any other over 35 first time mums?

Clio congrats on the job, it sounds great! How many days a week will you have lectures?
Your J is SUCH a cutie! I doubt he is a dunce but even if he were, he is pretty enough so it won't matter too much ;)

Inspired by the mention of books on here I went and bought two new ones to read to the boys. One is That is not my Teddy and the other is The Snail and the Whale which I thought looked so cute! I read them two pages of that one after their banana yoghurt this evening while they were still seated upright in their bouncies. I sat before them and had to read upside down but I managed lol. Sebastian especially seemed to love it. I had noticed that he likes rhymes, which this book is in and it made him shout and giggle, my adorable little one! Dominic mainly wanted to hit it but since he looked at the pictures very intensely and made that little beak with his upper lip that means concentration for both boys, I think he too liked it. <3 So this was a great success! :D

Now I have forgotten what else I wanted to respond to. I am old and my brain is a sieve. That or I am just tired as I didn't sleep more than 1h 45 last night :dohh:
Clio, the new job sounds great. And I love the picture of Jonah surrounded by his books. He's adorable. Re: naps at 7 months. Kia's pattern was similar to that of Sabrina's Finn - so every 2-3 hours with 3 naps a day and bedtime around 10pm. I aim for 2 naps these days and have done since she was about 9 months. I'd say most days, maybe 4 or 5 out of 7, she still ends up having 3 because she wakes up again after 'bedtime' and that ends up being a catnap and she goes to sleep around 10 or 11. The other days she goes to sleep around 8 or 8.30 and only has 2 naps. Re: TV watching - I put children's TV on for about an hour in the morning while I'm making her breakfast and getting stuff ready for the day. This way she'll normally sit happily in her chair or babydan and let me get on with stuff around her. She seems to quite like it and sometimes claps along when there's songs on that she recognises. Today she also waved when Mr Tumble said goodbye. Proud and soppy Mummy moment! X
good to hear re tv - so i conclude shes not missing out but maybe i could try some other shows :) who knows what she would love - she is bemused by night garden and i thought waybaloo may be nice and she sort of pays attention briefly but zngzillas she will watch avidly

clio - yey re the job - missed that before! you ds is defo not a dunce :) teething distracts from all else i find

naps - martha often only naps 20 mins twice a day but at time will have a long nap of an hour on a morning or afternoon but theres no predicting it - lol thats not v helpful is it sorry :)
Clio - congrats about the job! (I'm doing an on-line course on the American Revolution at the moment) interest is more Roman History (PhD, book, etc.), but am woefully forgetful about my own history (although I do know lots, it's just I forget stuff!)....I was supposed to be writing a book of how ancient Rome influenced George Washington and the publisher was bought by another company and the whole ancient history section was closed down -- I got my advance, but sadly, no book....I guess I can incorporate into another book but that was only pencilled in.....(am doing the course on-line as a review of sorts, I guess!)

LO had bright, bright cheeks tonight, so a little calpol and cross fingers, he'll go to bed after a bottle (sigh), we gave him some ella's finger snacks and he was able to chew (with his two bottom teeth and the little tiny one cutting through at the top) and eat a few....

must go, it's time for LO to go to bed...and mummy, too (cross fingers)

Rowan, I forgot about Waybuloo. Kia was watching this the other day and started giggling away. I think this means she likes it. She hasn't seen the others you mention though. Sabrina,hope it's a settled night for you and the teething doesn't cause too many problems. I think Kia's got another tooth on the way. We've been up around 2am every night for the last 3 nights. Luckily she normally settles again within 20 mins or so.
Clio - my DF will voucher for me hating all house cleaning!! I think I must have started nesting from around 28 weeks. Think that was partly because I was on school holidays and knew I would not get the time now to be doing all the prep and cleaning. But I still find myself wanting to spring clean even more now! HELP!!! Think I might start driving poor DF nuts the way I am always finding things to wash and clean. If its not the winter coats its the fridge or the microwave or the oven or ... or... or ...
Think I might be nesting?? haha.

Yup, definitely nesting. I built our stroller at 3:30 am. I put together the pack 'n play at one o'clock in the morning. I had insomnia and had stuff to do. What is really weird is that I bought the very very very last item I needed on the day I went into labour. It was kinda freaky. And he came 2 weeks early!

Clio - congrats about the job! (I'm doing an on-line course on the American Revolution at the moment) interest is more Roman History (PhD, book, etc.), but am woefully forgetful about my own history (although I do know lots, it's just I forget stuff!)....I was supposed to be writing a book of how ancient Rome influenced George Washington and the publisher was bought by another company and the whole ancient history section was closed down -- I got my advance, but sadly, no book....I guess I can incorporate into another book but that was only pencilled in.....(am doing the course on-line as a review of sorts, I guess!)

I left academia because I was expected to write books! I hate writing LONG things. The idea that this was my future made me feel very tired. So, I'll let my husband write the long things and I'll write lectures and teach. But I have great admiration for anyone who has the patience to write a book, SabrinaKat!
Clio, honestly don't worry about the books, he will be Interested in them in his own time, providing you make them available to him then that's great :) if you see him taking an interest in one sit on the floor with him and read it/point out the pics but he is doing fine dont worry :)

Barboleta, Georgina loves super simple learning on YouTube too! Bingo the dog, the skeleton song, phonics, the lot!!

Rowan, time defo flies by quicker now. This has been the quickest year ever!! Re tv, my oh automatically puts it on whenever he is in, generally sports/sports news, I can take it or leave it, I like to catch up on my series link programmes when I can, but G LOVES the tv which bothers me sometimes and I switch it off. She loves "in the night garden" and watches it every night (she plays a bit in between) and she also really likes babytv. I do think as long as they are not plonked in front of it all day like a babysitter then it's ok but it's personal choice so don't feel pressured by what anyone else does! Same with choc, Georgie has had a few choc buttons etc here and there and the odd half malteser if we are having some. I gave her a little galaxy the other day and the smile on her face was similar to mine when I eat galaxy haha!!

Sabrina, my birthday is the 10th, day before yours :) xx
It was an okay night, LO woke up screaming at 11.30 (falling asleep at 10.20), but half an hour after some calpol and some cuddles, he did go back to sleep until about 4am, but I was so tired that I just soothingly spoke to him and he did fall asleep, until about 9am. So, am a little tired, but not too bad.

Clio - I left academia because there are simply NO jobs here in Ireland (maybe two or three roman history jobs and the people who have them will be staying for awhile), my OH and I discussed moving to the UK (or me commuting), but at the moment, am happy enough with my language teaching in further education, I suppose. I did have interviews for jobs in OZ (even got a free trip out to Brisbane for interviews!), but ultimately, they went with somebody more experienced. Given that we've had some family problems (FIL died a few years ago, MIL currently having problems), we might retire to Oz or go in a few years, but at the moment, it's okay in Ireland. Also, we've discussed moving to the USA, if the economy gets very bad in Ireland and in that respect, I would start looking for an academic or private high school job (I did get offered a few private school jobs in the UK, but the money wasn't great for a commute....).

hope everybody else is alright!

Come on birthdays! It's funny, now that I have LO, I don't mind turning ....gulp....45, it was just when we were trying and considering IVF (did all the pre-IVF bloods, appointments, was about to do the first cycle within a month or so, but got lucky naturally) that I really minded, if that makes sense? We would love another one, but it wouldn't be for a few years and I don't want to become obsessed again, so we might consider adoption from overseas....

45? who knew!

Morning ladies - lots of questions asked so I will try and remember some of them!

TV - I have the tv on an awful lot, not that we sit and watch it, it's more for background noise - L really has no interest in tv, about 30 seconds is her max, she would rather play, crawl of have me chase her round the kitcken in her walker.

Chocolate - yup she has, not a regular occurence but I'm not one for denying anything like that, I have 2 brothers, one brothers kids are allowed choclate, biscuits, sweets etc and have been from a young age and they can take them or leave them, they aren't terribly interested - my other brother doesn't even have bisuits in the house and his kids would take your arm off for a biscuit and when they are given free reign with junk food will literally eat themselves sick. So as a result Im all for a little now and again and by a little chocolate I mean 2 or 3 white chocolate buttons when others are having some, not used as a shut me up or on a daily basis.

Naps - 2 a day, its been 2 for months and they are usually only half an hour each, that said we are currently on 40mins (maybe new meds are helping) so thats good!

Clio - I did laugh at the J photo and choosing the toy, given L has a car, jumparoo, travel cot full of balls, numerous other toys both soft and interactive etc etc and her favourite toy is indeed either the dogs rubber cupcake or rope......

L has 4 teeth and Iim wondering if she is getting more, its drool city today and she started chomping on me again this am after bouncing on my head... I've never found calpol or nurofen does that much but then again that was before she started the losec and preventative antibiotics for uti s so Im guessing that even if it helped the teeth she still had heartburn and a possible uti! I wish she could speak and tell me whats up.

Little lady was fast asleep last night when I popped her in her cot and I swear the second she hit the mattress (the nice top of the range £130 mattress) she woke up and then messed me around for another hour and ten minutes and ended up sleeping with me again! She is a right wee bed hogger too!

Better go and tidy up as my friend is bringing her 2 little ones down for playtime shortly :)
I know! I can't wait until LO can talk a little and tell me what's wrong (I do like the baby stage, it's just it would be nice to really communicate)....

today, I've been trying to finish a scarf that I started knitting when I was pregnant (bad carpal tunnel during pregnancy), then will attempt to finish a cardigan that I also started before I was hands still suffer a bit of tingling/needles, but I think it's because it's starting to get colder here....

LO is able to sit up on the couch now, e.g. into a corner and can lean over to pick up toys in front of him without toppling over, so it's good for my back (had a pulled muscle a few months ago) and we can play a bit....

chocolate? My OH has given LO some, but...our little cat LOVES chocolate, so the minute she hears a candy wrapper, she runs from wherever she is and, I tend to give a little to the cat and not LO....

storm- am SO glad your LO is better...long may our LOs be happy!

I'm eating a whack-load of chocolate right now. I crave the sugar. CRAVE it. I think chocolate is my sole source of fuel right now.

Jonah said "Mum"! I don't know why he didn't say mama, but when my mum was here, he must have heard "Mum" a lot. But the reason he said it is sad; he was in pain and wanted me to hold him. :(

I'm completely knackered (see how well I speak British!). I'm not even going to read anyone's posts. Nor talk about my long, napless teething day. Other than say that I am completely pro-medicating.

Clio I am totally for medicating too! My boys aren't teething yet but I know I shan't wait it out long before giving stuff. I don't think you can build up an immunity to advil unless you take it constantly? And if it helps your boy feel better and sleep better, go for it! Hope you feel better today. xxx
oh poor dear kosh! :hugs: Does it make his sleep even worse?
Huh. I just posted and I can't find it. Oh well, let me commiserate with the teething hell. Angel, yup, drugs all the way. My husband read into it and learned that they are taking such minuscule amounts into their bodies that it can't do much in the long term. But Kosh, still, I admire your determination. I managed to get him through most of the day, but couldn't hold out in the end. And I'm up now because I just had to dose him again. But at least he's asleep...

Kosh, which ones are breaking through? We're on number two of the top two. Finally, we can see the bottom part of number 2.

Okay, laptop is about to run out of juice. Good luck to you all, and I hope your day is good (I have no idea what time it is over there. For me, it's past 2 in the morning.)

Past 2??? Holy crap. I've got to get me some ZZZ's!
2am? go to sleep clio!

I thought of you the other night while giving him calpol at 5am :winkwink:

angle - yes, sleep is even worse, mainly after 4am, it's like constantly half awake moaning :nope:

can't blame him poor thing - he's got three teeth coming through at the same time! I knew about the the two top middle ones but found out a bottom one is appearing too :nope:

on a positive side, his pincer grip is adorable :cloud9:
well, LO slept from 10.30 to 8.15 this need for calpol last night or yesterday, and so far, today, he's good. (I, however, took ages to fall asleep (low dose of my sleeping tablet as I have LO, and I kept tensing every time he made a sound (over the white noise) thinking that this was it - he was going to wake up, but he didn't.).

I've been noticing LO's manipulation, tho -- when he's particularly fussy, I will take him from my OH and LO stops crying/fussing and looks really smug at my OH, like 'HA! I wanted mummy anyway!'. We noticed last month when we were all in one medium-sized hotel foom; he was fussy at 4am, I was exhausted so my OH got up and rocked LO back to sleep and Finn kept looking over at me, like 'mummy!', but did quiet down eventually. Oh, well - he now says ma-wah, so whether that's mama or his new name for me, who knows.

The cats are very well - it's getting colder here, so they are sleeping on my bed. And get annoyed with ME if I try to move them. The other night, I kicked Sabrina out of my room in order to get some sleep, LO woke up and I took him through to the living room and within 30 seconds, Sabrina had snuck back into my room and my bed - lazy cats (I was impressed and kinda jealous, tho!)

off to settle LO for a nap!
weve been to playgrup and martha is zonked - oop milk was due at 11am! oh well i shall have lunch instead of being on here lol and then she can have milk- then dinner :)

2 good nights sleep in a row - woop woop not sure how long itll last but Im praying!
Hello ladies,

Just came by to say hello:).

Clio, kosh and Sabrina: teething here too. 4am sometimes 3am for the past 3 or 4 days but at least he goes back to sleep after a bottle till 7ish. But the last 2 nights we give him Tylenol before he goes to bed for precaution since the doctor told us to just give him Advil if he has a high fever but if he seems really distressed I will pretend I have not heard such recommendation and will give Advil to him anyways :haha:.

Angel: how is Dom sleeping schedule?

And I do agree with one of the ladies that mention the chocolate and keeping it as not a prohibited thing. I was not allowed sodas during the weekend and when I was an adult I loved sodas and would drink it all the time ( I can control myself now:).

And thank you for the replies on the nap. Thiago still taking 3 naps but his third one is always pretty late and he wakes up at around 7:30pm but I put him down at 9:30pm the latest to go to sleep at night. Maybe one day he will go to bed at 6pm like jonah :thumbup::).

Getting ready for the wedding next weekend. I just hope it is not 100 F outside!!! The past couple of days has been really hot and humid again!!!! Where is the Fall??? It will be interesting to see thiago dealing with all the people and stimulation around him!!! Poor thing! And my sister will be here just in time for the wedding :)!! :happydance: she will be here on the 5th:). Can't wait to see her:)!

Have to go teach a class. Have a lovely day ladies:)!
Sabrina: and I forgot to tell you that thiago's favorite YouTube simple learning videos are the twinkle twinkle little star ( number one hit) than snow flakes ( my hubby number one hit) and it is a small world:). I wish I could post a video of him watching twinkle twinkle;), his face lights up and he has a big old smile every time the owl comes in the screen:).

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