Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

Sorry if I missed anyone off with previous post I hit submit by accident, stupid bloody phone ha ha

Girls If u find any of these baby ordering sites or find any overnight miracle workers for the perfect body, you know where to find me :thumbup:

Maureen - so sorry the dreaded :witch: for you lots of luck for next go and so glad u Ov'd this month :)

Lots of luck and sticky glue for you all
Hello lovely ladies and welcome to our new girls, how are we all today ??

Today I'm CD7, in a great mood and feeling very excited and positive for this month, I started cheapy OPKs today and will switch to CB in a couple of days, my temps are slowly rising so can't wait to start:sex: every day ha !!

Hey Jo - how amazing if we moved onto bump buddies at the same time yay for Jo Jo's ha ha here's to legs in the air and head stands :thumbup:
How's ur weight loss going, I sooo need to kick start my diet tomorrow I've been a bit lax these last weeks I must admit, although I am still doing my zumba classes twice a week xxx

Bbunny - how did the seduction plan go ha ha, hope u managed to Bd ok, I hate how life gets in the way of #ttc, nice that u had a giggling fit together the other night though ha ha :happydance:

Magic Angel - how are you feeling this evening, have u any symptoms yet, I so hate those dreams where you have your baby and u wake up and remember its not real :(, how exciting you could soon have yours, this really could be it, I have everything crossed for you :hugs:

Hi hun you ok? Im cramping in right ovary, cervix is low and firm so i think af might be round the corner, i tested with 10mIU One step preg test and bfn, still no af and no signs of her approaching so not sure,
im 3-4 days late so will wait until 7 days late and test again and if still no af will get a proper test and see what that says, i really hope my periods arnt going to creep back into silly mode and go 45-65 day cycles again :( will just have to wait and see, only got 3 hpks left so will test every 3 days until they run out i guess or if af shows up!

I cant seem to get babies out of my dreams lately, the past 2 days have been me having the little boy who looks just like me, other dreams have been my friends having babies or seeing babies on my travels and im playing with them and talking with them but they are all in my dreams somehow, even when im tring to wake myself up and think of other things, i end up going back to sleep and getting into a dream and babies creeping in there!!!!
Hello All! Welcome to the new ladies! :flower:
@magic_angel glad to see you back! Wishing you lots of luck, hoping the :witch: leaves you alone!
Mine showed up this morning! So my first 2ww is over. I am trying to stay positive. At least I have crossed my first hurdle of proving that I can ovulate. After failing Clomid, my first cycle of Femara helped me O. I think I will just relax this month and try again next month.
Sending lots of :dust: to all you ladies!

Big :hugs: hun, sorry that horrible witch paid you a visit, ill be sure to give her a slap for you when/if she visits me this month :) i dont blame you for having a break it can all get a bit too much all the diary keeping and testing and checking, it becomes a chore!!! im only going to keep tabs on af and ov but not going to try to conceive this month, just do bd when we want to not when we are being told to via ov calenders etc, enjoy your month off hun, will be sending you lots of hugs so check in with us every now and then :) :hugs:
Hey ladies...hoping to join your group. TTC for over a year. We have just started the road with the doctor.
BBunny - exactly! How is it that the time in our life's where we were the perfect shape and size we didn't realise?! It's like the time passed and we missed it :(

Jo - I have skipped slimming world for the two weeks that I am off work. I haven't been eating proper meals as I've been grabbing something and going, but unfortunately it's mostly been bread and that's not good for me :( I might go and weigh myself in a minute to see how much damage I've done and then go shipping for some nice fruit and veg to make a nice soup or something.

I too have to get my ass in gear. It's just so hard!

I've been having kind of weird feelings in my stomach for the last day or so. Only way to describe it is kind of tighter across the front with the occasional twinge.

I've never had a UTI have any of you? First month with preseed this month and no side affects yet, although getting paranoid because I read about UTIs and holding in spermies etc.

Ooooh, just checked my ticker after posting and edited this post because it says dull cramps and pressure on 3DPO that could be exactly what I am feeling.

Oh crap, so much for no symptom spotting this month! 3 DPO and I'm already doing it :duh:
Maureen - sorry to hear the :witch: got you, but then like you said at least you know you ov'd..... I'm constantly amazed at what we can learn about our bodies during this ttc journey!

Magicangel - Ooooh she's still not arrived?!?! Come on bean, stick!

Blueeyedauby - Everyone is lovely here so I hope you'll feel welcome and part of teamcurvybumps
Maureen - sorry to hear the :witch: got you, but then like you said at least you know you ov'd..... I'm constantly amazed at what we can learn about our bodies during this ttc journey!

Magicangel - Ooooh she's still not arrived?!?! Come on bean, stick!

Blueeyedauby - Everyone is lovely here so I hope you'll feel welcome and part of teamcurvybumps

Hi jo noooooo af this morning either..... i reallllllllllllllly thought she would come during the night, i never seem to have af show during the day only at night when im sleeping and i was feeling icky last night when OH came home from work, he made me a hot water bottle at 1.30am because my belly was tensing up but woke up an hour ago to no cramps, no ickyness, no twinges in my bbs!

thought i had sussed my body out this month and it seems that my body doesnt want to be sussed out, its doing what it pleases and is nothing like how ive been for the last few years its completely out of whack since i came on 31/1/2012...... will just have to wait and see, will hold off testing for 2-3 more days just to see if af arrives :/

@Blueeyedauby welcome to teamcurvybumps :) :) :) (i love that name :)
Hi ladies :)

Welcome blueeyeddauby :)

I am so excited for you to test magic_angel :hugs:

It went okay last night DTD without laughing or feeling like yelling at him to hurry up :haha: (seriously where has my sex drive gone lol)

Getting some right sided pain today so I don't know if its a sign I am ovulating or not. :shrug:

Considered ordering some HPT's last night but thought I would wait a bit longer. I am a serious POAS aholic so would be using them from 1DPO knowing me lol.

Trying to think positive thoughts and not get my hopes up is making me :wacko: Last year when TTC it was so disappointing that I am trying to approach it with a more relaxed attitude this time but I can tell already that I am going to be symptom spotting like a crazy person in about a weeks time lol.

Spare room (possible future nursery) is finished now but we are not going to put any furniture in it. However I will be dragging my exercise equipment in there at some point so I have no excuses for not working out.
Hi ladies :)

Welcome blueeyeddauby :)

I am so excited for you to test magic_angel :hugs:

It went okay last night DTD without laughing or feeling like yelling at him to hurry up :haha: (seriously where has my sex drive gone lol)

Getting some right sided pain today so I don't know if its a sign I am ovulating or not. :shrug:

Considered ordering some HPT's last night but thought I would wait a bit longer. I am a serious POAS aholic so would be using them from 1DPO knowing me lol.

Trying to think positive thoughts and not get my hopes up is making me :wacko: Last year when TTC it was so disappointing that I am trying to approach it with a more relaxed attitude this time but I can tell already that I am going to be symptom spotting like a crazy person in about a weeks time lol.

Spare room (possible future nursery) is finished now but we are not going to put any furniture in it. However I will be dragging my exercise equipment in there at some point so I have no excuses for not working out.

hahaha yeh i only have 3 tests left and i aint buying any for a few weeks as i was testing from 1dpo lmao, i didnt do it everyday but i did start using some really early lol, yeh i think if af shows im going to do a chill month where i will just stop making myself crazy and not symptom spot because thats when i end up feeling things that are just not there lol, im getting on to the davina workout video that i have, shes tough but it does wonders for my legs which are the main problems for not shifting weight.... got job my fella loves my legs really lol :hugs:
Hi ladies :)

Welcome blueeyeddauby :)

I am so excited for you to test magic_angel :hugs:

It went okay last night DTD without laughing or feeling like yelling at him to hurry up :haha: (seriously where has my sex drive gone lol)

Getting some right sided pain today so I don't know if its a sign I am ovulating or not. :shrug:

Considered ordering some HPT's last night but thought I would wait a bit longer. I am a serious POAS aholic so would be using them from 1DPO knowing me lol.

Trying to think positive thoughts and not get my hopes up is making me :wacko: Last year when TTC it was so disappointing that I am trying to approach it with a more relaxed attitude this time but I can tell already that I am going to be symptom spotting like a crazy person in about a weeks time lol.

Spare room (possible future nursery) is finished now but we are not going to put any furniture in it. However I will be dragging my exercise equipment in there at some point so I have no excuses for not working out.

hahaha yeh i only have 3 tests left and i aint buying any for a few weeks as i was testing from 1dpo lmao, i didnt do it everyday but i did start using some really early lol, yeh i think if af shows im going to do a chill month where i will just stop making myself crazy and not symptom spot because thats when i end up feeling things that are just not there lol, im getting on to the davina workout video that i have, shes tough but it does wonders for my legs which are the main problems for not shifting weight.... got job my fella loves my legs really lol :hugs:

Ohhh yes I forgot I have two Davina workout dvds!!! Will have to find them out and give them a go again :) I hate my legs and never let my hubby see them. They are like two great tree trunks with no ankles. :haha:
Hi ladies :)

Welcome blueeyeddauby :)

I am so excited for you to test magic_angel :hugs:

It went okay last night DTD without laughing or feeling like yelling at him to hurry up :haha: (seriously where has my sex drive gone lol)

Getting some right sided pain today so I don't know if its a sign I am ovulating or not. :shrug:

Considered ordering some HPT's last night but thought I would wait a bit longer. I am a serious POAS aholic so would be using them from 1DPO knowing me lol.

Trying to think positive thoughts and not get my hopes up is making me :wacko: Last year when TTC it was so disappointing that I am trying to approach it with a more relaxed attitude this time but I can tell already that I am going to be symptom spotting like a crazy person in about a weeks time lol.

Spare room (possible future nursery) is finished now but we are not going to put any furniture in it. However I will be dragging my exercise equipment in there at some point so I have no excuses for not working out.

hahaha yeh i only have 3 tests left and i aint buying any for a few weeks as i was testing from 1dpo lmao, i didnt do it everyday but i did start using some really early lol, yeh i think if af shows im going to do a chill month where i will just stop making myself crazy and not symptom spot because thats when i end up feeling things that are just not there lol, im getting on to the davina workout video that i have, shes tough but it does wonders for my legs which are the main problems for not shifting weight.... got job my fella loves my legs really lol :hugs:

Ohhh yes I forgot I have two Davina workout dvds!!! Will have to find them out and give them a go again :) I hate my legs and never let my hubby see them. They are like two great tree trunks with no ankles. :haha:

I have big thighs too but not too lumpy or bumpy so its not a big issue for me, i walk around in really short t-shirts when im doing the cleaning and stuff so hes like a pervert following me around lol, hes 6ft+ with big chunky thighs and i love his too, he loves my lumps and bumps more than i do so it gives me a bit of confidence, he now tickles me until i come close to wetting myself if i dare slag off my body so im learning to accept compliments more and slag myself off less :)
Magic angel - yay! Another day and no witch, I am getting excited for you! :dust: oh bless your OH that's sweet. I hope the cramps were a bean burrowing away and getting comfy for the next 9 months! Fx'd

BBbunny - I did an IC hpt today at 3 DPO lmao! Bfn - well duh! But yes I am a poasaholic too! I have 42 in my drawer waiting just whispering to me, pee on me, pee on me! They wake me up at night I swear! Being relaxed is good as I'm sure that most of our problems have been stress related. Oh nursery! I so want to decorate a nursery!
I have my design picked our already!

Signature updated too!
Magic angel - yay! Another day and no witch, I am getting excited for you! :dust: oh bless your OH that's sweet. I hope the cramps were a bean burrowing away and getting comfy for the next 9 months! Fx'd

BBbunny - I did an IC hpt today at 3 DPO lmao! Bfn - well duh! But yes I am a poasaholic too! I have 42 in my drawer waiting just whispering to me, pee on me, pee on me! They wake me up at night I swear! Being relaxed is good as I'm sure that most of our problems have been stress related. Oh nursery! I so want to decorate a nursery!
I have my design picked our already!

Signature updated too!

Proud to be part of Teamcurvybumps :holly: lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve it :))

thanks hun :hugs: im trying not to get excited as not many good things happen for me or to me so im just trying not to explode lol :)
thanks hun :hugs: im trying not to get excited as not many good things happen for me or to me so im just trying not to explode lol :)

Oh bless you! Let's hope that means all your luck in life is saved up for a beautiful baby!!!!!!
Yo Team Curvy Bumps how are we all doung today ??
How cool that we have our own group name ha haa, I too have updated my siggy and am proud to be part of this amazing thread:thumbup:
We all seem to be pretty close to each other in our cycles too so come on let's do it for the Month of March :happydance:

Jo - you are so funny as if you didn't even notice yur symptoms on your ticker ha ha, fingers crossed for you there's more to come, when u planning on testing or do you think you will be able to wait ???

Bbunny - I soooo cannot wait until its time to decorate the nursery, I've already seen the furniture I want at work (I work in furniture retail) but I don't wanna buy it too soon and tempt fate :(

Magic angel - I often wonder why good things never happen to good people, but then I look at what I have, my lovely home and partner and the things I do like nice holidays and nights out, and when I think of all these good things that have happened I realise good things do happen to good people it just sometimes takes a little bit longer than others, I truly believe all of our times will come, I have to otherwise I think I may crack up :hugs: I am keeping everything crossed for you and I hope you bring team curvybumps our first BFP :flower:

Hello to other curvybump members cndequestrian and MellyBelly how are you both doing ??

Welcome blueeyeddauby I hope u will be very happy here

Good luck Maureen stick with us and good luck for this coming month xxxx
Um..... I did a little test today lol! Bfn but to be expected really at 3DPO :rotf:

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