any other over 35 first time mums?

Hi everyone! Thanks for your well-wishes, and the lecture went really well (I think). Since I'm being marked on student participation, as well (for a lecture, which is odd), I had them analyze the pic on my title slide, asked them questions, and called the students by name when they answered, which I think is, like, evidence of suuuuuper previous participation. The head of the department and the resident American Historian came up to me afterwards and said... And this is where I draw a blank. :shrug: I can't actually remember what they said because I was so overwhelmed by this point. But I do remember the Americanist saying that although he does it differently (good thing? bad thing?), I hit all of the same key points that he does for the 1950s. Phew! And they were incredibly nice. Oh, and when I told them that I was nervous about the lecture, they said they couldn't tell. I have to sit down with them later on to receive the full review and their suggestions on how to improve.

SK--what your MIL said is quite literally crazy talk. I wonder what spurred her "critique" of your marriage. But I'm sorry; I think I would feel exactly the same way if my MIL did that to me or OH. :hugs:

Angel--I consider Supermoms to be those who spend all day taking care of infants/toddlers. Like you, and most others on this thread. I'm SuperSlackerMom, I think.

Is your tv in your room? Is that why didn't you don't watch after ten?

Okay, I'm falling asleep. I'll write more later. :kiss:
Just a quick addition. I now regret that I did not take a single picture of myself while pregnant. The only one that exists as far as I know it the one that my mum took the day before my boys were born. I look so fat and hideous in it that I don't wonder that I didn't allow anyone to take piccies. But still, I regret that now. Anyway, I thought I would share. My mum took this with her phone off the original printed picture so the quality is bad. And yes I do look like a hideous fat frog and no this does not do my bump ANY justice. It was HUGE! And so was I.

ETA: Alfie caught the mouse and it was half dead on our bedroom carpet and I feel dreadful! OH put it in a bag and now in the bins outside. Poor little creature! :cry:
nope - absolutely no pictures of me at all whilst pregnant, nor most of the time otherwise. I would like to know how heavy I was right before I had LO as it would make me feel better now to see how much weight I have lost since then - LOL!

bad night - LO woke up with a temperature around 39.4 at 12.45am, but after some calpol, he finally went back to sleep around 4am, then woke up at 6am, but thanks to the blackout curtains, which didn't make it completely black, we both dozed until about 9.30am - so far, his temperature is back to normal today!

BLW - our big cat, Sabrina, is now a HUGE fan, especially as LO either eats in Daddy's lap or on the floor and Finn will offer food to the cat....sigh. I'm glad to see he wants to share, but Sabrina doesn't like to share, only take

hope all are well....bye!
well Angel I just have to comment on your bump be totally honest with you,you look like a ........................pregnant lady!:haha: you really do not look huge,esp as you were carrying twins for christ sake!:dohh:
I know you won't believe any of us when we tell you this,but it is an honest and true opinion.:thumbup:
To ALL of us ladies - we probably don't feel quite the same about our bodies since giving birth(or being pregnant Jules ) but what would we rather? less wobbles and a few less stetch marks? or our most precious little gifts............our babies?! I know in a heartbeat I would rather live my life a little plumper and a little saggier than live it without my child!:cloud9: so Angel and everyone else,look upon your bodies now with amazement at what they have given you,not on what clothes size you wear:thumbup:

Right,now where are those chocolate biscuits?! lol :winkwink::haha::haha::haha:

Angel forgot to say,your boys have your eyes! beautiful eyes!:thumbup:
Angel, you really do not look like you have twins on board, you look at lot better than I did right at the end, nice and healthy. I can see your boys in you a lot.

Very true Claire, I'll take my new flabby body with Sophia in my life any day, but I really must stop with the chocies, well cut down a tad I really have become a chocolate monster!
Angel: I love the picture of you pregnant. And like Claire said you had two babies in there so your belly should be twice as big as ours :thumbup:. Actually I do kind of miss the pregnancy belly. You are not concerned if fat is sticking out your pants or not :haha:.

Clio: great news about your lecture :thumbup:.

Sabrina: so sorry about Finn and the fever. Hope the little man feels better soon.
Forgot to wish Angel a wonderful birthday:)!!!!:happydance:

Rowan: hope you, M1 and M2 are doing well:).

Charlie: oh chocolate!!! Why they ever invented this evil food :dohh:!
Happy Birthday Angel!--I hope you have a lovely day. And what I love about your picture is that it's not posed. I really can't even tell how big you are, and I'm drawn to your face instead. What the others said is true--the twins have your eyes! Anyway, I hope you have a lovely day. What are your plans?

Claire--you said it, sistah! Very well put. I just think it takes time to get used to these new bodies. They changed so much in so little time.

Leeze--I'm sorry your nights are still so hard and that you're so very very tired. I hope it starts to improve soon!

So we had a lovely morning with J. He slept through till 6 am, then got up and yawned at 7:15, went back down, and then got up again at 9:30! So, in other words, we actually had a lovely morning without J. :blush:

Not much more to say... I woke up this morning with a feeling like a huge rock had been removed from my shoulders; I've been nervous about this review for so long that it's so strange and so lovely to no longer worry about it.

J found the knitted stuffed turtle that still has no legs and won't give it back for me to finish. He's running around the house, dragging it behind him with one of the very long pieces of yarn I have yet to weave in, yelling "TURTLE TURTLE TURTLE WABOO WABOO TURTLE!!!" We have no idea what "waboo" means, though.
Question: Does anybody visit Toddler Club now? I've been over a few times, and it seems pretty benign compared to BC. Until I started reading a "controversial" thread about toddler groups, but even that one was pretty darn tame.
Another question: do you guys ever go back to read this thread from when we all joined? Maybe it's just the historian in me, but I think it's really cool to read. The twins are 4 months, T is 5, J is 7... So much has happened and changed since August, 2012!
re: toddler club - nope, not yet! and my first 'entry', me thinks, for this group, was no. 2, but then didn't look on the thread for awhile....

must dash as LO is teething and has decided that maybe the radiator isn't to be eaten (turned off)....

Happy birthday angel and I love your bump, you don't look big at all! Oh and well done Alfie on the mouse catching!

Sk mil sounds totally opinionated and her suggestion you have issues partly because of the seperate room setup is stupid! I'm guessing she is just lashing out trying to cause hurt cause she isn't happy! I had the in-laws up again yesterday, I figure I can suck it up for a few hours if it makes dh happy. Bil was meant to come too but cancelled at the last minute with the usual.disregard that I'd prepared for him to be there! Anyway I' sick of fil picking through my food I'd ordered 3 sets of 2 can dine for ten pounds. They ate everything I gave them! So prepared meals it is... And I'm a pretty darn good cook.. I give up...

Today I closed Ls finger in the door for the second time :( I feel so bad... This is one for us all to look out for, she keeps sticking her fingers in the hinge side! My brother said its very common for small fingers to be taken off this way.... Eek. I really hurt her too :( she's ok but man I felt bad... Again :(

As for the post pregnancy body, I don't much care, L is worth the easily expanding stomach and I figure if we are going to TTC again soon and are successful its only going to get worse! I do need to.shift weight though.

In other news we got Ls feet measured again, they are up a size to a UK 5 and are now narrower! She's going to have big banana feet! So another 25 pounds and she has these sweet little white trainer style shoes with little cats on them :). I hope they do her a couple of months! Wow baby shoes can be expensive for a few weeks...

Right I'm off to chill.. oh yes if you ask L to say mama now she says dada and if you ask her to say mummy she says dad and laughs... What a monkey! She's such a laugh!
Storm: so sorry to hear that you got L's finger in the door. I havent done that with thiago yet but I am sure that will happen eventually.
So cute how she says mommy and daddy the opposite :haha:.

Clio: I would love to see J playing with your turtle and screaming turtle. I bet that is the cutest thing:).

Sabrina: what happened that day that Finn woke up from his nap at 6pm? Thiago has done that too and he probably would fall asleep until close to 10pm :dohh:

Bad night for me. He went to bed late ( we went out to a birthday party) at around 10pm and woke up at close to 2 am and didn't go back to sleep until 3:45am :sleep:!!! I am pretty sure he was hot, gassy and hungry. So after a while trying to rock him I turned down the A/C, gave him Tylenol and a bottle. And down he went to sleep. I am tired but will survive :thumbup:. Today we have a couple of friends with little ones coming to our house for dinner to play with thiago which should be cute:). He did play yesterday with another little friend ( the one that passed him a cold that turned into a ear infection) and it was so cute to see than together. Noah , his little friend, had to have tubes put in his ears because he was catching to many colds at daycare. Poor thing. But he is doing lots better now.
Borboleta - at the moment, he's waking up around 2am, regardless of an afternoon nap (e.g. on Friday, a longish nap until about 6, down at 10 and then up around 12.30-4am with teething pain/temperature and then, yesterday (Sat), no real afternoon nap, asleep around 9.30 and then up around 2-4am again with teething pain), so at the moment, if he sleeps, let him sleep is our motto....we have a three day weekend due to St. Patrick's Day, so we are hopeful that the teething hell will end in the next day or so. He has a few coming through at the moment (not just one at a time...)

sorry about the in-laws, storm -- am dreading Easter as am not sure whether will have to see MIL. You are much nicer than I am....

hope all are well. bye!
Not a great morning - LO was awake around 2am, fussy as usual, but we managed a slight truce, e.g. he did sleep a little in my bed, but then he properly woke up around 7am and was screaming in pain and so was I. I had a terrible headache and LO wouldn't stop screaming, but I did manage to get some painkillers into both of us and a bottle into him (I didn't manage tea and toast for myself (and he gets some toast as well) for another 1/2 hour), but what an awful morning! I just have no patience first thing in the morning and after only a few hours sleep - growl and it doesn't help that once LO is okay (meds in/bottle in), he starts calling out 'dada'! (he will do the same to my OH on his mornings, so me thinks, LO likes to have both mummy and daddy around).

We've pretty much decided NOT to go to NYC this summer, but try to combine a trip to both parents (one in Arizona and going to for Christmas; the other in NC) in December as would be going to houses and only in a hotel for one or two nights in NYC (then fly to Charlotte, NC, then to Arizona) as two American trips in one year might be too much.

hope all are well? (we're off work for St. Patrick's Day, also was around the 'anniversary' of the due date of my LLO, would have had a 3 year old and Finn; I'm pretty sure that the mc was inevitable but I'll always wonder 'what if')....

Sabrina: so sorry to hear about your bad night. Poor Finn he is suffering with those teeth coming in. And I am sure you have a lot of emotions going thru your mind today. I have never had a miscarriage today but I can just imagine how painful that must had been for you:(. Do you mind me asking how far along were you? My mom had a couple of miscarriages before me and had went through 7 months of pregnancy to loose the baby 2 days later:(. We are very blessed to have our LOs:).

We had a great weekend:). Thiago played with his little buddy Noah (1 month older than him) and then on Sunday he played with karina ( 16 months) and Cyrus ( 14 months). It was really cute to see how they interact. And toys that Thiago doesn't want to play with all of a sudden become very interesting because another baby is playing with lol!!!
And to make us feel better all the mommies say that the babies wake up once during the night still or are early birds and wake up time is 5am!! Anywyas made me and OH feel better lol!!
Borboleta - I was 7-8 wks along, but the hospital experience made it worse (misdiagnosis of mc, lost blood work, etc. (not just me, but happened to a few others at the same time, same hospital, a 'bit' of a national scandal, actually -- that's why we went private with Finn)) - I know, clio, also had a tough (ectopic?) experience and we ALL struggled to get pregnant with our LOs, so won't dwell too much on me!

LO is taking a very long nap with very pink cheeks, so better get the meds ready; poor baby!

Arghhh banging sore head, that's one thing I didn't miss when I was pregnant AF!

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