any other over 35 first time mums?

OMGosh lol! I wouldn't be able to play anyway! If I used any of those my brother would probably die of a heartattack! Not to mention some of my odd family members who wouldn't even bother to check and just spread it as rumours all through Europe lol!
Hi ladies, sorry just wrecked. Appt went well, no glucose at all in my urine sample so no blood test, but I have to go back again next week to be sure.

Works Christmas dinner last night, Sunday school party this am, had brothers 3 kids all morning and then trip to toys r us to buy nephews birthday present, I am.beyond tired... Zzz

Later lovely ladies..
LO cranky all day, so am I. Not fab at all....


ps. cats are well, though - so at least, part of my mummy role seems okay. Plus the cats purr alot. LO tries to purr....

Hi ladies. I haven't forgotten you all. Just don't seem to get a minute these days. Plus its been a really hard week as I found out an old flame got murdered. I haven't seen him in a long time but it was a really special relationship to me and I can't stop thinking about him.

On a lighter note, Kia is so funny. Her little character is shining through and she keeps us very well entertained. After her bath tonight she was running round the place roaring like a dragon! XX
Good to hear from you Leeze :) And I saw some pics of Kia on FB and she looks so sweet and so much fun! Is it my imagination or is she starting to look more and more like you? She is a cutie!

Storm what a relief! I am sure the next test will be just as well. Hope you got some sleep last night! You sound so crazy busy all the time that I seriously think you must be wonderwoman, pregnant, full time working, getting little sleep and with a non helpful OH. I am in awe!

Sabrina I hope today will be better for you and Master Finn!

What a horrid night! First I couldn't fall asleep for ages and then Dominic woke shouting at 4:30 and was awake till 5:15. He made sure my poor Sebastian was awake too and while Dominic dropped off ok Sebastian didn't fall asleep again till after 6 and neither did I. And then Dominic woke again shouting at 7:15. Sebastian is still asleep which is why I am not going into them yet but Dominic is playing and complaining sporadically so not much longer I guess.
It makes me feel depressed and bleary eyed to think that some of you ladies have this every night. How dreadful! I am seriously considering to nap when they nap after lunch, even at the risk of feeling even more tired after. Yawn! COFFEE!
Not a great night with LO, but it's not too bad at the weekends. He woke up around 1.30am, but as he had been fussy throughout the night before, I wasn't sleeping much. I pulled him onto the bed, gave him some milk and eventually (2.30am), he went back to sleep and I put him back into the cot (I can't really sleep if he is in the bed) and then up again around 5ish? This time, we both fell back asleep until about 7am, but I am wrecked. He's taking a nap at the moment and after cleaning the kitchen, and checking emails, etc., I'm going to go and lie down.

no personals, sorry - am exhausted and LO is cuddly one minute and mr.cranky/mr. hit mommy the next. aargh!

Hey guys--sorry I've been absent, but was in the hospital for a bit. Things got just a bit too overwhelming for me, so we needed some help. Frustratingly, I wasn't allowed internet, had nothing to read and hate puzzles, and it was so disgusting there that I had OH bust me out. It got us through the crisis, though.

Seems like non-sleeping is the theme among the LOs these days. I wonder if they secretly get together (toddler psychic network, of course) and plan what they will do to us. Well, to you guys re: the sleeping. We're playing the "please, please, please eat, please!" game. And bad teething. Yesterday he was utterly hysterical for over half an hour after he came home from Oma's. We didn't even bother giving him dinner; we just sent him to bed early with a bottle of "full-leaded" milk (i.e. not diluted) and fifty million stories. He somehow got his hands on the Dr. Seuss books we were saving for when he was older, and now insists we read all sixty pages of The Cat in the Hat. And according to the rules, he gets two other books as well every night. Stupid Cat. Stupid Thing One and Thing Two. During the day, he's obsessed with Green Eggs and Ham. We even have to make green eggs out of play doh.

Sorry, I'm playing catch-up, so I don't remember everyone's posts, but I'm glad that the sugar levels were fine the second time, Storm, and that Kia is such a joy, Leeze! I'm actually longing for the days when J was immobile and so cute, lying there on the ground on his blankets. This morning, just before one of his thrice daily piano "practices," he inexplicably tossed all of Morgan's kibble all over the basement. Awesome. We asked him why, and suddenly, for the first time this morning, he fell silent.

Are you still worried about Sebastian, Angel? Was the...I'm sorry, I forget
all the terms...not HV able to reassure you at all? Good advice about the food though. We're trying everything, and that seems very reasonable, as my husband would say.

We're going to get and decorate our Christmas tree today! Which will work so well with a toddler and a kitten. Borboleta, I found a book called "Merry Christmas, Pocoyo!" and J's obsessed with it. I love it because it's so short! How is the Children's Motrin working out? Though I looked at our Children's Advil and discovered that it's actually the same as our Infant Advil, just diluted. So, after some very sophisticated math, I'm still giving him the Infant one, just doubled, so I can use the syringe. The little cup isn't going down so well with J. (<--oh, I am so punny!). Oh, and my Mum found a Pocoyo doll for J, and he loves much as he loves his other stuffed animals. Ellie and Pato should arrive in time to go under the Christmas tree. How are you affording Electric Thomas? I keep on finding him under the couch, dead. We have gone through so many batteries by now!

I hope your pregnancy is going well, Indigo--I know how rough the first trimester can be. :winkwink:
Oh, and another constant mantra from J:

"Ellie use vacuum cleaner.
Mummy use vacuum cleaner.
Daddy use vacuum cleaner.
Auntie Maddie use vacuum cleaner.
Uncle Quinn use...blender."

Leeze I was so sorry to hear about your uni bf, I would be devastated if anything happened my uni bf, especially something so horrible! I'm sure your head is all over the place and your fb photo of the 2 of you reminded me so much of what I was like at uni. Such a tragedy :(

Sk sorry you are getting it rough with F at the minute, its never ending isnt it!

L hated both the clown and Santa at the party yesterday... I was wrecked with her hanging round my neck! My back was so sore and I felt truly crippled last night.

Dh is working tonight so we are currently hiding out my dads, have to head home soon.

Clio, has the hospital stay helped? As for J and the eating I'm through worrying too much about L but she's a chunk! Shes been ok with the tree but I don't fancy your chances with a kitten though!

Better go dads talking lol..
Oh Clio! :hugs: I am sorry you had to go through such a horrible time! I very much hope you are on the mend and that what was said here before didn't contribute to your ending up in hospital. Many thousands :hugs: my dear.
As for Sebastian eating, he will eat everything on the BRAT diet (banana, rice (pudding in his case) apple and toast. I deviated from this for lunch by giving him sweet corn also and he was super runny again just now. No idea if it can have been the sweet corn already but the sores of his nappy rash are still open and weeping and obviously painful. So really I have no idea what is causing this! :(
Good luck with the Christmas tree! We are getting a tiny potted one for the kitchen table cause I don't trust my boys or my cat lol. Plus we don't really have the space either. Show us a piccie when you are done?

Leeze I am sorry I completely forgot to say how sorry I am about your uni BF. How utterly awful for such a thing to have happened.

Dominic fell over just now and cut his lip. Sooo much blood! Poor boy! But he is laughing again now as neither of us is in the room with him and he can throw stuff in the fireplace. Still a firm favourite. But I better go and sit with him again.
Sending love and :hugs: to you all xx
Also meant to say my friend with the cancer of the esophagus has been having issues eating so is going in tomorrow to have a steint fitted, thus my fb photo for those of you on there. They really are having a hard time after things looking so positive a few weeks ago!
sorry everybody is having a rough time right now...I did get a few hours afternoon nap, but the living room looked like a pig-stye when I woke up and LO was still in his pjs from yesterday. I am still cranky and my tooth still hurts a little...sigh.

hugs to all....!
Oh no, are you feeling now? Makes me sad to think of you in a hospital..:(

So, is J obsessed w the vacuum cleaner, too? N vacuums every day. He also sweeps, dusts, etc...

Need to post a bit later, DH is begging for attention, lol...
Leeze, so sorry about your friend, that is so tragic :hugs:

Clio :hugs: for your crisis. I love that J loves his Dr Seuss books, they are wonderful and cannot wait for Sophia to love them :thumbup:

Angel, I eat with Sophia and yes I am sure that's why I am not loosing weight :haha: but she does copy me with eating, so what I pick up she does, not always but often. Have you started with dummy weaning yet? So are you really looking at leaving London? We thought about it, I was keen on Devon as I love the South west of England so much, but I just don't feel right about leaving London, strange for me as I definitely don't use London like you do with museums, galleries and antique fairs. In fact I am more likely to be out by the river or in the country, but here is home and where I grew up. But to have a bigger place :cloud9:

So last night was my first night shift in about 16 months and OMG it nearly killed me! So so stupidly busy and well my body is just not use to, 1 stayinh up in the middle of the night and 2 being on my feet for pretty much 12 hours...never use to bother me, never got sore feet or legs, last night legs were like jelly....need to start running again. It also made me realise why I am not back to my old weight! I never use to stop at work 3 or 4 days a week and on my days off I was always on a is slower now, which is good, but need to get fit again!

Indigo, happy healthy 9 months :haha:

Hello all other ladies, hope you are all well x
Angel--no, no--nothing here set it off. As I said, I know everyone here was concerned, not judgemental. In fact, OH and I have been talking even more about it, and the hospital stay made him realize that J might need him more than usual at certain times, and drinking so much in the evening (it was always in the evening, after J went to bed) reduced his ability to be on his toes in case of emergencies, so he's drinking even less. For example, he can't drive me to the hospital if he's been drinking. He's also been feeling so guilty about it that finally having it out in the open has made him feel a million times better.

I went to the hospital because I just kept spiralling downwards and downwards till OH and I were afraid of what I might do. There I was monitored overnight, and now the horrible, ever-present thoughts, which got worse and worse and worse and worse, are gone. I haven't felt that horrific and terrified since I was in my 20s, when my illness was at its worst. Anyway, OH and I have a plan so that I stay out of that horrid ward forever. We're going to put together a team which will handle the drugs--which need to change--talk therapy, physio and pain meds for my back and joint, and a nutritionist to figure out what's going on with my metabolism (I'm now down 50 lbs since August, which is baffling). J is always covered; OH's family is always kept apprised of what's going on and take turns taking him. He had a grand old time with Oma and his cousins and aunt and uncle. Oddly, he kept saying that I was "in the shop," even though we had told him I was off "visiting."

Today is a good day, which is so nice to have. They've been terrifying days for weeks.

I'll put up pics of my tree as soon as possible; we're still waiting for the branches to fall. It'll probably look exactly the same as last year's, though.

Leeze--I'm sorry, I completely forgot to respond to the part of your post where you told us about your former boyfriend. It sounds even more horrible because he was murdered! I hope you're doing okay. :hugs: I remember when my SIL found out that her former fiancé, whom she hadn't seen in years, died, and she was so stunned that she couldn't concentrate on anything for the longest time.

What does Kia do to keep you so entertained? Tell us some stories!!!
Very brief
Leeze - so sorry about your ex, what a horrible thing to happen! Was he in the uk? :hugs:
clio - lots of :hugs: to you too. Hope the hospital stay helped a little and you are felling a bit better

Im very tired today as I've been a single mum for the last two days as df is trying to finish off lots of things before traveling. Im doing my best not too get too upset about it, as I know it will not help, so im just coping for now
And re. Travel, Im sure I didnt mention it here - we are going to mexico for xmas! it was a Last minute decision....wish me luck!

Exactly like last year's! :wohoo: I recreate it every year. It's my personal Christmas tradition. :xmas16:
Well, OH wrote the hire car off last night after getting drunk while we were at a Christmas Fair that I was performing at. Got mad at me for saying he needed to eat and sober up before I would consider getting in a car with him - how dare I insult him by accusing him of being drunk! - he then excused himself to my friend by saying his friends had influenced him and made him drink, and then proceeded to drink more while my back was turned. I stayed calm and reiterated that I was not going to go anywhere with him 'til he sobered up, so he stomped off.

A couple of hours later, I was fortunate enough to cadge a ride off some friends going the same way and when I got home he wasn't there. Then I got a text off him saying I was right not to go with him as he'd crashed the car and written it off. He's fine, but the car isn't. I'm so over this stress, I want a nice relaxing pregnancy and parenthood, and I don't think I'll get it with him. If he can't man up now, I don't see how he will in 4mos.

So, I'm going to do everything to save up as much as I can and move out when able, probably after the baby's born as I don't want to struggle for money. We're living on my income at the moment because he's too lazy to finish his sculptures for clients on time, but it's always like the world owes him a favour. All he does is yell and sulk about me not giving him enough sex or being too tired to go out etc, he's not at all understanding and I had the worst first trimester ever - to which he said at the time, "You can't be THAT sick," when I was puking after every attempt to eat or even drink water.

I don't want to speak to him yet and I hope he stays out of my way today. When his friend brought him home last night, he fried something and slunk straight off to the bedroom. I'm going to get changed, do my yoga and try to get rid of this stress headache, aaaargh.

In good news, I found a midwife to help me deliver at home. Would you believe it's illegal here? The State wants to tell me I can't birth my baby how I want to and without hospital intervention? Pfff! I'm just not going to mention it and go to hospital as late as possible, hopefully after delivery.

Best thing about being an older mum for me right now is knowing I can cope with anything life throws at me and if that includes flying solo as a parent, I'm okay with that. :)
bigleg - glad you trusted your instincts regarding your OH and driving! and that YOU are safe!

nothing much here. LO was in great spirits this am on the way to creche, which is good for them -hahaha!

hugs to all


ps. clio - your tree is beautiful! We're not decorating at all as we are leaving next Monday for the USA......
Wow BLEmma I think your oh has just been promoted to worst oh of the month, that is insane and I am so very glad you weren't with him. That and he didn't kill himself or someone else, but what in idiot! As they say drinks in, wits out.. but driving drunk is a big no no. I hope he has the hangover from hell! Bl@@dy men! Are you in Spain? Why are you not allowed a home birth? I never wanted one, I'm too chicken but you should be able to choose. I wouldn't mind one this time mind you but again too scared, I would have had to be transferred last time cause of the meconium stained waters, but L was fine, but was checked by a paediatrican incase she has aspirated any. I'm hoping to be out in 6 hours this time. As for the ms I can totally relate, I ended up on meds this time I was so violently sick, its horrible! As for going it alone, if after a darn good kick up the backside your oh doesn't wise up....

Clio I love your tree, its perfect! I can see why you recreate it every year, its just beautiful.

L has a new sentence, 'i no like the Santa, ho ho ho'... Is my child going to be scarred for life by the big man in the red suit? Quite possibly!

Anyway I'm on leave today, left L to nursery late, did some shopping and now its dog walking time, I think I need a mobility scooter, so fat and heavy... Might explode....

Have a good day ladies!

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