Any plus size ladies looking to minimise weight gain?

Thank you uni tsi. Thankfully I was quite active prior to becoming pregnant and was an avid jogger. I plan to brisk walk, light weights as I have them at home, and swimming at my mother and laws. Just gotta keep my diet in check.
Thank u uni tsi : ) I didn't gain that much weight when I was pregnant it was after, and I struggled to get it off,or when I have its gone back on! Hopefully I will lose a bit before I get pregnant, we wanted to start ttc last cycle but I decided that wanted to lose some weight first. I'm high risk during pregnancy as it is and will be on blood thinners for it all as I had a blood clot years ago
Florida, I've heard that if you are used to running, assuming there aren't any complications you can keep running till it becomes uncomfortable. Although, for me cardio got much harder almost immediately so brisk walking would have absolutely been more my style lol

Family, I found that wanting to lose weight to have a more healthy pregnancy was very motivational for me. But then I ended up pregnant way sooner than I was expecting to. I hope it all works out great for you too. Establish a good routine now and even if you get pregnant sooner than you planned you can still keep improving your health :flow:
@Uni tsi: where do your hips hurt? My pubic bone feels like it's slowly being ripped in half, but as long as I go slow - exercise actually seems to help (so does sex, BTW, as long as we are careful to make sure they aren't at an odd angle).
They kind of just hurt all over. If I sit wrong I can barely stand up. If I stand for too long, I can barely sit down. If I walk too far they start to ache. It feels like it's in the hip joints, and where the hips meet the spine. Every once in awhile, I get a twinge from the sciatic nerve, but thankfully that's not too bad. Mostly I just feel stiff and achy.

Just today, it started getting really hard to breath. I think she had her foot up in my lung. It almost made me feel panicky and claustrophobic because even though I was just laying there I couldn't catch my breath. I managed to take a nap and by the time I woke up she must have changed positions because I can breath again just fine. But wow, I hope she doesn't make too much of a habit of that!

I've been doing a little bit of yoga, not for exercise but just to get her to move around when she gets into uncomfortable positions. I really like cat/cow. I might go to a yoga class tomorrow, if I feel up to it. I'm going to go to the pool on Saturday. I'm telling you ladies this so that I'll hold myself accountable! lol
Mine is the opposite side (in the front of them) - I am going to start really trying to increase my walking to get my stamina up as much as possible before d-day.
Clandestine, I feel it's very lucky for you that sex helps :) I was thinking about that this afternoon and feeling a little jealous of you that it brings relief from the pain lol To be honest, that's one of my favorite forms of exercise hehehe
If it's any consolation, the first 15 minutes of walking feels like hell - so it's definitely not perfect, but at least it comes and goes (and has been determined to be normal).
I agree, movement helps. If I move around I'm less stiff. Unless I move around too much :dohh: It's a fine line

I lost my mucus plug today (my doc didn't seem worried about it). But now I'm wondering if I'm allowed to go swimming or not. I forgot to ask. I'm not making excuses, really lol but I might not go to the pool this weekend till I can call back the doc's office and get an ok on it. I don't think I'm going into early labor though, at least. Well, fx I'm not but so far so good.
Uni, Clandestine - SEX???!!!! LOL. I can hardly wait to go to bed, and sex is definitely not on my priority list. Poor OH is going crazy.

Uni - if you lost your plug, hopefully your little one will be here soon. I am 31 weeks pregnant, and, although I DO want her to stay there till 38 weeks, I am getting fed up.

Lately I have 0 energy, and with 2 boys it is getting hard.... Other day I literally cried putting on my trainers to go/run with them to the sport playground (if they don't get reasonable exercise per day, they go crazy and demolish the house). All I want is peace, quiet and my bed with a movie on.

Oh, well....
Well, the lost plug seems to have been a false alarm. She seems to still be up in there snug. Just as well, I need more time to keep getting ready!

The scale said I lost 1.5 lbs since last week. I'm guessing it's water weight because it is sooooooooo hot here. But I was still super surprised to see that. I'm trying to gain a pound a week, not loss anything. How is it going for everyone else in third tri? Should I be worried I went down? Baby is measuring at the 39th percentile and I don't want her getting any smaller :nope:
I wouldn't worry unless it continues. She could still be gaining while you lose.
I'm at 15 weeks now and other than the initial few pounds have been coasting at the same weight. I have some days where I'm a few lbs higher but it usually resolves itself. Maintaig around 175-76 and am 5'2. Hoping to stay here until the end then gain a lb a week from 32-33 weeks onward.
WTG Florida :)

Yeah I agree, it's not anything to worry about especially in the first two trimesters. But, by third I agree it's better to gain a little bit, at least to stay the same. I'm at 35 weeks today, which is why I was feeling nervous about going down. But, it turns out it probably was just water weight lost from the heat as today I'm up two pounds! lol So, I actually gained about half a pound this week, which is just perfect in my opinion. You'd think I'd know by now not to take one weigh-in too seriously, but I was having an emotional day yesterday :haha:

I'm starting to nest in earnest. I think that counts as exercise at this point, right? lol
I count everyth of as exercise. Oooh I walked in the supermarket for at least 20 minutes! Lol sounds like you're gaining perfectly.
32w5d here - up 6-7 lbs according to bathroom scale. The recommendation for my BMI (> 35 starting) was 10-22 lbs in total over the course of the pregnancy, though there was a footnote for the recommendation that said no detrimental effect was observed in women who gained less than that. The point of the weight gain is to make sure there are adequate fat stores for hormone production - as long as levels are good, baby's growth is good - there's no reason to gain more!

I am still walking almost every day, still really OK with sex. I swear it's the exercise that gives me more energy. I hired a doula, she has recommended inversions off the edge of the sofa (with supervision) to help loosen the round ligaments (approved my midwife yesterday, as well) twice a day and to start yoga, she said TV videos were perfect. I have also seen a chiropractor a few times to help with the pelvic bones, everyone said once a week should be enough to make sure nothing moves inappropriately, but in general, everything is very loose and they are happy with that.

I saw my specialist on Friday, have been released from 4 times per day glucose testing, he said to check the fasting level a few times a week (not even every day) and as long as it was staying nice and low, not to worry about testing more frequently or sending him any more data. If it starts to go up, I am to resume 4 times a day testing and sending data to him.

Also, baby is estimated at 4 pounds 15 ounces as of last Friday (needs to be 5 pounds in the USA to avoid NICU and be discharged from hospital) - Hubster and I were both over 9 pounds at birth, so we were never expecting a small baby!

Good, though, I think... just crazy busy with work and preparations for little one's arrival!
Clandestine what a great update! I'm glad to hear everything is going so well for you! That's great you only have to test fasting now! I'm jealous lol But happy for you!

I've started doing a few inversions as well, because I heard they will help baby turn. I don't know if that's working or not, so interesting to hear it will help with ligament pain too. Great to hear you have a doula, they can be such a help in my experience.

I don't really have anything new to report. I'm just feeling enthusiastic for you :)
Hi ladies :)

Glad all going well with you.

It is amazing, but we will be having our babies within 6-8 weeks now. I can not wait.

Clandestine, it is a great estimate weight for your gestation...

I am the opposite. Baby was measured, and estimate is 1551 kg no, which is approx 3pounds 2 ounces? And in my gestational age, it is below 2% :nope:
So she is tiny.... I have another scan in 2 weeks time, to see how she grew. BUT, in the meantime I have to EAT more. More calorie dense foods. It freaks me out.... And I don't even like eating unhealthy foods anymore. But I must get the calorie intake up, put on weight, and see how she is doing...
Doesn't mean I will start on burgers and fries.... But does mean more meat, more meat+carbs combinations, bananas, full fat milk... Stuff like that.

I do tell myself, that, hopefully, since those are last weeks, I am ok to put on another 6-10 lbs, considering my weight will be within recommended limits still. Just will have to work harder to get rid of it later on.
Uni, for helping baby turn, have you tried the fitness ball? Those huge blow up balls? I heard that bouncing on them helps too.:hugs:
I have been bouncing on my fitness ball! And I think it worked! fx I'll know for sure at my scan tomorrow. But I'm pretty sure she's head down now.

Wombat, sorry to hear they are stressing you out over baby's size. I'm glad it sounds like you have a good plan in place. For whole milk, if you avoid the industrial milk and go for small farm raised cows (as long as it's still pasteurized, of course) it is much higher in the healthy Omega 3s compared to mass produced milk. Something that might make you feel a little better about it at least :hugs: Happy cows make healthy milk.

I'm kind of spoiled here when it comes to milk, as we have it delivered every week from a local farm. Maybe you could look into something like that? I take about half a cup of heavy cream every morning with my coffee and breakfast. It's sooooo delicious. Over a little fruit, it's perfect.

There are ways to do calorie dense and healthy. Don't despair! And, you have such great habits, the extra weight will just melt off once baby comes!

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