any other over 35 first time mums?

it seems that LO is in teething hell and even tried to bite a caregiver at creche today - yikes! Also, he seems to have his cough back so woke up a few times last night but did sleep a bit when moved onto the bed. We've also noticed red eyes, etc., and are wondering whether allergies/hay fever can start this young? He would get no immunity from me as I wasn't born here in Ireland, so perhaps clio and borboleta would know, e.g. clio, you're now living in another area of canada and borboleta - a completely different county like me -- any ideas? supposedly because spring/summer were so delayed here, all the pollen is out now and people who are not usually affected seem to have hayfever/allergy problems!

not much else. we're in the process of booking our christmas trip to the states, but are finding that internal flights are tricky (my father wants us to visit him in north carolina, but in order to go to arizona to see mom, would have to take 2 flights lasting over 10 hours (longer than the flight from dublin to nyc!). My OH also has suggested that we go to vegas instead and then drive to arizona, seeing the grand canyon (which I never have) -- he went back in September 2001; yep, he was actually en route to the usa on september 11th and was 'stuck' in canada (he was in newfoundland, which he thought was cool, though!) when all airplanes were grounded. Just not sure what to do, but I'm not having another christmas here in Ireland like last year!

hugs to all! bye!
Hello ladies,

Sabrina: I think that maybe Finn does have allergies. I know poor thiago's eyes get puffy and he has dark circles when the pollen is really bad outside. And I can totally understand your dilemma with flying so much with a toddler!!! I would be scared if I were you but at the same time I understand why your family would love to see you and Finn:). How long are you going to stay? I wish I live either in Arizona or North Carolina so I could meet you :).

Storm: it sounds like you have a lot on your plate between decorating, house financing, ttc and L :haha:. And work of course:). I remember the tww too!!! It was dreadful!!! I would think I was pregnant every month!!! Then AF would come and ruin everything :(.!!! It took 6 months for us, well actually 5 months once I started ovulating with the help of Clomid. Yay for another friend pregnant!!! Hopefully you will be the next one:).
Oh, I meant to ask you if you would consider buying one of those little crib tents to keep L from climbing out of the crib?

Kitty-love: did you get pregnant soon after you started trying?

Charlie: how are you feeling?

Claire: how is little L and her teething?

Kosh: how is your kidney stones?

Angel: yeah the tv thing! I never thought about it until I saw it on the news about all these fatalities with toddlers. At the studio I have one of those big old tvs and when I clean and bring thiago with me I drag the recumbent bike in front of it so if it falls it won't hit him:). All our tvs are mounted on the walls at home. Why can't you mount on the wall if you don't mind me asking you?
And yes we do have A/C. I don't know how I use to survive in Brasil without it!!! Although in my city it was not humid like here. I bet you would suffer if you had to move here. But I am sure you would get used to it eventually. My OH's cousin move from Chicago to here and she loves the heat. Go figure :haha:!! Now it is the time for you girls to make fun of me cooking my brains in the sun. :haha:
What do the boys do at the park? Do they like it? Thiago LOVES the swing!!! It is hands down his favorite!!! He can sit on that thing for hours!!!
Oh, and the baby hair!! I thought I was done but found some new ones on the side of my hair and the back. The front is good though :thumbup:. Have you consider doing the Brazilian blowout?

Clio: I just loved the video of J dancing :kiss:!!! And I disagree with you and think he will be at dancing with the starts:). He is just so musical!!! Thiago now bobs his head and shake his hips from side to side. And like J he likes to turn around and get dizzy :haha:.
So sorry your hips are giving you trouble. Do you ever go to a chiropractor?
The koi pond does freeze when gets really cold here. Not for very long but for a couple of days maybe. But I have a friend that told us that as long as the fish have some water to swim they are fine. And they don't move very much when the water is cold anyways. Now thiago loves to go see the fishes and once in a while wants to go swimming with them. But we just move his attention somewhere else. He really doesn't play in the back yard. There is no grass. Just rocks, plants and more rocks :haha:. Not very kid friendly. But we go and play in the driveway or on the street.

Okay he just woke up from his nap. Got to go:).
Afternoon ladies.. Sk I feel your pain in the teething hell, it’s just awful! I don’t know about the allergies but have you thought of trying piriton to see if it makes a difference? I think you can use it from they are one? We haven’t needed it but I have a bottle in the house as there were chicken pox going around but L didn’t get them.

We had a decent enough night, had L in with me from 5am, I swear that little madam was sleeping horizontally across my bed so my butt was hanging off the end of a kingsize bed! How does she do it????

Borboleta I looked at the cot tents and no I don’t think so, there are reports of children getting tangled up in them and one death! I don’t think L would like it either as I certainly wouldn’t. If she starts escaping from the cot I think I will just move her to a single bed with a bed rail – you can move them from 18 months and unbelievably my little pixie will be 18 months next month! How did that happen????
Storm: I didn't know about the bad reports about the tent. It is a double edge sword I guess. If thiago would try to escape from his crib I would be afraid how he would fall and if he would bump his head on the wood floor. I know this couple that used it for there last two children and they seem to like it. The older one actually found a way to make a whole in the tent and reach the zipper :haha:. They had to saw it back at first but he kept doing it so they had to use a lock to make him stay there :haha:!!!
You know what I would be afraid too is if thiago would wake up in the middle of the night and decide to go around the house by himself :dohh:. But eventually they will have to move into a bed anyways. Oh dear, I am so not ready for that :haha:!!! I hope thiago stays in his crib until he is 3 :haha:!!!
Ah Borboleta I've thought about the going round the house thing too and I think the solution to that is a baby gate across the bedroom door :) and one across the top of the stairs too of course :)
it seems that LO is in teething hell and even tried to bite a caregiver at creche today - yikes! Also, he seems to have his cough back so woke up a few times last night but did sleep a bit when moved onto the bed. We've also noticed red eyes, etc., and are wondering whether allergies/hay fever can start this young? He would get no immunity from me as I wasn't born here in Ireland, so perhaps clio and borboleta would know, e.g. clio, you're now living in another area of canada and borboleta - a completely different county like me -- any ideas? supposedly because spring/summer were so delayed here, all the pollen is out now and people who are not usually affected seem to have hayfever/allergy problems!

I think J does have hay fever. Since the spring has started here, he doesn't sneeze, but he rubs his nose a lot. But it's also not running, so... OH has terrible allergies, and his nose runs. And J's eyes are fine. I'm actually wondering these days if he's rubbing his nose to hide the fact that he's also rubbing his eyes because he's tired! He knows to hide his yawns now, too., I guess my answer is: I don't know. Maybe Dr. Google knows. Let's just put it this way: I suspect he does because the rubbing started at the same time as everyone else who has hay fever started showing symptoms.

But I don't think it has to do with immunity passed on by you: allergies are an auto-immune reaction (my sister is riddled with them, so I learned something about them over the years), and that's often passed on genetically. If J has allergies here, he probably will have them in Toronto, too, as I think pollen is pretty universal. Eric certainly did.

I do remember, however, reading that cat and dog allergies don't kick in until later, so maybe it's the same as for allergies like hay fever?

Ahhhh, I love it when I'm so incredibly helpful.
Borboleta and Angel--thank you for the compliments on the videos! And little T turning circles too and hip wiggling! Oh, I'd love to see a video of that (hint, hint!). Is he dancing when he does that? For J, it is definitely dancing, as he only does it to music. I love it when he is so dizzy that he bonks his nose against the sofa arm rest. And then keeps on going. He's also singing now; I finally got some "normal" children's music, and not the wacky stuff we listened to for the past year, and he's been singing "e-i-e-i-o-e-o-i" since he heard the "regular" version of Old MacDonald. So, he's getting closer to the proper vowel combination.

Angel and Claire--I think I gave the wrong impression when I said that I thought tickling is actually torture. Now that I know both J's cousin and Lucy are asking to be tickled, I kicked the torture theory to the curb. I had just read it somewhere before J was born. But I think that the caution is for when you're tickling up a storm and the child, although laughing like crazy, is only laughing so hard because it's a reflex. I remember that happening to me when I was older than J. Once I was being tickled so hard and for so long that I was begging the person to stop, but they didn't because they believed that so much laughter could only mean that I was enjoying it.

Claire--we had no problem with J after the MMR shot(s). It might be because when we got home, I immediately gave him some Tylenol. He was a bit cranky the next day, but that was really it. Can I ask what you're worried about?

So I guess we have teething, well, purgatory here? J is teething 3 or 4 molars, as I've been smilie dancing about, but I didn't realize that they're not all the way in yet. Just one "side," I think, for all of them. So there are times when I'll have to give both Advil and Tylenol (Calpol and Cal-something for you guys across the pond) at the same time, and his cheeks are still red like crazy and his mood will go from happy to miserable in a second. But then happy again, in the next second, when he sees something interesting. He's also eating absolutely nothing. And asking to go to bed really, really early, like 5:15 pm when he hasn't even had dinner yet. He's been doing that a lot, actually: if he's tired, especially at bedtime after another long day of playing outside, he just takes himself upstairs, yelling "bottle!" at us. And what's even better is that when he goes to bed early, he still wakes at the same time in the morning. He did wake up in pain at 3:15 am last night, though, but I just dosed him again, read him a story, and put him back in bed, even though he was TOTALLY ready to Par-tay!!!. I figured he's fed, he's got medication,'s 3:15 in the friggin' morning! So when I put him back in bed, I fully expected to have to CIO, but he didn't make a peep. Whew!

Ah, how nice to finally have a story about teething and nightly wake ups. It's like I've finally arrived.

Okay, J's up from his nap, so I'm posting this now, even though I'm not finished. Best way to NOT lose a post, I've concluded.
Hi girls! Took a little break after the snake story, wasn't sure what to write and I'm not the type to bite my tongue (something i probably need to learn) but figured honesty is always best...I'm a really big animal lover, snakes included, so the snake chopping story made me feel so sad. Also, on the same day my dad told me he witnessed one of his golfing buddies beat the crap out of a snake with a golf club on a green before he could stop him. I guess it's hard when you're passionate about something to understand other perspectives. Guess I'll leave it at that.

Storm - ahhh, the two week wait. I think its better we're more distracted now. Before Blake, I was sometimes so convinced I was pregnant, then tests were neg or AF arrived and the inevitable disappointment. But when I actually was pregnant, I put off testing for a whole week (so 3 week wait) to not be disappointed with any more neg tests, the stick showed positive right away, and I was absolutely shocked! Good luck to you this cycle! I think you're right that my heavy period could be a good sign that my body's ready now. It took us years to get preg with Blake, so who knows? I remember someone asking if my cycles were regular, and yes they are, so at least I have that in my favor, usually 28-31 days.

Angel - looked at that snake link you posted, WOW, igor must have been beautiful! Here's my fav snake story...When I worked at the veterinarian (with a large boarding kennel in the basement), I was both vet assistant for his patients as well as caretaker for the well animals that were boarded while their owners were on vacation or whatever. We had one guy who had both a dog and a snake (huge boa-type) that travelled for business, so brought them in to board frequently. We normally didn't take snakes, but he was friends with doc (guy, not the snake :haha:). Anyway, only one other girl and I were willing to take care of the snake, and we ended up really enjoying when he'd be boarded. I'd carry him around while I worked, usually hours at a time, by wrapping him once all the way around my waist then up and around the back of my neck and he'd rest his head on the top part of my right arm above my elbow. He'd hold on by squeezing just a bit around my hips, and he really seemed to like being part of the action. He'd watch the dogs, and hang on me while I fed, cleaned, let dogs in and out, etc. The dogs seemed to like him, too, and they were much quieter when I was "wearing" the snake! (If you can imagine 70 dogs in runs in a basement all hungry in the morning barking away, any bit of quiet was welcome!!!). Couple of times, I'd forget I was wearing him, and clients would see me and gasp and back away quickly! Lol! :haha: Ahhhhh, loved that job!

Can't wait to see the pics from your free session! Cute that your boys charmed the photographer!

Clio - LOVED your videos!!! He is such a cute little dancer, and almost looked like he wanted to play some guitar, too! Blake likes to watch me sing and dance around, well at least it quiets him down, maybe he's thinking, what is that kooky lady doing now?!? Before Blake, I used to leave work early on Fridays, come home, turn up the music and sing and dance around the house for an hour, got all the stress out. So, I've started doing it again now a few times, and Blake just stares and stares at me. :haha: oh, also loved the story about J helping to clean up, just so precious!!!

We had a nice Memorial Day weekend. I got to go out shopping yesterday, took a nice long walk around the mall, and just by luck found Macy's had a great baby sale going on. Came home with a big bag of summer baby clothes! Yeah! Then had to run some not so fun errands like diapers and groceries. But it was nice to get out, and dh had his first "alone" poopy diaper to deal with. :haha:
Forgot to say sorry for all the teething little ones. :( must be so painful for them :hugs:
Kitty love: I am so sorry about my gross snake story!!! I didn't even think that some of the ladies here could feel sorry for the snake. I think because I never really had animals growing up and my dad is not an animal lover for sure, I just ended up not caring for them. I do enjoying having dogs, cats or other animals but I do not want to own one ( just wait I until thiago is 4 and asks for a pet :haha:). Although we do have 8 koi fishes in our pond and now there is a turtle that leaves in our back hard. I told OH that we should give the turtle some leaves to eat the other day. She is really cute:). But snakes freak me out!!! And we didn't know if that one was a copper head ( lots of them here) or other poise ness snake so we got scared. I wish you were my neighbor so I could call you to help us remove the snake without having to kill it. My OH put snake away around the house so hopefully that will keep them out of site for a while.

Clio: that sounds so wonderful how J asks to be put in bed :kiss:!!! I did tell thiago yesterday that it was time for us to go night night and he actually stopped playing and came to me :kiss:. Hopefully he will be like J:).
Poor thing having hard time with his molars. Thiago had a little tempeture this morning too. Advil helped him a little.
And little t moves his hips just to music but bobs his head when he is happy.

Storm: great idea about the baby gate. And we cannot forget to secure furniture on the wall for the little climbers :haha:.

Okay, thiago does not like ice cream. :shrug:. He waits for me to be done with it and them he chomps on the sugar cone :haha:!!! Maybe he doesn't like how cold ice cream is. And you all know his fascination with balls. For a while now he can actually spin the ball with his hand while moving. It is the cutest thing to see him do that with the bigger ball. He looks like a pro. I need to try to make a video of him doing that. And we have our nephew that is 13 years old staying with us for a couple of days and thiago loves him. He is such a great kid. You don't see a lot of 13 years old grabbing a book and sitting with there 1 year old cousin and read him a book:). Too cute :kiss:.
So behind ladies, I just don't seem to get enough time to write proper posts!
Our teething hell has abaited for the time being ( no teeth broke through) but I'm sure it will start up again soon, but happy to take the break.
Clio- I have something called keinbocks disease in my right wrist that has given me arthritis and one of the options is to have the nerves to the particular area removed- I'm not keen on this at the moment due to the surgery and looking after a very active child. I wonder if it is a similar nerve op to yours??
Re the mmr, I guess I just can't bear anymore fevers and general lack of sleep! I hope she goes ok with it.
Ok, very short post- again.
I will come on again soon and try and write a bit more.
Kitty I fully understand about you being upset about the snakes demise, I wasn't too chuffed about it getting chopped up either but I can kind of understand why too if that makes sense? I'm a complete animal nut job with 3 cats, a dog, 3 goldfish and a 25 year old terrapin. Sadly we had to get the other terrapin put to sleep 2 years ago as it took a really bad infection that was eating away at its face and the vet couldn't get it cleared up. Also on this board I think everyoneis fine with differences of opinions, we can't all agree all the time! As for 2ww, 4 days to go and I'm not sure! With L I had tested with a frer by now and got a positive but I don't think I want to test! I've had terrible heartburn the last 2 days just like I had before my bfp with L but given I ended up with a really bad stomach after my excessive pregnancy heartburn I'm guessing it could just be my tum playing up :) who knows!

Ps Clio I couldn't see the videos on my phone which is why I haven't commented! Must spark up laptop soon :

angel - yep, that's what I have around the hairline! :dohh:
have the boys had any reaction to the MMR? hope not!
how's your friend Andrea? :hugs:

borboleta - no more signs of the kidney stones. maybe I did pass them that day? :shrug: thanks for asking!

storm - I imagine the whole TTC business must be so different now with L around! I hated the 2WW, I was sooo anxious, but I never ever tested before AF! I remember you and clairey from the over 35 TTC board when we all got pregnant almost at the same time. will keep my finsgers crossed :flower:

(how is your friend? :hugs:)

kitty love - you're TTC too, right? were you having problems with your cycle? fingers crossed for you too :flower:

clio - loved the videos! (although I could not hear the sound :dohh: so I still need to know what he was dancing to). Gael has become a bit of a rocker, everytime we play music he bounces and does a gentle headbanging :winkwink::cloud9:

baby unrelated question for you - did you say that you and your DH (or is it OH? anyway) do not eat at the same time? what do you do when you have guests?

sabrina - I think my my ENT doctor said they cannot get heyfever this young :shrug:

bye for now :kiss:
Good morning ladies :)

Storm sorry you had such a terrible weather on Monday, here it was lovely but of course poured down with rain again yesterday. Got to love the British weather. :( In over 20 years of living here I have not gotten used to it and I think I may never.
Your plans for L's room sound lovely and I bet the cork will be great in years to come! Is Jade white a white with a greenish tint? If so in combo with the pink it will look like a delicious sweet :lolly: :)
Hope last night was a good one again? 8 till 5 sounds nice unless of course you go to bed super late yourself?
As for your clingy kitty yeah I guess that is the other extreme. But do your boy kitties attack you as soon as you reach out for them? :( Any ideas what I could do about this?
I love the idea of a playhouse hidden in the garden! I dreamt of stuff like that when I was a kid! If you go ahead please post piccies :D
Wow you were lucky that it only took 4 cycles with L! I know you don't look forward to being preggo but I hope it happens soon and that it will be blissful! I am still so envious! I follow several journals of women on here who finally got their BFP and I love it and wish I could have all that excitement again (minus the anxiety which I felt till my vday and beyond). When will you test? Would be awesome if on your second (I think?) cycle of trying you got lucky wouldn't it? :)
Btw Dominic also screams the house down when I want to change him. It is as if I am abusing him! There are real tears and real sobs! But when I am done, instant smiles! I always worry that the neighbours must think I am hitting him or something :(

Sabrina oh dear for the teething hell and the biting! I hope he didn't bite the caregiver too badly? As for his allergies, I have no experience with this at all as I don't have hay-fever and neither does OH. But I have had this itchy allergy thing under and over my eyes. I don't think it is my make-up as it isn't everywhere I put my concealer so I wonder if that might be some sort of pollen too. I don't see why babies cannot have that sort of thing too?
I totally understand that you don't want to repeat that Christmas! Are there no direct flights from Dublin to where your parents live? If there are, I would maybe choose one and see if you could visit the other parent another time maybe? And maybe do the Grand Canyon when F is old enough to remember?

Borboleta about the tv: well the satellite cable comes in to the house from this one side which is next to the inbuilt bookcase and all the cables and plugs etc are concealed in the cupboard underneath it. In order to have the tv mounted on the wall we would have to have the cables extended to the other side of the room and I am not sure how we would be able to conceal the cables in that case, short of boring long tunnels into the walls etc. Also, the only free wall in our sitting room isn't one that is opposite the sofa, unless we mounted the tv over the fireplace where we have a big mirror at the moment. I don't like that idea. I don't like the look of tvs that much so I don't want it to be a focal feature lol
I think when it comes to heat, it makes a great difference if it is humid or dry heat. I think dry heat is a lot more easy than humid. I would so suffer! Especially as I don't really go brown but burn really easily in such hot climates.
My boys like to have a go in the swings too! Makes them squeal with enjoyment :) Otherwise they just like looking around at all the trees and dogs and children. They always try to sit as much forward in the buggy as they can to see it all :) There is a little cafe that sells the most divine organic ice-cream, so twice now OH and I had a cone each while the boys got some juice as I am not ready for them to have anything this sugary.
Not sure what a Brazilian blow out is? Is that where they straighten your hair? I am not sure that that would tame my fine new hair though but I will ask if I ever get to see a hairdresser. It has been over 6 months since I last had a haircut. :(
I meant to ask you and Storm about LOs climbing out of their bed? Do you think that when they can climb out of a cot bed they will not be able to climb over a baby gate? I find the whole idea of my boys climbing out of their beds and wondering around the flat quite frightening. I don't think I am prepared for this at all. Luckily they cannot even walk yet but I know it won't be long...
Your nephew sounds like a lovely boy! How sweet to read to T! I hope T enjoyed it?

Clio I think you may have had a point about the tickling. I too remember my dad tickling me so much till I nearly peed myself. And it was not that fun especially as he didn't let up since I was laughing. So yeah I think a bit of tickling is ok but not without stop etc. I had forgotten about that and I am glad you reminded me. Thank you :thumbup:
I am glad J didn't have a party in the middle of the night after all! I meant to ask though, how do you give the meds? Usually we give them to our boys with their milk but of course should they wake up at night I would rather not get them back into the habit of expecting milk (and when I say they I mean my greedy Dominic of course ;)) Do you have that little pipette thing there too and if so doesn't J just spit the liquid back out? It is so sticky that I am reluctant to even try and see lol

Kitty_love I am sorry you felt you needed a break after the snake story. I can see how that would be upsetting. But I do understand Borboleta's terror too. Venomous snakes haven't much come my way but I would be terrified too, especially with my babies not far away, even though I know that most snakes prefer to flee than to bite.
Igor was a beautiful snake indeed but I made a mistake getting him in the first place. Not cause I didn't like him and wasn't prepared to look after him for his 25 or so years but because I should have researched more closely first. What I read on Milksnakes was that they would get up to 4 foot long. But snakes grow all their lives and by the time I had him for 5 years he was over 4 foot long already! And while he would of course now slow down growing, I didn't have the space for a tank that was long enough for him to be comfy. :(
Loved the story of you and the Boa! They are gorgeous! The pet shop where I bought Igor's food had a Python who was carried around like you carried that Boa. He was so docile and gorgeous! :) Mind you, when they had kittens in (I don't approve of that btw, I think dogs and cats should not be sold in shops) I was always worried that Larry the Python would get to them lol
As for ttc how far along are you in your cycle this month? Are you still in tww?
And :haha: at your DH and the poopy diaper! Did he faint? ;)

Claire don't worry about not doing "proper" posts! Do what you can, as long as you don't leave us! :)
I am sorry that there were no teeth to show for the horrible time you have been having with L. I wonder why some teeth take months to break through when you can actually see them under the gum for ages.
Also what you describe with your hand sounds dreadful! Is that what you get treated at Chelsea & Westminster? Must be so painful you poor thing! :hugs:
As for the MMR, no reaction so far either apart from being a bit more tired that day but then we had gymboree then too so it was a rather exciting full day for them. I realise of course that my boys are not the norm as they don't seem to ever catch any illness but let's hope Lucy will be the same :)

Hope all other ladies are ok? Thinking of you Rowan, kosh, Leeze, Charlie and Jules

Nothing much new here. Boys slept till 7:45 yay! but that leaves me with a nap dilemma. Usually I try to nap them every 3h30 but now that they wake up later and actually nap for an hour and a bit in the morning, it kind of puts their afternoon nap too late. But I don't think they are ready to drop one nap as they will still not sleep longer than an hour and a bit and would then be awake 5 and 6 hours or something like that. So hm. So anyway, I better go and nap them now. Talk to you all again soon :) :hugs:
not much here - lovely day! LO slept okay-ish last night (was fussy around 5am and I brought onto the bed and we slept until about 6.30), so am crossing fingers that he will sttn a bit tonight, etc.

angel - Finn screams whenever dada changes him, but although he starts the tears with me, half-way through, he does start laughing, etc., so I have no idea why! Maybe it's a developmental thing, e.g. they might miss something 'important' whilst being changed? I dunno!

We're looking at possibly buy a seat on the airplane for LO, even though he will be under two -- I was thinking business class, but realised that that is very, very expensive -- unfortunately, we'd have to go to London to do premimum economy (e.g. Virgin) and that might be as annoying anyway (changing planes, etc)! Ah, to win the lottery!

I had a progress meeting with the creche yesterday and aside from walking, he's ahead on most of his developmental milestones, so sigh of relief and he does cruise around the furniture, but is still a bit hesitant on walking by himself - oh, well, he's very sociable and friendly, so that's great!

hope all are well! must go as LO seems to have figured out how to open one-half of the stair gate (into the living room, not the actual stairs!) and is waiting for me to undo the other side - yikes!

Forgot to tell you something weird/funny that happened at gymboree yesterday. So the lady who asked me before if Sebastian was a girl's name too and thought he was too pretty to be a boy, came up to me yesterday and asked: "Are they identical twins then?" I said "Uhm no, they aren't. They don't look alike, do they?" She said "No not to my eyes but maybe I just couldn't see it."
Uhmmm... :dohh: lol

Kosh thanks for asking, no the boys have showed no reaction to the MMR. Hope G will be equally good after his :)
Thank you also for asking about Andrea. She isn't too great. She had to have a second op 14 days after her last one as she had a new fistula already. Might be an eternal and vicious cycle. I am hoping not but haven't had any news in the last 4 or so days.
Love the idea of G head-banging! Bet that has you laughing every time :D So cute!

Sabrina about the nappy changing, I am starting to think that yes it must be a developmental thing coupled with temperament since Sebastian shows no inkling in being that upset. Phew!
Your trip to the US sounds really complicated you poor thing. I hear ya about winning the lottery. I think the 81M in the Euromillions yesterday were won by a Brit, but alas neither me nor OH :cry:
Forgot to tell you something weird/funny that happened at gymboree yesterday. So the lady who asked me before if Sebastian was a girl's name too and thought he was too pretty to be a boy, come up to me yesterday and asked: "Are they identical twins then?" I said "Uhm no, they aren't. They don't look alike, do they?" She said "No not to my eyes but maybe I just couldn't see it."
Uhmmm... :dohh: lol

Afternoon all.. it’s a beautiful day today but typically I have had a super busy day in work with no chance for a lunch break – hopefully it will stay dry so I can take L out into the garden later – she just loves being outside.

Oh Clio the ticking thing – I HATE being tickled, it was phobia of mine when I was younger – I used to flip out and my laughing used to make it hard to breathe and then I used to dissolve into tears. The way I work it with L is if she laughs I give her the time to choose if she wants me to do it again and she keeps coming back for more so I reckon she likes it :) I actually used to have full on nightmares about being tickled – am I mad?

Angel I did laugh at your story of the lady and the identical twins, I’m guessing she doesn’t grasp the concept of identical – what a numpty. Oh and yes Jade white is a sort of very very pale green/blue colour, it’s the colour L has her room now and I like her curtains etc so want to keep some of that without making the whole room pink! I did however get her one of these cause I could not resist I absolutely adore it and its really well made but her ladyship has no interest.

I honestly think L screams getting her nappy changed and dressed as she has no time for such nonsense. She is such a busy little lady.

Oh yes I have L news – we had full on proper STTN last night, down for 8, I changed her nappy at 10 and she stayed in her cot until 7.20am! She did drink 20 oz of milk but there was no crying… I just don’t know how to get her off the milk – she just loves it now…

SK you are a brave woman doing the flight thing, I think it would probably be a waste of money buying a seat for F though, he probably won’t want to sit there in a strange environment.. good luck with your journey.. actually he will be older then so maybe he would want his own seat, don’t listen to me I have no idea at all.

Hello to everyone else – nothing else to report here :)
Claire: sorry to hear about your hand. Do you have to do physical therapy for it?

Storm: love the little furniture you bought L:). Soooo cute!!! She will have a princess room:). It would be nice if you had another little girl so you can reuse all her beautiful things:). Did you test yet? I am dying to know:)!!! Do it do it!!!:haha:
How much milk does she have a day? Do you put multiple bottles in her crib? I was wondering if the milk drips in her sheets? And yeah for Sttn :happydance:!!! You go L!!!

Angel: Brazilian blow out is the hair straightening process that uses queratine to make your hair all shine and straighter. Not completely flat but a lot more manageable. I used to spend 1 hour with blow drier and flat iron but now in 10 min I am done and out the door :happydance:!!! And my hair is soooo shine!!! And the best part is that I trade services with the lady that does it for me. She comes to the studio and exercises for free and I go there every 2 to 3 months so she can do my roots:).
I cannot believe that the crazy lady asked you if Sebastian was a girls name and if they were identical twins :dohh:!!! Man, she is a little out there isn't she? :wacko:

Sabrina: poor Finn. He must be hurting to bite his teacher. Tell them to keep the paci on at all times :haha:. That is what I do with thiago these days:). His bottom canines are thru the gum but they are still breaking thru so I am sure they still hurt.

Thiago is doing a lot better with changing his diaper. I give him toy that has tons of lights and plays music as he presses the buttons so that distracts him:).

Clio: thiago loves goodnight moon!! It is his favorite book now. OH reads it in English and I do it in Portuguese. I think he enjoys it because it has the moon and stars. He is obsessed with them now. :haha: and shapes of any kind. He has this little shape puzzle and he always comes up to us and bring us a shape and we need to tell him what shape it is.

Have to go teach a class soon. 2 hours of Zumba for me tonight :wacko:. The 6:30pm instructor called in sick so I have to do a back to back class!! And I already did a Zumba toning this morning and took thiago for a bike ride too!!! I guess that will make my OH happy so I can burn my fat belly :haha:!!!!
A beautiful day and LO was happy to wear his sunglasses and sunhat (we've been practising at home) on our stroll home. He looked very 'cool', naturally! I'll try to take a picture and post it....

TBH, not much happening, except we have next Monday off (bank holiday in Ireland), and the weather is supposed to be okay, so perhaps will take LO to the beach?

hugs to all! bye!

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