any other over 35 first time mums?

hey ladies - first chance to log on in ages! too far behind so hope you wont mind if I just say hope you are all ok! and give you a little update?! :)

major refurb going on here...were getting there tho yey! bay window to finish insulating, re plastering, light to move, paper to strip, pick paper/paint (choice between two styles at the mo) new blinds, carpet then were ready, we figure as long as the really messy dusty stuff is done before \Michael arrives then were good and dont really have to move rooms until near October time when he'll be 6 months - need to get Marthas room redecorated and carpeted before then (our current bedroom)

2nd isofix base gets done tmro, i need to wash the car seat then that will be ready - wonder what Martha will think about this random car seat appearing - shes quite funny about the back of the car its her territory lol

shes just gone to my folks for the next few hours she was so excited to see them so very cute!!! Love her so much shes the bees knees! I do worry about what shes going to think about Michael and how she'll adapt - eek!

Been having period cramps and braxton hicks since saturday but had a break from them yest which was nice - I had them from 38 weeks I think with Martha and still needed to be induced so Im presuming they arent actually doing anything progress wise lol!

have ordered 2 baby jake dvds and one sesame street - just think they may come in handy in the next couple of months - if Martha needs to be distracted or something - she only watches 10 mins of tv a day at the mo when we eat our tea lol but the next few weeks are going to be different arent they so I figure a little more tv wont harm

waterworks have been fine since Michael dropped = woo hoo - hopefully they will stay that way! Got mw app on thursday

have booked a cleaner for a blitz on monday and then I think for 1-2 hours a week for the next couple of months - we cant afford it but I think it will be worth it - I havent been able to clean the house thoroughly recently and dh is too busy working and then working on the house when he gets home - think it will just lift the spirits a little to know I dont have to worry about cleaning on top of recovering and looking after 2 little ones

well Id best pop in the shower while I have the chance and then crack on...going to make batches of meatballs and chicken burgers for Martha (annabel karamal) , go to the post office, change bedding, clean a bit, do some shredding, and then maybe sit down and watch Bones so much to fit in and Im so slow at the mo

oo Im 12 stone so Ive pretty much put on 2 stone - quite pleased with that - lordy I had 4.5 stone to lose after Martha so it'll be nice to not have that much to lose! My goodness my stretch marks tho....much worse than Martha but then my bumps bigger (randomly considering Im 2 stone lighter?!)

hope you are all good :)
Rowan--good to hear from you! Michael has dropped! Yay! Did you have trouble breathing like I did before he dropped? I'm glad your waterworks have stopped!

Now, I never can remember; did you move house (man, I'm speaking as if I were from the UK. If I ever say "lorry," please stop all contact with me), or are you renovating your current one? With all the moving going on, I can't keep things straight.

A cleaning service sounds like heaven. OH and I definitely need one. Maybe we'll hire someone for a proper Spring Cleaning.

Oh, and re: M and only 10 min of TV, I feel so guilty! If I have to get something done for my work and have to take care of J at the same time, J makes it his mission to stop me from working. Pocoyo is the only thing that will keep him occupied while I finish preparing. And I've often let him watch an hour of it!

Good for you and the minimal weight gain--less to lose sounds lovely!

SK--did you have a better night? How many teeth does F have by now? I'm sorry about your impending sad anniversary. I actually don't think about the due dates of my losses, mainly because I don't remember them! I think I blocked them. Wait, no, that's not entirely true. When I was pregnant the first time (mmc), I had a lovely birth board over at pregnancy .org. I was due in early April and one of the women on the board became one of my best friends (she lives one province over, in British Columbia). In order to remain friends with her, I had to block from my mind the fact that her baby, who is now 4, was born just when mine was to be born as well. I've got to say, though, it was hard, especially when she sent me a pic of her bump painted like a bunny face (she's an artist) around Easter. She's an incredibly kind person, so I know she meant no harm; she just didn't think it through.

What made me the most bitter was that people were already giving birth to their SECOND baby while I was still working on getting pregnant with my first. It just seemed so incredibly unfair. Did this happen to you, too? And never think that your loss is any less worth mentioning on here just because of mine. Any loss is horrible. :hugs:

Storm--how's your head today? And how are L's fingers? My sympathies to both of you; it hasn't happened yet with J, but it will. Caught fingers are inevitable, I think. Thanks for the warning about the hinges; I hadn't thought about making sure they were finger-free before I close a door.

Re: your in laws. Well, at least you now know a way of feeding them cheaply and successfully, with minimal work on your part. Did they get stuck into the wine again?

Borboleta--sometimes I wish that J went at least one day a week to daycare, but the legitimate ones are all full. Apart from his cousins, he hasn't really interacted with other kids his age. Ahhh, another thing to feel guilty about. But it sounds like T had a lot of fun. How is he when it comes to "sharing"?

Jules--I hope you're okay! How is your Grandmother doing?

As for us, nothing much doing here. J's still STTN, but still also wakes up painfully early. But OH discovered a solution; when J wakes up too early for our liking, OH will bring him a bottle, which J quickly drinks, and goes back to bed for another 2 hours or so.

Oops--J just woke up from his nap. Got to go!
Storm: hope your headache went away. I don't remember having headaches during pregnancy just a terrible heartburn that seemed that it never went away during the third trimester. It is amazing how fast the symptoms went away after I delivered him!

Rowan: my godness you are sooooo close now!!!! And you are doing all these stuff around your house :wacko:!!! You are an amazing woman :winkwink:. It is so funny to imagines M monopolizing the back seat of the car. It will be interesting to see how she adapts to M2. How does she do with other babies?

Clio: you mentioned the tv! I am guilty number 2 :haha:! Thiago loves tv and iPad!! He loves galinha pintadinha in the car and Pocoyo at home. Actually the other night while I was teaching my class OH was feeding him a snack and put Pocoyo for him to watch and all of a sudden he started laughing ( belly laugh and getting all red) non stop. It was the episode when Pocoyo is looking for his friends ( the echo episode). So funny :haha:!
And I would like to start taking him to children museum and stuff like that but then I think about all the germs and I give up ( yeah I know .... He will get a cold eventually again!!).
Oh and I havent gone to toddler club yet. Maybe I should check it out :thumbup:.

The past 2 nights thiago has been waking up at 4:15am!!! And there is no way I am going to be up and going at that time so I go in and try to put him back down and then 45 min later I am back to bed trying to sleep :growlmad:. But I guess it is better than 2 Am :shrug:.
Thiago eating has improved dramatically since I cut his milk to abou 24 oz a day ( maybe a little more than that :blush:). He LOVES fruit!!! Sometimes I wonder if you can over feed fruit to your child? He can live on fruit. I have to think about ways for him to eat protein. Sometimes he does but not as much as fruit.

Anyways, hope all you ladies are doing well.
Hello all!

I'm a bit behind but hopefully have just caught up now.

Ladies, loving hearing how many of use have separate sleeping arrangements. To me it makes perfect sense but I know a lot of people think there's something "wrong" to do so. I'm past caring – sleep is too important to me! Hubby still hates it but as I point out to him its easy for him to do so when he flops into bed and blacks out immediately only waking to pee (waking me up each time) and then flopping back into bed and blacking out again. He at least appreciates that! If we do build the new house we're going to have joint master bedrooms which would be FANTASTIC! I just read somewhere recently that a lot of custom new builds have this as a feature now. Angel – totally get the evening cuddles but I like to have them and then toddle off to my own bed to get decent rest! I don't know how you do it with the apnoea. I can't even stand hearing someone breathe in the same room lol!

Angel – no worries at all about Brown's. We had a good time and it was delicious! Not a mouse in sight.

Yeah, the spinal is freaking me out BUT the comfort of knowing that I can have the general if needed is making me feel better so I may, may, be feeling brave on the day and give the spinal a go. Gulp. Really is my worst nightmare.

Like the other ladies, I don't think you look massive in your photo. You look heavily pregnant by that point BUT you're carrying TWINS! Multiples should be excluded from any bump reviews on the grounds that it's not a fair comparison.

Hope you had a lovely birthday! How was the antiques fair?

Sabrina – so pleased to read that your OH spoke with his mum. Really hope it makes a difference going forward. Hope you and LO are feeling a bit better today.

Storm – eek about L's finger! My worry for our LO is going to be the stairs – 4 floors and lots of winders. It's going to be a safety nightmare…

Clio – happy the lecture went well. Such a release when something like that is lifted off you. When I defended my dissertation, I was also so overwhelmed at the end that I was struggling to answer many more questions and if someone had have asked me even my name that would have been too taxing! Hope the review and suggestions were productive.

Re my DH, yes he does acknowledge that he needs to do more but then does nothing about it. He's really pushing to make QC (effectively a high ranking lawyer who can approach the High Courts) so I know that that will always take precedence as much as he says it doesn't. We had a MAJOR row about it a few months back but he appears to have a very short term memory over content of rows and then rose-tints everything with hindsight. Very odd especially when I am an extremely clear individual and don't mince my words or sugar coat…. Anyway, what will be will be.

Rowan – I stopped counting at 2 stone and since then I haven't been the best with avoiding the chocolate. I'm still at my parents this week but back in London next week so hoping to eat healthily then and THEN weigh myself again :blush: My bump has blown up over the last 10 days or so so while there are no stretch marks just yet I think they're in the post. The skin is starting to feel rather tight (I'll be 34 weeks this Thursday so a bit behind you).

As for me, busy few days with the Saturday trip to London and visit to Book of Mormon. Today we have been racing round buying Grandma a new TV as hers died just before she went into hospital and we had great news yesterday that she was going to be released today as she has impressed the physio so much! As Mum is going to be staying with her for the next couple of weeks and will go in one of the top bedrooms as Gran's room is on the ground floor (it's effectively a bungalow), I thought getting a two-way baby monitor would be a good idea so gran could speak to her during the night if she needed to so we bought one of those too. So we've been down there for the rest of the day installing the new TV and getting her place ready. I was at her house when Mum and Dad brought her back this afternoon - I have honestly not seen her look that happy in years when she pulled up on the drive.

Hope everyone is doing well and having a good week so far x

PS I'm a Game of Thrones nut too and can't wait! 1 April in the UK when starts up again! Also waiting for the next series of True Blood – how I miss Eric, Bill and Alcide……hello boys!
well, we have crawling and standing - e.g. proper crawling, across the room and now, is trying to chase the cat. Literally. He manages to get to the cat, pet the cat and the cat moves and then, LO moves to find him. We're going to have to put up a stair-gate in the next day or so (our living room is on the upstairs floor, e.g. 2nd USA, 1st UK (ground floor UK = 1st floor USA)).

took the day off with a migraine, flu, cold? And I didn't even drink on St. Patrick's Day, so unfair!

so now, we have teething and developmental milestones - no sleep in sight tonight perhaps....oh, well...Borboleta - 4. 15 am is just too early for me, too!

hugs to to liberate LO from inside his jumeroo (he can now pull himself up to play with the stuff on the outside).

TV: always on, but we always are playing with him, so more on in the background e.g. we can't really leave him alone anyway as our kitchen is downstairs, etc., so tend to do chores/housework when LO is napping. LO napping = housework done. No nap = no housework.

Good morning ladies. So behind again!
First of all thank you all for your birthday wishes I did indeed have a lovely day :D OH got me a new FrancisFrancis espresso machine in light blue as the one I had had broken down years ago but since I love the design I was loath to chuck it and it has ever since resided uselessly in the kitchen corner. :)
Thank you also for your kind comment on how I looked pregnant. But as I said, you cannot really see how truly vast I was in that pic. But yes I agree with Jules, I shouldn't compare my twin bump to a singleton bump, especially as I had two singleton sized babies on board :)

Clio belated congratulations on getting through you lecture and doing it so well :) Have you sat down with them and received your full review already? I bet they were impressed.
As for not watching tv after ten, no the tv is in the sitting room but I want to be in bed by 10 usually cause I can never know if the boys won't wake us at 4:30. They usually drop off again but I usually find it hard. So if they do this and I had been in bed by 10 I have a chance of having slept 6 hours. If by any chance they sleep till 6:30 then I actually get the chance for 8 hours which is just such bliss, that going to bed early seems a small sacrifice. Plus I know that if I set the bed time at 11 my OH would drag it out to 12. And then we would both suffer the next day cause he DOES get moods too, even though he denies it. And since OH would just wake me if he came to bed later, I usually prefer he goes when I go.
As for Toddler Club no I haven't been there at all yet. I do still go to Baby Club but try to avoid any controversial topics. I have noticed however that some of the more militant mothers on there seem to have gone. Yay lol
I went back to read my first few entries on this thread when you mentioned it and wow I can hardly believe how far we have all come! It doesn't feel as though 6 months have gone by already! But that is how interesting and lovely all you ladies are :)
Did you manage to put legs on the turtle? J sounds so cute with running through the house and shouting. Maybe waboo just means to be a sound of joy? :D

Sabrina your comments about your cat and the BLW made me grin! But would you really like her to share with Finn? :sick: lol Btw are your cats allowed out and if so, do they hunt much? How is Daphne? Fully recovered I hope?
And how do the cats react to Finn chasing them? Sounds so cute though :D

Claire oh I agree, I would choose my boys over any wobble and skin apron any time. I am grateful I had such a great pregnancy and am every day amazed anew about just how lovely my boys are and how much I truly love them :cloud9:
That however doesn't mean that I don't secretly dream of an all over fat vacuum or more realistically a tummy tuck. I kid you not when I say that should my belly remain like this, I will never dtd again. There is just no way my OH will ever get to see that drapery that is now my belly. But again, I would still choose my boys and my current belly, had I the choice of either them and never dtd again or dtd regularly and not have the boys. I would not hesitate an instance.

Charlie you are very kind :) I am sure you can afford a few choccies here and there with all the exercise you get. Have you, like Claire, noticed that BF makes you lose weight?
How is Sophia? Hope all is well with sleeping etc?

Storm poor L and poor you about catching her finger in the door! I know she was the one hurt but I know how we mummies suffer with them, especially if we blame ourselves! :hugs: But yes thank you for the warning. Must definitely also warn OH.
The shoes you mention, are they the ones she is wearing in the pic on FB? The one where she sits in her old swing? I was thinking to myself when I saw that pic that she was wearing proper big girl shoes and how cute she looks! She truly is a little beauty :)
As for your in laws, well if they eat ready made food this easily and they aren't appreciative of your cooking then definitely make it easy on yourself! Hope your AF headache is better?

Borboleta T playing with his little friends sounds so cute! As for toys suddenly becoming interesting again, we also get this with our boys. What ever toy one has, the other one wants. Usually it is Dominic wanting to try and take Sebastian's things now but it used to be the other way around. Thing is, Dominic has started kneeling by Sebastian with his hands on him to support himself and trying to reach what ever toy is on the other side. This does make Sebastian cry as he is not strong enough to throw Dominic off and I guess it feels painful to have so heavy a little boy push you down like that. :( Also Dominic wants to pull on Sebastian's amber teething necklace. So I have to be careful now and go over there every few minutes.
How was last night? I hope better? Seems still quite random when T will sleep through and when he won't. Or do you know why he wakes? And having to rock him for an hour and 45 mins... sounds dreadful, especially when you are so tired yourself. At least Dominic rarely did this. He woke gazillion times but was usually back asleep in 10 mins.

Rowan how lovely to hear from you! Glad your waterworks have been good. And yay for a cleaner :D Wish I could have one! And 2 stones is nothing. Well done you!
Sounds like there is so much going on at your house. I really hope you manage to have everything done before M2 arrives? I also wanted to ask you, would you like me to send you some of our 6-9 month rompers and undies etc? Sadly we have none left for younger ages. But perhaps you have no storage for that far in the future? Just let me know, or I'll give it to charity :)

Jules glad you got to enjoy your treat after all :) And yeah the antiques fair was lovely. Some of the really great dealers weren't there but there was still pretty much nothing I could have afforded lol
I do understand that the spinal would freak you out, it is not a pleasant thought at all. I only managed to be calm by not thinking about it much. Just took every moment in the op theatre one at a time. Plus OH was feeling a little faint cause he skipped breakfast that morning so I had to think about him and that distracted me. So best tell your DH to definitely eat something and have a coffee, even if he thinks he is too excited.
I am so glad your grandmother is so much better and back home! Hopefully she will improve in leaps and bounds now :)
And yay for a fellow Game of Thrones nut! We just watched the last episode yesterday. Very cool cliffhanger! Thank golly I won't have to wait too long till it starts again lol. Oh but how I wish they had chosen a different actress to play Margaery Tyrell. I didn't like Natalie Dormer in The Tudors and I certainly don't like her in this. And yes The Tudors was another guilty pleasure of mine though the inaccuracies were staggering lol But who cares when there is Jonathan Rhys Meyers to be ogled :p

Ok got to run as Dominic wants to nap. Hope you are all well. xxx
Just a quick one. Angel - that's funny about Tudors and I was totally addicted to it too! JRM was fantastic as Henry VIII, which was tough given his stature. I'm indifferent to Natalie dormer in GoT but I must admit I loved her in Tudors - she played the manipulative bitch perfectly for me! I'm going to need a big recap on GoT as it has been so long since I saw it now! x
Jules yeah I know what you mean. I believed Natalie Dormer's/Anne Boleyn's nastiness in the Tudors but at the same time I found her to be a bit of a bad actress. It was all so overblown. Then again, so was the whole show lol and if I am honest I really only watched it for JRM, Henry Cavill and the costumes. Lush! :p
Just a quick one--I've got to work on my lecture for today and I'll write more later. But I just wanted to share.

One of the first words J learned was "cat." But after a while he started getting lazy and instead of saying "cat" he began to say "tat" instead. Then, that turned into "tata" and I figured he had forgotten how to say it properly altogether.

But he has also taken to wandering around the house, yelling really loudly, "DAD-DEE DAD-DEE DAD-DEE!" and "MUM-MEE MUM-MEE MUM-MEE!" Then yesterday, he stopped in front of the cat and yelled "TATA TATA TATA!" at her. Later, he stomped around the house yelling "MUM-MEE DAD-DEE TATA TATA!!!" And I realized that he had re-named the cat "Tata"!

Poor Morgan. I could not think of a worse name for a cat.

Oh, and I just checked his mouth. He has one canine right on its way in (it's bulging white and there is a pocket of old blood next to it), you can see the other canine through a completely inflamed gum, and feel the ridges of two molars. So, unbeknownst to us, he has been teething four teeth, and gave no indication. I'm sure we'll enter the final stage of the canine soon, though, when the drooling and the crying and the diaper rash start. :nope: But it'll be nice to finally have some molars...
we pretty much had sttn last night (he woke up for a minute or two around 1am), but then, I couldn't sleep (electric blanket will only be really warm on the highest setting, but then it's too hot).

LO is crawling everywhere now and trying to climb the sofa (can now pull himself up to a standing position by himself), so no rest for me anymore...

must go, somebody is protesting the jumperoo (he was fine a minute ago!) and MR TEETHING HELL is returning....


ps. Tata is a nice name for the cat! Does the cat respond?
Ha! The cat doesn't even respond to "Morgan."

I just called her Tata, and no response.

Okay, got to go!
Hi Ladies,Not posted for a while. Everytime I think I will write I get sidetracked!:wacko:
I hope everyone is well - esp for our pregnant ladies Rowan and Jules:thumbup:

Jules great news that your Grandma is happy back at home!:thumbup:

I had some fantastic news yesterday whilst out for lunch with my best friend Lucy (who my Lucy is named after) she told me she is 6 weeks pregnant!!:happydance::happydance: it has been a hard time for her as this is her 4th pregnancy in under 2 years - the last 3 have all ended in m/c's:cry:
she is understandably very nervous,but feels hopefull. I so want this for her as she will make the best Mum. She too is a 35+ lady and will be 39 when the baby is due.

I have a wedding cake to do for Saturday. It is my brother and SIL's 2nd wedding reception (they got married in Poland last year) they were meant to have the reception in Sept '12 but as some of you will remember my Mum was in ICU after being rushed into hospital,so they cancelled the party. I will post a pic when I have completed it.

I went to Westfield Shopping centre in London today (for you ladies not from London or the UK it is a HUGE mall) with my Mum and Lucy......Lucy had a blast,she was trotting around the shops looking at all the pretty things and waving at people and laughing. Needless to say she zonked out in the car on the way home. I fancied stopping at the champagne bar, but with a 14month old it might not have been the best idea! lol:haha:

Right, off to bed for me now.
sorry no real personals as I can't remember what everyone has written lately.
SK--Yay for Finn! And there isn't much time between cruising and walking, so watch out! Though I remember cruising to be a particularly frustrating time because all he could cruise were the couches, footstools and coffee table and he was always right there, practicing, as opposed to playing independently at least some of the time.

Borboleta--J's favourite episode is the one with the key and the treasure (where the treasure ends up being a whole bunch of keys). He sits there and laughs and, since he watches from his high chair, he bangs and bangs on his tray. From this episode J has learned the word "key" and we had to give him his own set because he kept taking ours. Today he took one of the keys on his ring and pretended to insert it into the knob of the backdoor and turned around and said "CAR!" (And I'm still trying to figure out when he got tall enough to reach the door knob!)

I don't know about the fruit thing; I think you have to watch the sugar content. Not that I have been. Since he loves bananas, I still give them to him even though their sugar content is high. I'll be happy when molars can help him out with apples, which he loves, but he leaves a trail of apple pieces throughout the downstairs because he currently can't chew on them properly.

It turns out that Toddler Club moves very, very slowly. I'm surprised that BC moves as fast as it does as babies take up more time. But by TC, a lot of members seemed to have moved on. I asked a friend of mine from pg .org if she wants to join this thread (she's 39 and pregnant with her first) but she's very wary because she says that BnB has a very bad rep for being mean (my friend is also in the UK). I explained that we're like nothing like that, but I suspect she'll keep her distance. Plus, she's very loyal to pg. org.

Rowan--I agree with Borboleta--I am shocked every time I look at your ticker! If you and Jules have your babies around the same time, this will be awesome!

Jules--I believe that when it comes to stairs, the best baby proofing you can do is teach your LO to climb up and down stairs once he starts crawling. He'll probably do the "up" part on his own, but the "down" part requires some training, unless he's naturally able to do it. I felt much better knowing that even if J ends up somewhere upstairs, or, if the door to the basement is accidentally left open and he decides to go down, that he can do so safely, even if I'm not around. Not that that's happened (yet), but you never know. Do you have one floor you could dedicate to your LO, and just block off the upstairs and the downstairs? And no wonder you're so fit. I'd die climbing all of those stairs all the time!

Oh, and what's your PhD in? I think all of these higher degrees among all of us is one of the major explanations as to why we are all 35+ with our first!

Your new house sounds like a dream. Where are you going to build it? I thought that land is at a premium in London; are you able to build it in the city?

Re: Your OH and his reluctance to pitch in more--that must be incredibly frustrating. But the allure of getting farther in his career must be strong. Will he be even busier once he gets to the next level? (Sorry--UK court terms are not a strong suit of mine, other than barrister and solicitor.) Your OH reminds me of my father, who did the same thing; he worked like crazy to get further and further in his field, and my mother ended up doing all the work raising us. Maybe things will change when the baby comes? :shrug:

Will your career also suffer because of the time you take off?

Angel--I know this sounds strange, but I think when he says "waboo" he's imitating the cat's purr (which he has heard a million times because good ol' Tata lets him hug and kiss her and purrs while J mauls him). Anyway, the cat was lying on my chest one evening and I realized that her purr does sound remarkably like "waboo." Ach, who knows. He's stopped saying it as well.

I never got into the Tudors, even though I really tried. My all time favourite show, which I still long for today, is Battlestar Galactica. I have watched the series all the way through 3 or 4 times, and certain individual episode even more than that.

Okay, I've got to go grocery shopping with OH and J. I'll write more personals later.
Only just seen this thread (and not read all of it!). I was 40 when my daughter was born in April 2011, and 42 when son was born 2 months ago. So am now 42 with 2 children under 2!
Hello ladies, I've not written anything properly here for a long long time, but i do read all your interesting stories, usually during night time feeds. I'm loving my ipad mini for that, as well as the kindle app on it but it's a pain to write with!

Clio, i agree with SK i think tata is a great name for a cat :) lucky you that J teeths painlessly, i have heard that some babies do. Sophia at the moment is not one of those! however a good friend of mine and quite a credible authority on children (she has 6!!) tells me that all of hers where only bad for their 1st tooth and the rest, she never knew that they were teething at all. I can but hope!

SK yey for lots crawling, climbing Finn and for STTN :happydance:

Jules, glad your grandmother is home now, hope she's doing well and liking her new telly. I'm sure it must be such a great feeling getting home! i may be a nurse, but i am the worst patient, the thought of been admitted to a hospital sends a shiver right through me! luckily i have only been admitted once and that was after i had Sophia, so at least i had a lovely distraction. How are you feeling at 34 weeks? i think it was around then that pregnancy took it's toll on me and i bought forward my annual leave as just couldn't walk fast enough to get around the enourmous department that i was meant to be running! are you still sleeping badly, i slept so bady in the 3rd tri, it was exhausting!

Rowan, how on earth are you doing so much being heavily pregnant and with a LO!! i am in awe of you! I'd be sleeping on the sofa and no idea how i would manage Sophia!! I'm all for cleaners since having Sophia. I have one weekly, it was meant to be a kind of treat as we don't have much family support around, so a treat for 3 months after I had Sophia, however 4 and a half months later, and she is still here every Wednesday! :winkwink:

Borboleta, 4am wakes ups??? oh dear, i could not doing with that at all! i hope T decides that he likes his lie ins soon! About fruit, does that help with his constipation?? it should on the plus side, the only other thing i would have thought if they have too much that would be a problem would be too much sugar for their teeth but that depends what fruit he's eating. But always better than a lot of the junk out there!

Angel, happy belated birthday :cake: your pressie looks lovely, very retro, i like. i wish i had room for a lovely coffee maker like that but my kitchen is a bit small, when i move into my beautiful house one day!! How are your boys? are they keeping you busy with all their crawling? what level of gymboree do they do now? does it change once they start moving about more?

Claire, love the photo of your Lucy parcel on FB, she is very cute and looks so much like you! i think Sophia is looking more and more like her dad, but every now and then i see me in her, i suppose time will tell.

About having another baby, i definatley want to TTC and would love to be pregnant by the time S is 1, crazy perhaps but i would love a small age gap. I had no problem getting pregnant with S but there are no guarantees of that again so would like to start to try sooner rather than later. no idea how i would cope with S but i suppose you just do when the time comes.

Things with us have been a bit crazy recently as Sophia has had her 1st cold and while she's been teething :cry: poor little thing. She was actually amazingly happy during the day, despite, snotty nose, blocked tear ducts, teething drool, diarhoea and a fever!!! but night time was not fun! she just wanted me to hold all the time! it's hard work being a mum to a poorly baby! she's on the mend now though and is fast asleep on her own now :thumbup: Other than being poorly Sophia is proving to be a little charecter who loves to chat. I do read all of your storie and i wonder when Sophia will start talking, crawling etc. At the mo she is deparate to sit up! i think she's quite rightly bored on her back! She is a great sleeper at night, we do have wake ups and bad nights but on the whole i cannot complain! however she is an awful napper!! she just won't unless she's in her buggy with a cover over it to block out all light! we are getting black out roller blinds fitted next week, just in time before the clocks go forward :thumbup: so in her room will be a black out roller blind, a venetian blind and curtains with black out lining!!! i really hope that makes it dark enough for her not to find something to look at and she can have a nap in her room and i can have a cuppa and watch some telly instead of walking the streets and milling about all the local coffee shops (all of whom know me now but they have never met S as she's hidden in her dark buggy!!!!)

Other than that i am trying to arrange a family trip to Australia. My mum is Australian and would love to go back and see her home again and her family, so September we will be off there, me Sophia, mum and OH! i must be crazy but at least OH will be with me and he's great with Mum, i would not do it without him! Sophia will be 10 months then, has anyone done any travelling with their LO's when they were around that age? any advice or tips? i have no idea what to expect! I think we will be heading to Amsterdam in June to see OH's parents so a good short flight to test it out.

anyway i hear rumbling and think she may need a feed so off to S then to bed as I'm pooped!

Bye x
hello lightweight! how are you finding it with 2 under 2? it must be exhausting!
Charlie - sorry for being rubbish as We never got to meet for the coffee:wacko: can we re arrange? hope you and S are well?!
Lightweight - welcome,welcome!! 2 under 2 at 42....go girl!
How are you finding it?
not much here - and nope, no rest for the wicked, e.g. Finn is now trying to climb on everything and falling and screaming and then, when mummy picks him up and gives a cuddle, he turns and gives dada a huge, smug smile!

it's so cute, though - after his bath and a bedtime bottle, he will fall asleep in my OH's arms but with me, he just wants to play, so we put straight into the basket and put on the bouncy chair to rock (my leg stops it from moving) and he will usually fall asleep within about 5-15 minutes for his afternoon nap, unless a cat comes in the living room (he can sense this) and then, he sits up and tries to get out of the basket. Now, the cats are wary, but that wasn't enough to get Sabrina (the older cat) to move off my bed when it came to bath-time (we change him on the bed) until Finn decided that pointing at 'the long black tail' from This is MY kitten was too boring and he started to grab it (fortunately, the cat just moved away). Me thinks the cats are a little confused as before he wasn't moving much or bum shuffling and they could see him coming, now with the crawling, he moves fast and can climb up onto the sofa (almost) which definitely surprised Daphne (who moved away quickly) - she's all 'recovered' now except for the naked skin/scar, which is growing very slowly back.

off to bed! bye and sleepy dust for all (including mummies-to-be as I remember those last weeks of pregnancy, although don't have to go to the toilet as much (Finn was always head down, meaning head on my bladder for 9 months)!


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