any other over 35 first time mums?

Good afternoon ladies,

Strange night for us. Thiago woke up at 3:45am and did a little crying here in there but mostly sat on his crib and play with his toys for one hour so we decided to go in ( I forgot to give him Advil :dohh:). He had wet himself and was soaked in pee. OH changed him and gave him Advil and rocked him for about 45 min. We haven't had a night like this one in a while. And I was so tired from all my working out yesterday!! Talking about working out, have you gone back to the Zumba DVD storm?
Good morning ladies :)

Storm I hope L sttn for the third time last night? I really hope she turned a corner for you now! :) As for getting her off the milk in the night, could you not gradually reduce the milk to water ratio or the amount you give her?
I don't think you are mad for hating to be tickled. I don't think it is that much fun even if the reflexes make one laugh. I hated it too cause it seemed it never ended and it was an invasion in a way wasn't it? And I am sure since you have those memories you would never overdo it with L so that for her it still is just fun :)
As for her little vanity station oh my golly how cute! She might still grow to have an interest, her tomboyishness might be just a phase?
And not wanting to hassle you in anyway but have you tested yet? :test: :winkwink:

Borboleta good idea with the toy and the lights. At the moment we are distracting Dominic with a book he only gets during changing time (a very small cheap one the health visitor gave us) but when that loses its interest, which it no doubt will soon, I must have a look for a toy like that :thumbup:
When you read to T, does he sit on your lap quietly looking at the pictures? Cause I have been trying for ages to read the boys a proper book but usually they want to grab it and turn the pages themselves and since they have no concept of how the story flows they turn over random pages back and forth and turn the book upside down. And if I hold on to it tightly, they start hitting at it. They only seem to enjoy a book when sitting on the floor and when they can turn the pages themselves and I read out what it says on that page. But that is a lil frustrating to me :(
As for your "fat belly", all I can say is that your OH is lucky he isn't my DH: I truly DO have a fat belly due to my severed muscles and my diastasis and I am not fit and slim like his lovely wife. :grr:
Hope last night was better with T and he didn't wake you again?

Sabrina what kinds of sun glasses and sun hats do you have for F? I got some beanie hats for my boys but I fear they will pull them down immediately- IF they ever get the occasion to wear them now :wacko: I don't trust the weather report. It said today would be nice, well so far it is raining :(

As for us, nothing much to report.
The boys woke up at 6:45 today and so spoilt have I gotten with their later waking up lately that I actually thought "good golly why so early" :haha:. But really it is only 30 mins before their average waking time.
We are going to get the studio pictures today and if there are any nice ones I will try and scan them and show you.
Oh yes one thing, my boys now climb on to the remaining side table and pull over the lamp (the only thing I left standing on it). So I will have to dismantle that table too I guess. Not looking forward to only having the overhead lights to turn on in the evening. Makes for an un-cosy light :( At least this is a perfect occasion to getting a new and bigger sofa for that space. Our two seater is ancient and too small for a family of 4 :)cloud9:) But when OH suggested we take down the painting above the sofa as well, I said NO! We just have to find a way to make it hang safer than just by one nail. I adore my boys so much, they are my whole world, but I would like to have some remnants of my grown up sitting room please and not live in a room with bare walls. :( Besides I painted that myself and though I never finished it, I love that painting.

I hope you are all well? Please post some more, so I have something to read when I can escape my little bratlings (as OH affectionately calls them) for a few minutes here and there. :) :flow:
angel/borboleta - what's the toy you mention re. changing nappy problems? I'd look into that. I think we have used all our current options.

re. reading books - it depends, sometimes G sits on my lap and waits until I read the whole story, but other he does what the twins do (or was it just Dom?) and wants to flick through the pages himself (randomly of course! :dohh:). I try not to get too frustrated as at least I manage to read them properly once in a while.

question re. journeys on public transport - anyone else commuting everyday with your LOs? we have a 30min journey on the metro and I am running out of ways to entertain him. he gets soooo bored/impatient! but I see other babies/toddlers that they just sit in their buggies and look out the window. how about yours?

Did I say that G is 'finally' walking? :happydance: he took his first steps a while ago bt in the last couple of weeks has become much more confident. he seems so proud of himself! :cloud9:
Hello ladies just wanted to pop in to say :hi:

Have enjoyed reading all your posts but not had either energy or time to post properly. However now I am feeling so so much better I will post something more substantial soon.

Hope you are all keeping well.

Angel would love to see a photo of your picture too

Morning ladies! Biggest news here is Blake rolled from front to back twice. He's been working at it for awhile and kept getting so close, but didn't seem to know what to do with his arm. He finally got it up toward his head and then plopped right over. Past few days he kind of arches his back and twists while he's on his back, so maybe he's trying to go back to front now? Not sure as he does this back twist thing, gets on his side, and seems content there until he flops back on his back.

Allergies - not sure how early these can appear? I have lots of allergies, luckily not to food though just dust, mold, pollens, animals. We've noticed a lot of times when I sneeze, Blakey sneezes too. This even started in the NICU once he was moved out of the incubator and into his open air crib (shouldn't even call it a crib, it was actually a plastic tub, couldn't wait to get him out of there, he kept banging his hands and arms against the side, because it was too small for him, he didn't like to be swaddled). Anyway, one day in the NICU we were both sneezing, and I noticed big dust bunnies hanging out under equipment, so I started crawling around the floor cleaning up all the dust bunnies every day. Ha ha! But it did seem to help! So I'm thinking at minimum he may have got my dust allergy? Thank goodness the kitties don't seem to bother him at all!

Oh, thinking about him in that tiny plastic tub that looked like I should store my offseason shoes in them and snap a lid on top makes me so so so grateful he's home!

Tickling - I dont remember any bad tickling in my childhood, but I do remember another having fun but ended up hurting type incident. My dad would drag me around by my arms in the house like a little tugboat. I'd laugh and laugh, thought it was so fun until one time I got bad rug burn all over my stomach, chest, neck, and chin. My mom was so mad! I guess I was covered in clothes in the winter, then summer I wasn't, ouch! :haha:

Blakey hungry, gotta go...have a good day!
Morning all, just a fleeting update – lots to do in work today!

Borboleta I put 2x12oz bottles in the cot with L, like these - only they are bigger and with handles, I only got 2 of them and I can’t get them anywhere now! They are non drip, well as non drip as I can get, they do leak if she lies on the teat! My little madam is drinking 40 oz of milk in a 24 hour period! But she also eats breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner and sometimes supper so it’s not affecting her eating and she isn’t overweight so I’m not bothered with the milk intake, maybe the cost (lactofree milk is twice the price of regular cows milk)…. As for the baby gate and the fear of her getting over it, we have a gate that I got for the dog when she was a puppy to allow the cats to have some space like this its basically a taller than average baby gate, we use it at the top of the stairs at the minute as I have to put the gate down one stair to allow it to fit and that means it’s still tall enough to keep little L from jumping over it. My friend in work also said her toddler never did get out of bed so I’m hopeful for that… not likely though with my little live wire!

And I didn’t get to post it – so here is a little bit more

As for the testing, nope not yet… have had lots of AF like symptoms over the last few days but no sign of AF, I have ordered some tests in the Tesco delivery which will arrive tomorrow so I may well test then – who are we kidding if AF hasn’t arrived I will be grabbing the test and running up the stairs at high speed – lol My stomach has been killing me, I know its TMI but crippling cramps and wind, but that could well be my dodgy tum playing up..

Anyway for fathers day I just ordered these - Sad I know but I thought they were sooooo cute, so many tshirts on there I’d like to get -hehe

I haven’t had a chance to ready anyones updates so may well go and do that now  Yup I will… off I go!
Oh Kosh thats great about G and the walking! I have no idea how you cope with public transport - sometimes our 5 minutes drive home from nursery is a screaming session, I have resorted to raisins or even dolly mixtures as I find the screaming (fake) really off putting when trying to drive!

Angel I would love to see your pic too, I loved the Christmas card you did :)

Charlie so glad to hear you are starting to feel better - would love a good old up update from you.

Kitty - wow thats great about B and the rolling, hes starting very young!

Ive forgotten everything else...

Big hello to Clio who I was thinking about this am on the drive to work and hoping you aren't it too bad a place x
Storm - ooooh, that tall gate looks great! Will have to look for something similar over here. Here's the shirt I got Blake to wear for Fathers Day...

Got the mothers day one for myself, I think he had in on for about 20 minutes before puking on it! :haha:

Kosh - so great about the walking! How exciting, and yet terrifying too!
Storm: I can't wait to hear about your testing result:). And L is such a good eater!!! I am still to meet a little girl that is fussy about her food :winkwink:. Now boys .... I know plenty including my own :dohh:!!! Thiago had a fit yesterday when he saw he had pasta for dinner. He eventually ate some of it but all he wants to eat is fruit and crunchy things like tortilla chips :dohh:! Don't need to say he loves when we go to a Mexican restaurant. The other day he would not eat anything but bananas for dinner!
And I love the tshirt you are giving your OH!!! I have not thought of anything yet for Father's Day! When is it by the way? In Brasil is the second Sunday of the month of August and he is in June.
We have a similar gate on top and bottom of the stairs. We just have a big foyer that you can see the second floor and scares me to think if thiago ( God forbid ) would decide to climb the banister!!!! I would most definitely turn the lock in his room and lock him from outside so he would be safe there. Scary thought!!!

Kitty: :happydance: for B turning over!!! Isn't it exciting to see them reaching milestones? :kiss:. And do you breastfeed or formula feed?

Kosh: :happydance: for Gael walking!!!! I bet he feels so proud of himself:). And for your question about transportation we just use cars down here but I do not leave the house for eating out without the iPad. Little t eats so well and doesn't disturb the other people that are trying to eat in peace :haha:. So maybe something that could work for Gael on his train ride. I wish thiago was one of these babies that are happy in their strollers or high chairs but he is not so it is what it is. And maybe you could give him snacks ( we do that with thiago if he starts fussing in the stroller). But you need loads of snacks for a 30 min ride :haha:!
And the toy that I mention is this vtech tiny touch tablet. But I am sure any kind of small little light up something would work for a while ( hopefully :haha:).

Angel: I want to see the painting too :happydance:!!! And yes we went back to Sttn last night. No pee on himself thank godness!!!
And little t does sit on our lap to read. He normally let us turn the pages unless is a pop up book. And I know that there are some of the books that he doesn't like to read all thru so I just stop reading when we get to that point. And I can tell too the pages he is really looking forward to see. It is very cute. That is about it. He just has lots of attention span for reading books. I hope he keeps up with that in school too :haha:!
And I can't wait to hear your stories when both boys are walking to running around the house:)!!! It is going to be great!!!

Charlie: glad to hear you are feeling better girl :happydance:!!! Medicines are so great sometimes!!! I told OH that I think my vitiligo is looking a tiny bit better. I hope it will keep doing the job that is suppose to.

Sabrina: you are so sweet:) I still would love to meet you one day:). How is little Finn today? And I cannot believe that Finn keeps his glasses and Sun hat on!!! How do you do it? How do you work with him at home? Thiago will not keep anything on his head unless the hat has a Velcro under his chin. He is not a big fan of the bike helmet but after some fighting he lets me do it and forgets about it. :haha:

Clio and Claire: hope you girls are doing well:). And so as J and L:).

Hope I didn't forget anyone.
***started this post yesterday (I think) so hopefully I'll finished it today.***

Kitty Love--I missed the snake stories, but I can totally appreciate your love for them (the snakes, not the stories). That boa at the vets sounds amazing--I almost want one now! My dad always made a bee-line for the snake house at the Toronto Zoo--which is an awesome zoo--and even told us to leave him there because he loved looking at them. He loved only the monkeys more, and I think that was because he loved to watch them throw their poo.

As for J and the guitar--yup, he's obsessed with it! We gave him a ukulele for his first birthday, and he has played it every day since. He calls it his "'tar." He also loves to listen to guitar music, and tells me everyday to put 'tar on. Luckily, our favourite musician is a guitarist, so it's not so bad, but I'm beginning to think we need a new favourite musician, because there is only so much you can hear of even your favourite musician.

Is Blake showing any special interest in anything yet? I love how their obsessions can start so young (and then be tossed aside overnight...). And if he watches you singing and dancing for such a long time, he must really like it!

Has it been determined if you can go out yet this summer? Do you and OH take turns staying in, or is it basically on you? In other words, are you also entirely housebound in the summer?

Oh dear, the tickling comment. I really think I wrote that out wrong. Claire, I honestly wasn't critiquing you, or think you're torturing L, just in case you read what I wrote and thought WTF? I think all of the tickling we've been doing is fine. I think it was more along the lines of that deadly tickling I received from that baby sitter that they're referring to. But I honestly think we're all okay. Especially with raspberries, Kitty. I'm pretty certain that our kids are not in hysterics--the bad kind--when we tickle them. I tickle J all the time and so does OH.

Re: TTC--do you know the story of our beloved thread member Rowan? She and her OH went out for the first time after Martha was born, got a bit tipsy, and bam, Michael was conceived. And it took 3 years to have Martha, I understand. Why did it take so long to conceive B? (I also had trouble conceiving--it was a four year wait for J.) You're lucky your cycle is so regular, too. Hopefully it'll make things easier. Are you going to be doing the temping and the ovulation kits and all that other stuff, or are you going to "just let it happen"?

Claire--I'm sorry about your hand! Does the disease affect only the hand, or other areas, too? In my case, I'm pretty certain the procedure is just a lap. But mine will "reconnect"--would yours grow back, too? I was worried at first about what type of (and length of) recovery I'd need until I came across forums where people said they felt like they'd been run over by a truck for around 2-3 days, and then they were fine (and pain free!). How bad is your hand? My mother has very bad osteoarthritis, and I know how she suffers with her hands. Can you do everything you need to do with your hand, or do you need help at times?

Storm--I came to my senses after the show came to an end, and am back to my original stance: no more babies. Though, I must say, I loved being pregnant, once I had the anti-nausea meds and made it to the second trimester. And because J came 2 weeks early, I never hit the "get him out of me!!!!" stage. But I also had no pregnancy problems like you did; I really hope it's better this time for you. Every pregnancy is different, right? :hugs:

I guess now you have 1 day left in the 2WW! I really hope that heartburn means something! Baby dust to you! I also stopped testing during the 2WW. It was such a waste of tests and BFNs always resulted in heartache so in the end, I just waited. The only time I tested early in the last year of TTC was just before I called to finalize our IVF treatment at the clinic in Ontario, where I was to start a cycle in 6 days. I thought it would be irresponsible for me to finish up these plans with the doctor and nurses and receptionist without making sure that I was not pregnant from the last IUI. But I so completely believed that I was not that after I dunked an internet cheapie into a cup of pee, I left it on the counter, not bothering to see if anything came up. I hated looking at snow white tests. I then phoned the clinic without even looking at it, which totally defeated the point of doing the test in the first place. It was only after everything was finalized on the phone that OH said, "It's pink."

But I can totally appreciate how different it must be this time around. Ah, to TTC without the same obsessiveness as last time! You made me laugh when you wrote about the impossibility of not moving for 3 minutes to take your temp! I've also totally forgotten--how old are you again? It always makes my heart happy when people our age try for even more!

The house for L idea sounds wonderful! And where you intend to put it sounds so lovely. I'm certain she'll love it. I know I would have gone crazy for a house hidden in the bushes. Totally crazy over it. But what's the issue with the mortgage? And at which house will the toy house go--yours or your dad's?

Kosh--I’m so glad that you have stopped passing stones! As for the dancing music, the first one is just OH noodling on the guitar, and the second is the most annoying song ever, “Here Comes Santa,” which just happened to be playing when he decided to start his dance. He also does this head banging thing, like Gael, but it’s from side-to-side while he keeps his eyes on you and has this little impish smile (he tried to incorporate it into his Santa dance, but he’s not very good at multitasking).

Re: eating at the same time. No, we don't. OH's cooking is horrible and he also has celiac, so he makes his own meals. And I'm so awful with cooking that we just defrost a previously frozen meal for me. We used to eat together in front of the TV (well, laptop screen), but I can't remember the last time we did that. It's just always been "our way." OH (or DH--we are married) likes to eat late, and J doesn't seem to mind eating on his own, either. He is far less inhibited and far less distracted this way, and it's easier on us because we don't have to wait through interminable dinners while J practices using cutlery. And at our dinner parties, which only ever consist of my husband's family, we do all eat together. I sometimes do feel guilty about J eating alone, until I realized that we are always there, anyway, puttering around the kitchen, talking to each other and J.

Re: testing (for everyone)--Huh. That’s a lot of us who didn’t test before AF. Do you think it was because of patience derived of age (HA!), or simply that we’d been at it for so long that BFNs were too depressing to look at? I knew for me it was the latter, and the fact that I was running out of tests. I ordered OPKs online, and they always threw in a few pg tests, too, but not many. We called them Internet Cheapies on my other forum, or, ICs. Does BnB have a similar name and short form for them?

Okay, I know I've missed people, but I've got to finally post this.
bad night - LO sttn, but we had to call the police on the neighbours due to them moving our bins and parking essentially in front of our house again. Fortunately, OH recorded the entire argument and when the police heard, were very sympathetic. I was advised to take photos of all parking, rubbish issues, etc, and if threatened, call 999 again. The police had her move her car, but it's back to in front of ours again (we all have two assigned spaces, but she prefers to park directly in front) and the irony is ...LO sttn until 6am! I am lucky, though, that I have plenty of evidence, notes, photos, etc., to submit for a case against the tenants and will do so on Tuesday!

testing early - I wasted so much money post-mc and given that my cycles ranged from 21 to 44 days (possible chemical for that cycle) that I actually waited over 50 days! It was also that month or the next that we were going to start our first try of IVF and I was scared that I was ill (had flu-like symptoms) and would have to delay IVF. The cheapo stick (boots own, for the irish, uk and ni ladies) turned pregnant in about 10 seconds, and I was actually about 8wks pregnant. Since we were pre-IVF, I had quit smoking 6 months before, was eating very healthily and doing exercise (cycle and walking), so was in the best shape I had been for years. We went private and had an early pregnancy scan the following week (I think I would have had one done anyway (public or private) due to the tramatic experience at a terrible hospital when mc'ed...what was good, though, was that without knowing it, I was past the 7-8wk mc point (when I had mc'ed before, I mean) and LO was good, strong and healthy. But I did hold my breath alot during that pregnancy, but oddly, though, a part of me just knew it would be okay, if that makes sense? (maybe a guardian angel or FIL who had died a few before watching over me?) and perhaps that is why I hesitate at age 45 to try again....

Kosh - yay for G walking! we are almost there, but may get a little 'wagon' or push toy that he can build up his confidence....
storm - cross fingers -- maybe some rowan magic for you?
clio - I eat in front of the TV, LO eats a little with me and more for daddy downstairs, who eats in the kitchen (remember living room is upstairs?) as OH is a very noisy eater, but as LO seems to be as well, we might start having meals together....
kitty :happydance: for LO's rolling over. My LO hated the rolling over (hated tummy time), but now that he is much more mobile, loves to roll over and over and over usually ending up near an astonished cat!
Borboleta - Finn loves tortilla chips, too! but so does Daphne the smaller cat, who stares and meows at him for one, but LO thinks she wants to play...oh, and Daphne is turning into a fat kitty, who meows all the time for food -- fortunately, she still loves to cuddle in my lap, but I knew the operation would make her fat!

I know I forgot a few people...sorry, claire and charlie, um....hugs!

Sabrina: I just love your fighting spirit :thumbup:!!! Your neighbors have no idea who they are messing with :winkwink:!!! I cannot wait to hear the day you will tell us they moved out :happydance:!!! And are they open for business yet?
I think they like the tortilla chips because of the salt and crunchiness.:shrug:.
Do you have a lot of Mexican restaurants around you? We have a ton of them as you probably can imagine here in Texas :haha:. Actually the first time I ate Mexican food was here. And man, it was soooo spicy for me!!! I suffered in the beginning but my pepper tolerance has increased since :haha:.

Clio: For the six months that I was on Clomid I hates the tww too. The month I got pregnant I told myself that I would not test unless I didn't get my period. But I was measuring my temp and I was always a 30 day on the spot kind of girl ( although Clomid did lenghthen my cycles but for only 2 to 4 extra days). So when it was the day for me to get my cycle and I measured my temp and it was still high I decided to test. Could barely see the line but it was there. Surreal moment isn't it! Like most of us was so scared of miscarriage that didnt enjoy the first trimester but them had loads of fun during the second. Had a great pregnancy except the gestacional diabetes part of it with having to quit sweets :growlmad:!!!
Oh, and I meant to ask you which pocoyo is J's favorite? Thiago loves the treasure one, the twinkle twinkle star and the echo one ( he just laughs and giggles when he watches this one, it is the cutest thing!). Cause you know that little t is no mister smile so when he smiles it just melts your heart :cloud9:!!! It is funny that more than one person told us that they wonder what thiago is thinking when they are trying to make him laugh and he doesn't :haha:! I told them that he is probably thinking why in the world is this person doing this? If I believed in another life I would say little t has been here before :haha:!!! And he knows that :haha:!!!! He is just trapped in a 15 months old body :haha:!!!

Just went to see my friend that is back from Iran and I asked her about her plane trip with a 18 month old. It sounded awful!!! I am not going to Brasil anytime soon :haha:!!! And her son is not taking any naps since he is back. He was just crying and throwing fits poor thing! And she looked exhausted too!!! He goes from 8am till 9pm without a nap :wacko:!!! I would just kill myself if thiago would do that to me!!!! I told her that maybe she could drive him around and he at least would take a nap. Hope she will do that. Her OH doesn't want him to cry :dohh:! So she most definitely cannot do any kind of CIO or CC with the boy. It took them 12 years to finally conceive him so in his mind he is a little miracle and should be treated as one. Tough one there. And he is such a good little boy, so calm and happy but that is what lack of sleep does to us isn't it.
Morning ladies, hope all is well!

Clio Ls new house will be at my dads, which will hopefully be ours! The current issue is getting a mortgage, my dad had the house valued and we used that as the purchase price, but the mortgage company valued it at 25k less! Now I have to amend the mortgage and as we will have less equity in the house we won't get such a good deal... Grrrr

Sk your neighbours sound like a right nightmare! You go girl and make sure you get them sorted..

Angel we want to see your painting :)

Ok for those of you lovely ladies on my fb this is only for here and not there! Dh brought some pregnancy tests home from work, cartridge type ones I've never seen before, so you put wee on one part using the dropper and wait 1-5 mins, after that there was nothing but at 10 mins a very very faint pink line... So I went to bed thinking I must be going mad as the test was to be read in 5 mins, got up at 6am and did another, same thing. So I'm going evap lines, not reading a test after the time etc.. and I'm even more confused. So I kept my 6am wee (nice) and when the Tesco delivery arrived grabbed the cb digital, stuck it in the wee and stood watching the flashing egg timer for ages! Eventually up pops pregnant 1-2! Wow... So I'm not dying, the heartburn and constipation and may I add spots already are hormonal! Obviously I have literally just POAS but yup its a BFP!

In other news my Sil and 3 of her kids have taken L out shoe shopping, they want to buy her Lelli Kellies or something (can't spell that), hope she behaves for them!

Im still in shock :)
Oh wow oh wow Storm I am sooo chuffed for you! :bfp: YAY! I know you dread pregnancy but there is a little baby in there growing and you'll get to take it home and keep it at the end! So for that I am doing the :happydance:! It is so amazing, 2 cycles (I think) and Bam! And you thought you hadn't caught the right day in the cycle either. Does this, according to old wives tale mean another girl? Sooo excited to be sharing this journey with you! Congratulations a million times! :D
storm - :happydance:

neighbour came over this morning and wanted to 'chat' about issues (I had OH with me), but she only wanted to justify why she does what she does (parks in front because garda/police said it was okay - ah, no -- why did they tell her to move it the other night and immediately identify as aggressive? and with the bins, the rubbish company told her to put them directly next to our door, because it is easier for them - WTF?). She then complained about our noise, yes, I once slammed the front door and once asked her children to be quieter - once....she's trying to twist everything around as if she's the victim, but fortunately, we have photographs and recording/witness to conversations, etc

nothing else. have a bit of a headache, but think it's stress...hahahaha!

bye and hugs to all!
Thanks ladies, yes 2 cycles and bfp! My good friend had a miscarriage with her second so I'm tentative! Angel we DTD the day before ov so does that mean perhaps a girl? Tbh dh would love a boy but I would love L to have a sister, so either way I'm personally not bothered! Just hope little dot gets a chance to become a little sticky bean :)
I am soo crossing my fingers for you! I am not sure if it really does matter when one dtd, I think it is a bit of an old wives tale but who knows. And can you imagine if a little boy is quiet and laid back like L's cousins? She will so be his boss! LOL

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