any plus size mummies to be?

I don't think we will buy many clothes except a few cute things before the shower and the only thing I may buy before the shower is the car seat although I may wait for that as well. I see some people stocking up on things like diapers and wipes so early. I haven't even decided yet, but we may cloth diaper. I just need to educate myself on it. It seems to make so much sense, but if we do I will probably use disposables in the first few weeks.
Hello ladies! Hope everyone's doing ok!

I weighed in the other day, and the 3lbs from the cruise were gone. DH said the same thing happened to him with cruise weight, so maybe it was water retention or something. I feel like the bump is a little smaller, too, but maybe I'm just getting used to it. I think T may be shifting around into different positions, based on how the bump is changing and how some days I'm feeling movement and some days it's nothing. DH and I both think my weight is kind of redistributing again - I think my face is a little thinner, and I think T had a growth spurt based on the couple days of ravenous hunger and round ligament pain, so maybe I'm losing while he's gaining? I have no idea... As long as he stays healthy, I'm happy, but I am a little concerned about the rate that I've been gaining lately.

I'm getting nervous about my GTT test on the 17th. I've never had any real weight related health issues, no signs of diabetes, but I know pregnancy plays by its own rules. And the more I hear about the actual test, the less pleasant it sounds. And if I do have it, the diet changes would do me good but would be a hassle, but the needles. All the needles. Testing blood sugar multiple times a day? No thank you! Eek. My fingertips are already running away in fear...

Other than that big worry, things are good. As I mentioned, I've had a few days of more movement, which was nice. I'm at the end of a very mild cold, so I had a couple crappy days, but at least I wasn't really properly sick. A friend and I were supposed to spend last night at another friend's house in Indiana, but we postponed by a night (we were all feeling a little crappy for various reasons), so pretty soon I'll be packing my overnight bag for that, which should be fun. We'll be passing one of our favorite ice cream places on the way, which will do wonders for that GTT test coming up...
Hey :) good that your cruise weight has gone again!! I also hope your gtt goes well. Mine was ok-ish, my fasting glucose number was just (literally) just inside the normal range but the bloods after the two hours were fine. I may have to repeat :(

They are definitely wriggly little things huh! I swear I have been able to feel mine doing summersaults in there!!

I am still gaining weight but it has thankfully slowed down a little, I am not eating badly at all yet some weeks gain 1kg. I have already reached what I set as my goal for the whole pregnancy so I am worried now about how much it will be by the end :(
I still haven't felt any movement whatsoever and it makes me nervous that something happened to the baby. I dunno if its cause I'm really big already combined with the Anterior placenta or what, but I woulda thought I'd feel something....anything.

I have an appointment with my MFM tomorrow... so, I guess we'll find out!

My blood sugars are doing pretty well. I hate giving myself insulin at night and my poor fingers have all these little prick marks and tiny bruises from the sugar testing. I hate the diet ... but I'm doing it... My numbers during the day are always fine but its the damn fasting number that is being a booger. I'm only on 10mg of insulin so far but some days it works and some days it doesn't. The numbers aren't crazy high but I hate it when they aren't under 90 like they are supposed to.

I also am frustrated with my bump cause I want to start looking pregnant instead of just "wow that woman is really fat". My upper stomach sticks out so damn far and my lower tummy is still tiny. When did you guys start popping out in the middle so it looks like a real pregnant tummy?
Glad your cruise weight is gone mrsK.

I feel movement once in a while but it's light and inconsistent. I am afraid to step on the scale as I've eaten like crazy the last four days and I haven't been eating very healthy. My next mw appt is in a week so I really need to be good. I'm sure she will mention doing the GTT with the following appt and it does worry me. Have our gender scan next Wednesday but it's just a private one. Hoping to get my 20wk scan done the following week.
Hey Amethyst, I didn't really feel movement until 25/26 weeks. I just kind of felt like bubbles or the feeling you get on a roller coaster in your stomach. I didn't feel kicks until 28 weeks and that's about when my hubby could start feeling them also. Baby is still really small for you right now and they have a lot of room to move around. Currently my stomach still doesn't look pregnant. When my coworker invited all the site managers to my baby shower last week, they commented that they didn't even know I was pregnant... Mind you, I see these people every other week.
I still don't have a proper bump and am still wearing my regular clothing, but I can definitely tell baby is growing. I'm just haven't really gained any weight at all during this pregnancy. I see my OB on Thursday, so hopefully I gained at least a pound considering I'm supposed to be induced in 9 weeks.
Hihi, thanks ...that makes me feel a bit better. How far along are you, I don't see a signature? Curious when its appropriate to have a baby shower... I don't have a lot of friends, so I'm afraid we won't get much of the stuff we need. My best friend lives in Texas which is super far away, so I don't even know who would throw me a shower... LOL. Hope yours was nice. :)

I have actually lost weight... in the beginning I gained, cause I was eating everything in site and I gained like 3-4 pounds but once I got GD and started this horrendous low carb diet - I've lost 12 pounds. I find that I'm hungry all the time now though. And its frustrating cause I'm getting tired of eating the same things over and over. We don't have a lot of extra money, so I can't buy a huge variety of all this healthy food. All I really crave is a Big Mac and a milkshake ... I want one so badly.... but I try not to think about it. :)

EDIT: Oh, I see you're getting induced in 9 weeks... so pretty close then!
Amythist, I'm 22 weeks and still at the same stage, sticking up upper belly and tiny lower belly. So frustrating. I have gained 10 lbs tough which is probably from all the junk I've been eating. I'm shocked so many of u are losing weight. I feel guilty when I'm hungry but I know I need to cut back.
I think I've turned a corner this week with the baby movement. I've been feeling a lot more than before, and every day for a few days now. Very exciting! Amythyst, since we're in a similar position, I bet you'll feel your little one any day now.

I wish I had some bump help for you ladies. I have that awful pudge on the bottom that I can hide in pants, but otherwise I lucked out. I think I'm still in the "fat or pregnant?" stage while naked, but I'm looking pretty pregnant in clothes. I know you'll all get there eventually - make sure you dress in clothes that highlight the bump, like overbump pants if they're comfortable and tops that flow over it without being too baggy.
Amythest, I'm 30+3 right now. I'm also type 2, so I know what u mean about the eating. However, I don't really diet so to speak, but I have been losing this whole pregnancy, but not a lot. My doctor was concerned about it because she told me I should gain a half a pound a week and I was losing that much. My blood sugars are great though, and I had my A1c checked every trimester and it's been in normal range, not even diabetic range, each time. So my Ob is pretty happy with that.
I was 30 weeks exactly at my baby shower. One of my best friends also lives in Texas. I don't have a lot of friends that still live here, there was just mostly my family, which is small also. My DH had two coworkers show up and one of mine managed to come. Needless to say, it wasn't a big turn out and we only got 2 things we registered for. DH has a large family, but they live 700 miles away. I have another shower at my job on Monday, I'll be 31 weeks then. We decided to do it now because of the holidays and wanted to see what all we needed before delivery.
I am "dieting" I guess cause I don't normally eat low carb. I am a pasta freak and it drives me batty that I can't have pasta. I have PCOS, so we are supposed to eat like this anyways and my doctor told me "you should be eating like this the rest of your life" - whatever lady! ;)

I have sort of leveled out on the losing weight thing though... I think my Atkins chocolate bars and stuff is keeping my calories up now. I also got some nice diabetic cookbooks and learning that eating 40g of carbs in a meal isn't a bad thing as long as they are the right ones. I actually have been totally forgetting to take my Metformin most days ... it doesn't seem to be actually helping my sugar anymore. But I know it was helping me with my weight, so that could be why I'm losing anymore.

Well, I'm off to the MFM doctor! Hopefully I'll get some more cool ultrasound pics today!
Hope you get some good pictures! I don't know how I'd live without pasta and potatoes!
Good luck at the doctor Amythest. I have an appointment tomorrow but I don't get to see baby again until the 24th. Then I get an ultrasound every Monday until delivery.
I also have Pcos and I have been taking these weight classes with our county health dept. I learned a lot about eating with diabetes and also that it's not always what you eat but instead how much. I love pasta also, so instead of skipping it, I switched to whole wheat pasta. Before I got pregnant I lost 25 pounds in 3 months just eating smaller servings of the things I love to eat. Some things that are carb and calorie heavy you just have to avoid. Unless your having a treat yourself day once a month or so. What helped me the most was cutting way down on sweets, and I never miss my Metformin now. I'm 100% that's what keeps my sugar in control currently and I can still have that ice cream cone if I want, lol.
Thanks, the appointment went well. BP was 120/70 and the doctor said, and I quote, "normal, normal, normal". Baby was only a few days I guess my diet is working.

I do have some whole wheat pasta but its just not appealing to me. I bought some Shirataki noodles which have like no carbs and those aren't bad at all. I have found all sorts of low carb stuff. Bread that only has 5 net carbs per slice and a bunch of other stuff. I was eating a lot less too but now that I'm hungry all the time I'm eating a bit more.

Baby was snoozing at my ultrasound and nuzzled into his placenta. So, we could barely get any good looks at him. Didn't get any pics....we even tried shaking him around and poking him .... lol.
So, what you guys think? Fat or Pregnant? Finally took a picture of myself..... ;)


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So I had my doc appointment today. Baby hadn't been moving much for a few days, so I had a NST done. That didn't make him active not all, as he did not have the heart rate spikes they were looking for. So she did an ultrasound and he was super still the whole time. His heartbeat was great though(153), but he just wasn't being active. She pressed on him for a while and he finally made some small movements so she was happy and said he's fine. She doesn't know why his movements have reduced, but he is fine, so I'm happy with that. She said he was most likely taking a nap during the ultrasound.

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