Any "plus-size", bigger gals TTC their first? :)

Hi magic_angel. Wow if you make it to being 7 days late then that is some will power you have!!!
I actually think I am ovulating right now. I had the peak fertile sign on my monitor yesterday and today and :sex: am yesterday and pm today. Will do again tomorrow night for luck and maybe a few more times for fun after that but after we DTD today I felt some slight pains. Now this could be because we were a bit um enthusiastic today or it does feel a bit like ov pains. Also used preseed so this is the most hopeful I've felt for a while now. I know the bigger you hope the bigger you fall but I don't care. Positivity all the way for me!

AF is due for a visit on or around 18th March so this is going to be a very long 2ww and either I have managed a miracle after nearly 5 years or I will come back down to earth with a massive thump and need lots of hugs from you ladies!!

Wishing you loads of luck and crossing everything for you! Reeeeeeeally hope AF leaves you alone this month and for the next 9!!!!!! :dust: xxxx
Hi magic_angel. Wow if you make it to being 7 days late then that is some will power you have!!!
I actually think I am ovulating right now. I had the peak fertile sign on my monitor yesterday and today and :sex: am yesterday and pm today. Will do again tomorrow night for luck and maybe a few more times for fun after that but after we DTD today I felt some slight pains. Now this could be because we were a bit um enthusiastic today or it does feel a bit like ov pains. Also used preseed so this is the most hopeful I've felt for a while now. I know the bigger you hope the bigger you fall but I don't care. Positivity all the way for me!

AF is due for a visit on or around 18th March so this is going to be a very long 2ww and either I have managed a miracle after nearly 5 years or I will come back down to earth with a massive thump and need lots of hugs from you ladies!!

Wishing you loads of luck and crossing everything for you! Reeeeeeeally hope AF leaves you alone this month and for the next 9!!!!!! :dust: xxxx

Sending you lots of :dust:!!
Hello All! Welcome to the new ladies! :flower:
@magic_angel glad to see you back! Wishing you lots of luck, hoping the :witch: leaves you alone!
Mine showed up this morning! So my first 2ww is over. I am trying to stay positive. At least I have crossed my first hurdle of proving that I can ovulate. After failing Clomid, my first cycle of Femara helped me O. I think I will just relax this month and try again next month.
Sending lots of :dust: to all you ladies!
Hey Jo my lovely,

Glad ur having fun on your time off :winkwink: and having lots of baby making :sex:, hope ur not too dizzy ha ha (the things we do) ??
How amazing would it be if ur AF due on the 18th didn't arrive but u get ur :bfp:
a perfect gift for mothers day, I have absolutely everything crossed for you because you have waited for sooooo long and u really deserve this xxxxxx

My AF has well and truly left the building I'm on cycle day 6 now and cannot wait to start POAS tomorrow :happydance:
First :sex: in the bag today plenty more to follow lots of luck sticky glue for you

Magic Angel - I really hope the dreaded :witch: stays away everything looks promising I have f'xd for you, I really dont know how u are holding back from testing I would be soooo tempted :hugs:

Welcome new ladies lots of luck to everyone xxxx
My temps are doing weird things this cycle. If I have one more high temp tomorrow, FF will decide that I O'd on CD7. I'm on soy this cycle for the first time too, and I know that can bring things forward....but CD7????
Hey Ladies :)

Hope everyone is well and had a good weekend.

This DTD everyday for the next few days lark has tuned into a right farce lol.

Saturday night we had such a long day then had to go for a family meal in the evening. By the time we came to DTD we were both soooo tired and so not in the mood that we almost ended up arguing half way through :dohh:
Then tonight we had such a huge meal I felt so bloated and unsexy it was unreal but we managed it even though I ended up having a giggling fit before we began at how typical it was that when we needed to DTD was the time we least felt like doing it.

My ticker puts me at one day to ovulation which I think might actually be right as I had some cramping this afternoon which I sometimes get when I think I am due to ovulate. Just to make sure we are covered we will DTD for the next 2 days at least. I am really hoping I am more in the mood tomorrow. Maybe its the pressure of it all that makes me tense up a little. I get so caught up worrying about not being able to get pregnant and also because I have had a miscarriage and ectopic in the past I worry about what may happen if I do get pregnant and I also worry about things that may happen if I have a successful pregnancy such as giving birth and what if the baby is ill etc etc etc I just end up driving myself nuts :wacko: I am trying to think of this stage by stage. Stage one being actually getting pregnant then I will worry about the next part.
bbbunny - Me too! I am trying to at least keep my worries to one stage at a time. lol Right now, we'll just worry about getting pregnant. Then i'll worry about early pregnancy issues, then 2nd trimester pregnancy issues, etc. :) That's my goal/promise to myself. lol

But again...i'm a big ol' bowl of who knows. ;)
Definitely not alone hun! Im from the US so my size would be 22/24! I'm not 100% concerned about my weight, I love me and DH loves me, and I have also seen WAYYYYY bigger girls getting pregnant LEFT AND RIGHT!! lol So never feel alone, there is always at least ONE person out there feeling exactly how you are honey!
Hi Ladies! I'm new here and I have been reading some of the posts and want to join in! I'm 29 and 270lbs, have lost 18 lbs over the past 6 months or so, I know pretty darn slow....still trying to lose more. Not officially diagnosed with PCOS but I think that is what I have. Been NTNP and also not ovulating for 2 years and then did my first round of clomid last month 50mg w/ Metformin, I ovulated and BD'd but still got a BFN, I am hoping round #2 of clomid does the trick!

Has anyone here been pregnant or received a BFP at this weight?? I am hoping that my weight isn't the only reason I am not getting my BFP....

i had a BFP at 308, but i miscarried.
hi ladies, and hi to all new comers :)

thanks for keeping your fingers crossed, woke up again this morning thinking af has
shown up as i had a bad belly but it turns out i just have a bad belly and again no af, ive done a couple of cheapy tests but no second line, so not sure whats going on, im 16DPO and 3 - 4 days late, driving me crazy, not sure if i have a bad batch of hpks or if its all in my head and af is just playing game with me but this game of waiting 2 weeks has gone on long enough and i just need to know something concrete...

So sorry to the lovely ladies who had a visit from the witch, hope it passes quick so you can get down and dirty again and we can be there for you, sending biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig hugs to everyone because i really like this site and ive used other forums before but this one seems to have all you lovely ladies in and you've been a huge support for me and everyone else!! how awesome would it be if we ALL got BFP's this year and get to be there for each other and get to see the beautiful bundles of joy we all have huh? Heres to dreaming ladies,
talking about dreams, for the last 2 nights ive been having strange dreams and they all end or start with me having a little boy, blonde haired blue eyed boy, im blonde haired blue eyed too :) its nice having those dreams then i wake up and wish i could go back to sleep :/
Anyways i will get to read these properly and reply properly when OH goes to work tonight, i just wanted to keep you updated that i still have no af :)

love to you all, speak soon :) xxx
Jo - glad to see you've already got 1 notch on your bedpost this cycle :) :)
Omg! I didn't even think about mother's day! That would be special wouldn't it - aaah.
You deserve it too hun! You are only just over a week behind me so we can still get to be bump buddies! A couple of JoJo bumps please!

BBunny- bless you and all your worrying! Someone told me that visualising the egg and sperm and all the different stages could actually help. Might sound like rubbish and it's quite hard to do but I have been focussing on what should happen day by day and it stops me worrying too much. May be worth a try? Might be a load of cr@p lol!!!

Magicangel - fx'd still crossed for you! Can't believe you still aren't testing!

Come on team curvybumps!! We can do it! :dust: to everyone!!!!
Mornin all
Im day 15 days since pill period, did opk this morn but a bfn which i new it wud b as i dont ovulate, n cycles r long, waitin for af to show up, n then take soya n join u all. This 15 days is draggin now lol. x
hi ladies, and hi to all new comers :)

thanks for keeping your fingers crossed, woke up again this morning thinking af has
shown up as i had a bad belly but it turns out i just have a bad belly and again no af, ive done a couple of cheapy tests but no second line, so not sure whats going on, im 16DPO and 3 - 4 days late, driving me crazy, not sure if i have a bad batch of hpks or if its all in my head and af is just playing game with me but this game of waiting 2 weeks has gone on long enough and i just need to know something concrete...

So sorry to the lovely ladies who had a visit from the witch, hope it passes quick so you can get down and dirty again and we can be there for you, sending biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig hugs to everyone because i really like this site and ive used other forums before but this one seems to have all you lovely ladies in and you've been a huge support for me and everyone else!! how awesome would it be if we ALL got BFP's this year and get to be there for each other and get to see the beautiful bundles of joy we all have huh? Heres to dreaming ladies,
talking about dreams, for the last 2 nights ive been having strange dreams and they all end or start with me having a little boy, blonde haired blue eyed boy, im blonde haired blue eyed too :) its nice having those dreams then i wake up and wish i could go back to sleep :/
Anyways i will get to read these properly and reply properly when OH goes to work tonight, i just wanted to keep you updated that i still have no af :)

love to you all, speak soon :) xxx

Hey Magic Angel - I too am just having a quick sneaky peak whilst at work but I'm so glad to see still no AF for you, I was reading somewhere that early PG symptoms are really vivid dreams so this could be a good sign for you, I hope fingers crossed and I'll check back in with you all tonight :thumbup:
Afternoon Ladies :)

Magic_angel I am keeping everything crossed for you :hugs:

vic20581 I hope you come join us soon the more the merrier :)

Jo_bean I think I will be taking it minute by minute before long lol

I am determined to be more in the mood tonight. I have hubbys fave meal ready for when he finishes work and I'm going to use some of the good smelling lotions and perfumes I had for Christmas to make me feel a bit more girly after a week of being covered in wall paper paste and paint :haha:

Today should be O day :thumbup:

How I wish you could just mail order your baby and have it here on next day delivery :wacko:
Afternoon Ladies :)

Magic_angel I am keeping everything crossed for you :hugs:

vic20581 I hope you come join us soon the more the merrier :)

Jo_bean I think I will be taking it minute by minute before long lol

I am determined to be more in the mood tonight. I have hubbys fave meal ready for when he finishes work and I'm going to use some of the good smelling lotions and perfumes I had for Christmas to make me feel a bit more girly after a week of being covered in wall paper paste and paint :haha:

Today should be O day :thumbup:

How I wish you could just mail order your baby and have it here on next day delivery :wacko:

thanks hun :) :hugs: lol you never fail to make me chuckle with the things you come out with lol i would have ordered my baby off ebay if they would let it but i guess we just have to keep at it like bunnies and maybe someday soon that damn stalk will bloody come knocking :) good luck and keep us posted (obviously not about bding lol)
hope this month you get your baby hun :) :happydance:
Afternoon Ladies :)

Magic_angel I am keeping everything crossed for you :hugs:

vic20581 I hope you come join us soon the more the merrier :)

Jo_bean I think I will be taking it minute by minute before long lol

I am determined to be more in the mood tonight. I have hubbys fave meal ready for when he finishes work and I'm going to use some of the good smelling lotions and perfumes I had for Christmas to make me feel a bit more girly after a week of being covered in wall paper paste and paint :haha:

Today should be O day :thumbup:

How I wish you could just mail order your baby and have it here on next day delivery :wacko:

Good luck! Will be thinking of you (not in a pervy way!) lol!

Yes it would be amazing to just be able to order a baby! Lol! I sometimes think similar about loosing weight. If I could wake up perfectly sized in the morning I would go to the gym every day to maintain it!!!
Afternoon Ladies :)

Magic_angel I am keeping everything crossed for you :hugs:

vic20581 I hope you come join us soon the more the merrier :)

Jo_bean I think I will be taking it minute by minute before long lol

I am determined to be more in the mood tonight. I have hubbys fave meal ready for when he finishes work and I'm going to use some of the good smelling lotions and perfumes I had for Christmas to make me feel a bit more girly after a week of being covered in wall paper paste and paint :haha:

Today should be O day :thumbup:

How I wish you could just mail order your baby and have it here on next day delivery :wacko:

Good luck! Will be thinking of you (not in a pervy way!) lol!

Yes it would be amazing to just be able to order a baby! Lol! I sometimes think similar about loosing weight. If I could wake up perfectly sized in the morning I would go to the gym every day to maintain it!!!

i think the exact same thing about waking up and being the perfect size, i would also love to go back to myself when i was 18 and slapped myself for thinking i was fat when i was actually at my ideal height, weight and size and i wish i could be that size again and i would have told myself to join a gym, maintain healthy weight and use moisteriser everyday to look after skin,
because of weight gain im left with lots of stretch marks which i hate and i remember the very first one i got...
it went right across my tattoo on my belly, if only i could be that size now i would be happier... im at my biggest now and i wont be getting any bigger, sorting out my diet this week and my exercise video is getting used more this week, thats it now, no more wishing, a lot more doing!!!!!

gotta get my ass in gear! if i dont like this body of mine how can i expect a baby to huh!!! thats my thought for the year and hopefully that will kick out old habits :)

sorry for hijacking comment girlies :) :hugs:
Hello lovely ladies and welcome to our new girls, how are we all today ??

Today I'm CD7, in a great mood and feeling very excited and positive for this month, I started cheapy OPKs today and will switch to CB in a couple of days, my temps are slowly rising so can't wait to start:sex: every day ha !!

Hey Jo - how amazing if we moved onto bump buddies at the same time yay for Jo Jo's ha ha here's to legs in the air and head stands :thumbup:
How's ur weight loss going, I sooo need to kick start my diet tomorrow I've been a bit lax these last weeks I must admit, although I am still doing my zumba classes twice a week xxx

Bbunny - how did the seduction plan go ha ha, hope u managed to Bd ok, I hate how life gets in the way of #ttc, nice that u had a giggling fit together the other night though ha ha :happydance:

Magic Angel - how are you feeling this evening, have u any symptoms yet, I so hate those dreams where you have your baby and u wake up and remember its not real :(, how exciting you could soon have yours, this really could be it, I have everything crossed for you :hugs:

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