any other over 35 first time mums?

Clio, love your tree! We, like Angel are doing without this year :nope: I just like to have a Sophia friendly home and hate saying 'no!!' too much. Putting a big tree with lights and big shiny dangly things would be far too tempting for her at the moment and it would stay vertical for approximately 1 minute! OH is very sad about this, I'm a little sad but have got over it! He hasn't :dohh: we do however have a very elevated mini tree and some decorations you can see if you look up :haha: oh and some fairy lights :thumbup:

BLE I am so glad you were sensible and stayed out of that car! He sounds like an arse if you don't mind me saying! I work in the ED and I like to consider myself as non judgemental as I can be about people who need health care, as I am there to treat not judge....but not with drink drivers, I have seen some horrors, your OH and others around were lucky. Are you in a band? Is you avatar a pic if you performing?

Storm, sorry forgot to say yesterday, :thumbup: for no more glucose, hope it stays that way and yey for been so close to mat leave:happydance:

Ooh Mexico for Christams Kosh:thumbup: when are you off?
Hi ladies,

Going to try to reply we much we I can since thiago is still sleeping. He wet down at 7:30pm last night and woke up around 2am but no one went to him ( he wast crying) and I am not sure when he felt asslep again. But it is now almost 7:30am and he is still out :happydance:.

Clio: I love the tree:). I have a skinny tree and I doesn't look as good as yours. We have lot of really old ornaments that belong to my MIL when the kids were growing up so brings a lot of memories to everyone.
Glad to hear you are doing better my friend after your hospital visit and you and your OH have a plan:). You are a good person and deserves good care :hugs:.

Sabrina: are you getting excited about the trip? How lovely it will be. And like you said so many are born and raise in NY. I think Finn will love the lights and all the propel there :thumbup:.

Biglegemma: your OH definetely wins the worst OH of the month :growlmad:! That was terrible that he couldn't understand how sick you were in the beginning of your pregnancy either :growlmad:! Men should be the one to get pregnant so they can see how it truly is!!!
I was going to ask the same thing by your avatar picture. You look beautiful playing a violin. What kind of music do you play? Is your OH an artist you mentioned?
And if you don't mind I will beg you to have your baby at the hospital. I know that the chances of something going wrong are small but after my experience with having my son I would and will tell every woman to have a baby at the hospital. To cut a story short, my son had a collapsed cord while I was being induced to deliver him vaginally so had to have an emergency csection but what they found out later when they removed my placenta was that I had something called vasa previa ( occurs in a very small numbers of birth) but if my son had born vaginally they chances of him bleeding to death would be 99%. It was undiagnosed which most of the cases are. We are very blessed to have him with us. I always say that he was meant to be here :thumbup:. Anyways, just wanted to share my experience. Now I am terrified of home births, not that I was going to have one. I guess I was meant to be at the hospital too:). God had everything planned out for us :flower:.

Okay he is up. Talk more later:). Bye!
Let me just write one more thing since thiago is happily eating donut holes and watching pocoyo for breakfast :dohh:!!!

Charlie: thiago has been very good about the Christmas tree. I just put the breakable Christmas ornaments on the top of the tree and left the wood ones in the bottom. He just gently touches once In while but he loves the lights. Do you have a fake tree or were you going to buy a real tree? My MIl said that her brother when he was little pull the Christmas down on himself :haha:. He was fine. Is L trying to stand? Cause tha I can see why you might not want to have the tree. :haha:. Although again, last year we had the tree and thiago was cruising and pulling on things. Maybe something to think about it:).

More later:)
Tree is lovely, Clio!

Sorry your OH isn't behaving, Emma.
I'm quite relieved no one was hurt in his accident.
It may be necessary to start stockpiling bricks. :winkwink:

Home births are illegal in my state, but people do it all the time, anyway.
I was also quite sick for the first 20 weeks...I can't believe he said that!
I lol when you wrote 'he fried something...' I don't know why!

Kosh....I hope you enjoy your trip.
I'm so very sorry about your friend. :( It's a different sort of loss when one of our peers passes & so very tragic because of the circumstances. I hope you give yourself permission to grieve. It could feel awkward when you're in another relationship, but it's necessary & appropriate nonetheless. You have my deepest sympathy. :hugs:
Let me just write one more thing since thiago is happily eating donut holes and watching pocoyo for breakfast :dohh:!!!

Charlie: thiago has been very good about the Christmas tree. I just put the breakable Christmas ornaments on the top of the tree and left the wood ones in the bottom. He just gently touches once In while but he loves the lights. Do you have a fake tree or were you going to buy a real tree? My MIl said that her brother when he was little pull the Christmas down on himself :haha:. He was fine. Is L trying to stand? Cause tha I can see why you might not want to have the tree. :haha:. Although again, last year we had the tree and thiago was cruising and pulling on things. Maybe something to think about it:).

More later:)

Thanks B, well I guess it could be possible, but Sophia is pulling up all the time, cruising etc and she is a very determined lady! Once you say no to something, that is it, she is on a mission. If we had a larger place I would, but our living room is my safe place for her while I cook etc. I don't mind though, I love my fairy lights :)
Wow how are home births illegal?! That is so nuts! At least give women the choice.

So in Spain are there many midwives that go underground to support women with this choice? I have a good friend in Barcelona who has 2 children, I think she had a home birth, but not 100% sure.
LO has been a right stroppy mister today - the only thing that seems to stop his tantrums is putting on endless DVDs of Shaun the Sheep (I love Shaun, but two hours+ is a little too much!)....

I'm not really counting the time down to NYC&AZ as I have this week of work to get through and I didn't lose the weight I wanted and no short-listed usa jobs, so am a bit melancholy...OH's response to tell how he felt at his job and that's why he took voluntary redundancy, but I'm not in that position (and would get nothing if I decided to leave my job)'s really the first time that I have regretted staying in Ireland for so long, but I don't regret LO at all, so it's tricky trying to make sense of it all....

oh, well...hugs to all and to all, GOOD SLEEP!

Ok SK it must be horrible feeling like that :(

I completely forgot I was looking after my neice tonight for an hour and a half, it used to be really stressful when L was a baby but I can honestly say it was a joy tonight. Her and L were so excited to see each other, they played, coloured in, pushed each other around in the little tykes car etc... It was fun for both of them. Maybe I will need to borrow my niece more when bump arrives! L never shut up the whole time too, she's a chatterbox, like her mummy :)

Nothing else to report, big, fat, heartburny and feel like I'm going to explode and shattered, but otherwise good!

Sleepy dust to all, apart from BLEmmas oh whom I'm hoping has a right sore head and is feeling regretful!
Happy Birthday Blake! Hope you will have a lovely day with mummy and daddy :) Kitty I hope you are well and that this day is not too tough with all the memories. Would love to see a newer pic of the birthday boy! :hugs:

BLEmma I do think your OH deserves the medal for worst OH this month! Wow! I am so glad you didn't get into that car with him! I agree with Charlie and have no understanding or leniency towards drunk drivers. But I suppose when one is drunk one doesn't always realise it or thinks one is superhuman?
Tell us a little about what you do? I am guessing from your picture that you are a musician? Very cool if so! Are you originally from the UK or the US? I hope you don't mind all those questions. I am very interested (read nosy :blush:) in people :)

Charlie I meant to say that we have Tabby McTat and it is a favourite with Dominic who keeps asking for "Tat"! Mind you, it is too wordy for him and he loses patience if I want to actually read it to him. But he loves discovering all the cats, birds, hellios (helicopters), planes and babies. And there are so many details on every page that I really love it too :) He likes any book that has lots of cats in it so Scarface Claw and Hairy McLary Scattercat are also favourites :)

Ok I must run again. Took a small break to have a coffee and a quick post here. Now my boys are laughing and guffawing in the other room which is cute but suspicious lol
Love and :hugs: to all. xx
Oh and Charlie, I really don't want to move out of London but when I see a property for example like this, with such a garden, I wonder if I am crazy.
Mind you this price would be a bit out of our reach. I am not sure what my flat is worth now but friends of mine who live in Earlsfield (not as good an area as where we are) and who have a room less and a smaller garden just sold their flat for 500k, so mine has to be quite a bit more. Plus I have saved a bit too so might might might stretch a bit. Sigh.

ETA or more realistically perhaps this sweet little cottage Close to an outstanding primary school! I always check that first lol
Ok I should be painting and not pouring over houses lol
Just a quick one for now,

Thiago did the cutest thing yesterday. My MIL have been giving him a special Christmas ornament for him every year ( well, 2 :haha:) and I normally put them up higher in the tree in case he decides to go crazy with them, but since he has being so careful and gentle with them I decided to bring them down low so he could touch and play with them. They move and play music. He normally asks me to press the bottom or pull the cord so he can watch them move. Well, yesterday in was telling my MIL how much he loves the ornaments and was showing her how low I put the in the tree and how he didn't pull the off the tree ... Well, turns out I couldn't find one of them :dohh:! So I looked around and nothing. So I was telling my MIL " don't you know just because I said that he doesn't touch the ornaments now one has disapered :dohh:!" And all of a sudden my MIl says " look it is here in the tree". Thiago had pulled the ornament of the tree and just stuck the ornament somewhere back in the tree :haha:! It was just laying in one of the branches. I thought it was so cute how he knew that the ornament belong to the tree and he shouldn't be disappearing with them around the house :haha:. I think he has some of mommy's traits already :haha:!!

Oh and I have put a video of thiago spelling the ABC on Facebook. He says the letters phonetically and cannot say the letters X Z and says ballon for J :haha:. I need to try to put it in here so kosh can see it.

Clio: I need to find that pocoyo Christmas book you just mentioned :thumbup:. And the children's Advil is doing well although I just had to use it once. And how is the leap frog movies going with J?

I will be back letter.
Angel: do it do it!!! I can totally see the boys running around that beautiful place :thumbup:. You can go back to London when the boys are off to college :thumbup:. You will need lots of room for two growing boys :winkwink:.
Oh and Charlie, I really don't want to move out of London but when I see a property for example like this, with such a garden, I wonder if I am crazy.
Mind you this price would be a bit out of our reach. I am not sure what my flat is worth now but friends of mine who live in Earlsfield (not as good an area as where we are) and who have a room less and a smaller garden just sold their flat for 500k, so mine has to be quite a bit more. Plus I have saved a bit too so might might might stretch a bit. Sigh.

ETA or more realistically perhaps this sweet little cottage Close to an outstanding primary school! I always check that first lol
Ok I should be painting and not pouring over houses lol

Oh I know! I am always on rightmove and end up :cry: a flat in Earlsfield for 500K!!!! I use to live in Southfields, so not far, that seems an awful lot for a 2 bed flat there! It's near where I work, so I drive through it a lot, yes your area is a lot nicer for sure!

Those places look lovely. I am often tempted but I am happy here and so far we only have one Sophia! If we had had twins I think it would be different, mind you my neighbours live in a 2 bed flat and have an 8 year old and a 6 yr old, I think they're nuts! But they are very good neighbours so not complaining! One biggie that will probably keep me in London, is that as Sophia is half Asian, I want her to grow up in a multi cultural area, not in middle England where the whole school is white, I don't want her to feel different. I would love her to have friends from all races and religions and mixes and really there is no where better than London for that so I think here we will stay. Luckily Richmond has great primary schools, hard to get into, but we are in a a catchment area for one of the best ones so :thumbup: it also has 2 excellent girls schools, it doesn't fair so well here for boys in secondary education though. Have you though about Kingston? That has some great primary schools and some a good boys grammar.

I couldn't resist tabby McTat, great illustration, I am sure she won't want me to read it to her at all, but those pictures will keep her busy. Like Dominic, anything with a cat or dog is just the bees knees as far as Sophia is concerned!

Borboleta,will check out FB now!
Happy birthday blake :happydance::cake:

Hope you're not feeling too melancholy kitty, :hugs:
Afternoon ladies – we had one of those mad nights where L was up SCREAMING and CRYING the place down at 11, I brought her into bed with me and she cried and sobbed for the next 2 hours randomly calling for me and saying ‘I no like it’ – so I can only assume its nightmares – she needed me to be rubbing her back and cuddling her to settle down. As a result I am stupidly tired today – again. DH is working again tonight so I hope she has a decent night for mummy.

Angel you need to sell up and move to Northern Ireland – it’s not as bad as people think it is and for that kind of money what a house you could have! I actually don’t know how you ladies who live in London cope with the lack of space. We are up to 5 bedrooms now and I can easily fill them all! I can’t imagine having L in a house with not too much free space especially when the weather is bad. L loves the ‘new’ house as she can run round in circles through the living room, dining room and kitchen! I think Borboleta has a lot more space than me though – lucky T 

Kitty happy birthday to B! Hard to imagine he is one already! I hope you are ok today and you are able to look forward to the positive future as opposed to dwelling on his birthday not being the day you expected him to arrive!

BLEmma – hows OH? Any further developments there?

SK how are your teeth? Any improvement? Are you all ready for your travels on Monday? Will you be updating us over your trip? You can’t vanish the whole time I will miss your updates!

Also Charlie you need to come to NI with Angel – it’s very mixed racial/religion wise these days. Although I have to say things weren’t like this in the past its much improved! I actually remember when I went to London as a child I was fascinated by the diversity in the cultures – it was something I was just not used to back then but now I don’t even notice anymore. I was actually asking one of the guys I work with what attracted him to NI (he is originally from Lebanon) and he said he likes the people, the education system is good and he just likes it here. I guess cause I live here I sometimes think why on earth would anyone want to come here, but that is usually weather related. Actually there is no point you and Angel coming over as I’m going to live in Texas when L and T hook up – hehehehe

Clairey loved the FB pics of Miss Ls stamp art – she does have expensive taste! All you need is a few address labels and you can post the oranges… which reminds me I need to buy some stamps and write my Christmas cards – oh the chore…………

AFM – 31 weeks today - how did that happen, actually starting to think I need to start packing some bags, one for me, one for newbie and one for L! I so hope I go into labour on a day DH is at home and not in the middle of the night when he is on nightshift! Argghhhh the labour thing is a lot more daunting with number 2 as you are worried about what to do with number 1! I might be having a home birth whether I want to or not… what do I do if DH is on a call at work in the middle of the night? He needs to get back to base and drive back home so in all likelihood about 2 plus hours from when I contact him. I know my mum had my first brother in 12 hours and second in a couple of hours so I am slightly concerned that this baby will come out like a rocket! Ok ok ok I can do this… its ok…. Honest……… no really it is….. Why did I think this was a good idea????????????

Oh and Leeze your photo of K on fb was just adorable – amazing how a little person can make all the difference. I hope you are ok and have started to get over the shock (not the actual enormity of your uni bfs) death – just awful!

Kosh how the Mexico plans going?

Clio – how are you? How is DH after the week you both had?

Ok need to go – back later!
Okay, I am back:

Storm: my friend, you need to find someone to stay or be close to you when is getting closer for the baby to come. I have a friend that her first baby took ages to come now her second she barely had time to get to the hospital. He was almost born in the car. So you never know. Do you have a plan for who is going to stay with L while you are at the hospital? It is really sad that your in laws are not of going to help you :growlmad:. They could have offered to care for L while you and your OH have a little time for the new baby. By the way, any name decision yet? My friend that has a 3 months old and a 2 year old now said that the hardest time was her first week because her 2 year old was so jelous of the baby. But now she seems used to it although she has to watch her like a hawk because she doesn't now that the baby cannot be sit on or grab her like a doll :dohh:!
And I would love if you move to Texas because I would not move to Ireland :haha::haha:. First because of the cold second because I probably would not be able to understand most of what you guys say in there :haha:. And even though you would suffer during the summer time here you would have a lovely house here and plenty of sunshine:).

Leeze: I am so sorry about your loss:(. What a horrible way to die:(. Was an accident ( someone trying to rob him ) ? And I agree with storm, Kia is a pure delight in her pictures:). What a happy little girl:). :kiss:

Charlie: I totally agree with you about exposing our LOs to as many different cultures and races as possible:thumbup:. We live in a nice area if Houston where there are a lot of people with money here ( not us :dohh:) but we are in the older area where there is more of a mix of people with lots of money and people with lower income. So I love it cause thiago will be exposed to a mix of all that. The newer area is pretty much rich people everywhere and I don't want thiago coming home from school and asking why don't we have Porsche in our garage and a 6000 sq.ft home!
How school works in the UK? I am sure you have private and public school. Which one are going to put S in? Here the public school is pretty good. And we couldn't afford a private one ( again just doctors and lawyers kids). In Brasil I went to public and private school. Whenever my parents could afford they will put us in private school because it was a better school overall.

Claire : I meant to ask you if L has gotten more teeth?

Kitty: happy birthday again little Blake. Hope you are having a special day with mommy and daddy:).

:hugs: everyone:).
Hi everyone! Thanks for all the lovely birthday wishes for Blake! Can hardly believe my little pumpkin is one today! We've had such a fun day so far doing all his favourite stuff, but he just got pooped all of a sudden, so he's napping now.

Got caught up this morning during his morning nap, but he woke up just as I started a post. I'll have to be quick this time :haha:

Storm - Happy 31 weeks!!! Yes, get your bag packed girlie, sooner the better so you can add stuff as you remember, instead of rushing around. I had mine packed very early but forgot a pair of comfy socks, Dan brought me dirty ones from the laundry pile in the basement (said it was all he could find, didn't think of my sock drawer?? :haha:)

Leeze - so sorry to hear about your old flame, just terrible, sending you lots of hugs dear :hugs::hugs:

Clio - concerned to read about your hospital stay, I hope it wasn't too bad and perhaps helped a bit? I loved your tree, thanks for posting that picture, looked so nicely decorated!!!

Kosh - I'm sorry your new job is so stressful, what a roller coaster for you with the work situation up and down. :hugs:

Borboleta, Charlie - I'm a big fan of diversity too! One of the millions of reasons I love London so much. I remember when I lived there for school, sometimes when I was feeling stressed with my flatmates, I would stand in Piccadilly Circus and just listen, I could hear so many languages being spoken in a few minutes. Loved that, perked up my mood so quick! Diversity was fun when working as an actuary, too, our team of 20 had only 3 people who grew up in America. I really enjoyed learning about everyone's experiences and beliefs.

Borboleta - so cute about T putting his ornament back in the tree! You'll be able to tell him that story every year as you put that ornament on the tree! <3
Angel - love the new pic of the boys! And I will def post a birthday pic as soon as I get them on the computer :) And thanks for asking, Blake is doing great with food now. Still using organic jarred food, but his little mouth is usually open wide and he really enjoys meal time now, lots of smiles and joyful bouncing when he gets his favorites - sweet potatoes, peas, blueberries, pears! He gets 2 jars a day now, mid-morning and late afternoon.

Thanks also to everyone for thinking of me today. I'm actually doing very well, and I hope I've gotten all the guilt and sadness out of my system! We've had a great day, Blakey and I, and although most pictures are blurry (little man just doesn't sit still for a second), I think there's a couple good ones! We got about 4 inches of fresh snow overnight, so I brought in a couple of snowballs for Blakey, he wasn't too impressed. :haha: He got some presents, really liked the puppy stuffed animal I got for him in London when he was in my belly (I'd been saving it for his birthday), and then liked the tissue (wrapping type, not toilet lol) second best, tearing it up and squealing!

Sorry I've been bit absent, last week Dan was off work all week and we tackled lots projects around the house that we've been neglecting for awhile. We were so busy, but still didn't get everything on the list done? Oh well, we made lots of progress, and the biggest job of all - our garage is clean! It was so cluttered with lots of junk and so dirty/dusty. It's now clean, organized. Not sure why I'm saying we, Dan did most of the work! :haha:

Sending hugs to everyone :hugs:

Happy Birthday to my Blakey! <3 <3 <3

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