any other over 35 first time mums?

Hi ladies,

Having one of those days that you are so happy to finally have some quiet time after putting LO for a nap! He is crabby today!! I think the back molars are moving today ( they move a little, stop, move again, stop) por thing! I caught thiago with pretty much his whole hand in his mouth a couple of times and around lunch time he was so crabby, didn't want to eat anything so I gave him falafel chips. Yep, he had falafel chips for lunch and that was it :dohh:! Oh well, at least it made him stop crying :thumbup:. And of course gave him Advil too, so hopefully he will be in a better mood after nap.

Clio: I understand your OH drinking. I guess we all just wish that he found another outlet for his depression/ anxiety. My OH's uncle is a super anxious person ( depressed as well but would never admit that) and his outlet is working out. It is crazy how much he is so anal about it!!! He doesn't take a time off even during the holidays. He works out every day and does triathlon and stuff like that. It is obsessive I have to admit. So that is his way to cope with life. Your OH is drinking. Like someone said we all find ways to protect ourselves. :hugs: to you and to him:).

Indigo: Greece!!! That sounds lovely!!! Do you have family there or just vacationing? I bet that must be one of the most gorgeous places on earth:). When are you going? Is Niko going with?
I forgot to ask you when are you going to see your nephew's birth? Is Niko and your OH going too?

Storm: oh I hope you don't have gestacional diabetes!!! I had it and it was horrible!! I kept asking why me!!! I can't have sugar while pregnant!!!! So unfair!!!

Charlie: I cannot imagine how hard it must be for you not being able to see S for a whole day:(. It must be so hard. And since you are going to work a night shift do you get to sleep in the morning while OH takes care of S?

Have to go. Big hugs to all of you:).
Thank you, everyone. And I know your original responses came from a place of kindness. :hugs:
Morning ladies, I'm sitting at the doctors waiting for the mw to check my blood sugars... Fingers crossed its back to normal! I hope so..

Rough night with L last night, she woke up screaming at 11 and dh couldn't get her settled she just wanted me, so in she came and she fell asleep clinging to me and holding my hair, possible bad dreams? I dunno but sleeping with L is like sleeping with a tiny noisey cage fighter, she is so unsettled! I swear I was hanging off the end of the bed half the night while her ladyship slept like a starfish... I'm tired!
Storm: fingers crossed for you:). When they are going to give you the results?

Angel: how did it go with the lady that came to your house?

Clio: we are now officially on chilrdren's Motrin :thumbup:. Talked to the pedi yesterday and they told me to go with weight instead of age. Hope that will help his teething pain poor thing .
And I have been meaning to ask you how J likes leap frog DVDs?
As usual I don't have much time. Must wash my hair to look semi human for gymbo this afternoon.

But wanted to quickly say:
Clio I haven't commented on your post about your DH but I didn't just want to ignore it. I am not judging you or him, he sounds lovely in many respects and I already know that you are wonderful anyway. Plus I have a warped view of alcohol as I never drink. I am surprised with ppl who even like to drink one glass! I swear, one glass of wine would have me dancing on the table, as I am not used to drinking at all. But I do know that tolerances go up with time and that this is clearly the case with your DH. He does sound like a lovely man and I know that though you often have good cause to want to kick him (like so many of us want to kick our own OHs) he is also pretty great in many other aspects. However, you mentioned that your DH is also taking anti-depressants for his anxiety - and that combo is what is worrying me. But of course I know that I am very ignorant about such things. All I want and hope, is for you and J to be happy and safe. And I know that that means your DH also has to be happy and healthy. So I will put it out there: if your DH drinks to self medicate, could this not mean that the anti-depressant are not working? Or do you think that if he dropped the meds he would have no handle on his drinking at all? Would he be willing to get help in some sort of therapy? He does have a lot of responsibility, maybe he needs some help with that other than just pills? I really hope I haven't offended or worried you even more. You are such an important part of this group and you are so lovely and feel like a real friend. I would like so much to help!
But I guess I have just stated the obvious and might have made you feel bad again. I am so sorry if so. :hugs:

As for us and the HV, thanks for asking Borboleta and Charlie. She was very nice and actually a community nurse rather than a health visitor. She didn't have that much advice that I didn't already know and am already doing; such as giving very small pieces of foods he might not like as to not overwhelm him and always have foods he does eat there too, so he doesn't get upset at seeing only food he doesn't like. She also said we should try and eat as a family, so he can copy us with the fork etc. So yesterday evening for the first time we lugged the high chairs into the kitchen (not much room left with them in there!) and sat down at the table and ate a bit with them. Not our main meal but just a bit of toast and pasta. (But at this rate of eating two evening meals I am going to be obese in no time :wacko:) It went well but it isn't as if Sebastian suddenly transformed into a good eater. Plus today he was all runny again. No idea why! The only thing unusual he had last evening was a bit of pasta! So back to the BRAT diet today. Sigh.
Also we have dropped the evening bottle completely for the last 2 weeks or so and now it takes Sebastian up to 2 hours to fall asleep in the evening :( He doesn't moan or cry or anything, he just lies in his cot and plays with his label or his dummies and rolls around. But still, poor thing! I am not sure it is related to the bottles but it might well be cause milk is soporific, isn't it? Still, Dominic really needed to cut down on milk/formula/food as he is clearly too round and it isn't as if Sebastian is skinny and needs that bottle. He is just below the 75% for weight and below the 85% I think for height. So perfectly fine.
Oh and you asked what kind of monitor we have, yes we can switch off the sound but the light from the monitor wakes my OH so that we always have it face down. And if I stay in bed next to him and periodically check on the screen to see how the boys are doing, the light will wake Nick. I can sleep in a sunlit room but Nick would prefer to sleep in a windowless cellar :(

Got to go. Sorry for being such a crap and selfish poster lately. I hope you are all well. I am sending hugs to you all xx
Just to make you all laugh..... I'm at the hair salon with Lucy in tow having my gUf cut and highlighted..........I must be bonkers!! Lol
Lucy is enjoying it though! :)
Claire: you are a brave woman :dohh:!!!

Angel: our monitor can have the screen lit or off. So at night I have it off and just sound on and if he cries at night I turn it on to see if he is okay.
And can you give seb some milk in a sippy cup before bed instead? And than brush his teeth and put him to bed? I still give thiago two sippy cups of milk a day and man he loves it!!! I am going to keep giving him cause I think it is a good for them. How much milk are the boys having it? Do they like cold milk? I know thiago doesn't so that is why I don't give him with his meal because he won't drink it. I just warm up the milk on the microwave for 30s and it is room Tempeture.

Had a great day this morning. We went for a play group with friends and thiago actually played with his little buddy for a while until the third toddler showed up and than thiago decided to play by himself while the other two started fighting to get the toy that the other was playing :dohh:!! Thiago was smart and stayed away from the drama :haha:!!

Hugs everyone:).
am very tired and so is LO - he fell asleep in my arms around 6.30pm, but it's OH's night tonight, so if he wakes up, it's OH's (obviously, I am mommy, but I am so tired).

news on the christmas front. As some of you will remember, last year, my MIL came to ours and it was not great. We had told my BIL (OH's brother) that since we would be in the States this year, we hoped that MIL would be welcome at his for Christmas, but obviously a year's notice is not sufficient and they go to my SIL's family on Christmas day. So, my MIL is making loads of excuses for my BIL and will probably spend the day on her own. Nice, huh?

I'm a bit anxious about being in crazy, busy NYC with a crazy, busy toddler, but I keep telling myself that millions of children live in NYC, right?

as for clio, I'm wondering if your OH relaxes with a glass of wine and then, engrossed in study, just pours another glass, etc? That is/was my modus operandi for loads of academic pressure myself, so the alcohol intake can creep up on you (I had some very bad alcoholic 'moments' at Oxford)...and I am coming to the realisation that I probably won't get a university job in the near future, so will look perhaps at secondary schools and Latin teaching...sigh. I'm feeling very melancholy and that's how my depression starts....

Indigo is it a joke what I just saw on your FB??
Kosh she posted "I am pregnant". I got all excited for a moment :haha:
It's a prank...recd this...

This is a game. The person who likes/comments has to choose one of the following to post on his/her timeline. 1. I confess: I like porn. 2. I wish Obama could run for a third term. 3. I cheated on my ex. 4. I tried smoking crack today. 5. I just fell in vomit at McDonalds. 6. I quit my job today. 7. There's a raccoon in my bedroom! 8. Where can I buy used sex toys? 9. I think I'm changing gender. 10. I'm pregnant. You have to play and you can't tell anyone its a game. Good luck!! I can't wait to see what you choose............. LOL

I almost sent it to Angel...:haha:

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