Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

Hey team curvy bumps :flower:

Josephine - I too was really nervous decorating that room but we had a leak in the roof that came through the ceiling in there so unfortunately it had to be done. I have refused to furnish it though don't wanna tempt fate too much lol. I like to do cross stitch and have some designs picked out that would look great in a nursery but I have stashed the patterns away and have said I will start them when I am 8 and half months pregnant at the earliest :haha: We do all seem pretty close in cycles maybe we will all get preggo at the same time and can go through it all together that would be great :hugs:

Jo_bean you are as bad as me lol :haha:

Magic_angel you are so lucky I haven't worn anything to show my legs since I was at school lol

No DTD tonight as hubby fell asleep as he has been driving all day and was tired. Could do with the break myself but he couldn't have picked a worse time. :dohh:
Yo Team Curvy Bumps how are we all doung today ??
How cool that we have our own group name ha haa, I too have updated my siggy and am proud to be part of this amazing thread:thumbup:
We all seem to be pretty close to each other in our cycles too so come on let's do it for the Month of March :happydance:

Jo - you are so funny as if you didn't even notice yur symptoms on your ticker ha ha, fingers crossed for you there's more to come, when u planning on testing or do you think you will be able to wait ???

Bbunny - I soooo cannot wait until its time to decorate the nursery, I've already seen the furniture I want at work (I work in furniture retail) but I don't wanna buy it too soon and tempt fate :(

Magic angel - I often wonder why good things never happen to good people, but then I look at what I have, my lovely home and partner and the things I do like nice holidays and nights out, and when I think of all these good things that have happened I realise good things do happen to good people it just sometimes takes a little bit longer than others, I truly believe all of our times will come, I have to otherwise I think I may crack up :hugs: I am keeping everything crossed for you and I hope you bring team curvybumps our first BFP :flower:

Hello to other curvybump members cndequestrian and MellyBelly how are you both doing ??

Welcome blueeyeddauby I hope u will be very happy here

Good luck Maureen stick with us and good luck for this coming month xxxx

Doing ok, have to resist the urge to pee on my cheapies! toooo early :dohh: only thing going on is sore boobs...but that is typical for every day after O :haha:
Hanging in there! :) OPK's keep screwing with my head, but i'm too cheap to buy the digi's because the First Response ones were on sale ($25 for 9 of them).

But it's been line, no line, line, no line,, just be positive or negative, mmk? Or at the very least, work up to a nice bright positive!!!

Gah. Come on body...WORK. I've never had a positive OPK. Hoping this month brings me 2 lines on my OPK's AND my HPT's. ;)
Hey team curvy bumps :flower:

Josephine - I too was really nervous decorating that room but we had a leak in the roof that came through the ceiling in there so unfortunately it had to be done. I have refused to furnish it though don't wanna tempt fate too much lol. I like to do cross stitch and have some designs picked out that would look great in a nursery but I have stashed the patterns away and have said I will start them when I am 8 and half months pregnant at the earliest :haha: We do all seem pretty close in cycles maybe we will all get preggo at the same time and can go through it all together that would be great :hugs:

Jo_bean you are as bad as me lol :haha:

Magic_angel you are so lucky I haven't worn anything to show my legs since I was at school lol

No DTD tonight as hubby fell asleep as he has been driving all day and was tired. Could do with the break myself but he couldn't have picked a worse time. :dohh:

Ooh the cross stitch sounds cool :)

I am in to crochet and I make every one of my friends who is having or had a baby, a lovely baby blanket. Hubby said I will get bored and not make them for ours, but I've been making little squares for ages to sew together into a giant blanket for our baby, he doesn't know and I only feel like it's not bad luck because they are just squares in a bag at the moment, and technically they could become anything.

I also make animal themed hats for babies, am currently making a couple of owls by request :)

I just like making things for peple and the way I look at it, by the time I make stuff for my own baby, I'll be really good for all. The practice lol!

Can't wait to be resting my crochet on my bump *sigh*
Hello ladies :)

Update.... Still no :witch: and i caved last night and did a hpk and im not sure if im looking at a neg one or a really really faint pos??!!??!!?? Im staring right through it and there is definately a shadow of a line there, concidering ive had clear bfn's all last week and some of this week,ive put last nights one next to all the others that ive done and this one is deffinately different to the others, ive had a couple that have come up with a white line where the second line should be but no colour, this one has a shadow on it, ive only got 2 tests left and im 5 days late so i will hang on to it til the 9th and test again then because ill be 7 days late if af doesnt show again....i dont want to get my hopes up because whenever ive done that in the past, it comes back to me with a very big slap to the face, i hope the witch is staying away for you guys too, im not sure whats going on or if this is causing me slight stress and thats why af hasnt shown so for the next 2 days until testing im just going to lay back and chill and see if that helps get my bfp or brings af on.....
ive been actively TTC#1 for 2 years now but not trying, not preventing for over 5 years and i have dreamt of those 2 bloody line everyday this week, i had another dream last night that i had a little boy, shame i had to wake up because it was a nice dream :)

anyhooooo im not on until 7.30pm as OH is in work then so im going to jump back into bed because im freezing and hes nice and warm :) speak to you all later :) thanks girls for keeping your fingers crossed for me :)

hows everyone getting on???

Hugs and Babydust sent out for everyone :)
Hey team curvy bumps :flower:

Josephine - I too was really nervous decorating that room but we had a leak in the roof that came through the ceiling in there so unfortunately it had to be done. I have refused to furnish it though don't wanna tempt fate too much lol. I like to do cross stitch and have some designs picked out that would look great in a nursery but I have stashed the patterns away and have said I will start them when I am 8 and half months pregnant at the earliest :haha: We do all seem pretty close in cycles maybe we will all get preggo at the same time and can go through it all together that would be great :hugs:

Jo_bean you are as bad as me lol :haha:

Magic_angel you are so lucky I haven't worn anything to show my legs since I was at school lol

No DTD tonight as hubby fell asleep as he has been driving all day and was tired. Could do with the break myself but he couldn't have picked a worse time. :dohh:

Ooh the cross stitch sounds cool :)

I am in to crochet and I make every one of my friends who is having or had a baby, a lovely baby blanket. Hubby said I will get bored and not make them for ours, but I've been making little squares for ages to sew together into a giant blanket for our baby, he doesn't know and I only feel like it's not bad luck because they are just squares in a bag at the moment, and technically they could become anything.

I also make animal themed hats for babies, am currently making a couple of owls by request :)

I just like making things for peple and the way I look at it, by the time I make stuff for my own baby, I'll be really good for all. The practice lol!

Can't wait to be resting my crochet on my bump *sigh*

Hi hun :)

I have taught myself how to knit about 3 years ago :)
I too have been doing the squares thing but i too wont put it together :)

I have been dying to learn how to crochet, my mum can do it and promised me she would teach me but we have fallen out and havent spoken for about 3 months now so i guess ill have to get on youtube and have someone on there teach me :) need to get loads more wool though so will get everything together and get back into it as i find it completely chills me out :)

I made a little blue wooly hat for a boy by accident :)

i was doing my knitting and it was when i first taught myself, i couldnt cast off, and someone told me how to do it the wrong way so the square was really tight on one side, i put some wool through the top of it and it instantly became a hat :)

But of course when people see it i say i meant to do it lol :haha:
Hey team curvy bumps :flower:

Josephine - I too was really nervous decorating that room but we had a leak in the roof that came through the ceiling in there so unfortunately it had to be done. I have refused to furnish it though don't wanna tempt fate too much lol. I like to do cross stitch and have some designs picked out that would look great in a nursery but I have stashed the patterns away and have said I will start them when I am 8 and half months pregnant at the earliest :haha: We do all seem pretty close in cycles maybe we will all get preggo at the same time and can go through it all together that would be great :hugs:

Jo_bean you are as bad as me lol :haha:

Magic_angel you are so lucky I haven't worn anything to show my legs since I was at school lol

No DTD tonight as hubby fell asleep as he has been driving all day and was tired. Could do with the break myself but he couldn't have picked a worse time. :dohh:

Ooh the cross stitch sounds cool :)

I am in to crochet and I make every one of my friends who is having or had a baby, a lovely baby blanket. Hubby said I will get bored and not make them for ours, but I've been making little squares for ages to sew together into a giant blanket for our baby, he doesn't know and I only feel like it's not bad luck because they are just squares in a bag at the moment, and technically they could become anything.

I also make animal themed hats for babies, am currently making a couple of owls by request :)

I just like making things for peple and the way I look at it, by the time I make stuff for my own baby, I'll be really good for all. The practice lol!

Can't wait to be resting my crochet on my bump *sigh*

Hi hun :)

I have taught myself how to knit about 3 years ago :)
I too have been doing the squares thing but i too wont put it together :)

I have been dying to learn how to crochet, my mum can do it and promised me she would teach me but we have fallen out and havent spoken for about 3 months now so i guess ill have to get on youtube and have someone on there teach me :) need to get loads more wool though so will get everything together and get back into it as i find it completely chills me out :)

I made a little blue wooly hat for a boy by accident :)

i was doing my knitting and it was when i first taught myself, i couldnt cast off, and someone told me how to do it the wrong way so the square was really tight on one side, i put some wool through the top of it and it instantly became a hat :)

But of course when people see it i say i meant to do it lol :haha:

Oh how lovely! I can't knit for toffee but I do love crochet. I can highly recommend the stitch and bitch happy hooker book as it teaches you in English with little jokes etc. if I could work out how to post pics I would show you some of my creations. Maybe I'll try that today :)

Just popping out for lunch with a friend so I'll reply properly to everyone when I'm back xxx
Hey team curvy bumps :)

Sounds like we are quite a crafty bunch, I have never got the hang of knitting my squares always end up more like triangles :haha: My mom is the knitter in the family and she very often makes baby clothes and blankets for other people. She loves doing the frilly bonnets with the ribbons and her aunty does crochet and makes blankets really quickly.

Good luck to everyone who is waiting for positives in any form :hugs:

It is grey and miserable and pouring with rain here so I am watching reality tv shows in my pyjamas :blush: going to have to get some cleaning done soon because my mom is visiting tomorrow.

Was day dreaming yesterday of creative ways to tell hubby if ever I got a positive but I think I would just run out of the bathroom screaming like a crazy person :thumbup:
:shrug:Oh ladies I feel like such a failure, I can't crotchet, I can only knit straight lines, I can sew a little bit and have a new sewing machine I got for Xmas but I'm not very creative I'm afraid:cry:

Magic Angel - take a picture we need to see :thumbup:

I will be back this evening I hope we have some good news by then #TEAMCURVYBUMPS :happydance:

Love to you all xxxxxx
:shrug:Oh ladies I feel like such a failure, I can't crotchet, I can only knit straight lines, I can sew a little bit and have a new sewing machine I got for Xmas but I'm not very creative I'm afraid:cry:

Magic Angel - take a picture we need to see :thumbup:

I will be back this evening I hope we have some good news by then #TEAMCURVYBUMPS :happydance:

Love to you all xxxxxx

dont worry, I cant knit/crochet/embroider anything, so youre over me on that one, i was lucky i could sew the school patches on my scrubs for clinical! :haha: i mostly read and waste time on the computer, along with homework...blehh

and i agree, Magic Angel, we want pics!! :thumbup: Fingers crossed it is your bfp!
Hello ladies. i am 22 years old and currently i am 180 pounds. i came from 200 to 180. My husband and i have been ttc for over a year and a half and it has not been easy. I was told by my fertility specialist that i have pcos which makes me have irregular cycles and which means you dont ovulate to be able to get pregnant. Have you ladies seen a specialist at all? I was also put on clomid 150mg for five days and got ton of blood work done. Ladies we have to stick together and try not to give up and because we have weight dont mean anything because there are women who isnt big who have issues getting pregnant also... so dont feel bad...

Hello I may be late in response to this reponse but I am a bigger girl also and I also have PCOS but my specialist has prescribed me with clomid and metformin to bring on the ovulation. Does your doctor specialize in PCOS because my fertility doctor does if your doctor doesn't I would def. research for a doctor that does in your area. Please keep me updated on your success
Hello Ladies I deff. want to join this group if thats ok i am also a very plus size lady I am a size 20 but I'm also 5'0 even but anywho I know we all will make it I myself just started metformin and clomid I do have PCOS and I see a PCOS fertility specialist and I figured that I will take time out and continue my sexual life but if nothing happens on my own by July of 2012 just to give it time to let the meds do there work then we will be graduating to the IUI again which I did back in 2010 and was succesful then lost the baby :( so there is is hope ladies we can stick together and make it thru
I am 33 and overweight. I weigh around 210 and am 5'7" and wear size 18/20. Although I eat healthy and exercise daily. I just can't lose weight anymore. My doctor says I am healthy enough to conceive. However, this is not my first. I have an 11 year, who was not planned, so I feel like I am trying for the first time. I also had a miscarriage 10 years ago. This is only my 2nd month ttc.
:wave: hi everybody. saw the thread while cruisin around BnB and decided to stop in.

I'm overweight (over 300! :blush:), have PCOS and a thyroid problem. Started metformin in October, got it increased to 1850mg in November. Just started my thyroid med. Dr pretty much said no hope, I'm "too fat". I've been trying for my first for 6+ years. Hopin this is the year! :thumbup:

Hang in there I am by your side :hugs:
Oh Jo, you aren't a failure! I bet you can do something! I bet you are a good cook and will make the most fantastic home made baby food ever! :)

Magic angel, you should defo post a pic so we can see the potential bfp!

Welcome to mzportugese and courtneyjismo! Of course you are welcome to join in :) we're getting quite a special group of wonderful ladies here! Let's hope we all stick in this together as move on to discussing our curvy bumps soon!
Oh Jo, you aren't a failure! I bet you can do something! I bet you are a good cook and will make the most fantastic home made baby food ever! :)

Magic angel, you should defo post a pic so we can see the potential bfp!

Welcome to mzportugese and courtneyjismo! Of course you are welcome to join in :) we're getting quite a special group of wonderful ladies here! Let's hope we all stick in this together as move on to discussing our curvy bumps soon!

yay I am glad to be a part of teamcurvy :happydance: so glad I found a group of woman that experiancing the same issue as me instead of comparing myself next to a size 2 lol
Tring to post a pic or two, see if this works.....
And a couple more.....
OMG Jo_bean I love that hat you are so clever :thumbup:

I have a hat that looks like a bear that I wear in the winter :blush:

Welcome new ladies :hugs:

Edit: Just seen the other pics you are so talented!!!!

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