Any Scottish April 2013 babies out there??

Aw I feel awful I'm so sick and was up all night with the constipation pain again I can't handle it... I think im in for a rough ride with this pregnancy. X
:( Oh no, poor you :( Is it deffo constipation? I had to get up to pee 3 times but other than that I slept ok. Felt ok when I woke up and thought I was in for a good day but the nausea has just come back. Lovely!
Yeah I normally go every morning no hassle but I can't go and everytime I get the pain and backache I can go a little bit but looks like rabbit poo. X
Oh fluff. I wonder if u have something similar to what I have. I developed IBS when pregnant with my son and I couldn't stay off the toilet. IBS can also cause constipation.

have you been taking laxatives?
I haven't took anything was going to take syrup or figs but everything says don't take while pg. x
Well I definitely feel pg this time not like the last 2 times.
:) Well that's a positive anyway! I think there's one you can take while pregnant, fibrogel or something. It's a fibre drink. I used it after I had DS. I had to take iron tablets as I lost some blood after labour so I was stupidly constipated and had stitches so really couldn't strain lol. Fibrogel is ok for BF so I think it would be ok for pregnancy, have a look out for it.
I saw tht is says consult ur dr so I might call them tomoro. X
I don't think there's anything medicinal in it (the herbal one anyway). It's worth even making an appt with your doc and asking him to prescribe you something. The bloating is bad enough without constipation too!

I have to drive to EK and back today. Not looking forward to it at all!
I got it I called he chemist and she said try dried apricots and if it doesn't work take the fibrogel... Aw shame ur having tht drive. X
I cancelled again...still stuck to the couch. I told her I was pg tho so she's delighted and totally understands, which is great.

Good luck with the Fibrogel! Fingers crossed it works!
Aw thts gd then... Just forced some soup down... I don't kno how I'm goin to manage tomoro at work :sick: I hav never felt s shit. Xx

Are u as sicky today?x
Yeah. I cannot think of a single thing I can face eating other than potato. Dry potato! currently have chunks of potato in the oven dry roasting. Potato makes me bloat aswell. Ugh.

I had a bagel for breakfast with bacon and Philadelphia. I ate half and started to feel nauseous. Now I'm off bacon and cream cheese. The list of foods I'm going off is getting bigger and bigger by the day! The cat ran away with the half of the bagel I least she enjoyed it!

I think I might make a big pot of homemade soup to try and get some goodness in me. I just need to drag myself to Tesco 10miles away to get the stuff I need. Might leave that until tomorrow!

Not long 'til Weds. You excited? I didn't feel this ill with the MMC but I remember being this ill with DS so I'm very optimistic!
Aw yeah m excited... I just had carrot and corri der soup booked all the way through it... Don't kno wot i will be able to eat... Must be a gd sign then. I'm dreading work tomoro xx
Do you have a busy job? My job was busy but it was in a small office so I wasn't too worried because the other girl I worked with was the owners daughter and spent all day online shopping so I could have been green at the gills and she wouldn't have noticed. I don't need to worry about MS at all now I've been made redundant but trying to find a job with MS is not easy! I'm dreading interviews lol.
I'm a mobile hairdresser and I'm working 10 till 9 tomoro :(
Oh fluff! On your feet constantly, that's the worst job for pregnancy I could ever imagine. Poor you!

At least you will have lovely hair though. Mine looks like a birds nest!
Aw it's ok cos I can sit inbetween colour and cutting but I'm dreading it... My hair is a riot the now tbh x
Hi ladies :flower:

Can i join? I live in Perth.

I'm pregnant with baby 2 although this is my third pregnancy. I had a early mc in early June and then got pg again without a period inbetween. Have had two reassurance scans and at the second one last week got to see baby heartbeat :cloud9: at that time baby was measuring 6+6 so will be 7.5 now.

I am feeling a little better to hear i am not the only one suffering with nausea and sickness. Today has been quite rough and dh is out for the day so am trying to entertain ds1 which is not easy. He came into the bathroom this morning when i was being sick asking what i was doing. When i told him i wasnt feeling well he started patting my back saying poor mummy. Bless him he is so sweet at times. He will be 3 at the end ot this month. When i was pregnant with him i was sick from 6 weeks right through to the end so am hoping for an easier time. I am dreading going back to work tomorrow as have been on hols for the last 2 weeks and it has helped being able to nap when needed. And really not looking to the 50 min bus journey each way. It is tempting to take the car but its just so frickin expensive :growlmad:

Anyway sorry for rambling on a bit :haha:

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