any other over 35 first time mums?

Re BLW - I didn't know wholemeal pasta was out. That's good to know. What about wholemeal bread and or wholemeal tortillas? I might need to do some research! Our other successes have been mini burgers and various omelettes. I tried some risotto balls but they were quite chewy and Kia wasn't keen. Re: mess, we had a very messy time tonight with a fromage frais. Kia wanted to feed it to herself and it went everywhere, including in her eyes eventually which she wasn't very happy about. She did finally manage to get some in her mouth though but mostly all over her hands, face, clothes and the tray.
Sabrina, I really know what you mean about the going back to work for your own money thing. I'm really looking forward to earning my own money again. The last few months, particularly since I took a year's maternity leave, OH has had to give me money every month. I like spending my money though and I'm not used to justifying my spending to anyone else. I haven't had a night out since LO was born and I haven't drunk alcohol really for 21 months - I've had about 8 drinks in total over all that time. So buying things is my way of relaxing and getting a little buzz. Mostly it's clothes or toys for Kia from ebay or charity shops or a few things from the sale etc. It makes me happy and sometimes I think OH doesn't really understand. He says things like, Oh did we need more toys and where are we going to put it all! Grr. I get all excited when I get her new stuff, especially if it's a bargain!
So today has been a wonderful birthday day:). Thiago slept from 10pm till 6am and then I fed him and he slept till 8:30am:). Had breakfast and lunch out with hubby, thiago and my dad:). I am sooo full and we are still going to my mil for dinner!!! I am going to be rolling out the door by tonight!!!

I wish I could give some recipes but I am not at that point yet but I think I might just try to give thiago what we would normally have for dinner or lunch and see how that goes. I am a terrible cook so it might be a good excuse for hubby and I to start eating a little healthier since thiago would be eating with us.

Now how old was your LOs when you started meat on there meals? I was telling hubby that we can start close to 8 months and he told me that he heard the pediatrician saying not before 1 year old!! I told him he did not hear her right! Men!!!!
Glad you had a lovely birthday, Borboleta! What a fantastic sleep for Thiago -a great present for Mummy! We started giving Kia meat at about 7 months xx
Happy Birthday Borboleta!!! I'm glad you're having such a good day!

Wholemeal--I looked this up and it seems to be the same as our whole wheat? I give him whole wheat bread, but not whole wheat pasta because it's too hard to break down in the tummy. I don't think there's a problem with the tortilla, either. Especially if K was fine afterwards.

Really Easy Lunch--I like this one. I got it from that pdf file. Half an avocado mashed together with hard boiled egg yolk. That's it. Smear it on toast.

gotta go--J meltdown!!
I wish I could give some recipes but I am not at that point yet but I think I might just try to give thiago what we would normally have for dinner or lunch and see how that goes. I am a terrible cook so it might be a good excuse for hubby and I to start eating a little healthier since thiago would be eating with us.

Now how old was your LOs when you started meat on there meals? I was telling hubby that we can start close to 8 months and he told me that he heard the pediatrician saying not before 1 year old!! I told him he did not hear her right! Men!!!!

That's actually the definition of BLW--give them what's on your plate! But then there's the salt problem; they're not supposed to have it. So I'm not really certain how these two rules work together. This is why I make separate meals for J.

Re: Meat--I gave him meat at six months. There are no warnings about it in BLW. I was looking at the TW weaning stuff, and was wondering when you introduce protein? It looks like dairy is verboten before age 1.
Ah, it is the time of the night when you UKers have gone to sleep, but I am still awake. And making a lot of posts.

Anyway, SabrinaKat--I'm sorry! I just came across your question about knitting!

Yaaay! A new knitting project :wohoo: They are always exciting! And I love finding patterns, but I'm not really sure what you want me to find. When you say "the same knit," do you mean the same gauge? I'd really love to find it for you, but I just need more info!
Hi again. We first gave LO meat around 7 months because we followed ideas from a book by Annabel Karmel and she suggests first tastes being fruit and veggies then progressing to meat after that. Saying that, I read later that this advice really related to babies who were weaned early eg around 4 months so we probably could have introduced meat earlier even though we started with TW xx
Yes, it's 3am in the UK but I'm awake as Kia has just woken for a feed. Zzz
Clio, I love that photo of Jonah by the stairgate in his striped babygrow. He looks a bit like he's waiting for someone at the prison gates. Hope he's ok, you said he was having a meltdown? Kia went to sleep at 8pm tonight - a miracle - but has woken briefly 3 times already.She's just fallen asleep again now. Fingers crossed this is it now until a civilised hour in the morning xx
Good morning ladies. Sorry been MIA a bit, lots to do with the Christening coming up today. Had another not so good night. I am not saying awful since a month ago I would have danced through the streets for a night like this. But even so, mummy still doesn't do well on 2 hours uninterrupted sleep and then being woken every hour after that. Oh and what a waking with when picking up poor Dom I grabbed into a leaking poopy nappy! Loverly. Not.

Anyway I wanted to ask about the recipe with the avocado and egg, when can you give this and how would they eat toast without teeth? I am a bit confused about the whole BWL and I also wondered about the salt thing. I think we would have to make seperate meals for our boys too cause if they were to eat what we eat, it would pretty much be Nescafe cappuccino or once in a blue moon WW yoghurt in the morning and a sandwich for lunch at the most from me. OH only eats once a day and that is in the evening when the boys are asleep when he cooks for us. Otherwise I eat what ever I can get my fingers on during the day but certainly nothing meal like. :(

Edit: Belatedly happy birthday Borboleta :)
i do a mix of puree and self feeding and i find that works well - we do slimming world so our food is too spicy etc for martha - so martha will have say peanut butter on toast (they gum it before teeth) then she'll have a puree so I kow shes actually eating something, then friut puree then a rusk or fruit - but she's older ofc
Good morning ladies. Sorry been MIA a bit, lots to do with the Christening coming up today. Had another not so good night. I am not saying awful since a month ago I would have danced through the streets for a night like this. But even so, mummy still doesn't do well on 2 hours uninterrupted sleep and then being woken every hour after that. Oh and what a waking with when picking up poor Dom I grabbed into a leaking poopy nappy! Loverly. Not.

Anyway I wanted to ask about the recipe with the avocado and egg, when can you give this and how would they eat toast without teeth? I am a bit confused about the whole BWL and I also wondered about the salt thing. I think we would have to make seperate meals for our boys too cause if they were to eat what we eat, it would pretty much be Nescafe cappuccino or once in a blue moon WW yoghurt in the morning and a sandwich for lunch at the most from me. OH only eats once a day and that is in the evening when the boys are asleep when he cooks for us. Otherwise I eat what ever I can get my fingers on during the day but certainly nothing meal like. :(

Edit: Belatedly happy birthday Borboleta :)

Re: Egg and Avocado--you can give it at six months, but did the twins come a bit early? I would wait until they are six months from their due date. Then you can be guaranteed that their digestive systems are ready for it.

The avocado and egg is actually a really great one to start with. I put it on toast so that the bread isn't so soft that it sticks to the top of the mouth. Then you cut it into strips and at this age, they'll probably just take it in their hands, and mush it and maybe get some into their mouths. Usually just the avocado and egg part, which is really easy to swallow. But the mushed-up bread by now probably doesn't need much to get down either.

I eat like crap too, so I have to make his food separately, as well. That's why I go for the simplest recipes and also freeze a lot. It certainly takes up time feeding them, though, if I'm stuck with him for hours and don't know what to do with him. But in some ways it's really easy. Breakfast: cheerios (no milk) and apple slices. Lunch: the avocado stuff. Dinner: okay, then I have to think a little.

I know. BLW without teeth sounds a little (okay, a lot!) scary, but for some reason, they do it without choking. They do gag, though, and it seems like they're choking. J will spit out a lot of the stuff he can't chew and get down, which makes me feel better. And perhaps against the BLW philosophy, I give him stuff I know he can get down (and frankly, even the "official" BLW cookbook only has recipes that could easily be handled by a baby with no teeth, like chickpea patties).

Okay, another J meltdown (nothing to worry about. Just typical meltdowns...)

ETA: (meltdown averted) I'm sorry, this is the first thing I responded to. I have to go back now and properly read everyone's. But good luck at the Christening! I hope there are no brawls!
Evening ladies - hope everyone is well.

All the best for the Christening Angel - hope it all goes well and the family and friends have a good time :)

L had a ball today, I was looking after her 2 cousins with my dad, so went to McDs for lunch, well technically L had lunch before we went, but I did get her a Happy Meal so she could have the toy to amuse her while we had lunch, I helped her by eating her happy meal. She loved the hustle and bustle of McDs which was fun to watch, she just sat in her high chair smacking the sponge bob submarine toy off the tray and looking at the happy meal box - some day she will get her own happy meal, but as McDs isn't somewhere we go to often she won't be getting many.

Then we went to the park, actually we walked the dog in a different park before McDs, so 2 parks in one day. She was wrecked, pretty much cause we are in teething hell AGAIN - she was crying every 20 minutes last night - I was fit to be tied and utterly utterly exhausted today. She is currently fast asleep and Im so hoping she stays like that...... I on the other hand am in bed (well with L, going to the cot has been a no no and not a battle I have the strength to fight just yet) at 8pm on a Saturday night! Mind you I'm so tired I don't mind :)

I'm quite freaked out at the minute as I only have 3 months left before I go back to work - I can't imaging going back to work, but I have to - we can't afford for me to be off and as some of the other ladies said I can't imagine not having my own money. I do envy you ladies that have the option of staying at home though - wish I had a choice!
will catch up later
in the meantime -

happy belated birthday borboleta!

happy christening Dom & Seb!
Hi ladies. I'm soo tired today. Up 4 times last night. Definitely another tooth on the way. BLW success today - bread dipped in egg and cheese and then fried in just a little olive oil. Bit like French Toast or Eggy bread. I had some too and Kia loved it. 2 eggs beaten together with pinch of paprika and some finely grated cheddar cheese. 2 slices of bread cut into 4 pieces. Dip the bread in the egg mix then fry on medium heat, turning occasionally, until golden brown. I also tried making Kia a cottage pie but she wasn't very keen on it. She's living off corn and the cob, chunks of cheese. toast, rice cakes and yoghurts at the moment and has suddenly got a lot more fussy about what she eats. She's even off avocado. I've mainly stopped doing purees because I'm trying to get her into food with lumps in so she has to chew more. Partly because she'll be starting nursery in about 6 or 7 weeks and I want her to be able to eat the food there ok. Mind you, a good friend of mine said that her daughter eats most things at nursery because the other children are eating it, even though she's more fussy at home. Actually, I have the word 'fussy' but can't think of a better word! Angel, when is the Christening? Is it this weekend? Are you feeling ok about it now? Storm, I wish I had a choice about going back to work too, although I think I'm starting to accept it now. We just can't afford for me not to work. I'm going back 3 days a week though, so hopefully it won't feel too bad. I couldn't imagine going back full-time.
re.going back to work - we can't afford it either, so I have to go back full time, in about a month.I am totally in denial about it, thinking it will never happen.

StormJet--that sounds like a lovely day! I wish my mum lived here so the two of us could do things like this. How old are L's cousins? And I'm really sorry about going back to work so soon. Where will L go?

Re: going back to work--I just did some quick mental math and realized that I'm back lecturing at the beginning of January! :shock: And while I've taught the course before, I have to re-gig the lectures, assign and mark essays and exams, and write a few more lectures. Oh, and then dealing with the students' emails (I get around 10 a day), the whining, and the constant need for help on EVERYTHING. I never put my profs through this--why does this generation? Oh, and then they ask me to give them my powerpoint slides because they missed a class (to which I say no). I would NEVER ask a prof for their lectures! Stupid age of the internet. Makes me far more accessible and students too clingy. And makes them feel so entitled!

I like having my own money, too, but for a different reason: I need to invest it for retirement. My husband is the pie-in-the-sky type of guy and is a bit too liberal with money for my taste. Not crazy liberal, but he simply doesn't think about the future. So I actually like using his money; it means I can keep a closer eye on things and buy things for as cheap as I can get them.

I've been taking J and the cat outside a lot lately. Just to our backyard, where they both can roam freely. But we also have this elaborate play structure out there (left by the previous owners), and J loves going down the slide. He also likes crawling up the slide to the top, and I either have to help him with this, or bring him to the top myself so he can go down. And now, after yesterday's session, my back hurts. I think I'm going to buy a baby swing to replace the "big kids" swing; that should be easier on my back.

Oh, and Advil all the way, I've decided. Screw it. Tylenol does nothing. He was up three times last night (MY night, of course) because I only gave him Tylenol. This morning, he wouldn't stop crying until he finally got the Advil.

And now, because J is at Oma's, I'm going to sleep and sleep right now. :sleep::sleep::sleep:

ETA: Borboleta--how old are you now? ;)
oh, I think I read that you got a job clio? congratulations!:happydance:
Evening ladies,

OK finally managed to get my butt over here for a bit, lets see if I can generally catch up from the last few pages.

Happy belated Birthday Borletta!! Hope you had a good birthday!

Angel - Hope the christening went well - even on little sleep!

Storm - big:hugs: for Little L on the teething front again!! I still have all these joys to come! I just hope my LO is not teething when we go on honeymoon!

On the work front - I have 2 weeks left before starting Mat leave!! Then I'm off for 9 months, back to work for 3 days before summer holidays start!! I love teaching!!
I'm planning on returning full time but not sure at the mo. Will make that decision when I have to.

Clio - you recommended I join ravelry. Joined tonight but now wondering if the pattern you used for your blanket is on that site?
Looking at the yarn and loving the colours!! Just to choose which colours to use now for my LO's blanket.

AFM - my mom gave me the blanket she knitted. Will see if I can take a few pics tomorrow and load them up.
Just got to put pics and curtains up and then the nursery is done!! Oh and buy a change mat!! Nearly forgot that!! Hopefully get that all done tomorrow.
Lots of pics to come!!

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