any other over 35 first time mums?

Storm yay for sttn!! I really hope this is it now and she will start to sttn on a regular basis! You soooo deserve it! :D Now I am hoping Lucy and Gael will be next to sleep so well :D

Claire I fear you right about nothing ever being totally babyproof. My mother suggested to put down carpet in the hallway and have them play in there. First of all, how grim, it has no window and is only about 2 meters long and 1 wide, secondly, what would you bet that they would find and detach the telephone wire that runs along the top of the skirting board? :haha:

Kosh your bump pic is amazing! You look so tiny and lovely. That looks like the perfect bump indeed. :D

Sabrina sorry you are feeling poorly :hugs: I too get really down when I am not feeling well. Hope F is ok though and hasn't caught it off you? Also, hope tonight is better for you so that you can recover :) :hugs:
I do proofread but I often miss stuff I have noticed :blush:

Borboleta I too have gained weight back since losing some after the boys were born. To fit into my "thin" trousers (not really thin) I would have to lose 36lbs :cry: I find it so daunting that I prefer to set my goal to losing 20. If only I had your motivation with the exercising. I am still going out every day and am pushing that buggy for an hour at least but my back is painful I find it really hard going. I have always found losing weight hard cause when I am not feeling 100% I usually "self medicate" with food :haha: I seriously don't think I could manage to jog with the buggy and I don't think there is a jogger that is smaller and lighter than what we have.
I really hope poor Thiago will feel better soon! I really am not looking forward to those 1 year shots, they sound awful! And to have after effects for that long? What a nightmare! And then having molars coming in as well! Poor boy!
Thank you for your reassurance in regards to my boys. You are right and usually I don't really worry about this. But not having slept well and being suddenly surrounded by younger babies that can do so much, I felt a pang of worry. And what you say about letting the boys get on with things and not worry too much about them bumping their heads is probably also a good idea. But yeah there are a few things I need to make safe before I can let them just crawl around by them selves. I have tried taking a picture of Dom crawling again but they all turned out really blurry as he is always in motion. Anyway here is a blurry one with him chewing on Sophie while trying to reach the coffee table (not visible on here.) Sorry, this is seriously the best I could do cause when ever I called to him he stopped crawling and flopped down on his belly. I guess it is hard to crawl as the floor is so slippery. Maybe I should take his socks off but the floor is kind of cold.

Jules the other day I forced myself into a pair of moderately high heeled shoes and wobbled all over the place! You'd think walking in heels is like riding a bike but I guess not! lol So better keep practising even when your boy is here ;)
As for sleep deprivation during pregnancy, I hear you! It is dreadful isn't it, especially just lying there for hours and hours. Was your LO kicking you in some tender place maybe? I remember getting stuck and having to wake OH so he could turn the beached whale that was me over to my side cause I had such dreadful sciatica and couldn't move for the pain. Pregnancy is soo glamorous lol. Hope you don't have all that and won't get it either. :)
I am relatively tall too at 5'8 1/2 and I think even with only one baby I would have had a big bump. But my mum (though "only" 5'6) was huge with both my brother and me and I think that kinda runs in the family? No idea really.
As for your weight gain, that sounds perfect! You will have lost that in no time at all I am sure :)
Good luck tomorrow at your scan, hope your boy has grown loads :)

As for us, we went to the gymboree again today and while my poor Sebastian cried through pretty much all of it, Dominic had a great time and smiled the whole way through. I do think it does him so good to see other babies and to get to exercise a bit. There is a free play hour on Friday and I am hoping to lure OH there with us so that Dominic can crawl all over the equipment at his leisure. We shall see if I manage ;) OH was very sweet any way, cause when I came home from carting the boys through the park for their after lunch nap, OH had laid out the outfit he wanted the boys to wear. And he chose such lovely things - and they even matched! :haha:. He is just such a sweet proud daddy. Makes me love him all the more :) :blush:
Hope you are all well, am sending hugs and sleepy dust to you all.

Ps: has anyone heard from Skweek at all? It has been weeks and weeks. I hope she is ok. xx
Charlie only saw your post after I posted mine. Thank you for your reassurances. You are of course right. I know I shouldn't worry. They all do things in their own time. I was being silly and feel more confident tonight cause less blue I guess. I get to sleep tonight so that has something to do with it I am sure lol.
I really hope Sophia will be sleeping better tonight. MOTN parties are killers! Good luck :) xx
Hows this for huge - and my butt matches my bump.. the day before L appeared!
Storm: I wish my butt was like yours :haha:. Love it:). I will post my bump picture tomorrow:).

Angel: I was thinking about what you said about the boys and crawling and the socks. Thiago has this so called by my OH " adventurous shoes" :haha:. I bought them at target down here but the real brand is called robeez. They are like slippers but made of leather and great to slip them on your boys feet with socks under. They give them a good grip so they wont slip while trying to crawl or stand or walk. Thiago still wears his ( I prefer the target brand, which is cheaper and they are not so tight on the ankles :thumbup:). But the robeez brand is the real one that started that type of shoes for babies. I love them! A real saver during winter time. And I love the picture of Dom crawling:). Too cute:).

Oh, I was going to ask Charlie and Jules to become my friends on Facebook:). My real name is Danielle Setchfield if you want to find me there:). :thumbup:
I actually have no "clothed" bump pics. Eric always wanted to take a pic of the proper bump, and seriously, it is big, huge and riddled with stretch marks. Definitely not for the faint of heart.

Um, "sweatshirt chic" (J is a lot younger here. I'm still 40.):

As for the weight gain/loss, I only gained 16 pounds total, but was heavy to begin with. I lost all the baby weight immediately (half of the weight I put on was J), and then some, but it came back. (CHOCOLATE!) At least, I think I did--I don't ever weigh myself. My SI joint has kept me from exercising and if it were okay, I'd be riding again, no question about it. I'd love for J to be a barn rat, actually. But I found the last time I rode almost daily, just before I fell pregnant, I didn't lose a pound because of the PCOS, which makes you gain weight fast, and then won't let you lose it, no matter how much you diet or exercise. You have to take this medication, which makes me feel gross, so I've decided I'm purely into mood and pain control right now.

But oh, I just look back with envy at pics from even 4 years ago, before the SI joint and the PCOS and all the pregnancies that made me invariably put on weight. I miss my old metabolism!

Angel--I think B said it best re: the twins and letting them just do their thing. The one thing I could suggest is getting rid of the side tables with lamps and get cheap IKEA stand up ones instead, which are actually really easy to tuck behind things and baby proof. And otherwise, we just let J do what he wants. Like B said, he can be in a different room for all I care, just as long as he isn't too quiet... (This is how I discovered that J figured out how to open the baby gate to the upstairs. It had been quiet for just a leeetle tooo long.) Oh, and can you buy those TRU foam mats which fit together like puzzle pieces for the hardwood? Easily put down, easily picked up. And I was thinking that once you remove the bouncies and the play pen, that must give you more room. Our play pen has been a god send, as it holds the detritus that clutters the living room. We even stick J's high chair in there all the time:

Leeze--Well, Yummy Yucky (and to a lesser extent, Big Little) has become a household favourite, and not just among J, but his two older cousins, too. Even his 5 year old cousin who speaks better (more goodly?) than I do, fell over laughing while my BIL read it to him. So I ordered No No Yes Yes and Loud Quiet. BUT, now J imitates the booger picking picture, thank you very much. And I'm just waiting for him to go for his earwax next. But thank you for the suggestions! Angel--I'm still waiting on Slinky Malinky, but I looked back and saw that the shipment conformation was for some other element of retail therapy I had been engaging in.

Um...oh, I'm knitting J a turtle (which makes me think of Skweek and her blanket. I hope she's okay, too!). I've got so much completely unused, very good yarn from years of collecting that it's time to delve into it. He has the sleep turtle, and a 2D fuzzy picture of a turtle, and runs around saying "turtle! turtle!" all the time, but he has no stuffed one. So here is what I'm making him:

Yes, it's true, I AM the best mummy in the world.

Okay, I know I've missed TONS of people, and I'm sorry, but I'm wiped after watching J and working at the same time this morning, and then delivering perhaps my worst lecture ever. So, I'm going to try to sleep. Love to you all!
angel - we bought mats from Smyths Toys here (might have at Argos over there?), which interlock and give us a little peace of mind (living room looks like a creche at the moment, but at least LO seems to like the mats)....

am suffering from early bed-itis (when YOU'VE gone to bed early-ish and then YOU wake up around 1am and can't sleep (OH has LO tonight), and my 'flu' is making it harder to not toss and turn in bed.

Borboleta - kitty is crazy at the moment in heat, so although am worried about Friday am's operation, don't think we can survive this for much longer anyway....

sigh....hope all are well?


ps. clio - I suffer from PCOS and an underactive thyroid and the meds for PCOS were horrible. Now, am slowly losing weight, but it's down to portion control and extra exercise (e.g. I now get an express bus to work, which drops me a half an hour from work and I walk it) and possibly the thyroid meds which help with my metabolism. Over the course of 2010, I lost about 3-4 stone (about 45 lbs), so we didn't to do specialised stuff when ttcing, but gained alot of weight when pregnant (I refused to be weighed and my ob/gyn was fine with that (so I actually have no idea how much I weighed when heavily pregnant) - LOL!
4 pages to read! middle of night here but Kia taking ages to settle. main things i can remember....

Charlie - they grow out of the phase where thry're too distracted to feed. i remember it well!

Angel -'I agree with Sabrina - a playmat is a great idea and helps with the slippery floor issue. we got one for Kia and it made a big difference to her crawling immediately

clio - Quiet Loud is brilliant. its my favourite. i didn't know about No No Yes Yes. must go check it out.
Storm I'm sure you felt way bigger than you actually were! you don;t look massive,just pregnant.:winkwink:
Jules hope your scan goes well today. nice that you get to see your LO again:thumbup:
Thanks Lezze, good to know!

Good luck with scan Jules.

I love the turtle Clio, wish I could knit some things for S but am useless at knitting.

Off for S's 2nd time in pool today:)

Hope you all have a good day
Thanks Lezze, good to know!

Good luck with scan Jules.

I love the turtle Clio, wish I could knit some things for S but am useless at knitting.

Off for S's 2nd time in pool today:)

Hope you all have a good day
hey ladies - M asleep much earlier than usual so rushing off to have a sarnie and get some stuff done - teething again here!

lordy you guys have neat bumps! all Ive heard at playgroup this am is omg look at that bump you're going to have him early - mw tmro and if hes still measuring 3 weeks ahead Im going to ask if we can arrange a growth scan - the consultant said if I went into labour naturally (which she very much doubted) they would not do c section - Im not doing v birth with a big baby no way lol

hope your scan goes well jules

re food shopping - i write a meals list, write the shopping list and dh gets the shopping in - I do 2 versions of the shopping list - one rough then one in the order of the layout of the supermarket lol dhs dyslexia does come into play at times tho lol - last night we had chilli and we had no ground cumin - I know Ive put it on the list the last few weeks and dh was like dont be ridiculous of course we have some, Ive got it the last few weeks I don't know why you keep putting it on the list...well when we went right through the spice cupboard hes been buying ground cinnamon :) we did laugh! recipes do turn out different every time he does them lol

right lunchtime! then maybe accounts....
Still not marking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just sayin'.
:haha: clio ;)
I am off to have a bath and then sit in front of the telly with OH.
Just wanted to report that the boys spent the day crawling around on the floor except the 1h 30 we spent in the park. Me pushing them, and they sleeping and snoring cutely. By 6 they were near hysterical with tiredness. Am hoping for sttn! And already I can see great improvement in both boys' mobility. Dom was pulling himself up on the coffee table/steamer trunk! Not to standing but kneeling with upper body upright. He tried to put his foot to the floor to stand up but then toppled over. I still have to put corner guards in place on that thing but that and the baby fireguard should arrive tomorrow thanks to Amazon Prime. So yay! Thanks again ladies for your recommendations :)
Hugs to you all and sleepy dust too!

Hi ladies

I haven't had a chance to read properly (will explain why in a mo) but the scan was fine. No change in the percentile of his abdominal circumference over the last month, which is good so at least he has grown proportionally. Consultant did say they would only be concerned if the baby was say in the 20th percentile for abdominal circumference on one scan and then the next time it had fallen to say the 5th percentile. If they stay around the same percentile then it just typical for that baby. Going back again in 3 weeks to scan again but he reckons the baby is just going to be long and skinny (long legs like Mummy and Daddy!). No cute 3D photos really from today as he had his hand up to his face, the cord was in front of him AND he was nuzzling into the placenta. What was cute though was seeing him pout again, smile, stick his tongue out and then do two massive yawns so have a little 3/4D video of that.

So a lovely morning/afternoon was offset by the fact that my beloved Grandma has unexpectedly been admitted to hospital this evening. She has been seeing "blobs" obscuring her vision all week, which they thought was down to high blood pressure (an incredible 215) but today that degenerated into seeing numbers and words in her vision and at that point I told mum to call the doctor immediately as that sounded like a brain issue to me. Anyway, doctor came out and said she had to be admitted tonight for testing as her balance is going too. I'm too tired for a 4 hour drive home now (thank you insomnia) so will leave tomorrow morning. Sorry to end on a downer....

jules :hugs: hope your Grandma is ok. sounds worrying but sometimes bladder infection or something simple can cause very worrying symptoms. XX
Jules Glad your scan went well!
Big hugs though for your Grandmother. My Grandma was very ill when I was pregnant and it was tough. I do hope the hospital can diagnose her quickly and treat the issue. I will be thinking of you and your family.:hugs::hugs:
Not a bad night for us. Thiago just woke up once but OH went to put him back down :thumbup:. The doctor told us to slow down the milk intake to 24 oz a day but I think he misses his milk. He is eating better but still. The good thing is that they didnt tell us to stop giving him bottles and start giving him milk on the sippy cup. He likes the sippy cup but with water in it not milk :haha:.

Clio: I love your picture with J. You look so happy!

Here are a couple of my bump pictures and I thought it would be fun to show Thiago's room:):




By the way, the bump pictures were taken 1 month before thiago arrived. So 37 weeks.
Angel: Love the picture of the boys. So cute! And :happydance: for moving around!! Hope they will sttn tonight too!

Jules: Hope evertyhing is okay with your grandmother. Keep us posted.

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