potatoes and veg, he text me at work and I said do corn on the cob. So I'm trying to diet, had a busy day, came home starving to find he had heated the ham (its awful hot its meant to be cold and this is the second time he's ruined it) did mixed veg instead of corn and mashed the potato with loads of butter! My word he wasn't pleased when I refused to eat the potato, he knows I'm trying to shift weight and I'm not going to eat all the butter, I don't even like potatoes.. I know he tried but why can he not listen? Why....
Jules you are TINY... Where are you hiding the weight?
It's all on my backside. Wait to see my pic on Thursday and all will be revealed (as it were).

Our grocery bills are nuts too but I blame hubby for that one. He really likes his food! x
Oh and Rowan I love Terry Pratchett and Granny Weatherwax rocks....

I must post a pic of my bump the day before her ladyship popped out, just need to find time to log onto the laptop....
Borboleta, what a great party and love the cake. I can't believe how much older all of your lo's look compared to S, they grown so much in the first year! Both T and J look like handsome little boys. I am so jealous that you did not put any weight on your hips! All mine went on my arse, thighs and hips! The belly went pretty fast, but my thighs are a bit of a feast at the mo! I'm one of those that do not miss my bump! I was told I would, but I was so uncomfortable in the end I was very glad to not have it!

Clio, my OH is the same, pretty clueless in the kitchen, but he tries. But like you once S is on solids, the kitchen will be mine! I can cook but don't love cooking either. That might change when cooking for S though, I cannot wait for her to start solids! Did any if you try baby led weaning or did you do traditional weaning?

Rowan, I cannot believe that the midwives would not monitor M as they couldn't do anything anyway that is shocking! Did you make a complaint after? S went into distress too, i wasn't induced either but didn't progress so was put on drop to speed things up, ended up with emcs as they were worries about S and she came out eyes wide open looking all around about as alert as a newborn can be! What was all that fuss about!

Hasn't the London weather been fab, so nice to be out without all my woollies and I could put the cover of S buggy down so she got to have a good look around which she got very excited about! She's become a curious little thing, so much so that feeding her is becoming a challenge as everything else is so much more interesting than my boob! I have tried draping a cover over her and that becomes another distraction which she can kick and punch! I fear we may end up hitting that 4 month sleep regression as night time is pretty boring so booby time, oh well I suppose she will grow out if it. She has just discovered more sounds, her one today is 'th' which is very cute as she pokes her little tongue out, goes thhhhhhhhh which causes lots of bubbles in her mouth but she doesn't care, she just keeps doing it over and over! It does make her sound like she has a lisp as well as add to the teething dribble!

Anyway hope you are all having a nice evening, off to bed as pooped!
Jules you are tiny! Your bum doesn't look like it has much weight at all!

Storm, men!!!

Sorry for all typos, autocorrect on ipad that I am still getting use to, but loving, especially that the mini has a great useable kindle app :)

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