any other over 35 first time mums?

Jules you are tiny! Your bum doesn't look like it has much weight at all!

Storm, men!!!
Jules you look amazing and wearing heels - go girl! I couldn't wear heels in pregnancy due to having had sugery on my left achilles tendon - being pregnant was just a step too far for my pun intended!
You seriously look nice and neat
This was taken at approx the same number of weeks you are and for a rare time I had heels on!049.jpg

And for your amusement here is my final bump shot the night before I was induced!076.jpg

Are shopping bills are hideous too! I spent £115 the other day and still didn't get everything I wanted?! At least my onions don't go off in the fridge! otherwise that would just be too much! lol
Charlie I did a bit of BLW and traditional weaning - it seemed to work fine and she never had a problem holding things to eat herself. Now she wants to feed herself with a spoon it is very messy indeed!
The weather has been glorious!! and so nice to walk around withthe warmth of the sun!:thumbup:
Jules you look amazing and wearing heels - go girl! I couldn't wear heels in pregnancy due to having had sugery on my left achilles tendon - being pregnant was just a step too far for my pun intended!
You seriously look nice and neat
This was taken at approx the same number of weeks you are and for a rare time I had heels on!View attachment 577377

And for your amusement here is my final bump shot the night before I was induced!View attachment 577381

Are shopping bills are hideous too! I spent £115 the other day and still didn't get everything I wanted?! At least my onions don't go off in the fridge! otherwise that would just be too much! lol
Oo your bum is gorgeous and flat for the day before induction!!! My photo is carefully angled to hide mine! Will try to do a more accurate one for Thursday. My bump has really been quite small and in fact it has only been this week where its properly sticking out and I finally can't hide it in skinny jeans and a loose long jumper. Bump Betrayal! Heels are so much easier when they're a shoe boot and securely attached to my foot :) x
There was def a good bit of padding on my bum! I think it's just offset by the big lump out front :winkwink:
Clio, my OH is the same, pretty clueless in the kitchen, but he tries. But like you once S is on solids, the kitchen will be mine! I can cook but don't love cooking either. That might change when cooking for S though, I cannot wait for her to start solids! Did any if you try baby led weaning or did you do traditional weaning?

Jonah absolutely refused to take the purees from us using a spoon, so we were forced to do BLW. It was awesome, though. Not for the faint of heart, though; you need to be able to take that leap of faith that they won't choke and keep calm when they gag. Pays off, though. J eats like a trucker, and you can feed him anything, as long as the salt content is low. I do the slow cooking so he can get meat down easily; he's over one year old and still has no molars, so he needs a little help in the "chewing" area. But it takes time in the beginning--it's somewhat of a time commitment, and it is MESSY. And you have hardly any control over it. But very little cooking is required in the beginning and then you can start to ease back into cooking, as early recipes are dead easy. Later ones might be more complicated, but you do them once every three days or so. Then you start batch freezing these more elaborate meals, and you're good for months.

Oh dear, J is up. Anyway, I am really glad I did BLW. But while more fun, I also think it's more stressful than TW, and if J had been fine with TW, I might have done it.
My golly 2 pages in one night! I better try and catch up again. Hopefully it won't be too long a post :haha:

Borboleta I love the pics! It looks like you went all out for T's party! So much effort! I hope your DH helped? The cakes both look lovely I think, not to mention all those lovely cupcakes! And the decorations are so sweet! Well done you! :D How many ppl came and who are the little girls in the first few pics?
And you will definitely have to come over and I will make OH cook his best recipes :D As for pictures of Dominic crawling, I was trying yesterday but I only ever got his bum :haha: I wanted one where he crawls towards me with a smile but he doesn't do that, he usually crawls away from me trying to inspect all the things I don't want him to. I will have to try again. And as for Sebastian, he is still "swimming" over the floor and is much faster with this than Dominic. But as soon as he sees my phone (I use that to take pictures always) he will stop and stare and smile. :dohh: He loves the camera I guess lol
I am so glad T is sleeping better. He obviously decided that he is a big boy now and should give mummy and daddy a good night :) He sounds so cute the way he runs to the door to greet you :D

Clio I am so glad it wasn't anything we said that upset you, though obviously I am sorry your DH was being less than sensitive. :hugs:
Love the pic of J in his little old man pose :D So cute! Also love the pics on the sofa! He is such a good looking little boy. Seriously, I am convinced the girls will be running in your door (as we say in German)
As for the food thing, well again, how like a man. My OH is the only one who cooks in this household so you'd think he knows what is in the fridge. But he keeps buying potatoes and garlic and onions, not to mention salad he then never makes, till the crisper drawers are stuffed full of slightly mouldy things that only get thrown if I make the effort. If I didn't, he would just cram the new purchases in on top :dohh:. Btw he is also the only one to use sugar for his tea etc but he never notices when he is running out. Sigh. he hates it when I sigh btw lol.
But I totally understand that you got mad with yours when he ruined your planned meals especially since you talked with him about them. In one ear, out the other I sometimes think.
We also store the onions in the fridge and they are ok (unless left there for weeks under several layers of potatoes and more onions that were bought at a later date :growlmad:) but my mum keeps hers in a terracotta pot with holes. I think it is a special onion pot called something like a Roemertopf? Not totally sure I got that right.

Storm wow that sounds like you might be moving quite soon. Are they working on the bathroom already?
And are you serious that you were watching 16 kids?? I would go crazy! Hope they were well behaved for you!
Sorry about your BIL separation but I tend to be on the woman's side too. lol Actually fell out with my uncle when he brought his new girlfriend (total gold-digger) to my grandmother's one summer and none of us even knew he was splitting from his wife! Haven't talked to him since, except at my grandmother's funeral 3 years ago :/
As for the diet and men not helping, my OH is the same. He will buy desserts and make roasted potatoes when he knows how unhappy I am about my weight. Thing is, he knows also how much I love food and how happy I am while I am eating it. Just not after but ah well, he wants to make me happy I know that... But if your DH knows you don't like potatoes why does he get so upset when you don't eat them? No matter how lovingly Nick would cook Brussels sprouts, I would still not want any! Ew!

Claire did you go for a walk? We certainly did (me and the boys) and while they slept I pushed the buggy till I was all sweaty, eww. Ah well, one is never happy eh? lol I just don't have any appropriate jackets or coats that fit such a warm day. So far I have been able to hide in my (pregnancy) winter coat and my a-line raincoat.
What are you cooking for mothers' day lunch? And are you getting her a present too? I wonder if maybe we should invite OH's mother over, usually she is lucky if OH calls her on the day (after I force him)...

Rowan you must have done so much work to be so up to date! Well done you! I hope you will be able to keep up once your little M2 is here and that he is a super easy going baby who sleeps great from the start. :)
My OH keeps promising to cook some of Annabel Karmel meatballs and chicken burgers for the boys. We bought chicken breast for it but he just didn't do it and it went off. :growlmad:
Your birth story sounds dreadful! I am again soo glad you are going for a controlled and non dramatic section this time. You deserve an easy birth this time for sure :hugs:
And I LOOVE Terry Pratchett! He is my favourite author and I always have "Vimes" audiobooks to listen to on my iPod as white noise to drown out OH's snoring and apnia. But I love the Witches too and wish he would write another book on them!

Jules you look stunning and very elegant! High heels too! If you think that you have a big bottom then you should see mine! Golly what a frump I have become! I used to have such a thing about nice shoes and spent so much money on them. But I don't think I actually fit in them any more. :( Now I just wear trainers (sneakers). I "only" put on 44lbs which they tell me isn't too bad with twins but sadly I have half of that still to lose. :cry: I now wish I had taken a picture of my bump before I had the boys, so that I could stun you all but alas I was too embarrassed over my humongous vastness!
As for the weather, when I saw the sunshine I was like you and said to OH, this will be our summer then :haha:. What cynics we have become. Mind you last summer was lovely so maybe...?

Charlie we did TW cause I don't cook and only snack on crap throughout the day and OH only eats once a day and cooks for us when the boys are in bed.

As for us, all ok here. Except that the Snuza on Dominic went off last night at half past 12 and OH heard it even though it was my night and sped over to see if the boys were ok. They were. I just hadn't put the monitor on correctly as Dominic is SOOO wriggly when we change nappies now that it is getting increasingly hard to hold him still. Anyway, it woke Dominic and he was then awake playing with his 5 dummies and shuffling around his cot for an hour. I was watching him over the monitor. And even when he finally dropped off I couldn't sleep so I think I got at the most 4 hours last night. I know this is still better than what kosh and Claire get but I am tired and a bit blue. A mummy whose journal I am following just posted that her not yet 8 month old baby girl is starting to stand and pull herself up on the parents hands. :( I googled "my 11 month baby won't stand" and it seems not uncommon but still. I think it is all my fault too cause I don't give my boys enough opportunity. When your babies started crawling, did you have them on the floor all day or did you still have dedicated mat time for them? And if you did leave them to crawl as they would, is your house really big and baby proof perhaps? Ah well. I guess in time my boys will catch up. We have gymboree today though while I think it is good for them, it will no doubt again bring home all the things my boys cannot do. Sorry for the pity party. I need a coffee and then I will rock my adored ones for a nap. Sorry if I have forgotten any one
Clio - I totally feel for you. That is exactly the kind of thing James does. No common sense to check the packet, no foresight to ask what needs to be cooked when (or make note of it etc etc). BUT as you say, difficult to criticise when he has at least tried to cook!

I have asked James to cook most nights this week and literally had to talk through the process of picking out recipes (he did however manage to order it all online - or most of it....) and when the food arrived, to go through and look at the sell by dates on the meats/fish and then write a little post-it inside the cupboard so he knew which recipe he'd cook and on which night without having a load of food go off. "Oh! that's a good idea!" he said. Er yes, it's called common sense! Let's just hope he's a better lawyer :haha: As for the onions - we keep ours in a compartment in the fridge.

J looks very cute in the photos. Love the navel-gazing!


Wow. Jules, if I ran your household, I would have killed us all by now. Freezers are your best friend. Well, my best friend, at least. Then I never have to worry if something is off.

Re: fridge and onion co-habitiation--You know, I've been thinking this through, and realized that I have kept onions in fridges for over 20 years, and have absolutely no idea why I suddenly feel I need to change it. Huh. Must have been bored and got caught up with the idea somehow. Oh, poor Eric.

OH! My sister and her partner have decided to cloth diaper, and are going out to some sort of "Cloth Depot" in Toronto. My mother is so worried that they will cloth diaper, but as far as I can ascertain, they have done zero research, and when they are confronted with the overwhelming number of options and the incredibly prohibitive price at this "Depot," they will come home again, having bought nothing, and go and hug their Huggies.

Jules and Claire--you could be twin sisters! Vavava-voom!

I myself try my best to carry off what I like to call "Sweatpants Chic."
Angel--oh my dear, they are truly just fine! There is a huge age range! But is there a reason you don't want them on the floor?

I also learned that once babies learn to sleep on their stomachs, they become stronger, and less uncomfortable on their tummies. J hated rolling over on his stomach until he finally started rolling at night. It is their natural sleeping position, I believe--on their stomachs. Helps them build muscles without them even trying, I understand. Tummy Time only came in at about the same time as the whole SIDS "Back is Best" campaign.

Oh my lord, was Tummy Time boring...
Clio thank you :) The reason I don't want them on the floor all day is that we have slippery hard wood floors and very little floor space. We have none in the nursery or our bedroom other than a walkway around the bed(s). The kitchen has a slate floor and is frankly a bugger to clean properly, and what with the cat food, litter box, washing machines and glass table it really isn't safe. That only leaves the sitting room which is pretty full with a sofa, armchair, antique steamer trunk, playpen, 2 folded up high chairs and 2 bouncies. Then we have a lovely cast iron open fireplace which we like to use so is full of ash. Plus there are small tables by the sofa and chair with lights on them and a telephone. The tv is on a low cupboard of one of built-in bookcases and is therefore just low enough for unsupervised boys to pull down on them selves. There are a few things I could do to improve and baby proof the room but nothing will make it really safe. So floor time requires constant very vigilant supervision and two ppl unless I exercise the boys separately. But both boys are very good on their tummies and can hold themselves up on their outstretched arms for ever. But yeah I know I am worrying for nothing. Not sure what I base it on but my sweet boys seem bright to me. :blush:
Btw I typed all this post on my kindle fire and it has auto correct. What a bugger! In the meantime OH woke up and offered to go to Starbucks. I declined the offer when it became apparent that he would have to cross the creaking floor to get his shoes but he insisted and of course woke the boys. He probably wants to secretly smoke and that is why. So the boys got 20 mins nap.:growlmad:
Angel ’16 kids and counting’ was a tv program :) I have enough trouble watching one never mind 16!

Clio I did laugh out loud at your sweatpant comment, which probably wasn’t a good thing as I was meant to be working but taking a sneaky peek on my phone.

Clairey I remember you posting those photos first time round and being jealous of how good you looked! But seeing as you have walked the sleep deprived path with me for the last year and you are such a nice person I forgive you for looking so fabulous :)

In other news we had proper STTN! Miss L went to bed at 8 (complete with drip free bottle containing 10oz of milk) and I didn’t have to go get her until 6.45 this morning! She had helped herself to her bottle during the night, I heard her squeak literally once at 3am, though DH must have gone in to her but she must have found her bottle and gone back to sleep. Oh how I love these nights.. I never thought we would get this far!

I can’t remember who asked about the weaning but we went for trained weaning, but also gave L anything she looked interested in that we had. Now she eats the same food as us as long as its lactose free.Tonight shes having chilli made with beef strips, tomato, onion, mushroom and kidney beans and rice -same as DH, my dad and I. If I try and give her something different she freaks out and shouts at my plate..

Rowan you better get those accounts done sharpish before M2 makes an appearance!

Not much else to report, just had a quick walk and lunch and now time to do some work!
Storm what an amazing night!!!!!! you lucky girl! keep it up L and then you might get a little brother or sister soon! lol
Believe me,I didn't look that great when pregnant and wouldn't post the really shocking ones!:haha: but thank you for your kind words:flower:

Angel I don't think you can ever totally baby proof a place (unless you put your child in a padded room:haha:):haha: )they will always find the most dangerous and forbidden thing to play with/do. our nerves will be shot to pieces by the time we're old!:winkwink:
couldn't resist the bump pictures - this is mine at 38 weeks I think


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couldn't resist the bump pictures - this is my at 38 weeks I think

Oh Kosh, that is a really lovely bump!! text book baby bump - you look fabulous!! crumbs all these bump pics are making me broody! lol
just a quick one (but have been looking as a guest from computer at work!)...

jules - so slim! I looked like a beach ball.
storm - I'm 5 foot, so am the very short 'twin' to you!
borboleta - I agree with kosh, the party was amazing (we just went to the Zoo and out to the pub for dinner....)....

weaning - we tried TW and that worked okay-ish until we realised that LO wanted our food, so we've turned to BLW (everything in little plastic bowls, which end up on him, daddy, etc) and I try my best to control my slight cleaning obsession - LOL! he will tolerate appleasauce, yogurt by spoon, but carrots, broccoli, meat, potatoes, etc., he wants to touch, feel and eat (and throw...but the cats are happy with that approach!, oddly not interested in the vegs, tho (the cats, baby ok with)...

not having a good week, think I have a touch of flu, so no real personals, sorry. This might (the flu) account for my melancholia this week, so worries over the cat's operation and other issues may be more annoying due to flu. LO is sleeping okay -- last night, he woke up coughing from 3.30 to 4.30, but as I tensed that he would fully awake, I would hear gentle snoring from him, so he slept okay, but I didn't really...oh, well...

hugs to all...


ps. does anybody else proofread and correct after posting? or is it the English teacher in me?
Kosh: thank you. And finally a picture of you :happydance:!!! You were all bump like me girl :haha:. Again I was really hoping to have butt and hips but nothing :growlmad:, just belly and boobs :haha:. Although now boobs and belly are deflated :haha:! After birth I did loose the baby weight in 2 weeks , then I lost some more and then I gained all my before baby weight back. :haha:. It is so hard with all these chocolate around :winkwink:!

Claire: I agree with Clio, you and Jules could be sister :haha:. The tall one and the short one:). Two beautiful mommas:).

Clio: yes, little t didn't smile for one picture :dohh:!!!! He just does that. He studies people I guess :shrug:. He smiles but it is not all the time. I have people saying that they wonder what he is thinking and they feel silly trying to make him smile and nothing happens :haha:.

Storm: yeah for Sttn!!! :happydance: you go little L!!! And yes I will come over next year and plan her birthday party. But I need an extra ticket for my mother in law because she is the main planner :thumbup:.

Sabinra: how is the kitty?

Jules: waiting for the next picture :).

Angel: don't worry about what the boys are doing or not. They will do it when they are ready. Thiago doesn't say mommy or daddy or any real word yet. Sometimes I wonder when that is going to happen but then I think he might become a chatterbox and then I am fine :haha: with him not speaking yet! Thiago was always a tummy sleeper and I remember him trying to hold on the rail of the crib to try to stand. Maybe now that the boys are not strap in the crib they will try to stand more. And like you I have wood floor and tile in the kitchen and worried about how clean things were but a little germ and bacteria will build their immune system. :haha:. Now I am in the kitchen clean dishes and thiago is in the study playing. If he gets too quite I go check on him:haha:. Just try to get your fireplace protected and little things you now they need to be safe for the boys and let them be. They will fall and hit there heads but they will be okay:). :thumbup:

Charlie: I will not even give you advice on how to feed little S because thiago was a terrible eater :haha:!!!

Not sure if I forgot anyone. I just posted some more picture of the party on facebook:).
Little t went for his 12 months check up. Got 3 shots :cry: and feels miserable!!! He has his 4 molars coming down, plus little fever from the shots. He did get the MMR and we will see how he will feel in the next 8 to 14 days. He is on the 88% for height and 53% for weight ( I guess the bottles are doing good for him). Oh, and the doctor told us to slow down on the milk to 24 oz most per day. I feel bad for him since he likes his milk so much. We did start adding cows milk to his bottle (half and half) and he is fine with it. :thumbup:. So we will see.

Got to go. Talk to you ladies soon:).
Angel – Let's see how often the high heels come out once LO is here; I bet I'll be channelling Clio's "sweatpants chic" too. I agree, I don't think 44lbs isn't too bad with twins. At this rate I'll be close to that with just the one!

I hope we get a lovely summer this year too. Last year was bad for me as it seemed that most of the sunny days coincided with being mid-week so I would just see it out of the office window and would go home when the sun was going down. Poor. This year I want to be out running around in any sun we have!

Sorry to hear that you had a crappy night of sleep. I'd like to join as an honorary member of the sleep deprivation club even though I am without child yet – a lovely 3.30am wake for no reason at all this morning and just lay there until 8. Lack of sleep will definitely add to bringing your mood down :hugs:

Clio – yeah, it may sound a bit militant with the organisation of the food but see earlier comment on the cost of groceries! It was particularly important when I was at work too as I just didn't want to think about it when I got in from work and went into cooking autopilot. We didn't do my usual planning last week and it meant that we threw out £8 worth of salmon fillets and £6 of chicken for nothing – that drives me crazy! Not helped by the fact that when DH did the order for food this week he forgot so many things that he did a second order 2 days later so in the space of 3 days we'd spent £14 on delivery charges! Crazy.

Kosh – you were so tiny!! All bump!!! How much weight did you gain? I'm jealous as it looks like none of it is on you.

I do think that height makes a big difference to bump size, although I bet now I say that someone is going to tell me they're 5 foot and were hardly showing until the end! Lol And I am sightly off with my weight gain. It's actually 29lbs. I weighed myself at home in the morning (rather than using the consultant's weigh in that puts me at 35lbs) so that has made me feel slightly better :) I'm also starting to feel a little less hungry this week which is refreshing from wanting to eat everything in and out of sight.

Borboleta - baby weight off in 2 weeks?!?! I should be so lucky!

As for me, I have my 32 week growth scan tomorrow to check on him again as his torso was in the bottom 10th percentile a month ago. Hopefully he'll be looking a bit chubbier.

Hope you all have a good evening
Look at all these gorgeous bumps!! Kosh yours is a typical boy baby bump! and Claire you look beautiful in your pic. I am so not posting any of mine, it all went very down hill from 34 weeks for me!!

Jules, i slept so badly in my last tri, so frustrating as you know you need as much sleep as you can for when the baby's here. Nature got that bit wrong, there should be a mellow sedating hormone that puts you to sleep for 8 hours minimum for the last 2 months!

Angel, really don't worry about your boys at all. I never crawled as a baby, i bum shuffled until i was 22 months (i am not kidding!!) then i just got up and walked one day (lazy me!!) my mum was on the verge of taking me to the docs and i must have known ;)

As for S, well pretty bad night last night which was no surprise as she did not want to feed much yesterday, i have no idea about times, except for 1 wake up, a particularly long one, from 3.40 - 6am when it was play time! well i ignored her babbles and pretended to sleep, offered her the dummy, put her womb to world CD on again, fed her and nothing but all smiles and babbles!! eventually i just sat up in bed exaserbated at what to do and she rolled over!!! so we even had a bit of tummy time at 5am!! bless her, she had no idea how that had happened!

I hopeful for a better night tonight as she has been a guzzler today! hope you ladies have a good night too.

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