Any plus size ladies looking to minimise weight gain?

Oh and on the hips... Mine ache, I think they are trying to move back to their original position, but so sore!
Clandestine congratulations!! That's wonderful news! :hugs:

my hips are sore too! I feel crooked! And, my stomach muscles still. Which surprised me. It feels like I did too many sit ups but I can hardly do a sit up. I mean, I can hardly sit up if I lean back to far on the couch. Nearly eight weeks out, I'm starting to worry it's something I need to actually pay attention to.
Hi ladies! I hope you don't mind if I join. I am 4 weeks along and this is my second pregnancy.

With my first I lost 12 lbs the first tri and then gained it back in my second tri. Third tri I gained about 25 lbs. But dropped all of it within a month of delivery.

This time I'm hoping to lose a little in first tri and maintain from there. Hopefully gaining no more than I currently weigh.

I also have diabetes so I have some food restrictions. I'm really hoping to stay diet and pill controlled this time. Last time I was on a ton of insulin and did not enjoy the experience. But if I need it again I of course will do it. But I'd like to avoid it with my new knowledge of how blood sugar and pregnancy work.

Hey there- this is m first pregnancy and very early on (5 weeksish)
Is it healthy to lose weight in early pregnancy? I recently gained roughly 30 pounds in the last two years- I don't want to gain another 30 and then have to try and lose 60 to get down to a comfortable weight!
I can't remember if I posted in here before, so many pages since I got my BFP. I am just starting to struggle now.

I was BMI >30 before pregnancy and advised to gain minimal or no weight. In 1st trimester I gained no weight. Then second tri I have gained 5 lbs. At 15 wks I had an early glucose test due to high fasting sugar and it came back positive on both 1hr and 2 hr. I monitored my bs for 2 weeks and was found all my highs came first thing in the morning, fasting. Through the day they were ok. So it was decided to start insulin.

I had good control with diet and insulin until this past week when my morning numbers have been way too high. I have been slowing increasing my nighttime dose to try to bring them down, but am not having much luck, so I will be making a much larger dosage jump to try to get those morning 9s back down to 5s-6s, but I really worry about hitting super lows in the night.

Its really annoying that fasting numbers are the problem because all I can really do is keep adding long acting insulin. My bedtime number is fine, then I take my insulin and I wake up 6-7 hours later with almost 10s!

Feeling super frustrated. I also weight in at a 13lb gain, which is a bit frustrating, but I imagine I'm maintaining and baby has gained. I had hoped to really stick under 10lbs gained, but that's out the window now.

I know low carb is not recommended, but I am gonna try to cut unnecessary carbs, like having a hearty omelette rather than an egg on toast.

I certainly have to watch my fruit sugars. A couple clementines for a snack sent my sugar upwards way too much. Sticking with nuts for snacking these days, which might explain the weight gain.

Overall just feeling frustrated.
I'm 5'5" and about 200lbs. I'm 8 weeks along in my first pregnancy and so far haven't really gained any weight. All my pants still fit fine, but I'm worried I'll gain a ton of weight. I'm also worried about developing diabetes. If there was a healthy way to kind of just maintain this weight during my pregnancy, that'd be nice.
I'm concerned about this too. I was overweight before I got pregnant the first time---then gained 40 lbs over the course of the pregnancy. I never lost the baby weight--not a single pound--and now I'm pregnant again. I love my LO, and I am ecstatic to have another one on the way (now that the PPD is over) but I am so concerned about my weight, getting flak from the doctor, and having a rougher delivery due to my weight. I had my first vaginally and unmedicated--my worst fear was some kind of intervention. But I've read that the heavier you are the more chance for complication to arise...I wish I could safely lose weight this pregnancy, or at least not gain any. I'm working out 3-5 times a week--but I hurt!! My feet, my back, my hips....And husband bringing home cookies (which I did NOT ask for) isn't helping either...
I gained a total of 13 pounds while pregnant with #1 and by 6 weeks postpartum I'd lost about 30, between baby, fluids, etc. I think BFing really helped with the postpartum weight loss. With this baby I'm happy I haven't weighed myself in a while, but expect I'm starting out at at least the amount that I weighed at 40 weeks with #1. Yikes. But I'm hoping that I'll still have another healthy pregnancy. First step for me was cutting out sugary drinks when I found out we were expecting again.
Well I just went to my first workout class in nearly 4 months. It's ridiculous! I miss working out like I used to. But hopefully I'll be able to keep up with it. I'm planning on losing weight in the pregnancy because I'm big enough to do it healthfully. My goal is to lose 4 pounds in January.
Checking in. Found out the reason I started ballooning up was preeclampsia. Since birth I've lost over 40lbs. I'd lost 60 last year going from 5'2 203 to 143. I'm now about 175. Can't work out for some time but I'm only about 30lbs away
I've always been someone who would overeat and had quite a sweet tooth. I thought I'd be better with my portions and eating healthy when I knew I was nourishing a baby, but that's apparently not the case. I'm a little better, but I still have a ways to go.
Hi ladies, haven't read through the many other pages so may have been suggested before but I go to slimming world and continued to do so throughout my last pregnancy. They get your midwife to sign all your forms and the pregnancy plan is actually approved by royal college of midwives so it is perfectly safe as no calorie counting etc, just healthy eating. Last time I weighed -5 lbs in 40 weeks as I did before pregnancy, so once baby was born I was around 2 stone less than when I started. My consultant and midwife were happy with that
This was a good thread. Dunno why it died, but I'm reviving it. How's everyone doing so far?

I'm 15 weeks along and I'm only up about 7-ish lbs. I'm still going to the gym and trying to be active, but I've been having pulled muscle/nerve damage feeling pain in my lower back/upper butt region for about a week, so it's been difficult to move. And my healthy eating is still a work in progress.
I've lost about 9 lbs since I found out I was pregnant, due to serious nausea. I'm also having horrible cravings and aversions. I want to give this baby healthy stuff, but it all makes me want to puke! Junk, however, greasy, salty junk, makes my tummy feel better! I can't wait for this morning sickness phase to (hopefully) end. When I express my concerns about my weight, the doctor said it was okay for me to aim to maintain rather than gain, as long as baby is growing well. She said she didn't want me to lose. My 2nd appointment is today, but I'm sure she'll be fine with a little weight loss as long as baby is where she should be. I haven't actually been trying to lose. The same thing happened last pregnancy, I lost about 11 in the first trimester....then gained 40. Let's hope I can just maintain from here on out.
I'd like to join up. I haven't gotten on a scale since I got pregnant, but would like to keep my weight gain to a minimum, since I am already overweight. I know I can do so in a healthy manner, as long as my stomach cooperates!
Do ya'll mind if I join in? I never lost all the weight with DS, and had already gained 10 before bfp due to stress eating for the end of the semester. My current weight is where it was as I was around 20 weeks with both DD and DS.

I'm kind of in a weird spot as I still have a lot of nausea and food aversions, but there are there are now finally a good handful of things I can actually eat, but I'm constantly hungry, but unfortunately have a lot of aversions to fruits and veggies still.
Do ya'll mind if I join in? I never lost all the weight with DS, and had already gained 10 before bfp due to stress eating for the end of the semester. My current weight is where it was as I was around 20 weeks with both DD and DS.

I'm kind of in a weird spot as I still have a lot of nausea and food aversions, but there are there are now finally a good handful of things I can actually eat, but I'm constantly hungry, but unfortunately have a lot of aversions to fruits and veggies still.

I guess just try to get a good amount of protein and limit your sugar as much as possible.
Hey, ladies! Well, at my 12 week appt. my doctor said I gained 1 lb. I am hoping to keep this pregnancy under 10 pounds, so we shall see. Doing the regular eating healthy and exercising.
It kind of annoys me that my husband enjoys making ice cream. He makes it once a week. He is the type of person that can lives on junk and does not gain a pound. I gain 10 being in the same room as cake. Sadly, I never wanted his ice cream before, but now I find myself craving it. :(
I know what you mean, Country. Even when I'm not craving sugar though, I still find myself stuffing my face with chocolate and gummies and whatever.

At the moment though, I'm only up about 8lbs from when I first found out I was pregnant. That works out to half a pound a week at this point. If I keep this up, I could potentially only put on 20lbs, which is the max I've heard obese women should be gaining in pregnancy. I'll bet if I cut out all the extra sugar, I could probably maintain this weight, or even lose a little. I hate to think how much I'd weigh if I didn't work out too.
I haven't been back to t his thread in a while. I thought I was doing so well. No gain in first trimester, then just 11 lbs through 2nd trimester, but now i am up to 20lbs gained and all without changing my diet. i dont feel like i'm eating more, but am probably a lil less active. I am consoled by the fact that baby is 5-6 lbs of that gain, but still had hoped to keep the gain under 20, but here i am almost 34 weeks and 20lb gain and its downhill from here!

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