any other over 35 first time mums?

Storm: :happydance::happydance::happydance: OMG I am soooo happyyyy for you!!!! And everything will be fine and and we will see a boy L or a girl L in 10 months :happydance:!!!! Lovely news:)!!!! Are you going to get an ultrasound at around 8 weeks?
I don't have time to do a proper update and reply to everyone, I actually just popped on to upload an photo of my painting as requested. I took the pic so that you can see how it hangs above the sofa (covered with a throw cause Alfie is filthy and to be honest so is OH lol) and see what sidetable I am talking about. The whole thing is in a small recess, the room is small but not as small as it seems on there lol


The painting is of my favourite Hollywood golden age actors (I loooove old Hollywood movies!) and there should be quite a few more. But somehow I never managed to finish it. Vivien Leigh in the bottom right corner is not completely done but ah well. lol
Do you recognise all the actors? (I am guessing probably not as it isn't a very clear photo) ;)

ETA here is a cut out which is a little clearer :)
Storm - sooo exciting!!! I'm so happy for you!!! Wonderful, wonderful news!!!
Storm, I just woke up to this, and what wonderful, wonderful news!!!!! Congratulations, my dear!!!! Oh, I'm so excited for you! You should see me, I've got a big smile on my face!

:wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:

Stick, Dot, stick!!!!


And I also wanted to say that I read about your thinking of me, Storm, and you are such a sweetheart. Thank you. I'm a lot better. The course is over, my mother is gone, and now I just have to deal with the pain in my joint, which I'm doing. I'm just SO behind and lose posts all the time, that I'm sure I seem as if I'm "missing," but I'm not really. I think I should stop trying to keep up and start afresh. Actually, that's what I'm going to do. And again, YAYYYYY!!!! (Still huge smile on face.)
ONG OMG OMG Storm - amazing news!!! :yipee::yipee: :yipee::yipee: congratulations!!! sooooo happy and excited for you!! fingers crossed for a sticky bean and a healthy pregnancy!!!:hugs:
Thanks everyone, I'm still in shock! I don't know if its the same for everyone but now and with L I had, have terrible AF like cramps so every time I go to the loo I'm paranoid. No 8 week scan Borboleta, over here its around 12 weeks up to 14 weeks if its your second child. It's all a long way off. I don't want to tell anyone for a while, with L we told our parents as soon as we found out but tbh I'm dreading telling my dad, I just so wish I could tell my mum :(

Angel I love your painting, you are so talented!

I'm wrecked so off for a lie down x
Just popped on and WOW!!!!!:happydance::bfp::bfp::bfp::baby: :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: GO STORM GO!
Amazing news,really happy and so quick too.

Angel what an amazing picture! what a talent:thumbup:

:happydance: :happydance: storm am so happy for you!!! Yey, hope it's a sticky bean :yipee:

Angel, wow you are a talented lady, that is an amazing picture and I can recognise many of the faces, Humphrey bogart, grace Kelly, I think, Clark cable and others but I can't put names to all of their faces. But I can easily see why you would want to keep that in your living room, beautiful as well as part of you. How is your friend doing any more news? I think I remember reading that she had to have another op and had developed a fistula :nope: so sad what some people have to live with.

Like Clio I am so far behind that I will start afresh, I really cannot recall a lot of what has been said and think I will miss most out. Oh but I do remember reading more about your nutty neighbours SK! Seriously they really have some nerve! :grr: I hope they find out soon that they are messing with the wrong lady!

Things with us are better. I have been on the meds for nearly a month now and have noticed a significant improvement, so living a more normal life but still get tired, but nothing like before. However in a way it has all been bizarrely good fir me to help me take stock of my life and slow down a bit. I was doing a lot with Sophia as well as having to care a lot for my mum, so I have decided to take the slow lane in life for the mo and it feels so much better, I just hope to keep it up.

I can't believe that Sophia is nearly 7 months old!! She's adorable and well every day I love her more and more :cloud9: on the whole she's a happy baby, full of smiles, loves to chat still,she says aki aki a lot and seems to say it when she sees Charlie cat :shrug:She sits up well, rolls and wriggles a lot, but no crawling or anything close, phew, not ready for that yet! However when she is not happy she lets you know, she has a deafening scream and yes it is a scream not a cry! my mum and my good friend heard it today for the very first time and they were shocked! As for the BLW well she is loving her food! We have breakfast every morning, fruits, porridge fingers, rice cakes, cheese etc this morning she had eggy bread. She loves it and we love to watch her! It's pretty amazing watching a 6 month old navigate her way around an orange wedge until they get to the flesh and then watching her reaction to loving all the juices! But it is hard work, so much mess, I don't mind the mess, it's cleaning it all that's no fun! Occasionally we do tea as well. However I am building up to 2 meals a day gradually, not sure if that's me been a lazy mum or not, but I tell myself she needs to get use to all these solids slowly! Oh and Clio I am taking your advice and will be buying a bread maker, at the moment we are just using rice cakes as there's just way too much salt in all breads, it's crazy, so like you will make our own, cannot wait, so any recipes or tips would be fab!

Anyway my whole street is outside waiting for Beyonce to get in her helicopter, that landed an hour ago in the park opposite!!:shrug: she's doing a gig nearby, but no one was told about the helicopters landing, there are 2, nit sure why she needs 2?! So there were people playing footie, kids on their bikes dogs being walked and then there were 2 helicopters!! Personally I thnk I am going to bed to :sleep: as so tired. Night all x
Okay! I'm obviously so behind that my responses are getting ridiculous, as they are commenting on things that happened a week ago by now.

As I mentioned in the post to Storm, my joint is slowly getting better. I've been taking a lot of anti-inflammatories/painkillers, which make me very sleepy and so I've also been sleeping a lot, which is good for the joint. I'm not back to the place where I marvel at how little I feel pain in my joint, but I'm getting closer. I just don't know if I'll ever get back to that place, but we've had to make a lot of changes around here. Among other restrictions that OH set up, I am no longer allowed to do any laundry, work in the yard, do housework (ha!), pick up the kid unless absolutely necessary, and lift anything at all over 10 lbs. I've promised to stick to these restrictions because if I don't, everything gets worse for OH if my joint gets bad. And he's been really great doing the heavy lifting and helping with the yard work. Oh, and he's finally learned how to do the laundry without ruining our clothes.

Did I tell you one of the reasons I continued down the slippery slope of depression? I was feeling good one day, and decided to find out what, exactly, I was allowed to do to exercise. Walking, and swimming, I figured. And this is what I found out: the worst exercise? Walking. Also on the top 10 list of things I'm not allowed to do to get fit again: swimming, running, weight lifting, treadmill, elliptical (my favourite workout machine), yoga and pilates. So, I went into yet another tailspin. That's what triggered looking into cutting the nerve. I don't know if that will allow me to exercise, as it's just another form of pain killer, but at least it should free me up to do something again.

But enough of that. A plan is in place, and that always makes me feel better. And OH is mowing the lawn, J is excited to find out that he can eat bread with a fork, I've phoned the anti-dandelion service to spray our few remaining dandelions, and we're going to a gardening centre today to find perennials I can't kill that will go into our front garden. I hate it when our lawn doesn't look cared for; it looks like we're still grad school slackers...

J, it seems, has decided to expand his vocab again, so we're back to naming everything for him. He drags us around, pointing at this and that, asking: "Dat?" So we tell him what it is, and then he makes us do it again that afternoon, and the next morning, and so on, always pointing to the same things.

Oma told us a funny story. J was at her house, and they often play with these really big cardboard blocks and make towers out of them, which J then promptly knocks down. This time, they hadn't played with them, so J went into every room to find them, found the basket they were in, spent around 20 minutes pulling the basket to the living room, chose an arm chair to bring them to, sat down on the floor, made a tower out of three blocks, knocked it down, and asked Oma for some cheese.

J is also showing interest in going to the bathroom. He's been watching OH, and saying "pee" and "poo," so I bought him a potty and a potty book from the same series that Leeze suggested ages ago ("Yummy, Yucky," "No No, Yes, Yes," etc.) This one is aptly named "Potty." So J has been asking us to read it to him, and when he first saw the potty--before we got the book--he said "pee!" So, I think we're getting closer, but I have no desire to potty train him yet. It's also sooooo early to do it, but I thought it might be easier if we slowly acclimatize him to it. I wouldn't be doing any of this if he hadn't started talking about it and showing an interest.

Angel--I do remember one question that you asked, which was about J and teething at night. I wrote out a totally convoluted answer, and lost the post (of course), so I'll try it again, and see if I can manage to simplify it for both of us:

1) no pipette. Advil, the painkiller and anti-inflammatory, comes with a very handy syringe with beautifully labelled measurements. We use them for the Tylenol, too, because we have so many of them, and Tylenol only comes with a rubber dropper that is impossible to get the correct measurement with.

2) the syringe is also incredibly handy because when J was a wiggle worm when it came to giving him the liquid meds, and was usually crying, I'd just wait for the right moment when his mouth was open, squirt the syrup in, and quickly close his mouth myself until I know he's swallowed and won't spit it out again. Though now, he takes the meds quite willingly. He knows what they mean--no more pain!

3) at night, we have the Advil on his dresser, with a bowl full of syringes, and the Tylenol on a little table next to the glider, also with a bowl full of syringes (I'm always afraid I'll mix up the syringes; hence, the segregation). If he cries at an unusual time (ie. not 5 or 6 am), I'll go in and administer a drug, rock him in the glider, sometimes read him a book, and then I pop him back in his crib. He always goes back to sleep, but I will CIO if need be.

4) bottle: I've been thinking back, and I think I do make up a bottle of milk to take to him just in case. But he rarely drinks it. From what I remember of your question, you're afraid of awakening the Bottle Beast in Dominic again, right? I think, though, that if you've been this consistent regarding the bottle at night, just don't bring one. You know he's full from dinner, and if he hasn't been asking for one in the middle of the night anymore, then I suspect you'd be better off without the bottle. He's been STTN so regularly for a while now, which I believe shows he doesn't need one.

Nope, that wasn't convoluted at all.
Wait--I've been skimming, and came across this climbing out of bed thing. Who is climbing out of their cot/crib? Thiago and Lydia? How do they even do it?

Charlie--"aki aki?" That sounds like the baby version of "a kitty" or "a cat"!
Morning all, just a quick one.

Clio L has been attempting escape from the cot but hasn't managed it yet, she holds on to the rails and can get one leg up at the same time. It's the same method she uses for escaping the bath but the cot rail is a little higher... It's only a matter of time though!

Will try and reply properly later! Oh and Charlie good to see you back!
Good morning ladies :) Thanks for your compliments :)

Storm how are you feeling today? Probably early for the onset of MS? As for terrible cramps, yes I did have them. At one point they were so bad I was breaking out in a cold sweat and was doubled over. It was like period cramps but worse (mind you I don't get very bad cramps usually). I was worried and so was OH and he googled online and found BnB for me :) This is how I learnt that loads of women in the early stages get that but that doesn't make it any less terrifying of course :hugs:
Btw, what did your DH say when you told him? I hope he is over the moon! :)
I am sorry you cannot share the news with your mum :hugs: Why do you dread telling your dad? Will he disapprove?
Btw I dreamt of Lydia last night! It was a really odd dream! I was getting rid of furniture (but the ones in the dream are not really mine) and I was piling them into a car. And Lydia insisted on climbing into the car and all over the furniture. That is it! :shrug: except that I remember saying to my OH in the dream how gorgeous she is :)
Btw I love the tshirts you ordered. I haven't got any ideas this year. Last year I gave Nick a tshirt that said Real Men Make Twins but coward that he is he never wore it lol. I also gave him a framed picture of the boys and on the frame it said We Love Our Dad. But for this year? No idea :(
I will definitely bookmark the site with that extra high baby gate! That is great!

Kosh we don't use the metro/tube at all, (not even the bus cause with my double pram I dread the comments, even though it is quite a narrow one) so I cannot advise you, sorry.
But yay for G walking! I bet he is proud of himself :)
How is the sleep thing going? Still not good I assume?
And have your kidney stones cleared up for sure now? What can you do to prevent them in the future? I hope they don't come back at any rate you poor thing!

Charlie I am so glad you are feeling better! :D I think it is a good decision to take things a little slower from now. I bet that will speed your recovery too? And wow S is almost 7 months already? It doesn't seem that long ago that you joined us here and she was still so tiny :D And I agree with Clio, aki aki could be baby talk maybe for kitty cat? Unless of course you never use that word? But I do think they have their own sounds for things. Sebastian loves our Alfie and when he sees him he does this high pitched A A A! I am sure he isn't trying to say Alfie but it is his sound or word for him. :)
Sounds like weaning is going really well. :thumbup: Do you give the whole orange wedge? I would be so scared they would choke on the juice! But I am not brave enough to do BLW anyway :blush: And of course the mess... :blush: As for a bread-maker... wish the drooly smiley on here worked. I think I would double in size if I could make my own bread! It is by far nicer than anything shop bought! And as for fresh warm bread... seriously drooool!
Did you get to see Beyonce? I am not into her music but I thought she was great in Austin Powers Gold Member and utterly stunning. Yes I am that sad lol (loved the movie but hated Fat B...ard!)
Hope you had a good night :)

kitty_love wow that is excellent that Blake rolled! :) Do you know, Sebastian only did this at 7months - though that, I strongly suspect, was due to laziness as he then suddenly did both directions with no problems and rolled all over the place as a means of transport. I am not sure when Dominic started to roll, but I think it was at around 5 1/2 months. But for Blake to do this so early is really amazing! He is obviously not at all behind his development! :D
As for allergies to dust, I don't have any but it does make me sneeze, I think it would anyone, especially from conditions as you describe! I cannot believe that they would have actual dust bunnies in a hospital under equipment in a NICU! Or rather I guess I can believe it but still find it shocking!
Btw my boys slept in a plastic tub too in hospital. I think all babies "beds" are like that in hospital? But yes I bet you are grateful to have him home :)

Borboleta you mentioned fussy eaters. I wonder if Sebastian qualifies as he refuses lumpy food and will only eat stage 2 food still? Dominic however is not a fussy eater at all. He eats anything and that includes bits of fluff and anything he finds on the floor :wacko: lol
I will have to look into the toy you mentioned. Maybe it will distract Dominic too! :thumbup:
I am so glad that your skin thing is getting better! Btw does the sun affect it? Do you have to wear extra sun protection or just normal sun cream?
My boys are the same as T when it comes to hats. No way will they stay on their heads unless it is a hoodie and they cannot pull it down or possibly if it was tied tightly around their necks. Maybe I will have to put a ribbon on the beanie hats I bought lol They had sunglasses for when they were tiny but those are too small now but I am sure that they would not tolerate them now.

Clio I am glad you are better my dear. But I am sorry that all the exercise you wanted to do is impossible! That list of forbidden things doesn't leave much does it :( But I am glad your joint is getting better and that your DH is helping out so well! I meant to ask though, is the nerve hurting cause it is some how trapped or is it telling you that your joint is sort of eroding or something? Cause I was wondering that if you cut the nerve, would this not just mean that you then cannot hear the warning signals of your body? I am sorry if this is a stupid question but I am just not sure I understand what the issue actually is. Hope you don't mind me asking :flower:
When ttc I always tested as soon as I was able. I think it is about 6 days before AF was due with the sticks I had. But weirdly enough when I tested 10 DPO on our lucky cycle I got a BFN. But my LP was always the same length so when my AF didn't show up I tested the next day and only then got a BFP. I still have that stick btw :blush: But apart from testing as early as possible, and testing for O at the beginning of a cycle with more pee sticks, I never did anything obsessive. I never temped for example or took herbs and vitamins etc.
I am so impressed with J and the pre- potting training. I was actually thinking that the other day. I am sure he will be easy to train early cause he is so clever and seems to get things so quickly!
As for the pain meds and Dominic. I meant to say that we give the meds in a bit of milk as with the syringe or pipette he just spits the stuff right back out. Maybe I should squirt it more slowly in his mouth but then I won't be able to quickly shut his mouth after (even though he still managed to dribble it out even then). So far the milk thing was just easier. But it happens so rarely that I probably shouldn't worry.

Sabrina seriously, I hope your neighbours are forced to move! Having to call the police in the middle of the night is just getting too much! How horrible! Hopefully from Tuesday on things will start to change.
I laughed at your comment that you don't eat with your DH as he is a noisy eater like your son! lol
And I love that Finn too likes to roll over and cross a room like that. Sebastian still does it too and he is so quick too lol
My previous cat Mina was a round kitty too and I am sure it was the spaying that did it too but better that then not being able to let her out and having unwanted kittens. :shrug: Not that I had a choice in the matter, she came to us spayed from the rehoming centre of course. But I am glad Daphne is still affectionate. I wish my Alfie was in a way that didn't hurt or involve our blood lol

As for us: Yay it is sunny here and the boys are in short sleeves and short dungarees for the first time. Looking very cute I think. :cloud9:
Dominic is making great progress in walking when we hold him by his hands. We managed with one hand but mostly he then sits down cause he doesn't feel confident like that yet I am guessing. But he is willing to try and walk which is more than can be said about Sebastian who cries when we try to walk him unless we hold him up with our hands in his armpits but that is mostly then a dragging and not him really walking. Ah well he will do it in his own time. He has been behind Dominic in most things, though he sat up and climbed before him.
Both boys are very good in recognising their toys by their names too now. When we say where is the teddy they always choose a teddy even though they have several and they are all just called teddy at the mo. They know who we mean with Tulu and Groody too and bring them to us when asked (their Ugly Dolls). And same goes for book and ball etc :)
I haven't got the pics back yet from the photo studio but they will be ready by Tuesday. Wow that is expensive! I wanted 6 smallish sized ones framed and she quoted a price of over £700. Errr no thanks then. So we only got them on digital and the one complimentary framed pic we had won in the raffle, along with the actual studio time. We are going to print those pics out ourselves or find a cheaper place online and then buy Ikea frames. Will be a fraction of their price!
Tomorrow I have to bring my car to be serviced and repaired. The heating/AC doesn't work and the MOT is due. But also, when it rains there seems to be an accumulation of water by the wheels so that in every bend of the road my feet get showered and I don't mean just a little but seriously wet! I have been putting this off for ages but it needs to be done now. It is going to cost lots of money (ca £500) and there go some of my savings which I had earmarked for a new kitchen. Ah well, I will have to wait a few month longer. At least the packing up of the kitchen then can wait a few months too ;)
Well that is all my exciting and not so exciting news for now. Hope you are all well :)




Quick one as little t and I are having breakfast and I meant to ask angel about her painting:

First is beautiful angel!!!! You are truly and amazing artist!!! Will you do a painting of the boys? I think you should:).

And yesterday OH and I went out for a date night:). We had our 10 year anniversary and we didn't do anything at the end of April so we thought maybe would be a good idea to have my MIL baby sit T and we went out for a nice dinner and movie ( fast and furious 6 :haha:!!!!). Of course it was not very good but it was worth it to see van diesel and the rock together :kiss:!!! Those deep voices ... :blush:

But anyways, angel: I showed OH your painting we he loved it too!!! So we were trying to figure it out the actors and actress in it:
We couldn't figure it out who was the first one, but here are the ones we think we got it: Vivian Leigh, Clark gable, Joan Crawford, Bette Davis, Gary cooper, Greta Garbo, Ingrid Bergman and the younger guy Errol Flynn (?). We love old Hollywood movies and we had fun trying to figure it out. But who is the first one? We remember him but cannot think of his name!!! And we think you should add: Charlie Chaplin, marlon Brando, spencer Tracy, Katherine Hepburn, Audrey Hepburn, Ava Gardner, Sidney Poitier, Ernest Borgnine, Humphrey bogart, Cary grant, Marlene Dietrich, so many good actors at that time!!!

Will reply more soon:).
Well done Borboleta! You got many of them right! :D
From the top left: Ronald Coleman, Bette Davies. Next line is Greta Garbo and Laurence Olivier, then underneath is Clark Gable and Joan Crawford and Deborah Kerr and bottom row is Gary Cooper and Vivien Leigh :) I definitely wanted to have Cary Grant, Katherine Hepburn and James Stewart on there too as they are hands down my favourite actors, maybe of all time. I would add Audrey Hepburn too but she isn't strictly speaking a Hollywood Golden Age actress. The idea was to have just the actors that I would watch any film for and not necessarily the most famous ones, though many of course were the greatest of all stars. :) Deborah Kerr btw is a boarderline case. But I SOOO loved The King and I and of course an Affair to Remember and The Grass is Greener. Maybe cause it had Cary Grant in it too who is in every way my ideal man: Elegant, handsome and Silly! LOL
I think Deborah kerr was the one I thought might be grace kelly. I love james stuart and cary grant :) one of my favourite movies is Rear Window, and the king and I was my faviurite movie when I was small! I agree that you should do one of the boys, I'd pay for one of Sophia!! Beautiful, my OH was also very impressed too when I showed him. Love your pics of the boys Angel, which one has the curly hair? Is that Dominic?

Glad you had a date night for your anniversary Borboleta and that you were able to oogle some men too. Not sure fast anf furious is my thing but OH went to see it last week. He likes his action movies.

I think aki may be something to do with cat, we always call her Charlie Cat to Sophia. I have often thought that cat would be her first word. She use to say Ka ka a lot but Sophia always reverses her sounds so that then became Ak ak, which is now aki aki.

Hope all uk peeps are enjoying the sunshine :) I'm off to right now x
Angel: love the idea behind your picture. You really are an amazing artist and like Charlie I would pay for you to paint a picture of thiago:).
I love the boys all dressed for summer :kiss:. They are just sooo cute!!! You know I noticed that thiago is getting a little thicker and I noticed your boys too:). Not fat just more muscles all around.
And it sounds like seb has similarities with thiago when the subject is food :dohh:!! But at least you have one good eater :thumbup:!

Charlie: so happy to hear your are doing better:). And S sounds so lovely!! 7 months was one of my favorite time with thiago:). And enjoy while she is not moving yet :haha:!!
I am not big on fast and furious either but OH enjoys the fast cars and I did enjoy the last one so I decided to go:). I am sure there are a lot of better movies out there but it was still fun. Now I am dying to see the new superman and world war z with brad Pitt ( it looks scary with all those zombies but I want to watch it :dohh:)!

Storm: I had bad cramps too in the beginning of the pregnancy. I was really scared like you. It lasted a while too!

Clio: so walking is the worst exercise!!! I am sure you are thinking so " so what is left? A wheel chair? :growlmad:" . I have to admit it is hard when we start aging isn't it. Sometimes I am stores and see a really old person and I think that one day I will be just like them. The other day I was at a line a Walmart and this old lady was taking forever paying for her groceries and this man in front of me said that he has this rule that he doesn't go behind old people in line because they are just too slow. And the man was in his late 40s. I didn't say anything but thought to myself, " you will not be young forever mister :growlmad:".
And after hearing your story about the pooty I will purchase a little one for thiago:).

Little t is up. Have to go.
we bought a toddle truck (it's like a little wagon but wooden) for LO and he was very impressed with himself, walking and using the truck for support, so we are hoping that that will increase his confidence to try on his own (the reverse of the old lady in your story, perhaps, Borboleta?, e.g. we might all need walkers when we get old!)...and he was in okay spirits today -- yesterday, I bought some toys from tesco, including bubbles (we had some, but I had made up the mixture last time and it was very...watery), and now, LO put the bubbles in his truck, 'walked over', and handed me the bubble water with a very expectant look, so I did some bubbles. Me thinks, LO is not a baby anymore....sob (a little!)

movies (old) - my favourite old movies are Meet Me in St. Louis, Rear Window (her clothes!), Mr. Blandings Builds his Dream House and most Audrey Hepburn movies, but also like Spencer Tracy and Cary Grant....and Hitchcock, except Psycho (it's a bit odd for me, prefer his classics of the 1950s)...and TV shows like I Love Lucy (I have most of them on DVD (bought when at home various times as never shown nor even available here!)....

not much else - neighbours appear to be behaving (using a proper parking space), but they do something annoying (like slamming the door), so will still file a formal complaint with the tenant board (it's an alternative to going to court), but it transpires that another neighbour actually went to the police when they came on Thirsday night, saying that they had heard everything and to offer their statement, e.g. that the tenants are absolutely in the wrong, etc., fortunately, because we had recorded the conversation, the gardai/police were able to make up their own minds (e.g. that the tenant is crazy)....sigh.

storm - I thought I had the flu, and did have bad cramps as well, but possibly it might be a little easier this time as you have some pre-knowledge!? I am so delighted for you, but just a tiny bit jealous given that you and rowan got lucky so quickly!

hugs to all!
Angel--I love your posts because, not only are they interesting, they also fill me in! Well, I guess my long explanation re: meds was moot. The only thing I can now suggest is getting it in Dominic's mouth, shutting it, and waiting until he swallows. That's what I do with J. Can't spit it out then!

Ah yes, the potty. I had to read him the book three times this morning, and he loves the page where the baby finally goes (after falling asleep on the potty because it was taking so long), and the baby's mouth goes into an "o" and above him are the words "Tinkle, tinkle, toot!" J squeals at that part. But I've stuck him on the potty without his diaper a few times, and he wasn't having it. And one time he took off before I could put the diaper back on and he thought it was the BEST GAME IN THE WORLD!

As for your question about the joint and the cutting of the nerve, that is exactly my concern, as much as I'd like the pain to go away. I intend to talk to the doctor about it. I've refused continuous release painkillers before (not that they work), because I then wouldn't know what was inflaming my joint, which means STOP!, as you said. The joint, I'm sure, will degenerate over time, but right now, the problem is an elongated ligament that allows the SI joint to move in and out of its proper position, causing the inflammation. So I'm hoping that there isn't too much wear on the joint because it's actually loose, and not jammed in there. I'm also wondering if a hip replacement might help later in life (my mum had her knee done, and it was like a miracle), but I don't know if it would affect that area. I may go for the cortisone shot instead, because that would strengthen the muscles in the area. You just can't do too many steroid shots in your lifetime. I think the most they will do is three injections.

**warning! Possibility to offend coming up!***
I really wish that Alberta would allow prescriptions for medical marijuana. It's the only thing I've tried that stops the pain, and it's a powerful anti-inflammatory, too. And entirely natural, with no long-term effects to my liver and kidneys (and you can smoke it using a device that keeps all the crap out of your lungs). But nope, this province is too conservative and the provincial gov't has declared that it will never allow it, while almost every other province does.

Oh, and never worry about asking questions about my joint, or anything else (especially my shocking wish in the previous paragraph!). Often you guys are the only people other than OH I tell things to, so always ask away!

The pics of the boys are gorgeous. I love it when you post them. I think that Sebastian is going to be quite tall, and I love his hair! And he stands so steadily! And Dominic, oh Dominic. :cloud9: And I agree with the others: you are so talented! I am so impressed! If I didn't live here, I'd probably commission a painting from you (honestly).

As for Alphie, I'm sorry. I've had that too, twice, where I got an "older" cat (as in a year old) from the Humane Society, and neither wanted to cuddle, only play. I ended up rehoming both of them because the cat love of my life, Spider, hated them. One went to my parents, and the other to our neighbours. Unfortunately, my parents' was hit by a car, and the neighbours moved away, so I never found out if their behaviour changed as they got older. If you have the money, could you look into a breeder that breeds cats that naturally like children? I think that Manxes, like Morgan, are one of those breeds.

Charlie--I'm so glad you're feeling better! Being bone-tired all the time must have been awful. Will you have to take these meds permanently, or can you discontinue them at some point?

And you know, if S is saying "aki" all the time, especially when the cat is around, then I really do think that S is saying her own version of "Charlie the Cat." "Cat" was the third or fourth word J said, so I wouldn't be surprised if "cat" is among S's first words! Isn't it weird that we all love cats?

I can't quite remember, but are you a nurse?

Isn't BLW amazing? And everyone marvels at the fact that J'll eat anything. But the mess! At least it's a good use for all the newspapers my husband never throws out. At first, Oma and Pake were extremely nervous about it--he spends two afternoons a week there--but when they realized it was working, they started to (metaphorically) throw food after food at him (veggies, fruits, eggs, cheese, meat) to see what he wouldn't eat. So far, he only hates chick peas.

But this sodium thing is a bugger, isn't it? And when I started to read the labels on bread!!! I do have one piece of advice that was crucial for my whole wheat bread. The first loaf I baked was perfect. Then, every single one of them collapsed to the point of inedibility after that, and I really, really wanted J to have whole wheat bread. I started looking around on the internet, trying to find solutions, and everyone said to add less yeast. I did, and it didn't fall as much, but it still fell. Then, finally I came across the suggestion to add one tablespoon of gluten flour per cup of wheat flour, and they've been perfect ever since. Apparently wheat flour doesn't have enough gluten in it to “stick together” and rise properly. The other solution I’ve heard of is to add a bit of bread machine or regular flour to the mix, as they would then provide the gluten.

Storm--oh wow, L must be so tall! I'm glad we're not dealing with this issue yet; J is still too short to manage it. But my nephew managed to climb out successfully when he was around L's age, so my BIL and SIL converted to a toddler bed very early. But I don't think it worked particularly well as he always ended up sleeping in his brother's room or with his mum simply because he now had unfettered access to them.

So what size are L's feet now? We started the spring with size 5 and are now up to either 6 or 7! Did you buy her new shoes? Are they adorable?

And finally, how are you feeling? You said that the acne has already started; has anything else flared up yet? I still can't believe it that you're pregnant! :happydance: Will you eventually put a ticker up, after the news has been broken?

Borboleta--that's so cool that you're going to try the potty thing, too! J has managed to figure out how to sit on it as it's got a big "lip" at the front which makes it hard for a toddler to get on, at least at J's age or height. He did insist that we read the Potty book three times again the morning, so, who knows? I looked for the average age for potty training, and it seems to typically start at around 2 years. But I figure that it might be less stressful for him if he is already familiar with the potty and with the idea of "Tinkle Tinkle Toot[ing]" on it.

And yup, walking is the worst exercise. I'm going to turn into a lump. :cry: I do like your idea of the wheelchair, though. I think I'll also see if I qualify for a helper monkey!

So little T is still being fussy about his food? Do you know why? For some reason I thought things had gotten better.

SK--wow! What a smart little cookie F is! I've been trying to show J for ages that you can carry things around in his wagon and he simply cannot get this concept into his head. The toy sounds wonderful, especially if F is basically walking with it! And yay for those neighbours! They will certainly help your case! Did they know you were taping them?

Okay, off to the gardening store to find more perennials I can't kill. Bye!
clio - LO also takes his stuffed fox 'foxy' around as well! as for the 'medical marijuana' - I absolutely agree -- I used it myself when having very bad period pains about 10 years ago, and my GP 'agreed' as the heavy-dose opiates seemed to have no effect...

not much else here -- we went to the beach for a little while, but LO seems very fussy -- he's getting his back teeth, so not a happy bunny...

hugs to all! bye!
sorry ladies, am way behind again. just wanted to say hi. had my parents visiting at weekend so no time at all. plus last week was crazy busy at work and bad sleeping again. will try hard to get back on here again soon. hope all doing well. xx

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