Hi ladies it has been a few months since I have posted as I decided to take a ttc break because it was just getting to hard.. I am 42 I have 3 children ... a 24, and 25 year old... after them my tubes got scarred and was told no more children NEVER used birth control 18 years later I got the surprise of my life a week after my grandson was born!! I had a perfect son , 6 months later i was pregnant but had spotting only on tp and kept telling dr something is wrong.... long story short I got pregnant and there was a pregnancy in each tube ( i am the 21st ever comfirmed of this happening) they took one tube and chemically removed the other pregnancy.... so now I am 42 with one tube that has some scar tissue....
I thought for sure I got pregnant this past Aug I went in to dr saw the midwife she told me that it wasn't my tube that would surprise her if I got pg it was my age! I was shocked i didn't realize that was more of the problem then 1 tube, so i figured I should just give up I mean what chance do I really have and I am killing myself each month with the 2ww...
So this month I knew I was ovulating cause if the egg white cm then for several days kept getting WET like i peed my pants it was crazy i have never had that before.. I looked it up and that is the BEST for making lil baby... so i figured give it my best shot ,, right after ov I got the sore boobs which i get every month for maybe a week it usually stops about 5 days before af.. well this month it stopped for 1 day then came back with a vengenance!!! my period is due earliest tomorrow and my bbs are so sore I was up all night for fear of having to roll over I can't take my bra off cause it is so bad i am almost screaming!! I have never ever had my boobs hurt like this when i get af sore bbs I can usual massage them and it actually helps maybe for only a few seconds but it is some relief this pain seems different cause the thought of touching them never mind massage has my scared! I have also had a few tugging sensations around my belly button but I brushed it off , my gums have bled a few times when i flossed and brushed and they NEVER do that, I have also had mild cramping for the past 2 ww of and on but it goes around my lower back now it is my lower middle area.... I took a hpt at 8dpo and it was neg i had no more tests but had 1 opk so i took that at 9 dpo and that was + which was weird.... but mostly I am confused about my bbs it is pure torture I can't take the bra off yet if I leave it on for the entire day by night it is bothering me!
So now I am terrified to take a hpt I can't take another - I have seen far to many and with most of my others I never got a + till after af was late... I jsut have convinced myself that I cannot get pregnant that this to me is really confusing me cause even my midwife thinks i am beyond hope.. anyone else haev this strange sore bbs with af hours away and it gets worse not better like normal?? I am so confused and could use some help!!......
oh and p.s. normally in my 2ww I am dry then a few days before af i get watery like cm, this month though for the entire 2ww i have had white lotion like cm on my underwear which NEVER happens... I know i can make symptoms appear but these are not imagination symptoms but are they pg symtoms ? with my other pregnancy's I never had sore bbs (well not that i remember) my oldest 2 I just knew... my now 6 year old I had no idea till i was well into my 2nd month and a co-worker told me that I was really late...!
sorry for spelling errors I don't have the patience to fix them!
thanks ...